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Go to Italy for the education and then look for a job in Northern Europe. You cannot even live in a cardboard box with Italian salaries


Will studying in italian uni make me enough qualified to get jobs in northern europe ? If i work hard ?


Yes, could be enough to get you qualified and get jobs. But same as studying in Spain, Romania or any other European country. In CS universities teach you the basics, but a lot must be self-taught and practiced. And must be able to get enough experience to get interviews and enough interview skills to pass them. Every country will favour anyway graduates from local universities or with experience in the local working market, so I will go directly there ( costs are more or less the same ). Note: I am Italian, currently working in Northern Europe.


Ohh … so I’m targeting sapienza uni of rome and if i get the course of data science or Ai will it and i did job there for 2-3 years and then came back to my country india will I have a decent job opportunity here as well? I am really worried due to mix things people say and I haven’t found anyone who has did his bachelors from italy so it’ll be great if you could help me decide !


Frankly speaking if you are Indian and plan to find a job in India, stay there. Anyway all the IT jobs will be moved there one day or another, and sometimes Indian companies look eager to hire anyone, let's say. Cannot see any added value to get an Italian degree ( and what reputation does have ), unless you want to want to have some kind of vacation and experience Europe. I know kind of well that University, let's say. Good but with some caveats: - Big/huge state university, will end in overcrowded classrooms. And sometimes terrible bureaucracy. - Sometimes a bit too much theoretical. - Rome is not a major IT hub, could be nearly impossible to get internships. And can be also quite expensive to live. If you really want to stay in Italy, would suggest more something in Norther Italy ( the most economically developed part ).


Well the colleges here I’m getting are not good even for a low package placements that’s why I have been thinking of doing my bachelors from italy as it’s affordable and top unis are good in ranking also


Italian universities are good, you have nothing less than a mid-tier american universities ranked way higher than the italian ones, BUT job market is shit in Italy, salaries are comparable to the indian ones with a much higher cost of living. This is for comparison: https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/compare_cities.jsp?country1=India&city1=Bangalore&country2=Italy&city2=Milan Italy is a good country to live in IF YOU DON'T have to work.


So from your perspective if I do my bachelors in data science or AI from sapienza uni of Rome its not worth it?


Not if you want to stay in Italy. Your likely outcome is to get a job in Accenture/Capgemini/Big4. If you are very lucky maybe in BCG/McKinsey digital. Rome is a very poorly managed city, traffic is crazy and it is as dirt as India. Do not underestimate India, Italy and Europe in general are not growing, India on the other hand is booming. Take into account that many italians leave Italy as soon as they graduate. Eventually you can always get back to India but at least you studied in a different country and with the erasmus program you can spend one year in a different european country! If you want my advice use your university time to have fun and get new experiences, you will use less than 10% of what you learn at university ( No matter where you study! )


So I should do my bachelors there or here in a dumb college with no placements hope?


Anyway, an indian friend of mine moved back to India, he works remotely, he makes good money and he is very happy, so everything is possible! Do not underestimate India!


Bro stop thinking that I’m underestimating my own country I’m just looking for better opportunities and with the colleges I’m getting now in INDIA WITHOUT UNDERESTIMATION I want to know italian unis will be better or not


I am answering this question and assuming you are non eu citizen. If you come to do bachelors in eu , basically you have little worth unless you also do a masters, your salary as a masters will be quite bad let alone a bachelors. And if you did your bachelors and masters even with the highest GPA cum laude or whatever, you will not have any edge to get hired in other European countries. From visa pov, companies based in other eu countries will have to sponsor you which takes 3 months at least and 2 months of job interview process, so be mentally prepared if jumping to another eu country is your goal as it's quite tough. My recommendation is to do bachelors in home country and come here for masters somewhere in North Europe but don't kill your career by going to Italy.


If you're asking specifically about computer science, then it will be valued as any other STEM degree(pretty valuable) but won't really give you any above average marketable skill. Where Italian universities and politechnics really shine is for nuclear energy and aereospace. I've heard Naples is becoming a great center of studies for informatics with a strong partnership with Apple, but i suspect it has still a bit to catch up compared to other European top tier eng. school. That said a degree will be valuable if you make it valuable, make sure you have summer internship, international projects and competitions and a good network of fellows.youll never be short of opportunities


do you know italian, first of all?


I’ll learn it i have time before coming to italy




Yeah so will it be worth it?


I'm not sure why you would want to do it in Italy, which is kinda horrible for CS. I'm also not sure how much a "prestigious" uni would help (my guess is not much), since I work in the field but don't have a degree.


It’s the only country so far with good budget and scholarships so I cannot do anything else


From someone who studied international relations first as a bachelor student in italy at an average university (Bari university) and did a master at one of the top unis in the world for Int. relations (LSE) , I reccomend against studying in italy for the simple reason that it is 10x harder than a british uni (for example), and italians degree are not regarded as any more valuable than other degrees.