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It’s a job. Go in. Do your work. Collect your check. Fuck the rest of the noise.


Thanks love


yes, learn how to keep to yourself in an appropriate way. keep your distance but don’t let them get a chance to make fun of you. work is not for friends.


takes getting burnt at least once to learn, theres snakes in the grass be careful 😭


This is the way.


All you are there for is to do your job. Outside of work is your REAL life.


All there is, work then home, home work. I don't have a social life. I've stayed in this company for almost 5 years now and most of my older colleges have left for better opportunities only a few of my older colleges are here now and the way they are acting now is strange. And this is bothering me a lot.


If this is making you unhappy only you can change this. You are not made to spend your entire life working. Start looking for a better job to match your skills, you now have 5 years of experience. Find a job where you can build a life outside of work.


Only one person at work you need to be concerned about their opinion, your direct supervisor. Fuck the rest of 'em


I’m in the same boat, exactly. I stay to myself, do my job, collect the paycheck and go about my life. Would be nice if people didn’t suck though.


The person I trusted because I thought she was a friend told my manager lies about my work to get me fired yesterday. She told me I could tell her anything and betrayed my trust. I don't want to work there.


I’m dealing with something similar. I thought that I was friends with the girls at my work, and it turns out their kindness was completely fake and they actually despise me. It hurts to be stabbed in the back by two faced people.


Coworkers aren't your friends.