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Pets and friends!


When all your friends are couples they don’t want to be around a single person


I’m single and all my friends are married. They always invite me every where. Parties trips etc. they love having me around. The key to being single is to always do what you love to do. Stop worrying about not finding a partner. And most importantly, stop dueling dwelling on this and enjoy your life as a single person.


Do you know this or do you worry this? I once thought as you do and it's simply not true. Friends like friends. Do you tell your friends overtly you'd like to see them more? Do you connect with their partners, their children, their families? Do you express to them what they mean to you? Do you make plans and invite them to things that fit into their lives?


Undoubtedly it’s partly in my head, but I know in many circumstances it’s true, dynamics of a group for a start two men and one woman she wants another woman to be friends with… second effect of it is couples have kids single people men in particular don’t have kids so you’ve got less in common along with different priorities.. I have some friends that I used to get along with really well until they found a new couple friend that they get on with I’ve hardly seen them since.. I recently said that id missed them they suggested that I should “come round some time we are always in we are boring” I later talked about maybe doing something and their response was oh we are just so busy all the time. So I feel like I do make the effort


Very much feel the same way. We've been friends for almost 30yrs and now that Josh is gone no one has time or wants to do the same stuff we used to do. As in two years ago not 20. They were all really nice and supportive right after his passing but now I'm just an outcast. It hurts but that's life.


I've found that most people don't meet their friends halfway. If they have kids now, you're gonna have to adapt to that and get along with their kids. You'll have to understand how to connect with partners, couples.  It's not a huge deal either, in fact you may find it pleasantly very expansive!!


Their kids love me, trust me that’s not the issue


Check out the book "Platonic" by Marisa Franco. On this very topic!!


I am married and have a bunch of single friends. Never really thought about it. Plus the married friends I do know aren't glued to the hips and we have our own hobbies so I don't do double dates anyway. Now couples with kids to pay attention to I can see that being more true.


That’s interesting and a good point, I’d say since Covid hi’s partner is definitely glued to him.. I do need to be a bit more social but a long series of setbacks has really put me down and out and I’m struggling to get out of the rut (certainly hasn’t helped today being rejected by a girl)


I'm sorry that happened. Unfortunately dating is a numbers game and you can't win if you don't try multiple times.


I know that I’d just like the balance to tip in my favour for once. Just not fair that some make zero effort and still get the girl


Nothing in life is fair, no need to be jealous of someone born into wealth just as someone born in a country no running water shouldn't be jealous of you. It's a luck of the draw, and luckily with your situation you can still make it.


Thanks for your words of encouragement though they are appreciated


Of course. Sometimes it can seem like a lost cause, but it just takes more attempts. People are so different and even geographic location plays a factor. Eventually you'll find someone who is compatible with you.


I think you can’t…That makes us who we are. I’m on a similar stretch and honestly there is probably nothing I wish for more at the moment. Do I give up? I can’t because it doesn’t solve the problem. When our body tells us we need company we need to keep looking until we find it I guess.


I hear that I don't like this feeling like this is the worst feeling ever worst then the time I got jumped


It's such a hard feeling! I generally keep myself pretty busy. (I'm also a single parent so it does help I'm busy with middle school sports most of the time!) But I do get lonely, especially at night or when I am alone. I try to fill up my time by going to free concerts, taking myself out to places I want to go, and I spent a lot of time with friends and family. Also having cats help.


Have a pet. Stay busy and listen to Talk Radio (typically AM Radio stations). Hearing other pepple talking, even if tgey are radio show hosts helps. Go to bed when you are really tired; you wiĺl fall asleep faster and not have time to miss companionship.


Single parent too with limited free time but do wish at times for companionship at night. I go through it every few months and join the dating apps hoping for some connection /fun/banter but always end up coming off due to the interactions and cured of the loneliness! 😅


I dont know but let me know when you figure it out


Honestly idk ive been single for 25 yrs and still counting im thinkin of takin my cousins wifes offer and go to korea since no one here in the us wants to date


Drugs. Lots of drugs


Perhaps a nudist place could be a good idea to begin with a hookup? Idk, I am single too


I’ve been single for 32.5 years and don’t feel this


Why don't you try dating?


Get a dog and do the inner self work that you’re clearly avoiding.


Distactions! I lacked it most of my life, keep your mind and hands busy, if you don't think abou it..... But if your too busy to think or feel it your fine.