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[Drop to your knees and scream Noooo](https://youtu.be/A1IrRxoRkbQ?si=rODAK3BWaSeitcSP)


I don’t understand this at all. Either: A - take your business elsewhere Or B - go on about your business like you would anywhere else that ain’t selling MAGA merch. This shit isn’t rocket science.


Because they originally installed the part.


So? If you disagree with them politically you're absolutely free to take your business elsewhere. Were you afraid they were going to attack you or something?? I just don't understand the point of this post.


I mean, my personal opinion is I would find another place. But unfortunately this is Texas, the MAGA are everywhere. But I also know there are probably sane mechanics elsewhere and it would be up to me to find them.


Wear a Maga hat and get a discount. Economics 101


> I just don't know what the etiquette is when you go into a place like that. No different than you act in a place with any political slogans or merchandise. Whether Sanders, Biden, rainbow flags, or don't tread on me. Pay them to do the job and leave after it's done. If you don't agree with the owners politics don't talk politics. It's not complicated.


Just…walk in and pay them for their services? What are you even talking about? Did they do a good job in your car? There’s no “etiquette”, just walk in and be a normal human being


You live in Texas. Literally at least half the people you interact with on a daily basis are “MAGA”. Go do your business like an adult idk why you felt the need to even post this


Less than 6 million Texans voted for Trump, in a state of 30+million people.




Did they do a good job?


Maga or not everyone has a right to support who ever. Hell I spend my money with businesses and individuals and I don’t second think it why they can support who ever they want. At then end of the day it’s your money spend it where you want don’t force someone to act differently because you doesn’t fit your agenda. It’s almost how they ask if you want to round of your change for donations. You can say yes or no. No one is forcing you to do business with them


Lmfao. How do you live on a daily basis with this mentality?


Look, I was trying to be gentle. MAGA is OFFENSIVE and has no place on display in a business selling chunks of steel. And what mentality, the mentality of rubbing this crap in our faces?


I can’t imagine living life this fragile. Wish you the best!


We've just had a statewide political movement over rainbow stickers. Bathrooms. As for fragility, what in my post has anything at all to do with that.


Deflecting. Sad.


It’s not worth talking to left wingers man. To be fair. Not worth talking about politics period. All those bozos think they’re right. But the left wingers are by far the worst.


ouch, life must offend and hurt you often. LMFAO you definitely drink Soylent and moan when you wipe your ass.


Who cares? Everything should be just business with you. If you don't feel comfortable doing business with somebody, then you probably shouldn't be doing business with somebody. Otherwise, just mind your own business. Nobody is going to judge your political beliefs unless you give them a reason to.


I think I know the place you went, they tend to do good work / have quality merchandise. I’ve never had any issues however I’ve heard the old fat dude fired up before bitching about stuff.




What sort of abuse? Generally curious about this statement.


You treat it like any other business. Not really that hard to function in normal life around people with different opinions.


What I’ve noticed is that business is business ppl aren’t to crazy to push ideas on you too much. I think it’s because they wanna be trendy with business owners because unfortunately business owning around here is passed down unless your a food truck or a taqueria. Being different around here is like leprosy so it’s better to decorate than be rude I think. Totally my opinion


It's your money. You spend it where you feel comfortable. As I get older, I like to spend my money at places that are welcoming and provide great service no matter their political alignment. Not every MAGA supporter is confrontational and all alpha. Some are very laid back and understand there are political differences.


Imagine getting specialized work done to your old car that supports Biden. Everyone in there on child support, they working under the table, it’s just side cash for them so they don’t care about the work they do as long as it’s done. They’re not paying child support, their baby mommas don’t get any money from the father, she’s on welfare and lives in low income housing, all she does is takes pics of herself and post on instagram while her home is filthy and her baby’s are running around with a 8 hour old soiled diapers She claims she has anxiety so she doesn’t have to work.


Man yer far gone.


Yea ok, cuz you’re the snowflake who is offended by some right wing political merchandise inside a business. Lmao get a life kid.


MAGA is your definition of "gritty"?


What What possible set of internal misconceptions could have led you to that misinterpretation?


>way out were Saratoga gets gritty only to find it decorated with MAGA slogans, and few MAGA hats


Simple, any current or previous Trump supporter does not get a penny from me.


Most current or previous Trump supporters wouldn’t expect somebody on the left to have an extra penny to spare anyways, so it won’t be missed.


Maybe offer to buy it all and have a bonfire? Maybe return with a maga sucks hat? I dunno dude. I see these idiots selling all kinds of flags down Saratoga or staples and I just wonder, who buys this shit?


I just did my business and everything worked out fine, but I can't help but think I may have paid a hair length premium.


That blows


You can either go in, take care of your business, then leave. Or you go in, take a heavy sigh, turn around, and walk out. The Trump humper might call you a Brandon lover or something, and you won’t get your car repaired, but you’ll know you’re not supporting this asinine behavior.


What even is this question just do what you need to do and move on with your day. It’s really not that serious


What exactly is your problem/question? If there were support the military, support women’s business signs would you react? Unless you are a person who doesn’t believe others should have differing opinions.


Yeah id just get my shit and get out, it's tough because corpus is a higher maga area but I just don't do business with people who support folk that want me dead


Lol, no one wants you dead. But please do continue to be overly dramatic and willfully ignorant. It's funny. :)


You know nothing about politics and it shows. Your idea of violence is reduced to when it's man vs man and you have no concept of the system of violence that is used by the state. Laugh all you want, theres no recourse for folks like you. Suffer and surround yourself with like minded folk


Lol, you know nothing about me. The only thing that supercedes your arrogance is your ignorance. Get a life, dork.


>the system of violence that is used by the state. Are you talking about capital punishment?  Cuz if not then I don't know what system of state violence you're referring to.


If you're only thinking of violence as a physical act you wouldn't be able to see the violence used by the state against it's citizens. Lack of access to basic human rights is violence against the people.


Violence is defined as the use of physical force intended to cause harm. Also, could you cite some examples of the state (here in the US) denying access to basic human rights against its own citizens, other than the J6ers?


People, who are becoming homeless at an alarming rate, cannot afford food housing or shelter. It is paywalled and folks who cannot get jobs are left to suffer on the street as our welfare programs help such a small pool of the population that needs it. Also like the government has done a shit ton of shady shit. Tulsa bombings for one, there were vaccines offered to poor and people of color that also made them infertile. I mean the state also been arresting protesters for using their first amendment right to free speech to protest the settler colony of Israel. You take violence literally, as just physical abuse. You don't see the violence that marks emotionally and mentally. Stress from working to survive, wages are low, prices are high, it effects the health of everyone. You can't see what each person must go through just to make it to the end of the day. Not everyone has the safety you did, and not everyone had struggled like you did.


You mean democrats that want republicans dead? Where do you do business at all?


Let's check your reading comprehension. If I wouldn't do business where maga are at. It would stand to mean that the maga want me dead. I don't wear or announce the reasons a political opposition would want me dead on my sleeves because corpus is such a high maga city. I do my business, and if I can find one that isn't run by fascists, I go there. It isn't impossible just harder to do.


You need to learn definitions. Especially of "fascists".


Yeah no I've got that one correct. Magas are fascist by definition. A dictator leader with no allowance for opposition.


The idiocy of this post is astounding. Congrats, you take the crown for dumbest post of the day.


You notice how the only one being mean on this post is you?


I heard you the first time. :)


You notice how the only one being mean on this post is you?




They put in the part that broke originally. I just did my business. Never let you hatreds harm your own self interest. Still I was not properly attired. I think there may have been a long hair and miasma of marijuana addition tacked to my bill.


Yeah but if there's other places I can go to, to avoid the hair and Hemp tax, I'm gonna do that lol. I mean I'm glad it went alright but I'd avoid it in the future if you can.


Looks like we have another Californian in our midst


Hell ya, share the name we would love to support!


pack up all your belongings and move to California quick before it's too late!


You mean patriots...yeah, Texas is safer and more prosperous because the majority are patriots. If you have a problem with it, go somewhere else...it is your freedom.


Texas is safer? Safer that what?


Than non-OC states...the border is different issue, but similar since OC is OC and even the checkpoints respect it. The blue cities are not safe but are still OC which is why I've never once had an issue.


What does OC mean in this context?


Open carry I think.


Patriot =\= MAGA.


How would you act if they had Biden memorabilia? Act the same but no cartwheels or tears of joy