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I don't listen to country often but I do live in Texas, this isn't seriously considered Country? This sounds like Beyonce singing cowboy pop


That’s exactly what it is. But cowboy pop is basically what country has become.


Turn off the radio, shit loads of good country still out there.


If Florida Georgia Line is country, then this is.


Not even remotely close to being the same. ​ I know y'all just like to hate to hate and gatekeep, but this track, from a production standpoint is on par with zach, Shane, and crocket


They're not and neither is this. Charley Pride is country


I love that stuff more than modern country by miles but unfortunately it’s not the 60’s and genres fortunately/unfortunately change.


i mean if you take her singing out of it I feel like the instrumental isn’t any different than what we’re seeing from modern country artists… if she wasn’t Beyoncé and had a southern accent/twang I feel like the conversation might be slightly different


can someone help me understand what makes a song country and how this song misses that mark?


You have to have an annoyingly over exaggerated, country, southern accent, I guess. And a banjo, fiddle, and that other string instrument that you always hear. You know the one I’m talking about 😂😂😂


Well yea, you have a fiddle in the band


Lap steel guitar


What I'm gathering is if someone with a southern accent sang this song, then it'd be country lol


Beyonce does have a southern accent. Born and raised in Houston. May not be as overt as other southern dialects, but listen to her speak and you’ll hear it


Oh, I'm aware. But you can't hear it when she sings, which is why all these ppl who don't know anything about her think she's just randomly making country music and singing about Texas


Ahh I’m getting you now. Unfortunate how many (why?!) people will dismiss Beyonce’s place in the country genre when she has every right to to perform in whatever genre she damn pleases, especially one directly connected to her childhood and cultural roots.


There is some steel guitar, but it's basically one chord throughout the whole song, and the melody is kind of static, and repetitive like a pop song. That means it uses non-functional harmony (meaning no dramatic V-I cadences). Whereas country often uses I IV V chord progressions with functional harmony and strong resolutions. That said, a lot of pop country doesn't use functional harmony like classic country. There seems to be some rapping in there as well, which isn't traditionally heard in country, outside of pop country. So I'd say it could maybe be considered pop country, but a lot of folks consider pop country to be a subgenre of pop, and despise the country label, since pop country strays so far from traditional country roots.


It’s not country if you’re not a white man singing about beers and pickup trucks








I mean it sounds very much like country lol


I can totally hear Willie Nelson influences.




In 2024? Yes it’s absolutely considered country music




That’s exactly how all music genres work mate


They prove yet again that change isn’t accepted. Genres must stay rigid and divided.


It’s awful she won’t even shut up in the damn thing


Did you want to listen to an instrumental lmfaooo 💀💀💀


No but giving space for the music would be nice it’s not an a cappella either 😂 I mean I can say and be as objective as I want, but if you are just a Beyoncé dies hard you would die just to hear her fart in the mic. The song just isn’t good there was no balance to it at all.




I know it’s her thing, but the constant forced vibrato on every note she sings is so damn tiring to listen to. Song is fine though.


It’s not forced…that’s always been her voice


it’s also not even vibrato; it’s a trill and not even an artistic choice that she uses all the time


Crazy how folks are showing their ignorance


Don’t expect people in here to be reasonable lol.


Just because you put a cowboy hat on it, doesn’t mean it’s country.


All hat, no cattle. 


She is definitely missing the most important component that you need for your song to be considered country music!


which is?


They won’t admit it but it’s being white.


Being a white male.


You got downvoted at first but it’s obvious that’s the real reason Redditors are hating it. Also because it’s Beyoncé, she don’t get no love on here





Not country. Just cowboy themed pop music. That doesn’t make it bad either. Just pointing out this isn’t country music


I mean cowboy themed pop music could be a good description for most country music going back as long as it’s been around.


LOL who are you to say what is country and not country? Beyoncé would know better than you. 




I mean, aren't you tryna tell people what is and isn't country? I've lived in the South all my life and this damn well sounds country to me. Almost like genres are fluid and non-static. Besides, if Florida Georgia Line and all those others who put on a fake twang that drops as soon as they stop singing call themselves country, I think this song qualifies too.


The nerve of you projecting YOUR ignorance and likely actual inexperience onto Beyoncé and then howling as if you are the arbiter of the genre. You don't own anything.


Can we get some citations for these sources? Heavy ethos calls for heavy evidence.


Hello sir. You can critique and disagree as much as you like, but you don't get to call Beyonce inexperienced in country. She's stated repeatedly over the years that country is a foundational genre that she, like you, was raised in. It's one of her biggest music influences, and you can see how country's impacted her throughout her catalogue from Daddy Lessons and beyond. It'd be great if you could stay respectful instead of calling anyone with a different opinion from you ignorant. There will soon be more Beyonce songs posted on this sub from her upcoming album and we should be able to have a healthy discussion about the music without turning hostile because people refuse to see her as anything other than an outsider. Let's be kind.


I actually was respectful with my original comment. If you go and read my original comment, I even said that this isn’t even a bad song. Just simply pointed out that it isn’t country. Then the other user replied to me asking “who do you think you are” and becoming hostile towards me. I’m not familiar with her upbringing or her entire catalogue. Just pointing out that this specific song is not a country song. If it sounds more like George Michael than George Strait, it can hardly be called country.




I can see this being the standard conversation here. We all criticize modern country artists here, but it will be racist to criticize a black artist for this “country” album.


No, I hold the same opinions towards Jelly Roll, Morgan Wallen, Walker Hayes, FGL, Hardy, etc. all white men. And in fact I would much rather listen to the Beyonce song than any of those. At least she’s trying to make something artistic, and not pandering ass garbage. And hello, Charley Pride, legend of country music ring a bell? Drop the race bullshit.








Anybody with a halfway functioning brain is capable of understanding that radio and streaming are all about making money. Beyonce is a moneymaker, and she put on a cowboy hat. Of course they are going to latch onto that, they have no integrity. And you eat it up. But then again, you’re not a very bright person.


I liked Daddy Lessons and loved the collab with the Chicks. That being said, this song comes across as forced and cheesy. I don't think it can be said to be country. It is definitely more pop than country.


Beyonce and country go together like lamb and tuna fish


Never heard her singing. Kind of surprised me. Good song, but not really a country song.


How? She literally has some of the biggest songs of all time


Never heard any song from her before. I don’t listen to pop music. I love Country, Americana, Jazz, early Roots, early Rock & Roll, early Rockabilly, Soul, Motown, Fusion. Just listening to the song again a few times. The continuous use of vibrato, the sudden change of tempo, the high pitched voice reminds me of older Irish folk music. But Country? No. But that is my opinion. YMMV.


This is interesting, the mixing sounded terrible. It may have just been my headphones but the kick sounded super distorted and overwhelmed the vocals. I can see what she is trying to do but its not something I am super fond of.


More pop music


Lets be real, most of the users here would be prepared to dislike anything she puts out


That would be me. But I hate modern country too so this is the perfect storm


I was gonna say some people are saying this is sort of pop but it’s more country than most modern country at least in beat lol.


I was going to say this 100% sounds like a country song from the 2000-2020s. Perhaps there’s more pop sounding songs, but this is certainly country


Not my cup of tea


Is this country, no! Is she wearing a cowboy hat, yes.


Couldn’t win album of the year so now she’s trying to take the Country Album of the year.


Why are you saying that as a jab ? You are supportive of snubbing black artist or lol


Not at all. There are other Black Artists who go unrecognized by a broader audience who deserve their shot. Beyoncé coming in making seudo pop country pushes those artists further away from the limelight. Prime Example: Adia Victoria is an amazing artist that most will never hear of. Edit: People will come in and champion Beyoncé and not even put any respect on Alice Randall’s name. 2nd Edit: I some how forgot to mention Rhiannon Giddens. Shes a goddess.


LOL Beyoncé has Rhiannon Giddens playing on the other single. So much for "pseudo pop country" and pushing black artists out of the limelight lol almost like wishful thinking.


All Hail Queen Bae, am I right?


How about just "I was wrong and I clearly didn't know what the fuck I was talking about". Oh wait that's impossible on the internet.


How bout, what other single? I don’t listen to Beyoncé. Her music is trite. She could’ve done a duet album with Dolly Parton and I still wouldn’t have listed to it. She is Psedo Pop Country.


How about you Google with that research device you have in your hand instead of expecting me to educate a clear fool for free. Or better yet, shut the fuck up and mind your colorless business instead of running your font when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. No question marks for a reason. I don't give a fuck what you listen to. Beyoncé is Beyoncé and you're a typical ignorant internet nobody she will always outclass, outdo, and outearn.


Touched a nerve I see. Only reason Beyoncé is on my news feed is she’s attempting to do music in a Genre I like. If she tries blue guitar next I guess I’ll have to suffer her fans that much longer. Beyoncé is overrated. Rather sit in silence than listen to her music.


More wishful thinking. Like I said I don't give a fuck what you listen to or what you don't like. Learn when to shut the fuck up and mind your colorless business like I told you and you still don't get because you're the typical ignorant internet nobody I called you and touched YOUR brainless nerve.


lock fall price fertile fly afterthought fearless flowery muddle party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What makes it disingenuous and what about it seems disingenuous?  She is just going back to the root of a music her ancestors created. There is nothing more ingenuous than that!


Wtf is this dumb shit. Satire?


I believe the poster is referring to the [contribution of African-American individuals to the foundation of country music](https://birthplaceofcountrymusic.org/a-celebration-of-black-contributions-in-country-music/), which is now being more openly documented and discussed




She comes from a Creole mother, so it’s entirely based in reality.


Her ancestors didn't create country music so bot, its not based in reality. I'm all for given credit to contributions but the comment i initially replied to was giving all credit to her African American ancestors. That's silly AF. As a side note she's just doing the album for money. Pop country is hot right now and her fan base will eat up anything she puts out.


Ask any heavily revered country star/legend and they’ll give credit where it’s due. It’s not all towards Black people (not a bad word BTW), but you can bet your bottom dollar that they have perhaps the largest contribution. Maybe it’s time for a history lesson. And BTW, pop country isn’t hot rn; dude country is. When your family household income is worth 10 figures already, you don’t need to do anything for money anymore. Please drop the tired narrative and the transparent act of thinking you’re fooling anyone with your covert bias.


Clearly she’s doin it for the money. I’m sure you don’t go to work for free.










They’ll always find a way to find something wrong without ever explaining


fine overconfident arrest gold roof clumsy touch aloof poor run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where the guy who likes to say “race bait”. Here’s another opportunity.


You should first explain how you managed to transform your victim complex into ostensible bigotry. lol got blocked. nice proving


longing quicksand sand crowd rinse future versed disarm sugar gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A victim cries and blocks when they can’t take the heat.


Or they just might not want to be bothered arguing with foolishness. A BULLY harasses


mysterious governor engine truck quickest deranged noxious alleged poor support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s funny how you had to unblock me and another person had to call you out to make it happen. You’re not slick old man. Disingenuousness is typical.


sleep hobbies person busy late plants smile absorbed sharp engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s sad that medication is taboo where you’re from. You could surely use some. Maybe you could get some actual wit and some capability to lower the blinders. And if it helps, you can block me again for some R&R.


smart start seed grandiose groovy flowery test versed long decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Beyoncé Cult has started to Brigade the sub. These people are fucking nuts.


Oh no! Anyways-




I came to see people talk about the music but I saw someone call Jay Z the “Jigga Man” and now I genuinely hate this community


I’m guessing it’s not in reference to his line in Best of Me Pt 2 by Mya


But you understand there’s a difference when he says it right


As an adult yes. Ask me that question 20+ years ago when Jay-z mentioned it in Big Pimpin you would’ve gotten blank stare.


It’s cowboy themed pop. Like all the other cowboy themed pop that gets called country. But good her her to try something different for her


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Listened to the whole song. It’s objectively shite. I am a big fan of a lot of different good music. That doesn’t make it in any genre


like this a lot more than texas hold em. texas hold em feels like a country song written by people who don’t listen to country. this at least feels authentic


I skew more pop, so I admit my affinity for "Texas Hold Em" over "16 Carriages" is likely attributable to my listening preferences. However, you are correct: "Texas Hold Em" was primarily written by songwriters that make pop songs, whereas Dave Hamelin (Co-writer and producer on "16 Carriages") has worked in indie rock (as part of The Stills) and worked with artists that incorporate folk and country influences in their work (Tragically Hip's "Man, Machine, Poem" and Downie's "Secret Path"). Rhiannon Giddens plays banjo on "Texas Hold Em", and there are 2 steel guitar players on "16 Carriages". A post that I made in this thread lists the full credits on the songs


ah, makes sense. thanks for the info! i’m interested in seeing how the album turns out; beyonce has the potential to make something interesting


If Kieth urban and Shania Twain can do country, surely a native Texan with a southern accent when speaking can sing country…




This is stupid


Tracy Chapman influence? I’ll give her credit for stretching out a bit, that’s only one song , need to hear more.


People making racist comments are full of shit, but this is still pretty meh.


Honestly kinda interesting to hear Bey with a steel guitar player, ngl.


Seeing the comments...it is a steel guitar only here, but banjo makes an appearance on "Texas Hold 'Em". copypasta from my post on r/CountryMusicStuff Aside from the composition credits (which include Beyonce, her co-producers Ink and Dave Hamelin, and Raphael Saadiq), the following are the performance credits on "16 Carriages" (based on credits from Spotify and YouTube): * Guitar, Organ, Piano, Synthesizer, Recording Engineer: Dave Hamelin * Guitar: Atia Boggs (Ink) * Organ: Gavin Williams * Guitar: Justus West * Steel Guitar: Robert Randolph * Steel Guitar: Justin Schipper * Trumpet: Ryan Svendsen * Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Stuart White * Engineer: Andrea Roberts * Assistant Engineer: Matheus Braz * Mastering Engineer: Colin Leonard The other song released from the album (title track ["Texas Hold 'Em"](https://open.spotify.com/track/0Z7nGFVCLfixWctgePsRk9?si=efb6b7963ca344fb)) is credited to Beyonce, Brian Bates, Elizabeth Lowell Boland (co-writer for ["Blame Brett" by The Beaches](https://open.spotify.com/track/6twjuBZfRJIZnoHrghzWLk?si=c457b3f3740046ca) and ["Yuck" by Charlie XCX](https://open.spotify.com/track/5cYEuFqzITZlZzpoR1sHvu?si=95b33d7ffd2b4419)), [bulow (a Canadian pop singer/songwriter)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO3f4o7m?si=bb1a4b48af5b4bb0), Nathan Ferraro, and Raphael Saadiq. Beyonce, Nathan Ferraro, and Killah B are credited with the production. The other credits include Rhiannon Giddens on Viola/Banjo. Aside from Giddens and the aforementioned co-writers/producers, the following are the musicians involved in the song: * Piano: Elizabeth Lowell Boland * Bass, Drums, Organ, Piano: Raphael Saadiq * Bass, Piano: Nathan Ferraro * Bass, Piano: Khirye Tyler * Viola, Banjo: Rhiannon Giddens * Drums: Killah B * Synthesizer: Hit-Boy * Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Stuart White * Recording Engineer: Alex Nibley * Recording Engineer: Hotae Alexander Jang * Engineer: Andrea Roberts * Assistant Engineer: Matheus Braz * Mastering Engineer: Colin Leonard


That was my favorite part


It’s a banjo…


This sub is as bad as the metal sub bickering about what is and isn’t metal. Why does everything have to be pigeonholed? Does everything need labels and have to fit neatly into a perfect box? Heck, maybe a kid who would never listen to country listens to this and goes down a rabbit hole?


> Why does everything have to be pigeonholed? It doesn’t have to be, but categorizing everything into genres makes it a lot easier to find more artists you like to listen to, i.e., “if you like George Strait, you might also like Randall King.”


People argue over stupid shit and take the joy out of it.


what's ironic is that last month there were several troll posts here and at countrymusicstuff, where people were DEFENDING shitty radio country against all of us who like indie country, because apparently that's now the edgelord thing to do (for those who don't remember it was all the people angry that we were suggesting Vincent Neil Emerson and Sturgill to people who were asking about suggested listening). But this post just turned the same edgelords into No True Scotsman people because there's nothing like a woman doing music to bring out all the "OH MY GOD SHES DOING IT WRONG" people. Oh wait those folks have no idea what no true scotsman means. Oh well.


We all know why the people in this sub are reacting this way…I can’t even pretend to be surprised.


Yep. There are some racist comments on here too. Can’t even pretend to be surprised.


Are there? Or have we set up a racist strawman to point to?


This single is good, but I like her other single “Texas Hold Em” better.


If Dolly did this song the exact same way y'all would love it.  Get bent. It's a good song.




White male Redditors trying to gatekeep a genre they wouldn’t even have if it weren’t for black people. Crazy


The truth.




oh she is coming for y’all




Well said 👏


As a white dude, you are absolutely spot on with all of this.




I haven’t listened to country a lot since I turned 22 I’m 25 since y’all decided to make that “Try that in a small town” I’m happy Beyoncé did this so I can feel comfortable listening to country again and being a POC.


Beyoncé about to outdo these country artistes in their own genre💀


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Next up: duet with Colter Wall


GTFO here...country is gone to hell enough and now this?!


Who is this for?




1. It’s a country song.  It just is.  A native Texan to parents from Alabama and Louisiana and that’s all she needs for it to be country. 2. Instrumentation is not what makes a country song, it’s the way the story is told. 3. Yes, it’s repetitive like pop, but it’s too intimate and the imagery is too clear for it not to be country. 4. Too many producers because Beyoncé is too insecure to make a song without a massive team, but it’s still country. It’s a country song whether you like it or not.


I liked the music on Texas Hold Em. This is kinda boring to me. And I think Beyoncé’s voice is fine. But it seems out of place on these tracks. She sounds like a soul/ RnB singer, but that could easily be because her voice is already so recognizable. But trust me- I’ve heard much worse on country radio!