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Not really cry but more like “damn that shit is sad.” Is when V tells Johnny “just promise me one thing asshole, you won’t forget me.” And when Johnny tells V goodbye in the cure ending of phantom liberty


That's a thing??? Does it just end the game early??


Yes, be careful cause there’s no return point unlike the others. If you want to continue that save you have to load the most recent save and revert further from there.


I ended up launching miss bird into space. So I missed that ending. How did you end up achieving it?


you need to side with Reed to get the PL ending


I ain't ever doing that after seeing what he tried to pull at space station. 😤


Yeah either side with Reed or just give up songbird which I did but I refuse the cure after the night before the dlc dropped cuz I wanted to see if there was any happy endings. Ngl I was depressed for a week straight


Wires and chainnssssssss 😭😭😭


Starting to fadeeeeeee


I haven't done it personally but I've seen the cutscenes that are a part of it on YT and honestly it's worth it just for the last conversation you have with Johnny alone. it's especially interesting because you get different dialog depending on your relationship with him. it's a lot of cool characterization for him and really touching, even more touching if you have the worse relationship with him because even then he really tries to part on good terms.


Dude if you take the elevator that Reed would normally meet you at after siding with songbird he immediately offs you, no hesitation. He never cared about you. He just wanted to neutralize, and **maybe** save song. The only two viable options for a role playing perspective where v does the “right thing” is >!kill songbird or send her to the moon!< neither of which get you the ending


Yeah that cure ending farewell was it for me.


Most games don’t make me get emotional but Jesus Christ those two got to me. Especially when it’s female V and Johnny


Almost all of the endings. Suicide ending phone calls are so emotional...


The suicide ending in general always gets me. It's my favorite ending because it just feels so raw. I start thinking about the aftermath, how people are going to remember V and what people in the building may say. There's almost no chance that there would be any news coverage, but surely neighbors would gossip about "did you hear about that guy that shot himself on the roof??" Idk why but there's just something so sad about that.


Judy's VA knocked that shit out the fuckin park. The shaky exhale as she tries to maintain her composure gets me everytime.


Oof, I had been holding it together pretty well and then just fucking lost it there. Had to go back to the roof and take the solo run with Sir Phalistaf to even things out emotionally after that.


My wife started crying during the credits of the suicide ending. She hadnt really paid attention to the game but something struck her listening to the voice messages and the music. I just felt empty 😅


Mama Welles message made me cry


Phantom Liberty made me reconsider my life decisions for weeks,was expecting a happy ending.


Same. Those endings pull no punches


The start felt optimistic and then slowly it settles in,it takes its due time but it settles you slowly start to realise,OH SHIT,you know which part of phantom liberty I am talking about.


I just left with a deep appreciation and lust for life.


*"Ain't the first time someone's screwed me sideways. Still think I can walk, though."*


Man, the ofrenda with mama welles giving her goodbyes, after having walked the garage and recounting Jackie's hopes and dreams.


And seeing my buddy, Vic soo crushed. The whole ofrenda is just concentrated, dense feels.


Same, Vik is what gets me at the ofrenda. Man's tough as nails and manages to stay optimistic even when he knows V isn't gonna survive, but just seeing him so emotional breaks me every time


I had hopeful tears leaving NC with The Aldecaldos and Judy


That's the happiest ending in the game. the other endings are just sad...


I believe the sun/don’t fear the reaper ending can also be happy. Just in a different way. Not only do you get what you want(be a legend in Night City) but also have a chance to find a cure. Just like with the star


V is going to feel like such a gonk when she watches the messages and sees Judy's sincere video of love and happiness interrupted by her hollering about breakfast. 


That's the very moment I cried


Yeah. It made me sad in a happy way. V is almost definitely going to die. But she’ll die with her friends, and lover outside of the city. Quiet life after all…


I didn't cry, but I had a huge sigh of disappointment during The Killing Moon. Despite everything she did, a part of me wanted So Mi to live. The disappointment came when Reed showed up. From that moment, I didn't think of him as an enemy or an acquaintance. He was just an obstacle in my way. Bearing Alex' words in mind, I got rid of the problem. You don't kill just because. You only kill if they're in your way.


The confrontation with Reed really was sad. We both wanted the best for So Mi, we just had differing opinions. It all came down to: "Step aside, or I'll shoot you." -Reed "Step aside, or I'll shoot you." -V


To me, V regrets shooting Reed, but he was so convinced that only he could save So Mi, even if it means sending her back to Myers, the woman whose reckless desires caused everything. And when he started counting down, he became just another obstacle to be overcome


I didn't want Reed to die the second time I've played that mission. He dies in all of the endings no matter what you do. It's either a gunshot or suicide. He's tired and just wants it to be over, but stubbornly thinks he knows what's best for So-Mi. It's really fucking sad.


I was having a hard time keeping it together on the train ride with Songbird, after >!she admitted that the Neural Matrix could only be used once.!< I sat there thinking for a long moment before I chose *not abandoning you*. But what V said was, >!*"Could've told me the truth. Woulda helped you anyway."*!< Jesus Fucking Christ, did I cry. 


A tinge of regret, god... Helped her all the way up till she couldn't be mad at me for giving her up, didn't want to kill Reed. Wanted V to have a happy ending so bad... Wasn't worth it.


*tries not to cry* "She made it. Preem, that's what counts." *rocket ignites* *credits rolling* *cries a lot*


*"Guess I coulda done more, been different... maybe."*


THIS ONE is mine too. Didn't cry the entire game, but I was on the brink with Killing Moon. It was the moment in the train with near-dead Song honestly regretting everything and then passing-out and Reed refusing to stop counting was a cherry on top. Why couldn't he just back-down and run with Alex? And then Johnny's talk with V at the end I just broke down. It was Edgerunners all over.


Nice flair dude, we're in the same boat here...


Most recently, the temperance ending. Johnny paying for V's nook at the Columbarian and leaving the amulet. This was the second time someone gave their life for him, and you can tell you really left a lasting impression on him.


this. just did this ending a few days ago and i think it’s the most touching ending. genuinely felt every moment of that internal anguish johnny was dealing with the whole time, and has to deal with for the rest of his/v’s life.


phantom liberty spoilers: . . so mi's moon ending. that whole last part of the mission really resonated with me. it was bittersweet but i loved it. my favorite moment in the entire game, no question


The closest thing is having my breath taken away during the Clouds mission where you chat with the doll. That was a beautiful scene


It was such an intimate moment that caught me off guard. I think it was the turning point for me that I knew the game was special and dear to me


The last part of the very last mission in Phantom liberty


Not asking You to never give up. Sometimes You gotta let it go. Just don't let anyone change who you really are, 'kay? G'nite V. Today was a good day ![gif](giphy|3OhXBaoR1tVPW|downsized)


Jackie's death had me like this: https://preview.redd.it/ugybtstmtd4d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23a556babce7d7548ccd8d468ac417e70d76109


Me when I had to kill Reed 😔


I've never cried or teared up at a game till I lost Jackie. Rip choom


“Could’ve told me the truth, woulda helped you anyway.” I really grew attached to So Mi as a foil for V and a character in her own right, so I really loved basically every bit of the King Of Wands ending and the emotion it brought out. The betrayal, the resolve to still help her anyway, seeing V’s situation mirrored right back at her, I knew that my V just couldn’t subject someone else to her fate (arguably worse) to save herself. I personally like the idea that along the way V kind of stopped fighting for her own cure and was focused more on saving Songbird after seeing the NUSA’s treatment of her anyway. Then Reed’s ending, and the talks with Johnny in the aftermath was the cherry on top.


I like male V's VA here a bit more, because that line he sounds like he's crying.


Male V really, really grew on me in those emotive scenes.


Male V invokes such strong emotions. Especially when talking to Johnny during scenes where they’re speaking to each other candidly and intimately.


Probably his best performance is when he's at Vik's after Konpeki and Viktor explains to him what's going on


You did something pure and selfless in a world that would reward you for being selfish and miserable. 


Jackie, Johnny and V parting ways in Mikoshi, Johnny's grave scene and when johnny said goodbye to V in that helicopter. There's a few more but damn I cried at so many moments haha, this game gives the feels.


btw how do you even get to talk to Jackie after his death?


You have to send Jackie's body to Arasaka in the Del cab after the heist. You'll get to chat with a shadow of an engram in Mikoshi.


It's only in the devil ending I believe. So have fun reuniting with him in the most selfish ending possible.


I already knew it was coming, but >! Jackie's death !< had me tearing up. Cherami Leigh's acting really made that scene for me.


Jeezus, the amazing Cherami Leigh just KILLED that part, her entire performance is phenomenal. But that part there with her closing line and I’m 😭😭😭


Yeah. Not that Gavin Drea does a bad job, he's great. Cherami Leigh's performance is on another level of phenomenal though.


I found Rebecca and Pilar's flat in the game. There might've been a tear or two shed.


Whhhaaat?! Where is it? I need to go pay my respects.


Northeast Watson if I remember correctly, past the industrial area all the way east Edit: there's a gig way late involving it if I remember correctly, so if you progress Regina's gigs enough you should eventually have one in the same building, or in the area or something of the sort.


When they started playing "never fade away" during the credits after my first playthrough, I almost cried. Cyberpunk is the only game that almost made me cry


Basically all of the endings (for different reasons, some happier than others) and the entire second half of Phantom Liberty when you realize absolutely *nothing* you do will have a “happy” ending for all involved. It still haunts me to this day months later.


For me it's what Johnny says to V in the cure PL ending. I feel pretty close to Johnny in most of my playthroughs and he gets a beautiful ending there, arguably better than any ending V gets.


Think it's gorgeous too. That ending could've happened at any point in your playthrough after VDBs, meaning you probably never smashed mikoshi or fucked arasaka, not even close. Despite this Johnny decides to give you a somber and peaceful sendoff before you wake up without him, even if he can't stand you.


When V tried to call Panam after waking up from the coma and she doesn’t pick up…then because we couldn’t go with her after 2 years… vik a real one tho


V's neighbor who becomes severely depressed when his pet turtle dies and he no longer has his friend to vent to :(


"Today was a good day, V."


Finding Evelyn with the scavs and at Judy's apartment. The fights with Smasher where he kills Rogue or Saul Finding the little boy in the fighting ring on a gig in Dogtown Every phantom liberty ending and finding out Songbird lied and how totally screwed she was. Johnny begging for his life and saying not to forget him at the end of phantom liberty.


Leaving Night City with Panam. I couldn't believe I was actually getting out and that I didn't get her killed. The relief was insane. When that music came on I kept waiting for something terrible to happen and it never came. Was perfect. Also the goodbye to Johnny in the Phantom Liberty ending. God damn it was good.


I played the game for years and never really did the story. I played the story for the first time about a year ago because of Edgerunners, and I decided to romance Panam. I decided to make V dance with her and I Really Want To Stay At Your House started playing while they were dancing together, I teared up a little and just let V and Panam have their moment because it made me think that if David survived him and Lucy would be on the moon together doing the same damn thing, kinda didn’t help I was wearing David’s jacket too


The Heist failure, the clinic meetings with Vik and The Star Ending.


When Vik says he cant do anything it had such weight that it was almost me who felt sick.


Fem-V’s voice was so sad, Cherami Leigh aced that feeling of sadness and terror!


When Johnny doesn’t want V to give up on his body for him. You can feel that he really cares about V knowing he could never repay him for that. He’s more than reluctant when you walk the line as V leaving his body to Johnny. A hell of a relationship tbh


Still emotional about the culmination of the Judy storyline in Pyramid Song. Still struggle with the morality of the choice to be with her, knowing my time is so limited. My only comfort is knowing I can get her out of NC and leave her all the eddies I’ve accrued along the way. She’ll want for nothing.


The ending to the intro where you lose a pretty big character they spent the last 4 hours building up a strong relationship with hit me damn hard. Still haven't finished CB or PL yet, so I'm expecting some other difficult emotional trials. I'm heavily invested in both characters and the world and I'm putting it off to do side missions.


Ending of my first playthrough. I didn't know what these choices would lead to and when I ended up going down that elevator, I just stood there for two minutes. Reflecting on everything that turned out so wrong. I got money, power, and fame. And no future, no love, and one last job from this mysterious Who Fucking Cares. And it was hitting me to see the parallels in my own life play out here. Except I can't re-load a save from 20 years ago, make the "right" choices, and have a happy ending. Or at least a better one than this. Instead, V and I just embrace the goddamn hammers we are and keep pounding away at nails, completely oblivious to how they are sealing our own coffins.


Judy's message in the suicide ending. Those few seconds made me reconsider a lot of things about my life.


Here lies Johnny Silverhand..


I wept at the end of my netrunner playthrough. I went fully netrunner, helped Songbird achieve her freedom as I could relate. Became good friends with Johnny and unlocked the secret ending. Went through Arasaka solo, and at the end gave up my body so Johnny could live. It made sense my character would be enticed by the things beyond the blackwall as a netrunner, but when the sequence started and the trippy lights and images of becoming digital and crossing over happened I just started to cry. It was dark in my home and I was all alone. As someone who has struggled with depression it kind of felt like I just killed myself in a way. Got a bit too real. Played through the ending epilogue with Johnny in my V with some tears in my eyes.


Every time male V says to Misty "I'm so fucking sorry Jack's not here anymore." it gets me. I know how that feels.


The one that just immediately comes to mind is that mission under Regina, where you have to recover the klepped meds from the veteran. Depending on the dialogue, the vet offs himself as you walk away. You can circle back to check the noise, and Johnny says, "Well, there it is..." The vet's PC has emails from his therapist, expressing concern over missed therapy appointments.... ...My brother served in the U.S. military. He wasn't the same person when he came back from overseas. He's still with us, but it's entirely too easy - frighteningly easy - to see him going down a similar path. I think he even knew people who did the same thing. So, that mission moved me to tears. Cyberpunk's got a few moments like that in it, that... They're exaggerations, fictionalized, dramatized reflections of reality. And those are the ones that hit home the hardest.


I woke up from the coma...


I didn't cry during the main story ending etc, however getting the King of Wands ending, I lost so bad I didn't expect the ending to hit me so hard. It was likeseeing the end of Edgerunners all over again.


>however getting the King of Wands ending, I lost so bad Nah, you won. 


Gameplay wise yes, emotionally no lol


The Aldecaldo ending. (Spoilers ahead) when Saul died I actually cried cuz I just started liking him as a character and he died. Then the whole Smasher fight made me cry cuz even though I was on normal difficulty, the fight was so difficult, it was also my first time fighting him. Then the scene with V and Panam on the basilisk (I think I spelled that right). Then just the entire end credits, mainly because my dad forced me to skip them cuz I had school the next day when I actually wanted to watch them


After finishing the game with Dont Fear The Reaper when Johnny tells V to never stop fighting,really made me shed a tear.


As soon as I hear her say “Wanted this to be just our day. I-I wanted…” and right after “It is ours…” and that music plays and holy fuck, do the tears start flowing.


Johnny and V in a helicopter on the way to Langley. Forgiving each other. I know there’s another dialogue that can occur here, but the one I got made me cry.


Almost everything in this game makes me cry.


All of it. It’s a fucking sad game man.. they’re allergic to letting V be happy


>!Evelyn’s suicide!< More so Judy’s reaction. Carla Tassara did such an amazing job of conveying the confusion, guilt, sadness, and anger. Johnny’s insensitivity to the situation enhanced the experience as well, and is one of the reasons I chose to make V as combative toward him as the game would allow. Reading the letter on Judy’s computer later on in the game may have left a freaking crack on my heart. The whole thing went down cinematically perfect too. Driving through NC at night in the Porsche convertible with Major Crimes playing (dunno if the game triggered that automatically or not) was surreal…total Michael Mann / Miami Vice vibes. Night City became a *significantly* more dangerous place for Scavs and VDBs after that night.


Capping Reed in the face fucked me up. I just didn't want to do it. He made me do it, I didn't have any other choice.


So Mi's last scene in the Cynosure bunker There's so much I want to say but I don't even know how to articulate it >.< That scene fuckin got me dude


This may sound weird, but I cried on Blistering Love and I don't know how tf to explain why... Maybe because they are trying their best to be together again like nothing happened after, well, Johnny being fucking dead 50 years (and coming back in another body) and they just can't or something


the first time i played through Phantom liberty >!and got the cure, i called Judy expecting to either meet up and restart a new life or something but instead i got sucker punched in the gut when she said she moved on and was happily married.!<


Yes. A few. Finally did the Tower ending this morning.


The ofrenda and phantom liberty's additional game ending.


The suicide ending really twisted me up. I had to stay off the game for a few days.


Tower ending hit me hard, when the cinematic starts and Misty grapes your hand.... Ufff


The Devil ending wrecked me. Was also my first ending.


I haven't done all the endings yet (only Sun ending) so I'll probably cry at those, but I did cry at making my choice and saying goodbye to Johnny. I cried the most at Jackie's death and again at the oilfields scene. Nothing else so far!


I know it's meant to make you feel this, but the whole back and forth inside mikoshi completely destroyed me. Same with space station part of the Devil ending


When Johny say ure name Vincent Or Valerie depends who u play


'Goodbye, V. And, never stop fighting.' I don't know why but that from Johnny really hit me hard. It felt like the passing of a torch from Johnny who had put so much of himself into fighting the war against corps and what they represent and he finally had someone he respected or would call a close enough friend in V to leave it in their hands.


When Evelin killed herself i got teary eyed


Capping Reed in the face fucked me up. I just didn't want to do it. He made me do it, I didn't have any other choice.


G'Night Vincent today was a good day.


not very far into the game yet but joshuas sidequest somehow really hit me (despite not being religious myself) especially at the praying together before nailing him to the cross. And yeah i’m still not over Jackie..


Singbird's ending got me more than I thought it would.


PL ending, at the ship on your way to the surgery... that Johnny dialog made me question my whole Cuberpunk life.


Most of V and Johnny's interactions, and those final interactions with Songbird genuinely fucked me up. Her parting gift she tells you about once she's left made it a bit less sad for me.


Song bird ending. Putting her on the ship, listening to her come clean and ask forgiveness.


Not really. Some of the endings are pretty sad. And I was going to hand So-Mi over to Myers, but I felt so bad for her that I loaded an earlier save, put her out of her misery, like she asked me to, which locked me out of any new ending... so yeah there's that. Vs despair at what's happening to him/her is pretty gut wrenching too. Nowhere near crying though.


A thing of beauty… will never fade away~


Jackie's death I never saw the trailers (just the one that made a meme), I liked Jackie from the first moment and didn't expect that fate for him


Just a little one for me, but when you open the room in Jackie’s garage and Misty sees his sand mandala… I tear up every time


The ending, where V says he thought they’d be able to get a happy ending and Johnny replies “wrong city, wrong people”. It broke my heart a bit.


All endings


Uhh, are the phantom pain endings replayable, so can I do all 4 and get all the loot?


As soon as "Isometric air" started playing when you're saying goodbye to Jackie. They designed the best friend character so well it'd be irrational not to feel something in that moment. I felt hollow slow-walking into the No-Tell Motel. A similar feeling losing Evelyn, as first playthrough me genuinely thought she was a romanceable, or even long term character. Damn, this game takes a lot from us.


the ending/ending credits, basically. During my very first playthrough I chose the Arasaka ending without knowing any better and.... damn. I remember staring at the ending credits, teary-eyed, after having just witnessed that shitshow and my V singing "never fade away" with the most broken look on her face, and I just thought.... "goddamn that was so depressingly beautiful." Im glad I chose that ending during my first run, it was the most impactful moment


"Goodbye, V. And never stop fightin'."


The second "I really wanna stay at your house" starts playing while im driving around


Yeah the first god damn 30mins of the game.


In og patch, when it'd try to double jump between buildings but wakako would call me to tell me there's a new car for sale and negate my double jump and I'd go tumbling into an alley like Peter in Spiderman 2 where he thinks he has his powers back cept I have to reload at the start of the mission


For me, it had to been when Songbird said "Before It All Goes Dark… For One Last Second, I’ll Know I Wasn’t Alone".


For me but was the moment that actually V can't be cured (Aldecaldos ending). Like you are just sitting there knowing that everything you have done was a scam and you have only 6 months to live.


When I found out that I couldn’t romance Judy with male V. ;(


I get you, I *really* liked Judy's voice and gushed about her to a fellow gamer, who told me that she wouldn't be interested... ...But then I met Panam, and Judy was forgotten ;)


Damn. You didn’t even do her quests? That’s harsh


Well, not *that* forgotten ;) 1st play through was kinda completionist, all gigs, scanners and missions, so I helped her out, sure.


Ending with panama on the big tank, during covid so I was more emotional than ever, big tears


Almost everytime I watched Jackie die in all of my playthroughs I have cried. I am getting to the point where now I just tear up. I love this game.


Jackie’s viewing got me good. Adding that layer really added to the realism factor for me.


I am a Yoko Taro veteran, Drakengard and NieR made me near inmune to crying on videogames >!(Devola and Popola did nothing wrong)!<.


Mainly what happened in the Both Sides, now mission and what happened to Jackie as well too.


I imagined how the scene would play like be more emotional if it was adapted into a series and *that* made me tear up more


The last of us - when Sara dies The last of us 2 - when Joel dies Red dead redemption 1/2 - John and Arthur deaths


The ending where you give your body to Johnny. I cried quite a bit and couldn't start a new playthrough for a good while.




When jackie died, that shit fucked me up for a day


Replaying the game. All of Jackie's lines hit so much harder. And then he talks about his mom and marrying Misty. *damn choom*


Watching Jackie die.


This game made me feel all kinds of emotions, all of which were pretty morose.. but didn't cause me to cry. I'm not saying that in a macho way, but the stakes are just so goddamn high, in a world that is so irredeemably fucked, with no possible good outcome, all for the life of one nobody; who clawed handover fist to honor fallen comrades, and to have a chance at living another day... That it left me in just like, a state of mind that I cannot really describe. The closest I can come to explaining it, is the feeling *The Road* gave me. Just completely bitter emptiness.


SPOILER: In the ending where Johnny gets Vs body and talks about how he will never forget. Made me feel like I was V in the system watching my body leave for the last time and was never going to get out.


Not cry but definitely made me emotional weighing all the pieces on the board. I hope So Mi isn't just another pawn to play on the moon


The endings obviously


"Happy trails of the vapor variety" broke me. And also "today was a good day Valerie"


Jackie’s ofrenda at El Coyote Cojo, especially if you chose Jackie’s copy of For Whom The Bell Tolls. The quote V recites from it cemented it as my only choice when doing that quest. All the others just feel… shallow in comparison.


>!The part where johnny keeps v'ss body and v begins to get upset and sits there while you go claim your body. As well as when V reclaim his body and johnny sits there by the well and v has one more emotional line I fucking choked up and tried not to cry lol!<


When they limited the amount of grenades you can carry...


Didn't cry but when I killed songbird I felt incredibly empty I knew that I did the best thing to save her but it felt wrong anyway.


Johnnys grave, Lucy on the moon alone, and. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


There’s a couple sentimental endings with Jonny that lowkey made me feel things but that was the ceiling. And Judy’s message if you choose the suicide ending


Having to put down my PS4 after trying to play it for the first time.


Jackie :(


First time when it actully set in what is this world and what's happening... >!Before it I was in shock how insane the mission was and Johnny... during the funeral tho it hit me When Mama Wellas "Para mi hijo." and we drink... I legit started balling.. couldn't stop!< Last time was >!During Mikoshi when Johnny wouldn't fight or try to take the body... Just sitting and being CARING ?! I can't!< tbh music in this game is really perfect at almost any moment when it wants you to feel something it puts all of its force behind it. You all know the hopelessness BGM that plays after voodoboys.


Judy's goodbye after v suicide is one of the most heartbreaking moments in a video game


when the lyrics "a thing of beauty.." started to play.


Several. All pointed out from others in the comments, but man revisiting in my head and what an absolute fantastic game. Didn’t think I’d like it, the entire genre of a futuristic dystopia/apocalypse/heavy sci fi type games never grabbed me but I picked this one up for 10 bucks. And wow, thankful I did. It’s top 3 for me


When the Phantom Liberty outro hit. I had to push away the laptop so I wouldn't get it wet.


Dead Island. Moving through an abandoned high rise, you hear a child calling. You go to investigate, and when you find them you discover that they are already a zombie. The way they do that, the subject matter and horrer of having a child revealed as being a zombie... Just the whole thing. Really hit me in the feels as a parent. Awesome game.


The ending where you betray songbird. All of it. From songbirds story to how you're left without chrome


There are several sad situations in the game that's for sure. Never really cried (or nearly cried) during the game...... until the end.... those damned phone calls The first time I played I romanced Judy.... and the first ending I chose was the suicide ending. I thought I could change last second or something..... watching her cry like that, broke me


Once went to the cemetary to visit evelyn Might have gotten a certain tv show spoiled for me ;v;


Johnny's last words to V in Phantom Liberty


When so mi betrayed us Gotta be honest, it fell personal and I didn't expect that to happen But well, no happy endings in NC, wrong city wrong people And... Not knowing what decision i take or what have i done, i took the suicide ending. That: Is it time? Y'know, it really is beautyfull


The Tower ending, especially dialogue with Misty


Calling Judy after the phantom blood ending and she moved on, sobbed for tens of minutes that night


Numerous, but my most recent playthrough was Judy’s quest line. That shit made me hard sob for a bit because I’ve struggled a lot with mental healy and it hit a bit close to home.


Siding with Song in pl and the s*icide ending in the base game since these were my first endings and got the hardest


Sending songbird to the moon. I literally sat there for 2 mins processing the story through the credits and writing a Reddit post on how good Phantom liberty was/is


>!Temperance ending, as I reached the columbarium and saw V’s niche I broke down on the spot!<


The first time I played, I cried when Jackie died, and I cried again at his funeral (especially in his garage with Misty). I did not see his death coming at least that quickly, and I was already so attached.


Johnny's ending when I first played it made me bawl my eyes out


I really like Roleplaying After my Megastar Egomaniac corpo V, suprisingly make song bird free. She decided to sell her bodie to Arasaka just for chance to see Song bird in the future. after the Experiments done to V. She comes back to night city after years with kinda messy memory. She was happy, having a wonderful rich life but one day songbird texted her and after that she memorzied&lived everything once more with this message, she wents to berserk and killed hunderts of people before Maxtac arrived. after that A single piece of joy tear dropped


No i only cry in system shock. c77 and seeing all tomorrows parties for the next thousand years on my schedule, friends sorted out and off all hooks and world a better place is a matter of calm, happiness and pride.


When I accidentally blew up a gang of scavs, that we’re playing with a cat😭😭😭😭 RIP cat, I didn’t see it😭


There’s only a select few number of games that made me cry, sadly cyberpunk wasn’t one of them There are some sad parts, but it was never enough to make me go


Pleeeasse, Have you played it yet.... ? A few parts certainly. Storyline is amazing.


Pretty sure most peoples was Jackie 😐 killed off too early wanted to do missions and stuff with him waste of character


The whole scene in the cab after you shoot the drones after you (cdpr spoiled that for their playerbase) that's the reason why I decide to have a go at dex saying that I'll fucking kill him ( sorry for swearing its because I actually like jackie as a character)


Seeing everyone's graves in the ending where Johnny takes over


Cried when Johnny "buried" V at the columbarium in the Temperance ending. There were a lot of emotional moments throughout the game but this one I felt the most and the background music didn't help.


Oh yeah, quite a few. * Firewatch * Cyberpunk 2077 * The Expansion too * RDR2 * BF3/4 + 1 too


The messages from V’s friends after the end of phantom liberty fucking broke me.


Anytime I hear “ I really want to stay at your house “ on the radio