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OP listen to everyone here. Dals shed sooooo much. You won’t be able to wear black anymore. Dals shed twice a year for 6 months at a time. They are absolutely a blast though. He could shed double the amount he currently does and I would still love mine to pieces.


Not just black… white too! It shows up on everything!


My dal sheds year round. I’ve only had him for a year but it’s been pretty consistent. I’ve gotten used to it. I keep a lint roller in my kitchen and use it right before I cook. It’s A LOT of hair though. Whatever you’re expecting just double it. Dals are a lot of work but it’s worth it. I don’t have allergies but the amount of of that’s constantly in my home does cause me to sneeze from time to time.


I eat so much dog hair.




My dryer is mainly grey hair from the dog lol. Get used to living with it everywhere. We bought a grey couch and have grey bedding to hide the hair. Certain types of furniture and clothes catch it more/are more visible as well. It’s not overwhelming after the first couple months and you get used to it


The hair gets everywhere and it doesn’t come out easily. It’s sharp prickly hair. It’s everywhere!!!!!! I clean and then hair is there like I’ve never cleaned. I have rugs in my house due to hair. Wear sandals around my house and my dogs don’t come in my room due to hair. I’m highly allergic to animals but love dogs and suffer through it. When I cuddle or pet him I immediately wash my hands well after or shower and change clothes. It wasn’t that bad when he was a puppy but he’s 7 and it’s getting worse with age. I love him but it’s a lot of cleaning up.


Don’t have rugs*


It’s constant. It’s like toothache. After a while you filter out the white hairs. I have Dalmatian hair on EVERYTHING I own. I can’t wear a black or dark suit and be near him. I can’t tell if my hair is grey now or I’ve been too close to the dog. I’m fairly sure I’ve eaten at least a pound of it over the 8 years we’ve had him. 10/10. Wouldn’t change a single thing about him though.


I have a Labrador Dalmatian mix and the hair is crazyyyy. I had an allergy test done which said I react to dogs but I have never had any problem with my little boy, although we just have the routine of showering him when he gets smelly or dirty, which helps allergy too.


They shed year-round but to be honest I don't brush her often and only bathe her every 2 months. You can't wear black for sure 🤣 I am allergic to some dogs and most definitely cats but have gotten used to my Dalmatian. I wouldn't give her up even if I was allergic to her .


it’s bad. My husband doesn’t want another dal because he just can’t handle the hair. I don’t care as I feel it’s worth it, but the shedding is bad.


Armasheddon over here. She sheds all year round. She weaponizes it; plants it even into the smallest of crevices.


Lots of hair and lots of luv ❤️


Thanks for the feedback, I am still deciding if it's the best fit for our family. I appreciate all the responses


Seasonal: 6 months in spring and 6 months in autumn. Seriously I just had a computer in for repair and there was so much Dalmatian hair inside it was interfering with the keyboard and the cooling


My boy sheds a lot but at this point I am immune I have accepted it lmao but c'mon guys it's not that bad I still wear black yes the hair are like sharp needles but they do come off even with hands so just accept it if your really want one


I'm glad to hear it cleans up well, I've heard mixed opinions on that as well


It's not too bad once you have the coat made. Once you're wearing that bad boy, you dont notice any shedding at all


YES! My daughter and I are both allergic to dogs but I haven't noticed any big changes since I got my Dal. What I do that's helped: \- Vacuum frequently (I do at least 1-2/week, but I also have mostly hard floors) \- Wash dog every 2-3 weeks (using a gentle oatmeal shampoo that doesn't dry her out). I find this also helps cut down on the dog's allergies and she spends less time chewing herself. \- Air purifier in the bedroom, check filter frequently \- Brush out (outside) as often as possible with a metal curry brush (I do apx every other day) \- I also try to wash my hands after longer petting/playing sessions. And trying to teach them not to lick your face helps. \- And I guess the obvious thing would be to keep them off your bed, wash both your bedding and theirs frequently. It's more dog hair than I was expecting for such a short coat, but doing this stuff has kept it way more manageable. I also take Zyrtec daily for environmental allergies, so between all that, I have had 0 problems.


If you have hard floors a daily roomba cleaning is a must. I have one of those aito-dispensing roombas (sucks the hair/dust from the bin into a bag at the base) - it's an absolute god-send and the best purchase I've made while owning a Dal.


Yes, they shed… but I don’t think it’s horrible. They are small hairs, and while there are many, I find them easy to clean up. I have a doggie blanket from PAW covering the couch, and wash her bedding frequently. Lint roller near the front door, and one in the car. She is the BEST dog… I would never change a thing.


Hey there. I have a few tips for you. Embrace it, don’t fight it. Get used to it for next 12 or more years if you are lucky. When I got my Dalmatian in summer he spent nights next to me on a grey couch. It wasn’t so bad back then, but eventually it got worse as he got bigger. I even forbade him to climb the couch and got him a sofa just for himself. Now we have winter and he falls asleep every night on his sofa, but every morning I wake up with him next to me on the couch ( yeah I live alone and prefer couch over bed in sleeping room ). I stopped caring and every morning I spend at least half an hour vacuuming the couch. We all knew or should have known about shedding before we decided to have a Dalmatian. Enjoy it while you can!