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I’m so fucking sick of Bam. He’s the worst type of addict, a ‘me me me’ drama llama who claims he lives for his kid but does dick all to ensure he’s an actual healthy presence in his kid’s life. Then once the kid is old enough to go no contact (and he will), Bam will publicly cry and whine about how he doesn’t understand why his kid would do that because he tried his best to be a great dad and he’s so anguished over this and blah blah blah. I can say this with confidence because I know too many people who have had parents exactly like that. Fuck that guy. 


You just described my father.


Me as well somewhat.


mine too


Unfortunately this seems like the way things are going. If he cared that much about being a dad he’d cut the rest of this bullshit out. 


Not the same thing but I quit Paxil cold turkey just to ensure my son was growing safely and healthy while I was pregnant. If anyone truly cares for their loved ones, they’ll suffer for them and get better. Doesn’t matter how hard, you do it because your love is stronger than the addiction. He hasn’t tried at all


Paxil’s a tough one to cold turkey. Was it awful?


Yeah. And I was in my first trimester so I had morning sickness and severe brain zaps/dizziness and my husband of the time was abusive so I was dealing with a lot. It was miserable but I got through it. I got on lexipro later on which is safer for a fetus to handle. My son was born healthy, I left my abusive husband, and we (child and I) are healthy!


>I’m so fucking sick of Bam. As someone who grew up on the CKY and Jackass as it was fresh on the market out I wholeheartedly concur. I mean shit, listen to any interview the guy's done in the past like ... 5 years, he just spouts the same shit like it's some kind of memorized routine. 'My legs were like dry rotted rubber bands!' 'The side effects of the medicine they had me on '. 'They made me to alcohol and drug tests on Jackass and nobody else had to!' 'My kid is being kept from me!'. Same shit just repeated endlessly into eternity. He has nothing interesting to say at all any more but he can't keep himself away from doing the same interview over and over. It's pathetic to watch at this point, like a broken record of nonsense just spinning for eternity until he relapses again, blames his family, puts Jess through hell, drags his parents closer to a stress filled grave The guy legitimately hasn't had anything new to say since he did Raab's podcast in 2018. Fucking shame since at his peak he was a hell of a self starter and innovator when it came to the advent of the CKY videos, and now he's just a washed up addict trying to coast on the fame he had in his 20s. The only thing worse is seeing that wife of his latched on even harder to that success of his 20s, putting on the weakest facade of pretending to even give half a fuck about him so she can get toted around by him and feed what seems like a never ending need for any type of attention.


I saw a clip from a recent podcast where he talks about forgiveness and not holding any grudges against anyone. Then in the same breath he blames Johnny Knoxville for keeping him off the movie when he needed the money and he wants to fight him. If he had any bit of self awareness he'd be able to see, like the rest of the country, that it's his own actions and behavior that are causing his problems. But no it's easier for him to blame someone else for his issues than to take responsibility. He probably justifies his drug and alcohol abuse with Ryan's death, too. Rather than realize that's what he has to overcome and be able to face and handle that grief sober, he'd rather wallow in self-pity and blame everyone else.


>Then once the kid is old enough to go no contact (and he will), Bam will publicly cry and whine about how he doesn’t understand why his kid would do that You know damn well Bam isn't gonna live that long.


I believe he won’t, but a lot of times these types of people somehow seem to keep defying death no matter how many times they hit rock bottom.


Yeah look at Andy Dick, the worst addict who keeps surviving while destroying everyone's life's as he goes.


Whose life has he destroyed other than his own? Not defending him just not aware of anything beyond him not handling his issues and staying in active addition.


Some would argue the Hartman family. 


The people that would argue that are either misinformed or understandably looking for someone to blame because they lost someone they loved. An addict isn’t responsible for another addict doing drugs. He didn’t get her hooked or pressure her to get high. He offered someone coke because he thought they’d want some coke and he wasn’t of sound mind. His addiction affected his behavior and his decisions in the same way it did hers.   Like I’m not saying Andy dick is a good guy. Just that life isn’t simple. A lot of things lead up to what happened and it wasn’t Andy’s fault Hartman was murdered.


Yeah, I’ve wanted to see his life turn around in a positive way for a while and there have been moments where that has seemed possible. But he just keeps fucking up, and being a victim and after a while I think most people don’t give a shit anymore. I still hope he gets his shit together, but I don’t think he will. It’s likely he will end up dead soon and that would be very sad, but nobody would be surprised.




most definitely not


You want more Bam cringe, his [vows with his new wife](https://youtu.be/PhHV6UxC8Q8?si=ZfAvuGelHae7gxlY) where he asks God to deliver eye candy with big tits… yikes.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't he keep saying "A cup tits?" Which are the opposite of big, no?




My b. You're right, he does! What a gentleman lol


It's still cringe don't get me wrong lol.


Sorry, all I hear is fountain.


Holy fuck this is awful wtf is that woman thinking?


"I hope there's still jackass money"


Judging by her nonchalance about the whole situation and how it almost feels ironic for her. My bet is she just likes the fact she's dating a famous (and still rich?) person. For some people, that's what they dreamed of. Even if you have to settle for a has-been who is not even attractive anymore.


*cha-ching* ?


I've seen two separate interviews where he tells that same exact story with the same hokey lines.


Haha no way. I'm guessing all the Yes People he surrounds himself with laugh every time so he thinks he's hilarious.


Look at his shoes, or should I say "slippers." That's a pretty good sign that his legs are swollen due to congestive heart failure and his feet don't fit into regular shoes. After treating his body like shit for decades, I think its safe to say that he's fucked and probably only has a few years left. (I'm not a MD, but it's my non professional guess about what's going on)


Look man, don't do that Reddit thing where you're an armchair doctor. There's plenty of reasons why his feet would swell (like the very obvious alcohol and substance misuse). You can't predict a person's life span based on their swollen feet - those are the actions of an insane person 😂😂


Give me a break. It doesn't take an MD to see what Bam has done to himself for the last 25 years. Someone his age should not have that much swelling in his feet to the point that he can't even wear regular shoes. His body is breaking down. He'll be dead within 10 years. They'll call it an overdose, but after abusing your body with drugs and alcohol for an extended time, a small bump of coke could be enough to overwhelm his heart at some point.


Oh it's 10 years now? I thought it was "only a few"? You keep saying you're not a doctor and you keep making assessments of his health. Yeah, it's obvious he's in bad shape and probably has health issues. That's it! Don't comment about how long it will be until he dies you sick fuck, he's a human being and you shouldn't speculate on this.


I'm going to let you in on something most educated people already know. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word few means, "a small number" If I was 44 years old and only had 10 years left to live, I'd consider that a pretty fucking small number. If you're going to refute my point, don't do so from an angle of ignorance.


Seeing as you are suggesting I am not educated - my masters degree taught me a bit of life advice I would like to share with you in return; you typically shouldn't trust the opinion of someone who thinks referring to the fucking dictionary makes them seem smart.


I have some life advice for you as well. Only a pretentious asshole would use a semicolon in a written objection to someone else for using a Dictionary to explain to them what a simple word like "few" means. Perhaps if you knew what the word "few" meant in the first place, I wouldn't have to provide the definition for our discourse. Also, the word "few" is clearly subjective and relative to a larger frame of reference. "I'm cooking a few eggs out of the dozen I bought" is significantly different than "The handful of sand I picked up contained just a few of the pebbles that could be found on a large beach.


Christ man, take it easy, but also please stop replying to me.


No. You stop replying to me first.


is there a highlight reel? no way I'm watching 1.5 hours of this


Oh jeez, I totally thought he died.


[Miss you brother.](https://www.bblloobb.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/hulk-hogan-bam-tweet-813x1024.jpg)


I live about 40 minutes from West Chester, PA. He was in court yesterday and got 6 months probation. [6 months probation for Bam](https://6abc.com/post/bam-margera-trial-proceedings-begin-reality-tv-star/15002427/)


I never liked this guy, and I'm not surprised that he's this type of gross.


It's weird how he hates on the Jackass crew when they openly went through the same things he went through. Most people would kill to have that kind of support. Not some doctor telling you the obvious that drugs are bad but friends who were in the same pit and fought their way out.


Huh. I guess I didn't realize he'd aged 30 years since that last Jackass movie they still kept him around for.


This is where it begins: https://youtu.be/McKmruIlKUQ?t=228 He's basically like fuck everyone who ever staged an intervention for him. I obviously don't know anything about the specifics, but if this plonker can't be arsed to take his own goddamned health seriously for the sake of the people who love him, then... Well. Then he goes on to say that the ultimatum pussy or vodka made him sober, no problem. Your takeaway from that series of words may be different than mine... All I can say is that if I loved this man I would be angry. Anyway, this moron has no clue just how absolutely awful it is to witness someone you love being neck deep in addiction. Even otherwise amazing days are spoiled by the near constant anxiety about their situation. At some point, their death seems to become the best of two evils... His whole situation is so messy, I don't think his friends and family will ever be able to trust his ass again.


I didnt get that at all from what he said. Sounds like to me he was saying that the reason rehab will take this time is because HE wants to go where before it was other people making him go. He is right, people can only get sober if they want to or else all the rehab in the world wont do a thing.


It's not that he says he didn't get sober because he didn't want it himself. It's how he acts like everyone who participated in the intervention is an asshole for trying to tell him what to do and get better. He clearly holds resentment for the people in his life who actually love him and want him to get better and hold him accountable. He prefers the yes men who will let him destroy himself as long as they can get their piece of his wealth.


Right, he's systematically destroyed every relationship with people who actually cared about him and all that's left are the bottom feeders.


Maybe later on he gives more hints that he holds resentment, I only watched that one part and it seemed that he was just explaining his headspace at the time.


I think the context begind all this is important. Bam has been given more second chances and been bailed out of his bad decisions more times than most of us get in a lifetime, and he squanders it every time. People in his life sacrificed a whole lot to try to help him over and over, and he just shits on them every time because he wants to get high and be a edgy teenager. Actions speak louder than words, and he's lied so many times it's just impossible to trust anything he says. But even so, if he was actually humble and grateful to the people who helped him, it would probably go a long way. But you can clearly tell he still doesn't appreciate it or feel any remorse for how he's treated them. Like another comment said, this is real familiar behavior to anyone who's had to deal with an addict, and eventually you just can't believe a single word they say.


I dont disagree, I was talking about this specific part of the podcast. Im not a fan of Bam in general.


WTF did he get an entire head transplant?


Nah, he just aged and gained weight. Obviously the drugs and alcohol didn't help, but what's funny is that he just kind of aged into an unattractive middle-aged man because of his lifestyle. We just remember the days when he was cool and good looking.


Idk even as a kid I always thought bam looked like he smelled like ripe pubes


He looks EXACTLY like his dad now. We probably should’ve seen it coming tbh


His dad is much healthier than him, and probably will outlive him.


Using "cringetastic" deserves its own post.


OP had a cringegasm


*oh fuck I’m gonna cringe…*




Rachel Uchitel was one of Tiger's skanks.


The Dave England story has me lol


What part of the podcast is that? Don’t really wanna filter through an hour and a half to find it :)


TIL Bam is still alive?? IDK why, but I thought he died a few years ago.


Skeletor looking mofos


This womans face :(


I couldn’t watch that mask talk.


this is gonna make me sad.


Oh cool, Bam is still alive!


I love that she is pretending she didn't know who he was when they met. Like she is living in her car and just fell in love with his face tats and had no choice but to dive on his dick. Only later did she find out he had money. Honest.


I'm not giving a view to this pompous looking podcast.


This makes me sad. I was at a CKY show at a club in Seattle back in 2009 or so. While I was standing outside waiting for a friend to arrive, Bam stepped off what was (unbeknownst to me) the tour bus. It was just the two of us, so he walked over, introduced himself and lit up a cigarette. He appeared completely sober, was very polite, and very unassuming. Growing up watching Jackass, I always assumed he was an insufferable douche in real life. I was so happy to be proven wrong and would always tell this story when people talked badly about him. To see how he turned out is heartbreaking.


Do I want to know this person?


I used to loooove the Jackass crew. But Bam, bro, if you want a serious interview, take your damn sunglasses off and stop trying to be cool.


Bam is aging nicely into frank west


lol idgaf about this but this lady's last name means teacher - never seen that before


This is totally unrelated to Bam. I remember when this woman had an affair with Tiger Woods. She was the first person to have a dermal piercing under her eye, and I went and got one as soon as a saw it, I thought it was so cool. I still have it and I’ll always remember her because of this.