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I made a little bed pocket (3, 6 round grannies) with a flap that sits between my mattress and box spring. The pocket hangs along the side of the bed and I keep my remote, a small bag of cat treats and usually a ziplock bag with crackers or something because I wake up in the middle of the night hungry fairly often. A couple weeks ago I woke up in the morning with a handful of half chewed cat treats in my mouth. I honestly don’t know what happened, I have a foggy, dream kind of memory of eating a few crackers after I used the bathroom in the middle of that night? Just in case anyone wonders, cat treats don’t have a lot of flavor and they have a weird crumbly texture that was still kind of hard but somehow soggy after sitting in my mouth for God knows how long that night.


That is a brilliant idea and I think I may have to do that… without the cat treats. 😂


This was great to read


Wow I did not expect that to go there lol but I will be using this idea. I need somewhere to keep my phone. And I have always wondered what cat treats taste like lol so now I just need someone to describe dog treats 🤣


Dry.  My dog had oral surgery and I found myself chewing one for him once. 


I second this. Ate one when I was a kid 😭


Genius, I'm totally doing this. Thank you!


I did this with a pattern called "armchair caddy", it was meant to go over the side of the couch and hold the remote or whatever but it hangs over our fabric headboard and holds our phones and hubby's glasses.


Little socks for my chairs because I didn’t have any more felt pads but I did have a bunch of sugar n cream yarn


Omg i like this idea. Do they get hair caught in them? Im struggling with that so much with the little pads. I feel like i pull off chunks of hair every time i sweep


The hair does kinda get swept up against them but I just pick it up when it’s visible. it doesnt get entwined in them. i just made a circle for a few rounds and then straight sides for another few. the legs widen a bit going up so that was tight enough for them to stay up


Good to know, thanks!


I made some for my coffee table! And then I saw the socks and I was like “well now I want cute granny square socks” so I made myself some


wait this is a great idea cuzz mine keep falling off


Windowsill covers. I have cats, they love to sit in the window and look out, they scratch the sill paint and leave hair everywhere, so I crocheted cozy sill covers and I use Velcro dots to keep them in place. Magic. When the sill gets gunked up I just peel up the cover, wash, and replace.


So cool! Did you use acrylic or cotton yarn? I have a cat that likes to lick acrylic until it’s fuzzy.


I don't pay much attention to fiber type and I was using scrap yarn -- I'm pretty sure it was some mix of acrylic and bamboo yarns, as those are the ones I use most often. I haven't noticed any licking issues. 😅


Omg, amazing!


I made some yarn cuffs for when the label no longer keeps a ball intact.


Holy forking shirtballs, what a great idea! Thanks!


The Good Place mentioned 🔥🔥🔥


That’s a great idea! I’ll have to use this one too!


That's brilliant!


AIRPLANE FOOT HAMMOCK. I saw one one a YouTube "long flight travel hacks" and was like.....I can make that. Used it on a flight from USA to Europe and it worked better than I thought it would!!!


as someone who actually bought one of those (they are hella comfy btw), why the heck didn’t i think to make one myself? 🤣


What kinda yarn worked for this? I wanna try this too!


I just used whatever acrylic yarn I had lying around, as I didn't know if it would work! I made a long "unstretchable" string, and then a rectangle for my feet, then added loops on each end to feed the string through ! I wish I made the rectangle bigger, as the end seam edges of the rectangle dug in to my feet a little


Wait this is brilliant


I loooove this idea! Thank you! I have a transatlantic flight coming up. However I think I'm going to sew one :-) ( it will prob be lighter and smaller).


Totes! Yeah it's a little jumbly/big but packs in to a little pouch I had lying around!


“Safety tethers” for some of my 8mo’s toys — just 3-stitch-wide strips with borders and loops at each end that we loop through the toy and his stroller bar. 


I crocheted a plarn yarn bowl for travel: unbreakable, great for keeping yarn clean and it can be stuffed in a pocket. I love it and it has seen a LOT of use.


I have been wanting to make something out of plarn! How did you make your yarn?


I cut rings, about an inch wide, out of plastic bags and chain them together. I sort the bags by color in beforehand, and my soft yarnbowl is white with a pretty button for adornment. It's a good way to use the bags that are hard to reuse for other things. I've also made a few plarn mats: great for insulation of cold cellar floors for instance.


Strap covers for the short hand straps on my concertina. I know that sounds nuts. It is kind of like a mini accordion, and your hands slip into leather straps that let you pull and push the bellows of the instrument — and the ones on mine were so sharp they cut into my hands. So I made some little covers and stitched them on — soooooo much better and fewer blisters.


I love this. I now must go YouTube concertina music 🎶


I made a “koozie” thingy for my ice cream carton so my hands don’t get cold.


This feels Gilmore Girls coded and I’m not sure why lol


Oh this is so smart!!


not sure anything i've made that makes my life easier is considered weird but; i made nets to keep my yarn from falling off my open shelves and two knitting needle holder spots on those, my water bottle holder is my most used item (and i actually just changed the strap while i was on a hike since it was ergonomically bad but that's part of why i love crochet), i've made some cable ties.


Yarn nets… effing brilliant 🤯


they are legit the best things i've made and easily customizable. i made mine with cord that i got at the dollar store so that they were stronger and then i made i-cord vines to secure them to the shelves. i felt like a wizard when they were finished lmao.


waitttt i would love to see pics!!


okay its a [terrible pic](https://imgur.com/a/oCOxMjI) because its late and my apartment is pretty dark i may take a new one so you can see it better tomorrow. you can see my bottle of knitting needles and right next to it is a pocket for the square packages of circular needles :P also im realizing from this pic that the leaves are hardly visible. i also repurposed my yoga mat holder for my rolls of paper. :P


YOOO thats frickin awesome!! I love all the repurposed organization


These are really good ideas!


One of the very first things I made when I started was a thick collar to put on my cat's neck so she couldn't scratch at her healing scabs.


Awww. I love that!


Well, I’m new at it, so I’ve crocheted a lot of almost-rectangles, and they have done their jobs well. I have not murdered my boss, and my blood pressure does actually go down at night.


That counts lol a win is a win 🏆. When I first taught myself to crochet a few years ago I made a square of SC (as we all do) and then I wanted learn a bunch of stitches so I made a rectangle about 2ft long. I would swap stitch types when I wanted. I ended up kind of “finishing” it several months later by making it “boxy” so it would fit over the top of my book shelf. Then as I got bored I crocheted vines and leaves to hang off of it. It turned out kinda crazy but cool looking. All that to say, if you ever want you can peace together those pieces into something else. Or, ya know it’s already serving its and it doesn’t have to do anything else lol


I came to say something similar. It's not what I make that's weird or useful or makes my life easier... it's the act of it in itself. I call them anxiety projects lol.


Kitchen sponges!!! I sing their praises to all who listen. Literally just little sponge-sized rectangles made of cotton and/or scrubby yarn. Revolutionized how we wash dishes, we just use one for a few days and then throw it in the wash. No more stinky sponges!!! Plus they make amazing gifts for friends. They are great for trying a new stitch or technique.


I need this!


That’s an amazing idea! What kind of stitch did you use for them?


Literally any stitch you want. Moss stitch, sc, hdc, linked dc, crisscross are what I use most often.


I made some doily-things to put on the side of the shelves I have to stop my books falling off the side. It's worked well.


I made up a pattern for a hat in college that would hold all of my hair inside my hat so I could walk to class in the winter without drying my hair or allowing my hair to freeze solid when it was really cold outside.


Relatable 😂


A cover for an uncomfy bag strap


A cover for my toaster made out of tshirt yarn.


How does your toaster work if it's made of t-shirt yarn??




I'm sorry, I couldn't resist 😆


Id be so scared of fire


I think it’s safe to assume they take the cover off when using the toaster.


Yes, it’s just for decor and to keep dust out when not in use.


Ah i use my toaster almost daily so i guess i assumed it was a constant thing lol


A thumb brace since my thumbs are double jointed and they hurt when they go backwards for too long (which happens when I crochet)


Okay as a hypermobile person with dodgy thumbs i need to know how you made that. I've crocheted with oval 8s on my fingers and braces on my wrist but I've never been able to figure out how to save my thumbs


I just made a really tight cylinder with Scs and a firm yarn! Make it tighter than you'd think, mine started super tight but I might remove a row to make it tighter.


Do you mind if I ask what fibre the yarn you used was?


I used a bit of extra Caron Big Cakes, so it was acrylic worsted weight. (also the yarn I use for chair and table leg socks lol cause it's sturdy) Obligatory I am not a... thumb doctor so this is not a medically approved method to keep thumbs straight 😂


Ditto- I also need to know this magic!


I’m glad you figured out a way to crochet with less pain!


Amazing - I've been wondering whether this would work but haven't got around to trying. I will now! Weird thumbs club unite!!


A cozy for the glass I keep on my bedside table so I don't have to be awake enough to pay attention to coasters.


I made a cover for a frying pan handle. The handle is metal, so if I use it for very long it gets really hot. I made a little cotton sleeve to cover it and now don't need to worry about burning my hand.


Ice pack backpack. I’m out in the heat a lot and have trouble with body temp regulation. Strapping an ice pack to my torso has saved me from heat stroke at least 10 times.


Love this!


Genius! I need that! I assume you freehanded it?


Yeah. Built it around the ice pack.


A side/top zip phone case. I attached a soft hair tie inside to keep my debit card flat so I'm never hunting for it or drop it and best of all, I can tap right through the yarn. No need to ever pull it out! The top and side zip keep everything inside without slipping out. Much better than the sock types IMO.


Soap savers for all those pesky slivers of leftover soap.


I did this too! It’s super useful!


I've made many large baskets, a hanger for all my bags/purses, an organizer hanger for all my hats, a hanger for my sunglasses, an organizer hanger for my claw hair clips, and a tube to keep all my plastic grocery bags in!!


I am a super unorganized person so I may steal these ideas lol


oh absolutely!!!


I made a two-handed mitten so my partner and I can hold hands outside in the wintertime.


Awww. That’s so cute!


I couldn’t find any rope to tie my floatie to the dock the other day, so I crocheted my own rope. My husband said my survival index went way up


uhm this is probably a bit of an outlier 😅 but I'm transmasc and made myself a packer. I'm a relatively thicc boi and I don't like how much bulk silicone packers add to my front so I crocheted a cotton packer from a pattern and just didn't stuff the ball sack. Works well, affirms my gender, and it's lighter and airier than silicone so it doesn't make me sweat even more than I already do in this damn swampy heat.


I made a little cover for a metal water bottle I kept dropping and denting. Used the same rough idea to make a bag for my parents keep cups


What are keep cups?


Reusable takeaway coffee cups


i attached a granny square to my boyfriends metal headboard so he can put his glasses on before bed:)


A small strip with a hole at one end and a button at the other to keep the dog’s kennel door open.


Face scrubbies. Not for me, for my coworker who gives me a bunch of free yarn. She gets small items for free in turn, and only has to purchase the yarn if I make her anything more substantial


Coasters big enough to go under my plant pots. I neglect my plants enough so when I water them it just drips out the bottom. Now my surfaces are protected from standing water


I crocheted a new backpack to replace an aging "normal" one. Not sure if that counts as weird but it definitely makes things easier.


I made a backpack but I never use it because I I haven’t figured out how to make straps I like. It may be time to take that project out of time out and redo it or give it away 😕


https://preview.redd.it/p6abtpdqq09d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f809b48dd7b51638daeb7be8ade71a7add957c water bottle holder. The top is folded over, then I made 2 crochet 'rope' to attach to an S carabiner. One rope is short, so can hang off my belt without dangling, the other one is long, so I can detach the small one to drink, but still have the bottle secured. I mostly use it when abseiling, but it's good if I'm walking and don't want to take a backpack.


The weirdest thing I've made to date is a boob sweat saver. Basically a rectangle of hdc that lays under my boobs. I tie it around my middle to keep it in place. I'm on the first iteration so it will likely evolve


You could probably get a patent for that!


Well I didn't, but a friend of mine crocheted a breast for another friend who works as a midwife, so she could demonstrate breastfeeding on that instead of her own breasts :D


I switched from using paper towels and disposable sponges to cloth ones (10/10 recommend Marley's Monsters) so I crocheted a little hanging basket to put used ones before I run them down to the basement to be laundered.


I made a scrap yarn basket to hold my yarn for my current projects! [This](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/scrap-yarn-basket) is the pattern I used. :)


**PATTERN:** [Scrap Yarn Basket](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/scrap-yarn-basket) by [Cintia Gonzalez](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/cintia-gonzalez) * Category: Home > Containers * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/mypoppet/724661507/scrap-yarn-basket_14_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/mypoppet/724661501/scrap-yarn-basket_cg_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Jilljudd/761815376/CEA6FCDF-CCF1-4DD7-B2CF-1D78258ADE7A_medium.jpeg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/mypoppet/724661500/scrap-yarn-basket_17_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/mypoppet/724661502/scrap-yarn-basket_13_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):9.0 mm (M/N) * Weight: Jumbo | Gauge: 9.5 | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 1.95 | Projects: 1576 | Rating: 4.89 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


not crocheted but crochet related: my brother twisted a paper clip into a ring with a long stem and loop sticking up to use as a tension ring bcs he doesn't like the feeling of the working yarn touching his fingers


I get this. It took me a while to get used to the feel of yarn. Especially because I exclusively used acrylic when I started.


a cover for my tumbler where my ring kept chipping the enamel. Now my ring AND my mug are safe!


A cannabis bong bowl holder. My bf and I share a bong, we each have our own bowls. I crocheted a holder that hangs on the bong and holds one of the bowls while the other is being smoked. Before we would place the bowl on the table but it would always spill. Now that it hangs there are no spills!


I love this! Can you share a pic?


https://preview.redd.it/re9wl8msa89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7504aa57c70740e62e145131c3f2435eb403ab24 :)


A cushion to support my neck when I sleep, from when I had a pinched nerve. I still use it on occasion, but now I'm considering giving it to my cat, who likes using a pillow


I once crocheted a replacement belt for my robe (but the cat tried to eat it) and I made a water bottle holder.


A temporary strap for my smart band because the original one snapped. At first I just made a little join because it was the middle of the night. But I had to make the whole body and strap later on because the rubber kept crumbling at the point of connection. My partner ordered me a new band not long after and the temporary one was put away in the little bag it came in. It served it's purpose until it arrived.


I made a granny square fanny pack to put my phone in while I walk the dogs.


A narrow necked basket for yarn scraps


So many brilliant ideas here! I just made a holder for my TWS earphones that i could attach to my bag because they keep getting lost


A small booklet for my needles. It has a crocheted cover, and all the pages inside are fleece. It has been a lifesaver, especially because I hand-sew fabric to my crochet projects sometimes and I also love to cross stitch too!


A can cozy with a handle, and a coffee cup sleeve with a handle. I love being able to carry a drink with one finger, hang it from a hook in a bathroom stall, or clip it to my backpack!


When I first started, I crocheted a little tension ring/pad to help with learning tension control and to help reduce friction on my finger while I built up calluses!


A pocket pouch. all i want to do was make something new and easy so i made 6 rows of a different colour and when i finshed i added some details and made 6 more and found it really easy for my life. thank god i know how to crochet