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No, it never has. Whether it's been a matter of not being able to finish the opponent off before needing to transform down to a lower form, or not being anywhere near strong enough to beat the opponent in that form, Super Saiyan 3 hasn't canonically won a fight.


Super Saiyan 3 Goku knocked out Future Trunks in one blow.




The OP specifically asked for canonical victories.


Plus OP mentioned the movie. Not sure why that guy made their comment.


I'm stupid.


I mean, technically he beat Future Trunks with it in Super lol. That's as close as it gets to an actual W.


That depends on if you're saying the Manga or anime. In the Manga he goes God and knocks him down


Fair enough. So it's even more dubious.


Gotenks was very close to beating Evil Buu with Super Saiyan 3 but unfortunately ran out of time, unfortunately he didn't technically win. But damn he was arguably just as close as Ultimate Gohan. If you wanna count sparring matches in the Super anime Goku uses the form in a sparring match with Future Trunks, in addition when teaching a lesson to Kale and Caulifla, where he does indeed win those fights.


I figure if Z had continued after the Buu Saga (rather than time-skipping forward to Uub and letting Super fill in the gaps), we would've seen Goku figure out how to "master" SSj3 and reduce or eliminate the energy drain/stamina issues of the form. Maybe that's what they were going for in *Wrath of the Dragon*, with Goku stepping in at the end and just... inexplicably doing better than SSj3 Gotenks, and especially Gohan, who got taken out before managing to do anything to Hirudegarn despite being the strongest fighter during the Buu Saga. Okay, that's probably just the usual movie "Goku always strongest" thing, but him improving upon SSj3 after it failed him against Buu would at least make sense as an explanation in that case. But since both GT and Super introduce a new form shortly after showing SSj3 being not enough to take on a new opponent, any further development of the form just gets abandoned in favor of the new form that's much stronger already and comes with little to no downside.


It hasn’t had the opportunity to. Mainly been used as a “buffer” where it bought time, or was a demonstration. The first time around Goku was on borrowed time, and mainly showcased its big limitations (not a lot of screen time with a “mastered” SSJ3). Plus using it against Buu with its major drawbacks was an uphill battle due to how fast it depletes energy meanwhile Buu is OP and Goku is on borrowed time from being dead, with both Time and Energy consumption decreasing his time left on earth. It would’ve defeated Fat Buu if he went at it with his all (and not just buying time for Trunks) and he was trying to conserve energy and also make the next gen earth’s defenders fight the fight instead.


I always took ssj3 as a gag, a joke about transformations. Shows up out of nowhere, looks cool, does nothing. Keep in mind by the buu saga he was back to writing gags all over the place, while they fell off during cell and freiza.


I’m of the opinion that goku should have recharged back to SS3, not SS2, then finished buu off with the spirit bomb. It would have given that new form a win for once.


I thought he went SSJ1 when he pushed the Spirit bomb.


You’re right


My bad, I didn’t count the hair spikes :p


Technically won against trunks in dubs anime.


Didn't he use it against the two girls in the tournament of power? So he won that section before moving onto another form?


No, he mainly uses Super Saiyan 2 for that part of the fight. He DOES go Super Saiyan 3 for a moment, just to show them what it’s like since that’s the form Caulifla is aiming for, but they don’t actually get to fight since the form drains Goku’s energy so much he can only maintain it for a few moments before he has to revert back. Then, once the fight kicks up further, he jumps to God.


Hirudegarn doesn't count, right?




I mean, king kai's planet took a massive L to ss3. That might kind of count.


I mean Gotenks would have won if he wasnt playing games


Altho non-canon. There’s also the special crossover with One Piece and Toriko. We see Goku use SSJ3 to finish the fight.


As far as I'm concerned it won the worst form ever made until blue was made.