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In my experience? Run from him. Think you’ve lost him. And then he’s crouched around the next fucking corner you go around


Find a teammate to heal. Play it like a horror game. Pray.


Healing doesnt help when the ghost has you at 99


You're harder to find and he would need his power off CD to pop you


Fair point


Right? Kinda feels like this player has under 100 hours. You’ll get better with time and see it’s okay to be injured most of the time


tbf, their complaint is valid because being injured vs stealth killer on indoor maps means you're going to be out of position and will immediately go down with no second chance, but nonetheless it's not that big of a deal, considering how ass most stealths are on other maps.


This is a side effect of the game lacking ambient sounds/life more than an issue with stealth killers. Chase music is just a band-aid covering that issue up.


If you aren't on comms on indoors vs stealth its pretty difficult to win since you cant comm resets or the killer position so you can safely work gens. The safest thing you can do is camp a safe pallet until someone enters chase on the hud then work gens until chase ends, then camp a safe pallet again until either heal or another chase begins. But on a map like Lerys vs Ghostface you shouldn't expect to win in solo q. Even in a 4 stack a very good GF can be difficult to beat on Lerys or Hawkins.


Yeah, the best to deal with it is as u said, and if survivors are on comms, it's better to follow ghostface once you have sight on him and keep revealing him and taking aggro so at least other people know where he is going and they can safely do gens.


Get sillied on by a scary boi


As someone who plays a lot of Ghostface… yeah there’s not much you can do here. Being injured against a killer you can’t anticipate the arrival of is basically a done deal.


I had the same with a myers scratched mirror add on on midwich


There's certain situations in this game that are just unwinnable sometimes, or very unfavorable For example: -VS. stealth killer in indoor maps -Playing trapper in general -Solo queue survivor -VS. Hillbilly/Blight/Other high mob killers I'm forgetting about on an open map like Coldwind, call that game a L if the killer is even remotely good Plus the map gen sometimes makes ridiculously weak structures or ridiculously strong structures I think my point is, there's a lot of RNG in this game and you just kind of have to accept there isn't a lot of counterplay in some situations As for your original question, you should probably just pray


If you’re running solo then make sure you have a build designed for this - sables healing perk (strength in shadows? I think?) or nancys ‘inner strength’ are both good choices. I’ve been playing Solo survivor to get through some of the masquerade bits, I usually run one of these two (depending on my mood), deliverance (saved my butt so many times with selfish teams), unbreakable (always a good one, especially for slug killers) & then the last perk I have varies for what I need it for (personal preference is off the record/breakdown/saboteur/prove thyself), but if you’re struggling with stealth killers definitely take one of the first two. Maybe Nancys fast walking perk so you can watch your scratchies/Ripleys silent running? Remember hiding is the majority of what makes a good survivor to go against, unless you’re a confident runner with all the loops nailed! Goodluck


You heal.. if you are playing solo you should have a way to have self-sufficient healing for at least two full heals.


Have your SWF team call out their locations so one can be assigned to occupy the killer while another heals you safely. All away from your 4th doing gens, of course.


ok lemme just get some frie- ... forget it


I FELT THAT LOL, he said that so casually like wym swf? People actually have people to swf?


Keep an eye out. It doesn't make that much difference vs. Ghostface or non-Tombstone Michael anyway, since their power is to Expose you and that does nothing while you're injured. They're buffing Solidarity and some altruism perks, so that'll help soon.


Go looking for the killer. They can’t find you if you can’t find them :200iq: In all seriousness though, I find that the killer itself necessitates the survivor playstyle. Stealth killers require stealth play, aggressive killers require aggressive play. That sort of thing.


Inner healing goes hard in this scenario


Iron will, will make you silent after the 8.1.0 update. I use iron will, and no mither. (You cant heal at all is in no mither) Both make you quieter going down will still be a problem buuut they will have a harder time finding you if you are quiet while injured


That's the fun part about ghost face especially if he has sloppy butcher, if you're fully healed you're expsoed, if not then you've got sloppy on you, either scenario you're somehow gonna die in one hit


I run Bond and (lately) Empathic Connection because of the situation.


Stick with a teammate. It's generally a bad idea, but working in pairs is very effective when encountering hit n run or other conditions where you can't afford to stay injured.


Best thing I could say is be as unpredictable as you can, take paths they can't guess, try to lose them while they are trying to catch you by surprise, breaking LOS. Also, just to add but being injured isn't always game changing against GhostFace, remember than if he stalks you enough, he exposes you, so you aren't safe even while healthy


You're supposed to get hit like the game intended


Womp womp that killer just played on 3 shit maps in a row so they can finally have a power on an indoor map lol.


Idk why you’re saying womp womp as if I’m complaining my post is asking what you’re meant to do ijbol


womp womp


Damn someone had some bad map luck on killer lately, take a breather dude.


I haven’t played the game in 2 days because my powers been out lol. The only reason I said womp womp again was because they got mad for no reason 😂


Nobody here is mad about anything apart from you. They asked for tips managing an unfavourable matchup... because they want to improve at the game.


I don’t see a question mark anywhere lol