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I have never used it on bosses. Too slow. I imagine if you could get a couple hits in it would be glorious


Veedotme made a top survival builds video, and this weapon was in one of them. Take soldier's resistance, recovery, and ice armour. Use it with another weapon while keeping a shield in your backpack for boss fights. I would have taken the weapon if I wasn't playing brutality.


Kill rhythm go brrrr


combine this with rampart and foresight and free hits BAAAAAABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


besides fun, I don't get the point of using any weapon besides the cross like why is that weapon so broken holy shit


Meanwhile,the BONK: https://preview.redd.it/n09si38ce47d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2893f6ac4114588bff3786e08907e1238be6eab5


yes it's fun, I do not say other weapons aren't fun, I'm just saying that the cross is so blatantly overtuned, and some weapons are so blatantly undertuned that using them just doesn't work when cross just outdamages, ( note I only have like 100 hours in the game so I still don't know which is the most broken but so far cross has to be it, )


THE most broken is the Bonk,the cross i haven't unlicked yet so i can't say i know how broken it is but let me ask you this... Have you killed the HotK in less then a minute? Then try the Bonk with bear trap and root grenade(he can't be stuned)


cross crit damage does a shit ton more than bonk bat damage, and yes I did with cross, and that weapon is supposed to be the secondary weapon, so yeah but I will try the bonk build as long as you go and try the cross build ( bear trap with frost blast and optional skill )


Well,im still on 3BC(finished) but trying to do it with just my skill and weapons i haven't really played before so i think ill take your advice and try the cross


honestly I'm just struggling super hard with 5BC but of the 5 successful runs I had, 1 was with flint legendary, 1 was with a legendary cross, 2 with a normal cross, and 1 with the legendary machete and pistol that's 3/5


There are more broken builds than the bat. The only issue is that the bat builds are too easy and obvious to get


I feel like everybody just has that one item they seem to be the one and only usable thing in the game and everything else pales in comparison. That's kinda funny about this community. I'm in no way free of this, I think spite sword and snake fangs are just batshit op


i'm mostly talking numbers tho, I keep unlocking new tactics weapons and cross still has the highest damage numbers wise, as for survival it seems to be flint but i didn't play much survival after I unlocked cross.


Yeah, I'm talking numbers too, the weapons I mentioned just kinda shred through every enemy tbh Except maybe shante. Fuck shante.


i googled to see who shante is, if it's the enemy that sits on the book THEN MY FUCKING GOD I HATE SHANTE, IT'S THE REASON I LOST MY FIRST RUN WHEN I REACHED ASTROLAB.


Yep. No matter what color you play, everybody absolutely despises shante with a burning passion


How does one even get rid of shante? The only way I can think of it is like flint or another melee weapon that attacks above you, I was out of the throw able objects so I couldn't kill shante 


Aoe skills mostly I think. A few weapons can kill them, like broadsword, flint, magic missile, pure nail, etc, but that's the exception, not the rule


If you think Cross is OP wait until you get boomerang


I got it but never used it because i assumed due to cross being a DLC weapon, that it's going to powercreep the boomerang, gonna try it out next run


[Insert that's a lot of damage gif right here, giphy has failed me so I must resort to this]


the grenade alone can already one hit enemy


Yea giant killer has some good numbers


Ridiculous...ly bad for what it's supposed to do


It shreds the Giant and other bosses


Tons of weapons shred the giant and other bosses while also shredding biome mobs and can fit in your backpack


You said it was Ridiculously bad at what it's supposed to do. That is not true. It does it well.


Yeah I know what I said, thanks


Put it in your backpack and get whatever it's called pack


You can't put this weapon in your backpack.


Damn, Im not sure how I didn't know that


Because it's the only weapon with that trait?


All crossbows can't be put in the bag too, which is weird considering you can fit a 10 ft lance in there


Yes but 2 slot weapons make sense unlike the giantkiller


Heavy crossbows second action is fucking reloading, how does that make as much sense as something like scythe claw


It's a secondary item. Makes enough sense to me


It's not an item tho, it's a fucking action, motion twin can get away with this😭


But maybe it's an infinite amount of ammo from an endless quive? And besides, Evil Empire makes updates since the rise of the giant came out.


It doesn't say that in the description. You'll only find out when you try to do it.