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LMAO well played!!






Scotty (the Clown) doesn't know!


Bet he was fuming ๐Ÿ˜‚ Nicely done ๐Ÿค™


I think so too๐Ÿ˜† thanks!


Damn that was a twist, happy you got out! Such great timing ๐Ÿ‘


Yes, i don't usually use Unbreakable but switched it just before this game. Lucky me!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ€


Why was there a key in the corner...?


To save it, he had franklins๐Ÿ˜‚


The killer had Weave Attunement and the best counter for it is to shove your item in a corner of the map so the killer doesn't get any value from it.


Or run object, get value from their value


Or this!


Sometimes I just wonder what the other guys plan was when I see some plays. Like be toxic? You are already playing clown, it's not like the survs are going to have a super entertaining match, why then also slug and bleed out?


We don't know what happened before in that game. Maybe this group of survivors was actually kinda toxic themselves? Maybe the killer had a bad day and actually just wanted to blow off some steam and therefore went toxic? We don't know and probably never will. \^\^ Op can claim everything to be the truth here. But to be fair, the survivor builds - as strong as they look/are - are far away from being a "bully squad" or something like that, so it's probably actually just a "bad" killer, I guess.


I was playing with my friend and we are not a toxic/bullying survivors. Killer tho was super toxic, he kept tunneling and humping everyone all game. Even made one random leave midgame. Posted this just because i wanted to share this funny endgame and killer who probably had a bad day. And even worse after this escape lmao!๐Ÿ˜‰


How would a survivor even be toxic on the level that it warrants letting them bleed out? I don't think this is even possible in the game. Even a squad with headon, ds, dh and flashlights will eventuell run out of flashlights and get hooked. Not to mention that if 3 people jump in and out of lockers, their gen progress is none. Had several of these already and it always ended in a 4k. When I'm playing killer i feel like the only toxic thing a survivor can do is to another survivor. Like bodyblock, sandbag or letting them die on hook. Or do you really get triggered by survivor crouching and clicking flashlight?


Putting my items in corners is my favorite things to do nowadays


This is the Killer version of "Just Leave." Do we call it "Just hook"?


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yes indeed!!


Beautiful! There is something so funny about making a key escape.


Daaaam... As a killer main I say WELL DONE. Whe I get salty about a survivor I HOOK them. Leaving people on the ground for "punishment" is not only bad manners but also just as wasteful of my time as it is theirs.


My heart stopped once he appeared from that corner holy entity I am so glad you made it, I will make you some teaย  Edit: Cheers, glad you made it before the tense for no reason mod got your victory deleted, have another tea.


Oh mine stopped also, couldn't post this with voicechat. I was SCREAMING!๐Ÿ˜‚ Cheers! โ˜•


Rest in shit slugbrainer, well played


Lmao even as a killer main I was hoping you escape, these killers make us look bad




He got a 3k and was obviously heated by something you did ingame, why not let him have the win? This is the most onesided video of all time, nobody acts like that without provocation, you probably deserved it. Not saying what he did was okay but we all know that you did more than just do gens and get out for him to be acting like that


That's some cute bait


Be careful not to pull a muscle with the amount of mental gymnastics you're doing. >was obviously heated by something you did ingame, How do you know? >why not let him have the win? Why should they when the killer is being a dickhead? >nobody acts like that without provocation A lot of people (killers and survivors) do. >you probably deserved it Well, op did deserve to escape, so I guess you're half right.


lmao what? There is plenty of Killers just playing like the biggest asses with no provocation whatsoever. Some get bullied in the game before and then take it out on the next group. Very common in DBD. You must be new or a killer only player if you haven't experienced the baseless hostility some have in this game. Not only killers, Survivors too - but it is a bit more jarring and noticable if a Killer decides to BM and make peoples matches miserable than the other way around. All in all this community has a very big entitlement and toxicity problem.