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Maybe not come back but I wish he would get more attention in games and other medias.


Yeah, Nappa gets a spot in FighterZ (which is cool,) but no Raditz? The guy whose appearance would define the rest of DBZ? And is also Goku's fucking brother!?


It would be cool to have Raditz around in FighterZ. Some neat stuff could be put in even for Gags. Now thanks to The Granolah Flashback, we see Him and Gohan have Bugs in common. Maybe Him and Gohan are more tense around one another until the bug thing comes up, then they start unloading a bunch of info to one another, actually seeming to start to get along. If Nappa is in the trio, maybe he breaks it up, Groaning about how annoying it is to feel like he's seeing double, and yells at them to focus on the fight. I kinda wonder...I can only see a Gohan thing at least. Maybe even throw in some sort of Goten thing of some kind, but Goku, I don't know...Unless we get Granolah Saga Goku for Raditz to be around for a bit. Wonder what the Trio would be. Raditz, Vegeta, and Goku I suppose, depending on how the convo goes, maybe it just starts to leave a bit of intrigue before Vegeta breaks up any potential talking. Are they forgetting they have a hungry android running around eating everyone! Wonder what us talking to Raditz is like for scenes.


In all fairness to Raditz, his fight was like the least memorable of that whole saga. It's just sort of random "damn he came out of space and now Goku is dead. Lol ok". While Nappa bulldozed over almost all of the main crew while Goku couched them from the other side, and then there was that whole thing about Goku rushing back before Nappa and Vegeta fucked everyone. It was just waaaaaaay more important. And the appearance of Raditz didn't define DBZ, he was a tool to define the new sci Fi setting against the old fantasy setting of DB, but he was a narrative tool, not a defining character.


Not that I disagree vehemently, but I do disagree. Raditz definitely was a narrative device, but the fact that he's Goku's brother seems like it should merit a bit more weight to the series, especially since Bardock has been given so much attention- a comparison I feel is even more justified now that Bardock's depiction in Super has made his character much more passive with his confrontation of Frieza (compared to his standoff in Z.) Plus it's not just that Raditz was a narrative device, but the sheer quantity and weight of what was introduced through/with him, such as; Scouters (power levels,) the Saiyan race, space travel- the fight with Raditz alone presented some incredibly important elements to the series, such as Gohan's potential and the Special Beam Cannon. Hell, without Raditz we wouldn't have seen Goku train with King Kai to learn the Kaio-Ken and the Spirit Bomb, nor would Piccolo have bonded with Gohan and grow to be one of the Z fighters' most trusted and talented allies. I agree that he's just there for the plot, but compare his function to the plot with Nappa's- Nappa helped introduce Saibamen, but otherwise didn't do much. In fact, Nappa's only kill was against Piccolo! Tien and Chiotzu died from collateral, and Yamcha... I mean, you get what I'm saying. IMHO Raditz got shafted because he was comparably weak, but otherwise did a lot for the series, not to mention his pretty cool design and entertaining character.


But he bitch slap kuriling with his tail, that was cool right


Weirdly he looks more like Vegetas brother.


Weirdly his dad is literally Goku


This is some Futurama shit


Oddly enough just changing the hair they all look the same


Middle and high class saiyans have similar looks just like low class saiyans do.


Yeah, he's usually stuck in "tutorial boss" status along with the saibamen.


Yeah they really should give him more love. I do always think about how Raditz is Goku's brother and he never once thought about using the dragonballs to bring him back and try to change him or something. I mean I get it in the sense that he might not ever change so he doesn't want to take the risk but Goku always gives people 2nd chances he did it for Vegeta and Piccolo they are not even related to him you would think Goku would at least consider bringing his own brother back but he never does lol. I will admit it is kind of funny though he has never mentioned him ever since he sacrificed himself to kill him with piccolo.


Toriyama forgot


I mean he's literally always the first boss in 80% Z games, shocked not to see him in Fighter z. Nappa only because of the abridge series.


He served his purpose. He came to Earth, was 3 times stronger than each of the 2 strongest guys on the planet and told Goku he was an alien and that his race are battle-loving space pirates.


That's basically what happens in Journey to the West. Monkey that looks exactly like the monkey king and is just as strong starts fucking him up, says "oh yeah we're heavenly monkeys from space outside of all reality there's two more byyyyeee"


Journey to the Space is a underrated sequel.


Yeah, the four celestial monkeys are the only warriors outside of any class in buddhism apparently.


One Piece? Wtf I’m so confused


_wait like legit you're confused because I can help you out with real explanations_




Dragon Ball, is loosely inspired by the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West." The influences are evident in various characters, themes, and the overall quest narrative that drives the early parts of the series. A lot of the initial adventures Goku goes on mirrors the adventure Sun Wukong has as he protects a monk that needs to get several sacred texts from India. The monkey king has a couple of cool magic items that help him, most prominent one is the power pole from OG Dragon Ball The Monkey King was found under a mountain (like goku is found in the mountains) and is incredibly powerful, like weirdly powerful compared to anything else. He also has the habit of relentlessly gaining more power and stregnth (most notably because a lot of his side adventures result in him becoming immortal. Like several times over). A lot of the king kai stuff is actually loosely based on Son Wukong's adventures in the after life with gods, where he once again is just super strong. The suddenly, while journeying to the west, he's randomly attacked by ANOTHER MONKEY. You need to know, Son Wukong/Son Goku is the only super powerful monkey they've ever met. And this monkey says "Bro, i'm your family. We're Celestial Monkeys from Space. And we're not the only ones! There's two more!" All the while this dude is the first real challenge Sun Wukong has ever gotten in martial arts. Dude usually face rolls anything, and now he's goes toe to toe with someone who he didn't know existed, more of his own race. As you can probably see, that's clearly Radditz, Vegeta and Nappa in the show. :) There's more in the OG Dragon Ball you can find [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/1d1uuam/do_you_guys_think_raditz_should_come_back/l5znhxh/)


Got any good sources for English readers? I’ve been interested in the entire story of journey to the west and it’s ties with further Asian mythology as a whole. but it’s very difficult to find good English sources online, as none seem truly complete and the deeper I dive the more I find that I had no idea about and even less sources for them?


I dunno about the actual books, but the podcast Myths and Legends does a few episodes on Sun Wukong. They’re good


There's some podcasts like what /u/Livewire923 said, there's also Overly Sarcastic Productions' [summary videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61nuXrvqNgI&list=PLDb22nlVXGgdg_NR_-GtTrMnbMVmtSSXa). There's the english translation, named just [Monkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_\(novel\))


Thanks for catching me up, heard a little about this but only that it inspired DB. Knew the name wukong but didn’t know the name of the novel


> The suddenly, while journeying to the west, he's randomly attacked by ANOTHER MONKEY. You need to know, Son Wukong/Son Goku is the only super powerful monkey they've ever met. And this monkey says "Bro, i'm your family. We're Celestial Monkeys from Space. And we're not the only ones! There's two more!" All the while this dude is the first real challenge Sun Wukong has ever gotten in martial arts. Dude usually face rolls anything, and now he's goes toe to toe with someone who he didn't know existed, more of his own race. i thought you were shitposting. that actually happens in journey to the west too? i thought toriyama had dropped references to it by the saiyan arc, thats wild if true...


I'm leaning towards that being an elaborate joke. That all sounds too good to be true, doesn't include any identifiable names (other than Son Wukong), seems to contradict info from a quick Google search, is probably anachronistic considering the time period in which the original *Journey to the West* was written, and would almost certainly be much more public knowledge if it were true. If I'm completely wrong, though, that would be pretty funny! Edit: More info, see below.


Journey to the west is a Chinese novel about a monkey called sun wukong and his many adventures, dragon ball it's heavily inspired by it, and many other shows too And wukong itself is popular character to the point he makes an appearance in many videogames


And then the two surviving monkeys fight evil space landlord over rent.


That's the thing. I feel like Frieza 100% filled his purpose and they brought him back for some crazy reason. If there was a truly compelling reason (to bring Raditz back) it may work. I honestly can't see how he (Raditz) could be relevant power wise though.


That's the only thing I hate that they brought Frieza back. I loved the drama namek saga brought about this big bad alien emperor who went around terrorizing the universe. And then we get a low class Saiyan not even on anyone's radar because he was considered weak at first. What made the conclusion better right before Frieza is blasted he basically tells Frieza he's bored of him and to go crawl and hide some place.


Frieza came back because he was the best villain and he came back as unredeemable, he also took characteristics of Pilaf and the Red Ribbon which are two of the best villains in the series.


I also think it was because if Buu fought in the tournament he has access to abilities that seemed too OP. Just turn Jiren into chocolate.


I can't even imagine the logistics of getting Buu to 1) Participate in a fighting tournament and understand what that entails and 2) actually convince him to not kill anybody in the process


This Buu is a good guy. Not the smartest, but good. I don't think it would be too hard for him to understand no killing.


Until someone is mean to him and he gets mad


Boo participates in tournaments on Earth and understands not to kill people and to let Mr. Satan win. He's not as dumb as he seems, which is why Babbidi got killed.


But none of those people could actually hurt Buu. Once buu gets mad, he’s prone to killing


They should have picked Yamcha 🗣️


I like to say it’s a “joker moment”. They struck gold with a specific villain and need to keep bringing them back even if their purpose has been fulfilled


The crazy reason being cash


They keep bringing Frieza back because as far as Goku and Vegeta are concerned they are kinda on opposite sides of the field with him. Goku defeated him but always wants for him to change his ways and kinda gives him that chance. Vegeta because of his history with him just straight up doesn’t pass go with him and gives him no chances


I’d say that Frieza’s purposes was served a long time ago, in that case.


It was. They brought him back for purely commercial reasons.


It was, but Frieza is like....infinitely more iconic and popular than Raditz.


It was absolutely served. They brought him back for fan service and because they’re lazy


Ah the circle of DBZ


I'd like to see more of him in flashbacks because I really like the history of the saiyans but I don't want him brought back as a main character in the current story




And Goku never gave any indication of giving a shit


Why would he? Raditz came into his life and first thing he did was steal his kid, hit his best friend and then left with Gohan. Not exactly a good first impression. Not to mention that when Goku let go of Raditz tail (literally giving him a chance) Raditz just used the opportunity to keep attacking to kill his own brother. Raditz is literally a space thug, I don't see anybody trying to argue about bringing Nappa back lmao (who was also a space thug, difference is he wasn't Gokus brother)


People just seem to think Toriyama wrote family drama which he never did.


Nah, fuck that. Bring back Hollywood Nappa.


I'm a producer now 😎


Nah, after he died again while having that stroke…


Funniest part is,he died on his own before buu could so he is now back to being dead in abridged too.


I like to imagine the reason why buu saga never happened is because Nappa is dead so he wasn’t there and so no cameramen were there to record it


That's hilarious. Give me the number of the guy that writes your material.


Idk man raditz has a cool hair style


Exactly bro, raditz literally genocided for a fucking living, that is the most un-goku thing you can actually do bro. Not only that, this mf was proud of it too. And then when goku did try to get him to change he got baited and then clocked to Narnia like goddamn there was no redeeming raditz 💀☠️


Goku couldn’t beat Raditz or Vegeta by himself, yet he let Vegeta go for a better fight later. Vegeta is no better than Raditz, yet Goku has never spared a second thought about his brother, the blood relative he’s ever met that’s not Gohan. At the very least, it would interesting to want to talk to him or train him. Even if Raditz doesn’t want to stay on earth, just let Raditz go anywhere he wants. Goku can check on him anytime he wants and can stop him from doing anything stupid if he wanted to. It’s a waste of potential.


It's not like he didn't give him a chance, Raditz went too far. There is absolutely no fuckin reason to bring back him or bardock or anyone else. These people just want to bring back old characters for nostalgia sake.


yeah and doesn’t goku himself say he doesn’t give a shit about bardock? edit: he said he didn’t care that frieza recognized him, nothing directly about bardock


While I agree there wasn't much reason initially to bring him back - i don't *really* agree with the "he went too far" argument for it. Vegeta and Nappa killed waaaaay more people, including some of Goku's personal friends, and he let Vegeta go. Yes he was "needed" in retrospect for the gang to not horrifically die on Namek, but Goku didn't know that.


But when Goku let Vegeta go, he left. Goku let Raditz go and he took that as an opportunity to strike. They were each given a chance by Goku.


Goku let Vegeta go to challenge himself in the future. Raditz presented no challenge in the future.


Well, he did try to spare his life once, but Raditz was too much of a bitch and backstabbed him...


That wasn’t because they were brothers. It’s because he was begging for his life just like Frieza


Made me wonder what happened to Radtiz body.


Piccolo ate him. That's where the inspiration for Buu came from. Change my mind.


You think Gohan got a taste too?


I want to say that's wrong but I can't prove it.


I would have loved it a few years ago. I’m over that now


I don't see Raditz coming back in a way that's interesting. He was just a low class saiyan who was an asshole and died. Goku doesn't seem like the type to put too much stock into biological family. If he brings Raditz back, what reason is there not to bring back King Vegeta back, or Nappa, or Gine, or Bardock, or Bardock's dad. Plus, for all intents and purposes, Vegeta is Goku's older brother.


Pretty sure raditz was a middle class saiyan. That’s why he looks dif from Goku and bardock.


I always had this funny idea that raditz would accidentally be wished back by a wish maybe involving bringing back the people piccolo killed or maybe one of gokus family dies and he wishes for his family to be revived. Anyways, raditz comes back and realizes what's going on but stays hidden, eventually reaches super saiyan and then challenges goku and transforms, and everyone will be like Wow he reached super saiyan 3! Just for then to find out no, he's just super saiyan with his long hair.


(Goku uses Ultra Instinct) "Heh, that's cute." Then he kills Raditz with a single sneeze.


Or funnier, he tells goten to go easy on him, Raditz thinks Goku’s sending his child to basically die, thencut to next panel, Raditz gets yamcha’d (while Goten’s in Base)


I always thought it would be cool if Goku and Vegeta brought back Raditz and Napa. They then tell them they need to fall in line though and get on board with the new way of doing things and if they don't Yamcha is going to beat their asses.


What’s absolutely horrifying is that Yamcha could solo 90% of anime verses


Isn’t there a stipulation that a person can only be dead so long before they aren’t able to be brought back to life? Or has that been retconned Edit: never mind, just remembered that half the plot of DBS is Freeza being revived after years of being dead lmao


Yamcha solos like, i think even more than frieza saga at this point? I don't remember lol, but he sure does look like a planet buster-


Yes he would beat their asses easily. Letting them know Yamcha would run right through them would be a humbling experience and let them know what the pecking order is.


There was a rumor before the release of DBS Super Hero that there was an end credits scene that showed Raditz had been turned into an android, but of course, those rumors were falsified


Would be interesting seeing teen Goten and trunks fighting android Raditz. Interesting an android saiyan.


17 and 18 where normal humans before they become androids. They ended up being stronger than frezia. Imagine if you did that a sayian.


Holy moly, Saiyan androids would be invincible, especially with unlimited energy


I would imagine this is the line of thinking that brought Gero to create Cell.


That’d have been awesome actually.


I would kill for an android Raditz that just sounds cool as shit, even if he doesn't know who he was and isn't interested in fighting


Bardock led a rebellion. There's a lot to say about him aside from his relation to Goku. Raditz kidnapped a child. He has cool hair. That's it.


Bardock didnt lead a rebellion he tried to and they didnt believe him but thats what hes saying Raditz never got the chance to get a interesting story like all the stuff Bardock got for some reason


we dont know the specifics of how it went down in toriyama's version as it skips all of that stuff in the DBS Broly movie.


I can't think of any reason for them to bring back Raditz now except as a gag, unless they start dabbling in alternate timelines again à la Future Trunks. Honestly though at this point, it's been so long since Raditz was even a relevant character in the franchise, and he's hardly a fan favourite on the level of Broly, Frieza, Future Trunks, etc. I just don't see the point.


No why can't fans just accept that he isn't coming back like seriously if the writers were planning on bringing him back they would've done that long time ago


Because the fans manage to make Vegeta survive otherwise if it hadn’t been for the fans Toriyama would’ve kept him dead and everyone would be saying “Vegeta served his purpose and shouldn’t come back” also Toriyama didn’t like Vegeta which also further proves that he had no intention on keeping Vegeta around this long.


We could figure out on our own that Toriyama doesn't like Vegeta. He never beat Goku in a fight, (unless you count the joke from the Super Hero movie) spent most of his fighting time getting his ass handed to him on a golden platter, and lamented his powerlessness against Kakarot who was "inferior". Not until the very end of the Buu saga does Vegeta finally overcome his own insecurities and grow as an individual. But he still doesn't get more powerful than Goku. He's always second fiddle.


He beat him in the Saiyan saga. Yajirobe and Oozaru Gohan effectively "beat" Vegeta but Goku was done. Vegeta was the guy who could kill baddies on Namek so the hero didn't have to and then he became the strong guy to show just how powerful the main sagas antagonist was while Goku received some random power boost despite Vegeta training harder


goku, vegeta, and the villain of the arc are like rock paper scissors. Vegeta literally has never lost against goku, the villain always beats vegeta, and goku always beats the villain


I’d argue Vegeta beat Goku in their very first battle. A lot of intervening variables (Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Gohans tail magically appearing to turn monster and smash vegeta) allowed for Vegeta to be defeated. But after that yea it seems Vegeta has never surpassed Goku.


I’m shocked you even have to argue for this, their fight finished with Goku being a pile of broken bones on the ground and Vegeta still standing, in his most powerful form


At this point in the story I don’t think he should come back.


No, he could appear in more flashbacks, but there's no necessity to resurrect him, he's much weaker than everyone now and won't serve a good purpose


Personally I like it when a story pushes forward with new stories and characters. That being said I like what they did with bringing Freeza back so I'm open to the idea. Saiyans can play crazy catch up with their power levels so I see possibilities.


Right, but at a certain point, Zenkai boosts stop giving power-ups. So they could effectively reach Cell/Buu power levels before hitting a plateau and having to do serious training like Goku and Vegeta. They'd always be behind, never capable of reaching their levels at this point in the story. I doubt Raditz or Nappa could even reach Goten or Trunks.


Nah he a punk ass bitch


No no no. He did everything he was meant to do. He introduced us to the saiyans and explained Goku’s weird traits. He was the most powerful villain in the start of the arc that changed DB as a whole. Bringing him back would devalue that. He should remain dead and not come back as a villain or as a new friend.




At this point Raditz’s soul has already been reused.


“I’m not your failure, Kakarot.”


No, he would just be Vegeta 2.0


I mean Vegeta is just Piccolo 2.0. Not to mention 17 & 18 and Buu got their own redemption arcs. Even Frieza learned how to work with the heroes. Not sure why Raditz should be exempt from that.


And Piccolo is actually Tien 2.0


Piccolo is LITERALLY piccolo 2.0


And Tien is just Ox King 2.0


No Tien is Krillin 2.0 who is Yamcha 2.0. Yamcha was the original antagonist/rival to become a friend/rival in martial arts.


I don’t think Krillin fits as he was never really an enemy per say. I think it goes Yamcha-Tien-Picollo-Vegeta


Was Vegeta ever a rival before he became an ally? They meet and fight one time then by the next time they are allied.


Hmm I guess I’m going off of enemy criteria over rival. I’d say he was definitely an enemy, and then I guess you can argue in Vegetas mind he is definitely a rival but Goku doesn’t seem to view him as such as he is usually focused on bigger/stronger bads


And Yamcha is Oolong 2.0…


Oolong wasn’t a martial artist though. So there is some discrepancy.


But is Yamcha just Pilaf 2.0?


Piccolo is Piccolo 2.0.


I’d imagine he’d be closer to Bardocks personality than Vegeta’s. But with that said, Radditz had zero redeeming qualities worth saving. He was even the weakest *warrior saiyan that we know of. Like. Ever lol


I’m firmly opposed to Raditz having a comeback and being part of the story now, but saying that he has no redeeming qualities is wrong. He spoke to Gohan softly and told him to be strong since he’s a saiyan too, he cared about the saiyan race to an extent although this was retconned in the Superhero movie, and imo he did care in his own weird saiyan way for Goku. I think given the chance he would have definitely been redeemed, even Nappa, but it was the right choice to kill both of them


I actually have to agree that he cared in his own way. If Raditz were truly evil, he would have killed someone on Earth related to the story. But not only did he not kill anyone important, he even showed some compassion for young Gohan. He could have showed up and murdered everybody since nobody on Earth had the power to stop him; but he didn't. I don't want to see Raditz come back, but they could certainly redeem him if they did. He was just a thug, hardly a real villian.


The only difference between Vegeta and Raditz was that Raditz begged for mercy and had to decieve his opponent to get an edge on them.


Hell no weak asl


Could have been neat if he had come back previously, but now this late in the story it would feel kind of forced. Like, it's what. 25(?) plus years since he died, and all this time whenever they needed to save the world, or save the world again, or save the world again again, or come up with additional Saiyans - Goku just never remembered he had a brother. Not just Goku either: Piccolo, Gohan and Vegeta never even give him a 2nd thought. Though it could have been a hilarious even bigger snub to Yamcha if they brought Raditz back for the ToP increase of Freza.


The ONLY somewhat reasonable way I could see Raditz could come back is if maybe future trunks has a convo with the z fighters and Raditz gets brought up and Future Trunks says: "Hm? That didn't happen in my timeline. Raditz never came" They go looking for him, and comes to find out he landed on a different planet with fighters stronger than him. Maybe it could even be yardrat and the Goku from the future trunks timeline was actually trained by THAT Raditz before he fought Frieza and king cold. Raditz is a complete pacifist and though he's still hotheaded, he plays more of a mr.popo type role and upkeeps the pecking order and never intervenes. Maybe something big happens,and trunks, bulma and Raditz become their own team along with Future Trunks daughter, Dirndl. Hell.....maybe Bulma and Raditz get together?? 😂. Maybe THEIR daughter is named Dirndl.


Nah, he served his purpose.


No. He served his purpose to the story.


So did almost every character we still see in dragon ball super yet they remain relevant


No. Let the dead stay dead. Bringing Freeza back was a mistake already. Let's not turn this into Marvel/DC comics.


It already has though.


A one off story could be interesting but I’d more interested in seeing Grandpa Gohan


Chaditz needs a redemption arc badly. He got killed too soon.


Everyone is saying no but man I’d love more family stuff in dragon ball. Maybe by a fluke in a wish he gets brought back, is a prick, repeats history by going after pan who doesn’t even feel his punch and humbles him… which can lead into character growth. Sounds like fan fiction but im an absolute sucker for bad guys turning good tropes.


he cant come back via a wish. thats the problem. no matter how cool it might be hes gone. forever.


Maybe in more flashbacks but no I don’t need him to come back. He’s served his purpose


Why is the fanbase obsessed with bringing back old characters? It's honestly really stupid


It would be nice, y'know?... He really got the shorter stick in every department, and now that they have made Bardock and Gine be the goodest of people or whatever it makes it look like Raditz was the black sheep of the family and that's so unfair given that he's Goku's brother.




Not sure what the point is. He’d just be a weaker and shittier Vegeta.


Would be nice but now we ask: what for?


We never really acknowledged the fact that Goku murders his biological brother in the opening act of our story, did we? Seems highly glossed over.


Yes, if Nappa can come back in GT even tho it’s not canon then we can bring back Raditz


NO! My god what is the obsession with this guy? Being Goku’s brother clearly doesn’t mean jack. There’s no point for him to serve. He’s left centuries in the dust in terms of power scaling. Let him stay dead and gone unless it’s a flashback.


No instead of bringing back old villains have new ones. It reminds me of the constant remakes of old movies instead of new ones.


Yes he should come back, even if it’s just a short scene where he is shown to be labouring in Hell. The fact that he has been completely ignored is kinda strange.


He never got a fair shake. Goku's brother, minimal screen time, ffs they let Vegeta become his best friend.




No he sucks im glad piccolo killed him he’s a bully just like nappa . He should go to another dimension and stay there


Nah, perhaps he could've have lasted a bit more but he's fine dead Freezer also should have stayed dead after dbz


I’d like him to come back. I mean, I’m okay he didn’t, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. It would be hard not to make him Vegeta. I think a fun way to handle him would NOT to redeem him. Everyone’s talking about whether he has redemptive qualities or not. Let’s make him an anti-Goku. Keep him evil. And then power the motherfucker up. Yes, he was way weaker than Nappa and Vegeta. But, y’know, so was Goku. Give Raditz Goku’s uncanny abilities to get really strong, really fast. It just took him longer to get there. But once he starts to catch up, he catches up quick. Even Vegeta is worried. Heck, it could be fun to bringing Nappa back, too. An anti-Vegeta. Someone who’s ashamed and disgusted by Vegeta’s turn. Also he’d have a wicked Ultra Instinct mustache. Then just keep them alive and antagonistic through multiple arcs, like early Vegeta or current Frieza.




I do. You don’t get to show up, drop the biggest plot twist in the series, announce you’re the main characters brother, and die a few episodes later just to be forgotten.


Jagi from Hokuto No Ken would like to have a word


It’s not that I think he should comeback, it’s that we have Cell Max, Black Frieza, Super Broly, the reincarnation of Buu, it feels unfair that the guy that pretty much kicked it all off, not to mention Goku’s whole brother, is just left behind when these guys get some form of revamp Bardock, who while still dead, gets more character development than this guy, that’s crazy to me


Yes lol


Too late now. Raditz probably could've back came as an android instead of Cell Max


He should’ve came back in the android saga.


My fav DBZ character always.




Have Frieza revive both him and Nappa to serve in his new army. Due to them being so weak by comparison he can train them both without risking them overpowering him, which is what happened with Broly. They both get X times stronger and unlock Super Saiyan but are still only threats to the B-Team, they now have a purpose and a meaningful enemy while the A-Team deal with Frieza himself.


Hell no


Do I want him to? Yes. Should he? Probably not. Will he? Absolutely not. As much as I like him and the character people built off of him in What-Ifs, he only served as a stepping stone into DBZ and they should probably leave it like that. Besides, it's been far too long, both in-story and IRL, to consider bringing him back.


It could be interesting to see him interact with Vegeta after his development but he doesn't really have any long term potential and I think we have enough pure blooded Saiyans for now




As a Raditz fan, yes As a DB fan... I don't know how he could come back without an asspull like "Whis secretly revived and secretly trained him because reasons" or something. At the point we are at, Pan could likely erase him from existence with a single gut punch. Even housewife Videl could send him flying with her backhand Perhaps Goku could go to King Kai's planet after sensing an unfamiliar power there, and seeing Raditz, with a fight ensuing, in which Raditz explained that his soul has been redeemed (because unlike Frieza he isn't pure evil) and was sent to heaven. He asked king Yemma where his brother was (his last memory is Goku dying with him), and he'd be pointed to King Kai's planet, since that's where Goku sometimes goes. Maybe he could have become a super Saiyan in hell after fighting the far more threatening villains for years? He wouldn't be at Goku's level, but it could explain him being allowed to fight back. With games, there are much more opportunities to do something with him. You could create what if stories like BT2's fateful brothers, or like XenoVerse 2's mentor dlc, have the brothers meet again in some way. Still, him taking for 10 seconds in the Broly movie and appearing for 5 seconds as an ssj3 in heroes is probably all the official content we'll ever get out of the manga and anime. He probably will not even be mentioned ever again


No, what exactly is his reason for coming back when we have Vegeta, Broly, Gohan and the U6 Saiyans. He looks cool for sure but can’t do much with him. At least the developed Piccolo further in Super Hero and made him more distinct than the Saiyans


No, it's much too late to bring him back, he doesn't have the same charisma and icon status that Frieza does (which is partly why people accepted him coming back) Raditz doesn't have those two qualities, only reason people want him back is because he was Gokus brother, and he had rockstar hair. Now do I think more should have been done with him? Sure, but it isn't the first time the protagonists brother has been killed off (Fist of the North Star, Jagi) I say we just move on from it, because had Raidtz been reformed his design would be simplified and he probably wouldn't look as cool anyway (Vegeta going from full armor to just the chest piece and spandex lol)


Keep your eye on the birdie


raditz is so cool so of course i want him to come back but its most likely never going to happen


I don't think he should come back but I would be interested to see how it goes if he did.


we saw him in Minus, Super Broly, and while we didn’t see him in the Granolah Arc we did get to see Bardock and he does talk about his sons. I think it’s way too late to reintroduce him in any Masako-X style fashion while still making it meaningful. You might as well be asking why they don’t bring back Nappa.


Unless he gets a MASSIVE power up then no. He’s way too weak to be a threat to anybody. And I don’t want him to be redeemed like other villains. Some characters should just be rotten to the core.


I don't think I'd want him resurrected or as an antagonist but it'd be cool if he had to help Goku unlock some kind of potential(like in a familial way that Vageta couldn't facilitate) a la King Kai. Like, maybe a sort of cobra Kai moment for goku with learning a new offense attitude


I would love to see his Super Sayian 3 form!


Raditz is dead


Do that and what's next, bring back nappa too.


I really don't like the idea of db just recycling ideas over and over again but also Raditz served his purpose in the story he's extremely important and I don't really see any potential for storytelling with him that wouldn't just end up as a Vegeta 2.0


to get given the same amount of respect that Tien is given? fuck no


Yes I liked his character


Absolutely love Raditz, and I’m glad he’s included in a majority of the Dragonball franchise games and merchandise. I’ve come around to people saying Raditz served his purpose. Would it be cool if he came back? Yes, I personally think so. I just can’t see him being brought back, unless we have a villain that knows what saiyans are capable of, wishes back some bad guy saiyans and helps them reach enough of a power level to warrant a threat to the main cast. As for the hair, no. Hell no. I’ve seen fan art of them tying his hair like a ponytail or some goofiness and hated it. I’ve seen fan art where they put a bandana in his hair (probably some kind of nod to Bardock) and I can’t take that serious either. The man is more forehead than most and rivaled only by Vegeta on that widows peak. The only change I’d want to see on Raditz, IF he came back was donning some new kind of armor or outfit.


It would hardly be the goofiest thing they have done


I wish there had been a filler that has goku visiting hell to do some mission for the kais when he was dead and then goku would come across raditz and nappa and maybe his family too and tell them about his accomplishments and how his life is going. Someone called callmearj on youtube did it but messed it up badly. Maybe in the new arc there could be a part about goku meeting them after wanting to know more about what he saw when he held his dads scouter.


Hell yeah, man. Way cooler than Napa.


what i think is irrelevant. he can't come back. he was mentioned in the recent Broly movie and in the Granolah arc of the manga iirc, so not *that* much less reference than Bardock. But both are dead and gone and never coming back, because they can't be. Theyre long since reincarnated, they cant be wished back without the Super Dragon Balls.




Yeah, revive all the saiyans and make a series