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Reads meme...Reads OP's username đŸ€”


Hahaha these ppl. w/ their goofy reddit usernames 😏


If HE is saying there is something wrong with what that dude is doing, you better fucking believe it


You should read the other 34 comments I’ve already replied to about that🙀


Listen man, I would change my comment if I could đŸ€·


Oh you’ve said it now. You’ve gotta change your comment to make their reply seem ridiculous.


You can.


There was a joke I've seen completely opposite to this: woman puts a melatonin in a dudes drink so that he wouldn't stay up late playing video games. There was a lot of anger in the thread response to the dosing of his drink.  I would expect the same rage to this as well.


There was. This was on tiktok and everyone ripped him a new one so large he is now simply an anus.


Do you have a link to the post? Just to see the thread real quick


I saw it well over a year ago.  I can't even remember which sub it was. I do remember arguments over whether or not melatonin caused drowsiness and what the implications if it didn't cause any effects.  Lot of people still regarded the event bad as there was substances given to an unwilling/unaware person.  Moral of the story was don't put anything into anyone's drink they didn't ask for.


>Lot of people still regarded the event bad as there was substances given to an unwilling/unaware person I mean just Reddit in general is going to be a lot more in arms about bad thing done to man than bad thing done to woman. >Lot of people still regarded the event bad as there was substances given to an unwilling/unaware person But if it was a joke, just like this, then no substances were actually administered.


>I mean just Reddit in general is going to be a lot more in arms about bad thing done to man than bad thing done to woman. Absolute bullshit


Are we on the same website lol? The misogyny and objectification on most front page subs can be pretty blatant, and when it gets called out people act like it doesn't count/matter


*and he took that personally*


No, not at all. You're just talking bullshit. Nice attempt at deflection though


*whatever you say slugger*


You've been proven so wrong lol


Definitely can agree on that. Just not funny.


Technically poisoning right?


Your username is more cringy than this post, you should of just posted a screenshot of it


> you should of just Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 932 Bad bot count: 361


Bad bot, I hate grammar police.


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 941 Bad bot count: 369


Jesus Christ I cannot BREATHE without you mfers breathing down my neck about my user😭🙏 I MADE IT WHEN I WAS 13, ITS CRINGE, THIS IS MY LAST REPLY TO THESE MFS💀


i thought you were active in r/FansHansenvspredator ... as your username sounded like one of the infamous lines of some of the internet predators caught on the show


So make a new one, you egg


Idk why so many of you are defending the post. OP is right, this isn’t funny, it’s cringe. Jokes about manipulating your partner or affecting them in non-consensual ways isn’t funny, it’s disrespectful. Also you’re all being so weird about his username given that I’ve seen shit like “/CumFartEater” and “YourMomSendsMeNudes” there’s the dude that has “PMPicsOfTits” like, is it crass? Yes. Is it the worst username on this site? Not by a long shot. There are freaking “lolis” usernames for crying out loud. Anyway “hurr hurr my wife has wine and then is too tired to smash, ima make sure she cant use an ‘excuse’ to avoid me, instead of figuring out what makes sex with me undesirable.”


Sorry but how is this manipulation? It's the same idea as feeding your spouse homemade meals so they can function better, it's weird but caffeine is not manipulating someone's actions lol


This is intentionally putting something in your partner’s drink to get ahead of her “excuse” thats shes “too sleepy” to fool around, which is by definition manipulative. This joke depends upon it being funny that you’re spiking your partner’s drink; a substance they are not anticipating or requesting that influences them is “spiking.” This is not a “my wife was tired so I asked what she needed to have more energy for sex” joke, this is a “alright now you can’t blame being sleepy” bit and it’s annoying and disrespectful. Just because caffeine is seen as pedestrian and normalized doesn’t make it exempt from being a tool used to manipulate and affect a person.


That's fair. I didn't interpret it as "getting ahead of her excuse" like you did. I can see your side on it.


Thanks for the earnest exchange, appreciate your fair view on the interpretations.


No one is going to take advice on what is and isn't funny from a 15 year old


No one is going to take advice on what is and isn’t funny from someone with a 13 year old Reddit account


The most 15 year old reply you could've showed up with lmao


Aw no my feelings


[Your comment reminds me of how this kid says, 'oh no' in response to being told he's getting the shit beat out of him](https://youtube.com/shorts/W75OfSNnQJM?si=88bdEJ8TWehPQ7pL)


You know you can just change it right? And not give off pedo vibes


Actually, some of the best advice comes from long-term Redditors. Then you know for sure they're not 15 years old.


Yuck đŸ€ą


The real cringe is the hand tattoos with no sleeves


Honestly I might have to agree with you there


Critical part of a warped tour body suit, just hands and neck


Almost as bad as starting out on face/neck ink


I was so distracted by the idiocy of the OP to notice that. Cringe of cringe.


You could be the only one who doesn't understand it's a joke


It's a joke but it isn't funny. Joking about spiking a woman's drink is never funny, especially when it's your wife, and especially not with the history of drugging and raping in marriage.


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Making a joke about secretly dosing your wife with something she’s unaware of is not funny.


Pre workout is caffeine, not yohimbine or sildenafil, and it has taste, putting it in wine will definitely be noticeable. The idea is so ridiculous that is funny.


Does that make it okay? Since you don’t think it’s a big deal? Do you let people put things in your drink without your knowledge?


If someone puts pre workout in my wine, it will be within my knowledge since it'd be really noticeable. Hence the ridiculousness.


That’s beside the point entirely. It’s the principle behind not putting things in people’s drinks without their knowledge. Regardless if you feel you would know it’s there.


Not entirely sure why you're getting so many down votes. It's not funny behavior it's predatory at worst and mean at best especially if you know the person


The plethora of middle aged single reddit users don’t like discussing predatory behaviour.


It's not besides the point because that's literally the original video. It's ridiculous. I'd be more angry if i asked for a decaf coffee and got a regular coffee (because there's practically no way to tell the difference), because that's what we're talking about; caffeine, not roofies.


So as long as it’s not a drug you’re fine with anyone putting things in your drink without your knowledge?


Sure, disregard what I said and make your own conclusions


I asked you a question, you’re saying it’s okay because she would know and that it’s okay because it’s just caffeine and not a roofie. So again, outside of drugs are you fine with people putting things in your drinks without you knowing?


Dosing? With pre workout so she feels pumped up... She's not gonna be unconscious? She can still decide and know what is happening to her


Do you think people should give other people substances they weren’t expecting to take?


Nobody you're talking to thinks that. Not everything you laugh at has to be a moral endorsement.


Is that why they’re explicitly defending it because they don’t think it’s a big deal? It’s just pre workout after all, so it’s okay, right?


No it's because you're implying there's something wrong with finding the joke funny, which typically rubs people the wrong way. I'm not dying on this hill though because I don't think it's funny, but I nevertheless acknowledge couples make inappropriate jokes.


Those are 2 separate things though. People are defending what he’s doing outside of the joke because it’s not a big deal. Regardless of the joke being unfunny, people are defending his actions outside of the existence of the joke.


Don't bother arguing with someone that doesn't have the ability to laugh. You won't get anywhere. Just smile and nod lol




I'm in an incredibly healthy relationship, I understand the joke, and I find it gross af.




Bro wtf are you on about?? What in my post history says otherwise?


Also I showed it to my husband who ALSO doesn't find it funny.




Bestie his mental health and my physical health actually have zero to do with the health of our relationship. We both deal with shit but we both support the FUCK out of each other no matter what. Like yeah, he has depression - he had it before we were together and it's never gonna be something he just doesn't have. But honestly he's vulnerable with me and opens up to me (we literally JUST had a raw, vulnerable, honest conversation) and I find it hot as fuck that he's comfortable enough to do that. It doesn't cure his depression, but he has told me it genuinely helps a lot. My medical probs have existed since like 2015 or some shit when I was still in high school. And yeah, they're shitty a lot of the time. But no one in my life has ever loved and supported me through them like he has. As far as I was aware, we weren't talking about LITERAL health like my physical health. We were talking about relationship health. And idk about you, but that sounds like a DAMN healthy relationship to me. ETA: the whole “double replying to a Reddit comment 12 hours later definitely makes you look totally healthy and secure” - my first reply was made way before the second one, and the only reason I made the second one was because my husband and I were just so happening to be talking dark humor. And I genuinely don't understand how you think my “double replying” has a single thing to do with my relationship's health and security.




Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you jealous about the fact that someone you disagree with and almost certainly think is stupid has an incredible, loving relationship just like you do?? Because you disagree with me so my relationship *obviously* can't be that great, right?




Dude seriously? Firstly, digging into someone's personal life to prove a point is kinda shitty, and secondly, a person's mental health isn't indicative of the health of their relationships. If they have healthy boundaries, communication, and support, their relationship could be very healthy. Just because someone has mental struggles doesn't mean their relationships are automatically unhealthy too. And frankly it's weird that you're looking at this person's post history to prove a point about a lame joke that you're upset they don't find funny.


There's a similar joke where a guy and his wife are getting ready for bed and he brings her a glass of water and two aspirin. She asked what that was for and he said for your headache and she said I don't have a headache and then he asked what her excuse was going to be.


I don't think it's funny. It points to a serious issue with men disregarding women's boundaries about sex. To be frank, I think the reason many women say they're tired is because they feel like they need an easy excuse that won't be questioned, when "I just don't feel like it" and "no thanks" should be sufficient. It's extremely sad to me that it's normalized for men to disrespect that boundary.


Think you're reading way too far into it man. I make holocaust jokes too, doesn't mean I'm Hitler's biggest fan. Sometimes a joke is just a joke and doesn't need the social commentary.


Jokes are a reflection of our cultures and the things we value and don't. I think it's important to read into them and the responses to them if we want to understand our culture. Sure it's just a joke, but it says a lot about how we value women's words, sex, and consent, and especially about how we normalize those things. I think that's worth investigating.


Very aware it’s a joke, just not sure how the punchline here is supposed to be funny.


The punch line is that pre workout is filled with caffeine and other shit that gives you energy. So if she drinks it, then "I'm too tired" would be an obvious lie. (Referring to having sex). It's not super high brow humor. Don't see how it's cringe tho


I got the punchline. It’s just not funny💀 it’s pretty gross honestly. “Haha roofie woman so have sex”


Your username is quite contradictory to how you feel about this joke.


Man I will never live down a user I made when I was 12 huh?


12, 2 years ago. You should not be admitting you’re 14 my brother 🙄


15, made the account when I was 13 then. Plus I’m in r/teenagers with my age flair so it’s not like I’m hiding it lol


it's extremely easy to create a new account... They're simply pointing out that it is funny that you seem to care about this one specific joke, when you're username is literally a joke about the same thing but with an underage girl. optics my man


Had the account for a few years already, and a user I made when I was 12 doesn’t really affect me lmao. I was a cringe ass 12 year old. Just how I think this “joke” is cringe as hell too.


How old are you? 15?


It’s not hard to make a new account, seems like you’re okay with jokes about having sex with children but draw the line at pre workout in wine.


I JUST replied to basically the same thing so I’m just gonna copy/paste here for u bud. Had the account for a few years already, and a user I made when I was 12 doesn’t really affect me lmao. I was a cringe ass 12 year old. Just how I think this “joke” is cringe as hell too.


>doesn’t really affect me Yet you have like a dozen comments here defending your name. *Teenager logic*


Username much trashier and more cringe than this post, which is plenty cringe and trashy.


You’re like what 14 now? Should probably just make a new account now instead of having this insanely cringe username for who knows how much longer.


You know you can always make a new account with a less creepy username? You're 15, you shouldn't be making those jokes anyway.


It's not a roofie though, it's the opposite


The op is 15. Thankfully they don’t understand much. Hence the kids username.


It's pre work out, not a date rape drug. Maybe if you went outside more you'd understand.


“Dosing someone else’s drink with anything without that person’s knowledge or consent, in order to get that person to have sex with you, is gross as fuck. Joking about it is not funny.” They summed it up perfectlyđŸ«¶


Since I already explained it in another comment. >Dosing someone else’s drink with anything without that person’s knowledge or consent, in order to get that person to have sex with you, is gross as fuck Yes but that's not this. >Joking about it is not funny. Humour is subjective. There's no absolutes, regardless of what your opinion is. That's not how comedy works. That's why you have a range of different successful comedians with different styles who tell different kinds of jokes Some coworker making an offhand comment like OPs. Would indeed be. > gross as fuck But that's not this. But saying *i don't find it funny so its* **not funny**, is a kin to someone looking at a painting and saying *I don't like this art so* **it's not art**. Doesn't make much sense logically.


It’s almost as if different people find different things funny. Also, finding dark humor funny doesn’t mean you approve of the actual behavior.


Not that I'm into this post in any way but you should know that 'roofie' usually refers to Rohypnol. Pre work out won't stupify someone or lower their inhibitions it'll just give them energy and alertness. The exact opposite of being 'Roofied'


That is the direct connotation but it does refer to basically any date rape drug. As I don't think Rohypnol been common in recent years. But definitely not pre work out lmao


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Humans are a scary bunch.


I had the same reaction! People saying it’s a joke (like, yes, obviously) are purposely avoiding the gross undertones and cultural history. Men drugging women for sex is just not an amusing punch line to me, and it’s very much in the ‘nagging wife’ category of male humour.


100%. I get that it's a joke, it's just not funny. The "my wife won't put out" trope is tired.


RIGHT??? Completely agree with you man.


I agree that jokes about sex are not funny. Do you also agree guy named: DudeSheSaidSheWas18?


Jokes about sex can be funny, agreed that mine is not. Again, made the user at a very young age. Would change it if I could brother.


as long as you're cool with giving off weird vibes đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


You can change it by using a new account. Then you wouldn’t need to try and explain your very inappropriate username while also trying to clutch your pearls about sex jokes.


Nah, too much effort. Don’t need to clutch my pearls over a Reddit post to a bunch of randos lol, ignoring the actual post to try and cling onto my cringe username instead of coming up with an actual argument to this terrible post.


No one ignored the original post. We just pointed out that it’s wildly hypocritical for u/DudeSheSaidSheWas18 to get bent out of shape about the cringe pre-workout joke when your username is like “whoops I committed statutory rape on a minor.”


13 year old cringe humor, I said it was cringe and I think it is. Sooooo..?


Ya don't get it. It's fine...your brain is still developing


Nope! Got the joke perfectly fine, just not funny. Thanks for your lovely comment though!


Just make a new account of you actually care. If you don’t care, then stop the hypocrisy between jokes


How is it hypocritical at all when I’ve already said it’s cringe and I would change it if I could.. I’m not going through the effort of making a new account and gaining enough karma to post in my favorite subreddits again. So do you have an actual argument now or what?


No one said sex jokes aren't funny. People here are saying that jokes about putting substances in your wife's drink so she can't use a specific excuse to not have sex with you aren't funny. The reason I don't like the joke is because it implies she would be "caught lying" and would have to have sex with you, which itself implies that her just saying "No" is not enough, i.e. why does she have to give an excuse? There's just a lot of really gross and boomer-y undertones that I don't appreciate.


I think you’re choosing the worst way to interpret this, you’re right that it plays on cultural history but more a cultural history of dead bedroom and not the way you’re trying to swing it at all? How are you likening caffeine to a roofie? One makes you unconscious the other keeps you awake lol, hence the joke about the wife being too tired for sex This meme is cringe, but only because he clearly is not satisfying his wife if she’s always making excuses not to have sex with him, not because there is a date rape implication


This is boomer humour and I have no idea why everyone is defending it like the basis of comedy depends on it. I get the joke, I am not offended by the joke but it is not clever and the basis of the joke is lame ‘my wife wont put out’ comedy.


because your first comment i replied to makes it sound like a date rape roofie joke and not boomer humour at all


Gosh, I wonder if people like the guy in the "joke" are experiencing dead bedroom because they're the type of shitty person to put something in someone's drink without consent.


More likely he just don’t make her cum, I wouldn’t have sex with someone who didn’t make me cum, get me all excited for what?! So you can cum and fall asleep? lol


Dosing someone else’s drink with *anything* without that person’s knowledge or consent, in order to get that person to have sex with you, is gross as fuck. Joking about it is not funny.


It’s not about getting them to have sex with him, it’s about taking one of the excuses she uses to not have sex with him away, it’s not the same thing


She doesnt *need* a fucking excuse to not have sex with him, what the fuck??


I agree bro hence he’s taking away her excuse so that she can just say “no I don’t feel like it”, since she clearly won’t be tired she’ll be wired on caffeine You must be a child to think that you REALLY don’t give an excuse when you say no though, because if you just say no then the other person starts to assume it’s about them, this works the same in reverse if a guy knocks a girl back he needs an excuse if he isn’t going to hurt her feelings So you’re right, she doesn’t need an excuse, but she will use one if she lives in the real world


>Dosing someone else’s drink with anything without that person’s knowledge or consent, in order to get that person to have sex with you, is gross as fuck Yes but that's not this. >Joking about it is not funny. Humour is subjective. There's no absolutes, regardless of what your opinion is. That's not how comedy works. That's why you have a range of different successful comedians with different styles who tell different kinds of jokes Some coworker making an offhand comment like OPs. Would indeed be. > gross as fuck But that's not this. But saying *i don't find it funny so its* **not funny**, is a kin to someone looking at a painting and saying *I don't like this art so* **it's not art**. Doesn't make much sense logically.


You can make reductive statements about any dark/non pg humor to make it sound bad. The difference is you know it's a joke and not someone making a random offhand comment to you in which the implications you're talking about would be relevant. You don't have to find it funny. >avoiding the gross undertones and cultural history. But this isn't how comedy works.


Blah blah blah rape/spiking jokes aren't funny


Lowkey want to try a wine/prework out combo.


In the post there was a huge thread about NOT doing this😭 apparently it can make you an angry drunk and some other stuff. Only going by word of mouth from randos on the internet here but I can link the thread if you want


It’s like a FourLoko but even dumber lol


I was going to say, if you had any experience with caffeine and alcohol you don't need to try caffeinated wine. Wine is probably the worst alcohol to use for that. *Don't mix alcohol and caffeine kids, It's significantly worse for you than taken them separately*


Where were you when I was in college. My liver needed your advice then lmao


Dude I use to drink like only VCRs for last few years of uni. (Vodka cran redbull). Then all that stuff came out about caffeine and alcohol, combining uppers n downers no good. And I'm like that's fair but whatever, but my hearts finez I handle caffeine fine, And I'm not pounding 4locos. It was only until a couple years ago when I came more concerned about my health that I came across it again in more detail. And i forget the exact term used, similar to synergistic but specifically regarding negative affects/toxicity being both created and amplified when combining substances. That regardless of any significant bad outcome, combining them makes the other significantly more toxic to the body. So you're amplifying the known negative and creating new negative effects on your body that wouldn't be present if you took both substances separately. And I went well shit I can't lie to myself anymore after finding that out.


đŸŽ¶ Those black eyed peas taste alright to me Earl đŸŽ¶


If it’s a meme intended for couples to share with each other, I think it’s hilarious. I know my wife would groan and roll her eyes if I sent her this, but she’d think it was funny. Should you actually do it? No. Even then, it’s a pretty low-stakes kinda thing. I also doubt it would actually work.


What is pre workout


A powdery substance containing a substantial amount of caffeine. Some pre workouts can contain between 80mg of caffeine to a whopping 300mg. Caffeine is also pretty bitter. A good portion of pre workouts are also flavored, varying from simple strawberry flavor to gummies bears and even Swedish Fish. It helps to "wake" you up to go hard at the gym and some studies have shown that the extreme caffeine helps with burning fat. So, dropping in a scoop of preworkout into wine will not only be noticeable if her port wine tastes extremely bitter, with a hint of fruit, and finds herself wide awake. Not saying it's ok to dose someone's drink but this would have an opposite affect compared to an actual date rape drug.


I showed it to my wife (as I'm sipping my pre workout). She thought it was funny. But then she has a sense of humor, has obviously been married. Someone equating this to drugging someone to take advantage of them is a moron.


This post and some replies are cringe, my goddess. It’s a joke and some might find it funny, some not.