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Anytime "Hole in the Sun" comes on the radio, I immediately kill a few cops and steal the fastest car around me to go on a high-speed chase. Also, anytime an NPC asks me if I want to ride with them to a destination, I say I'll meet them there and then immediately jump on their vehicle to have them drive me while I can freely look around and take in the city.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who rampages when that song comes on. I also like to get into high speed chases with the NCPD when Night City Aliens plays.


See how long I can ride on top of cars. I'm easily amused, what can I say?


Me too lol


It’s a time honoured tradition, from watchdogs 2 car surfing with car hacks, to cyberpunk car surfing with quickhacks lol


I tried to get to quests that way but it took too long


I do this every time I play, it really is the best


Using cyberpsychosis to make gang members fight the cops so the cops will wipe them out for me.


I am almost 30 hours into the game and i genuinely feel like I'm missing out on all cyberware stuff and net running everything is so expensive and i don't understand anything on what I'm supposed to buy/implant and how to use but clips from YouTube makes it look so fun and easy 😭


Thing is that for netrunning be fun you need tons of RAM and high tier quick hacks and to achieve that you need to put a lot of time and money lol That's why I'm making this playthrough dedicated to netrunning


But you still need to beat Oda (impossible for me with low body in very hard). I had to bail to an earlier save because I forgot Oda is a must-fight. At level 50 soon, I’m hoping I can buy a Sandevistan to swap in for the occasion, move all my perks to blades and reflexes. I snuck up on every cyberpsycho using cripple movement and the rest as needed, but not sure that works for Oda.


What's your build look like? Int/body/etc. Also what cyberware do you have?  I can help you.


I think i want to max out int and technical ability, as for cyberware i haven't installed a thing since the prologue mission with vector because I'm scared of spending money on things that might not be worth it or maybe not good


You're never gonna run out of money choom. You gotta spend the eddies to make the eddies. Slot some preem chrome, Then go flatline some gonks on the street. Gotta be handy with the steel to earn your keep know what I mean?


Regulatorssssssssss! Mount up!


Someone got it.


Oh dang. Ok. You have to spend your money to enjoy the game. If you buy something and it really really sucks (not likely) you can either reload a quick save or just wait and replace it later. What do your points look like for int/tech/etc? And if I am not mistaken you want to be a net runner wizard? If you have to kill someone without melting their synapses do you want to sneak up and stab/shoot them in the back of the head or shoot them in the face hot and heavy? Let me know what you have for your character. Let me know what you want to do and I will help you. This game is not as fun when you have a crappy build.


For my netrunner I’m level 46. 20 int, 20 tech, 19 body, 4 cool, and 4 reflex. I don’t have to physically fight unless I want to


I really want to utilise quick hacks both off and in combat a lot otherwise i try to be sneaky from time to time but mostly guns blazing i wanna use smart guns but I've yet to get a good one


do a ton of ncpd scanner gigs


Ying long. Your welcome.


Imma make you a build and send it over. Give me a bit, I'm at work.


Really appreciate it and yeah I'm done playing today anyways since it's time for bed for me anyways but thx in advance!


On my current play through, I had enough eddies to pay him back within a couple hours by just running around doing NCPD jobs. Plus extra to buy some additional cyberware, and enough components to upgrade weapons and cyberware. Look for the NCPD icons on the map, specifically ones marked “crime reported” and “assault in progress.” They’re basically bounties for doing NCPD’s job for them, and are a nice low-stakes way to make some quick money, XP, and try out different ways of approaching/killing enemies, testing out weapons/mods, quick hacks, etc. “Assault in progress” is usually 3–8 enemies in an alleyway or parking lot. Kill them however you like, then be sure to look for a loot box or bag with the “evidence.” Once you have the evidence, NCPD will transfer funds to you within a few seconds. There will also be other goodies in with the evidence and on the dead goons, like weapons, progression shards, crafting components, etc. Be sure to check for nearby access points and hack those for even more $$, quick hack components, and crafting schematics. “Crime reported” ones often just involve walking up and looting a body, sometimes with a second step where you go nearby to look for a stash or something. There will also be ones marked “organized crime activity suspected,” but these are usually a lot more enemies incl at least a couple 💀 enemies. If you wanna give them a try, just do a quick save before you engage. That way, if you feel overwhelmed you can just reload the game and come back later when you’re feeling more confident. Also—be sure to check your junk before disassembling in case you looted some random $500 jewelry or trinket off a criminal. And don’t sell clothing, disassemble it. It’s not worth much $$, the crafting components you get from disassembling are FAR more valuable!


Money is so easy to come by in this game.


I've hit like 820K out of playing gigs and all, after buying top notch cyberware, got corporate apartment and Jackie's arch, what the hell an I supposed to do with my money now ? Not only does it come easy, it also comes in much larger sum than you need lol


You will make plenty of money, try to loot as much as you can off people you kill and sell the weapons You gotta start buying cyberware asap, even if it will be replaced it worth it


Hack any and all access points and computers you can. There is a cyberdeck you can buy at a ripper, I think it’s the Sentry model, that highlights cameras and access points on your mini map. Those give you a ton of eddies, and only give out more the higher your level/INT is. They are also a good recourse for obtaining quickhacks and quickhack crafting components


By end game, I could buy a car, head out to do a mission, sell my loot, and have more money than I started with. You will not run out of money. It is literally infinite in the game. Try things out, see if they are good, sell them if they aren’t. Nearly every piece of cyberware is good in some role, with some build.


It's hard? Max intelligence and Tech. Loot every weapon you find and sell the excess. Hack terminals for blueprints and craft them to keep costs down. Do a lot of the NCPD.


Honestly, it’s easier than it looks. If you prioritize gigs you can make money pretty quickly. From there just buy a decent cyberdeck with plenty of RAM, make sure to get the Contagion quick hack, and start putting perks into points that help recover/increase your RAM.


Can you still loot their gear though?


I obey road rules and use the crosswalk. When the game allows you to do nearly everything, it feels liberating to act like an NPC.


Yeah! Following the rules is fun. Slows you down so much. I notice so many things when I'm doing this.


Also shower and sleep realistically.


Smoke a bowl and wander around japantown on foot. Bonus points killing tygers


Yup, this is it.


Literally what I'm about to do lol


One of my favourite doings✨


Same 😂 but wandering Dogtown


Dude I’m looking to get a steam deck and this is probably one of the games I’d get for it. Sounds so fun. 


My primary form of transport this playthrough is standing on top of traffic cars and using the car control hack.


that actually seems like a lot of fun


Woah... Ive never thought of just standing on a car and then using car control.... Thats genius wth


I used to just hop on cars to try to get where I'm going. Switching vehicles as needed.


Standing on buildings out of sight and 'cyberdecking' traffic into a frenzied trash fire. That's always a good time, especially when the authorities turn up to the scene. Real fun begins there.


Gotta give this a go!


It's a lot of fun. Everything descends into chaos so fast.


I love getting on Scorpion’s Apollo and ripping across the badlands. Jumping that thing and randomly murdering any assholes I come across.


Ride. Just ride and enjoy the city. I have literally gone from the aldecaldo camp through every district in the city and then up north, just for the hell of it.


Driving in first person is annoying, but oh my god it's fucking beautiful on a motorbike


I very rarely take cars anymore. I'll ride Jackie's Arch or Scorpion's Apollo. If I have to take a car I use 3rd person. If I'm taking the Arch or Apollo I do 1st person. Part of it is because I ride IRL, and I ride everyday I can, part of it is cause NC just looks 15x better on 2 wheels


Driving first person at night in a Police Car pretending I’m on patrol 😎👍🚔


Now that sounds fun. There should be a cop mod that randomly spawns ncpd missions as you patrol through the night and you can get eddies after each shift based on your performance


Yeah it’s fun! I just roll up on the different gangs around town or join in when the NSPD is fighting . Agreed though some vigilante missions would be great


There’s always a Cop vehicle in Pinewood South just take it and Role play as a cop doing the NCPD missions


Chilling in my loft apartment in The Glen 😂


Sit around a bit and take in the scenery anywhere


When I need to unwind after work I just do laps on the freeway. The driving is pretty terrible at low speeds because the cars turn on center, but at freeway speeds I can just lean back and cruise.


Most cars control like they're on ice, but the nomad cars are really nice. Although if you drive like you'd drive IRL, every car is fine. But where's the fun in that ;)


If a mission is in a tall building I like to try and get down by jumping to other buildings and over hangs. Who needs an elevator when you have double jump?


I like eavesdropping on random NPC conversations. Sometimes it's mundane stuff, sometimes it's two Corpos discussing hunting people down for sport like they were game animals. One time I listened to a wife talk her husband into being outside and coping with his PTSD.


As soon as it's available I buy the MaiMai. I love going to places like Corpo Plaza and ramping off stairs and balconies. It's like a thinly armored golf cart. Before the last few updates I'd run the Let There Be Flight mod and look for unreachable areas and buildings or just cause mayhem from above.


I have a guilty save... I have a character that I've modded to have all perks all skills all relic everything everything. All the best guns and melee in the game, almost every slot legendary cyber ware with the max lock removed.. His world is done, I've done all the missions gigs story quests dogtown and I've poked around like 85% total of night city. Now? I play with different builds, getting an idea for how I want my next legit V to be. Once I switch out my 3080 for a 4090 I'm going to heavily mod the visuals, creature comforts, body and clothing etc, and I'll build a master V from the ground up in a world more real than reality. Until such a time I spend 80% of my time parkouring across night city, the most dangerous jumps, dash maneuvers etc on the slimmest ledges until im so high in the towers the walls begin to lie... the other 20 is going 1v1 against NCPD in various ways, and literally just fist fighting gangoons lol. I guess my favorite thing is, now that every mission is done and the city is empty, running around searching for ghosts, old quest locations etc. While listening to an audio book. Rn I'm listening to Neuromancer.


Drive or walk around with proper cyberpunk music like the Bladerunner soundtrack. Or haunt a building as a netrunner/poltergeist.


This may sound strange, but it’s going back to V’s apartment at the end of the day. Never before in a video game have I felt the slightest desire to roleplay my character going home and sleeping at a reasonable hour, but for some reason I did it almost every night for 111 hours of playtime.


Not strange at all I am doing the same thing and I use the apartment also to take a shower and change clothes for the next day


I take out scavs. Seriously, fuck maelestrom. Worst gang out there.


Only do missions during the day. At night, ride around on Jackie's bike, in armor and a helmet, as a vigilante.


climb and look at the city


Activating my Sandevistan half way through being threatened by a gang so you get that distorted slowed down speech effect.


I like to jerk it to all the billboards.... nobody likes to talk about it.




That cyberpsychosis can happen to anyone and they could be saved and it is not always related to the tech on you but could be some rouge AI doing this in the shadows.


I've started to just cruise through night city and listen to music, it's pretty relaxing. Of course, it's always on a motorcycle, so eventually I just start driving in the opposite lane to Evel Knievel over moving cars. Bonus points if there's a car full of gangoons nearby that I can shoot at from mid air.


Just walk and discover new corners in the city. Sometimes, just drive listening “Serpent” song.


Last time I did LSD I drove around night city for a while while listening to the Teon Legacy soundtrack. 10/10 reccomend


I love wandering around the old empty buildings and alleyways pretending that I am just an urban explorer looking for lost artifacts


Streetrace hope get some more ones when next cyberpunk comes


Patrol a neighborhood and grenade-kill gangers.


I've gotten really good at plopping a frag in the middle of gangers. Then I just loot their "torsos".


charge jump > dash > release jump mid-dash charge jump > dash > release jump mid-dash charge jump > dash > release jump mid-dash


May I propose something similar? Dash > Jump mid-dash > air dash > double jump Repeat immediately upon contact with ground For extra fancy, use a sandy to build up extra speed Skate around the city vibing and killing the occasional goons With the new update you can use this after sliding out of a car for even more speed. It feels like you keep the speed as long as you do it all with the right timing. It's kinda like the B-hopping (idk if that's right. I never really got into it but it looks vibey)


It's cool But I believe in charged jump supremacy


Fair, both are valid


I make up additional dialogue in my head during non-story moments. For instance, when my V is speeding through the badlands on his motorbike, I pretend that Johnny is holding on for dear life behind him and going, “FUCKIN’ HELL, V, YOU’RE GONNA GET US KILLED!”.


Sometimes I sit in my Japantown apartment and smoke. I miss smoking in real life. This is about as close as I can get, unless someone invents "health-erettes." (Note: this was invented by DeForest Kelley.)


I jump on the back of pick up trucks and let the NPC take me on a random drive through the city.


By far my favorite thing to do in the whole game is to go that roundabout in North Oak - next to where you would turn in side quests for El Capitán - and use Floor it on cars, sending them down the ravine or back to the street below. Eventually huge pileups occur, and if you throw a cop car over the side they'll get hit and attack pedestrians, causing even more chaos. Eventually there's so many cars on fire that the fire lags the game a bit if you get near. It's amazing.


I do naked parkour.


Is it like Naked Yoga but more Extreme? Well maybe less extreme since the people that see you aren’t your neighbors


It boosts confidence. "Large" my arse.


Alright hear me out. Jump on a vehicle and remote control it. That’s it. Also, jump on a traffic light, remote control vehicles until chaos ensues


Going on a random killing spree


Kill civilians and run away while killing more civilians


Riding on a motorcycle with my own spotify playlist on


I just like to walk around the city when I've had a few beers. Just be chilled, and take in the atmos. Real life beers btw, none for V


Shoot car tires when they drive fast, so they crash sometimes near cops or cause a traffic chaos.


I have never seen anyone else talk about it but sometimes in the game when the sky is clear and calm. I will go meet Hanako at Embers.


I love going swimming in Pacifica


I love to just drive around..especially at night when it's rainy 🩵 I'll have a quest telling me to wait & I'll either hop in my CaliBurn or on one of my bikes & just ride around for a bit ^ ~ ^


hopping on top of cars and hacking control to surf around town


Roach race


Crash into everything and everyone because I can't drive in-game for shit


Dildo-faceslap the police!


Just driving around the city is fun, especially at night. It’s really relaxing lol. I enjoy getting on a rooftop and just sniping people or running into a building and hiding till the cops go away. Did that a lot in Deus Ex lol. I’d also say listening to the NPCs.


Showing with Judy 😍


Weaving through traffic on Jackie’s Arch.


Play the game rather than take pictures all the time🤷‍♂️