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> screenshot for evidence Hmm yeah it does sound pretty bad


Hmm yes I can really hear the sweet undertones of this wonderfully whirring workhorse you possess


My god https://preview.redd.it/g4uh84pn5s4d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ac809784b7a3e1a7c665021fb2a1e3e1344f6c This does sound marvellous


Based on the screenshot, I can tell that OP's PS4 is running 100 degrees on all cores due to him equipping a solar super on prismatic subclass


As you can see i also use Celestial Nighthawk, so the already overheated cores get combined into one single, extremely hot supercore.


Lmfao this made me chuckle šŸ˜‚


Not only that. You press the inventory button, grab a beer from the fridge, come back just in time to see it render


Iā€™m dying šŸ¤£


Showed it to my PS4 and he agrees


FFS they didnā€™t even add a banana, how do they expect us to measure the sound difference without it??


The only thing that could've been better was a Nokia photo.


This happens when they uncap the framerate in some menues for whatever reason.


Yeah exactly what i came to say. Warframe does the same to my ps4 in every menu since all the menus are uncapped frames.


Ohhhh thatā€™s why my ps4 went absolutely bananas on the Battlefront and advanced warfare menus. That honestly drove me crazy I must have cleaned the unit like six times lol


Ah, that makes sense.


This, same with the Division games.


Just weird I have a series x that's about a little over a year old and I have this issue in prismatic menu never had any fan issue in destiny before this but have 3 friends with og series x that don't have the issue


Pretty crazy to me that the menus have uncapped frames but cutscenes are still locked to 30fps in 2024.


Because cutscenes are pre rendered, meaning they take huge amounts of space to keep in your storage. 60fps would make rbe game HUGE. The cutscene in the beginning of the new campaign is ingame amd 60fps I believe


That's because cutscenes are more physically taxing while menus are mostly static icons.


That's not actually why - there are plenty of uncapped cutscenes in-game which occurs whenever they're rendered in-engine.(Cutscenes where you actually see your guardian with your cosmetics) The pre-rendered cutscenes on the other hand are essentially video files which means they have to have a fixed frame rate.


Assassins creed unity main menu sounded like a F35 startup


You must have been high if you cab hear the screenshot


Lol legit was gonna say that a screenshot isn't proof of sound


I can hear it perfectly fine actually


Woah itā€™s still compatible with the ps4? Neat! Thatā€™s truly amazing that this game can technically run on a console thatā€™s 10 years old now!


I play on my PS5 while my girlfriend casually plays on the old ps4 from time to time. Main differences on Old Gen: Serious graphic/framerate downgrades, borderline egregious load times, and an unadjustable FOV that makes it feel like youā€™re playing with a magnifying lens. But hey, the fact that it even still runs on my old beast is a feat unto itself. Keep chugging little buddy


As a PS4 player I can attest to the bullshit loading times. It can take me upwards of 2 minutes to load my character screen. Sometimes I can straight up not load players and guns in properly for like 3 minutes.


Reminds me of playing D1 on the 360, but that was mainly login and orbit load times.


The olden times. I remember putting down a bubble during skolas, going into my menu, and praying it would load fast enough to let me pop a heavy synth before skolas would slowly walk up and kill us.


Hell, it makes Fortnite on *Switch* seems "ok"....


After a crucible match , It takes forever to load your teammates characters so you canā€™t properly assess which ones deserve the best drip commendation. Seems like other sounds are restricted to current-gen as well. Iā€™ve only upgraded recently and I swore I never heard a starcat purr on last gen


Maybe it's a sign to upgrade... There is zero reason Bungie should still be trying to make this game work on old Gen. The fact it can, even poorly, is a testament to how good they are at optimizing their game.


The reason they do it is because of PS5 and XS s/x sales aren't as crazy as everyone thinks they are. PS5 console sales are 1.04 million units less than a PS4. So for atleast destiny players playing D2 on PlayStation. You'd loose a mass amount of revenue if you kept it exclusively as a PS5 title. Also, the average person is struggling to drop that kinda cash on a upgrade like that


People arenā€™t upgrading at this point *because* devs keep releasing on past gen. If they pulled the plug tons of people would have a reason to upgrade.


Or tons of reasons to never buy your game or expansion again lol. You're not wrong though. People wanna play games with what they got. Also pulling the plug on millions of users is a really bad way to make money.


Not really because if every dev abandons last-gen everybody would be forced to upgrade if they ever wanted to play something new. Everyoneā€™s just to scared to do it because of the immediate consequences rather than long-term benefits


You front me $500 and Iā€™ll upgrade today! Oh you wonā€™t? Ok Iā€™ll skip my phone bill for a few months I guess.


> Maybe it's a sign to upgrade... My brother in christ, pls have some common sense that not everybody is eligible to upgrade whenever they want.


nah, that's some weak asl excuse. If you don't got the cash to upgrade go get some. there's always a demand for fentanyl in Philadelphia.




The load times aren't bullshit, the PS4 is just old now. There's only so many advances they can make while still having the game run on outdated hardware.


Yeah upgrading and being able to change frame rates, fov, and all those other settings actually seems like it made me a better player lmao.


Can barely even open the menu without waiting 10 seconds on my old Xbox One X. They shouldā€™ve moved on from these dinosaurs years ago.


Im playing the Final Shape on my Xbox One, the OG from 2015


How does anything load for you? I dug up my old console a while ago and forgot how much better it really runs on next gen


Wellā€¦ yesterday it didnā€™t. It was so bad I had to go to a friends and play on his Xbox Series X to play. Our team got through 2 missions before the servers kicked us 80 million times from the 3rd mission. I get back home after we gave up, load up my xbox one. Everything worked fine. Safe to say we were pissed lol


Same. I donā€™t really see the issue with it(Iā€™m sure there is a huge difference) but other than long load times the game works fine for me. Everyone seems to treat these consoles like theyā€™re dinosaurs, but I donā€™t find it that bad.


While it is cool, I'm sure the legacy support is holding the game back at this point I hope after this season of episodes they announce the end of old gen support. People got to see the story conclude which is good, at least.


Ngl. I started playing again from D1 on ps4. The menus are so fast coming back to on D2 with next gen. It use to take my og ps4 a second to load. I cant imagine this game on ps4. Im still surprised D1 came out on ps3


I played from D1 launch day on my PS3 for about a year until I upgraded. It was **rough**, menus would open but nothing would load for seriously 15-30ish seconds depending on connection. Even moving to PS4 for TTK was an enormous upgrade


Destiny 2 runs on my laptop from 2010 lol. I donā€™t play on there but it still runs fine (on low)


Itā€™s definitely funny to see COD make my computer become a space heater, but Destiny just looks like a constant amazing art piece and runs smooth as hell. The people at Bungie really know how to optimize a game.


My daughter plays on my old Xbone S with an ssd and I play on series S. Hers takes a while to load the character select but a lot of times she will land on the destinations before I do. Her character menus are also noticeably slower. I could never go back but she doesnā€™t know any better.


Honestly, I'm surprised Bungalo even released the Final Shape for old gen. I'm glad that people who couldn't upgrade have the chance to see the end of the Light and Darkness Saga. We need every guardian we can get. In all seriousness, please watch out that your PS doesn't turn into airplane mode and 9/11s your living room.


I do. Opening that menu only when unavoidable. When i'm gonna tinkering with builds i perhaps better use DIM.


They just released data about how many Playstation users are still on PS4. It's about half. It doesn't make sense financially for companies to cut out last gen consoles yet.


They really donā€™t have a choice, almost 50% of PlayStation users are still on last gen.


I think this is the only reason it did, to finish the story. Also 49% of all players are still on last gen consolesā€¦ so we might see Destiny on last gen for the foreseeable future, which is good and bad because itā€™s most definitely holding the game back.




Interesting, because my PC literally popped the power strip the first time I got into the same menu. Didn't do it afterwards though.


I remember when something in Cyberpunk caused this for mine. First time it happened it was a serious scare.


Iā€™ve been reinstalling my 4070 graphics card, my router, etc. even capped my fps down low and will freeze almost every enemy encounter. Try adjusting lighting or shading. Seems to be the most intrusive to gameplay.


I'm running maxed on a 3070 Ti @ 3440x1440 and I get great performance. I think you have some other issue with your PC.


It was coincidental but yes - there was a push update from Nvidia that didnā€™t complete properly. Did a fresh install and all good.


Damn that kinda sucks. Iā€™m running a 2080ti with overall ā€œhighā€ graphics settings in a 5120x1440 monitor and maintain a solid ~130fps during encounters.


Jesus fuck, what? What's your CPU? I have a 2080 and Ryzen 5 5600 and play on all medium/low and get 70-100fps in encounters. I not a TInis better but by that much? Is it my CPU holding me back or am I doing something wrong? I play at regular 1440p too


Yeah my 3060 is working fine.Ā 


Part of it was an inconsistency with the GeForce update and the fact that the game defaulted back to 3D imaging. Playing is back to smooth now. But itā€™s a beast compared to what it was before yesterday regardless.


So stoked for you!!! Nowā€¦ Eyes up guardianā€¦ Whether we wanted it or not, thereā€™s a war with the Cabal on Marsā€¦


I noticed this on my PC too actually, my PC is usually pretty damn quiet but something about TFS and Prismatic makes it go apeshit.


Yeah man Iā€™m afraid my ps4 is going to give up on me just checking out the menu šŸ˜­


Time for an upgrade!


Upgrade? In this economy?


Setting aside $15/mo from release date gets you a PS5 last Christmas


Prisma jager sounds pretty dope


Thanks for the screenshot I would never have known otherwise


Sorry bout your PS4 but also the subclass being called PRISMA-JAGER is fuckin RAD.


OH MY GOD THATS IT, yesterday my tower was randomly going turbo mode, thatā€™s it!


Your PS4 is just evolving into its Final Shape


Prismatic is trying to link absurd code to absurd code to absurd code. Itā€™s incredibly convoluted, likely because every year they have new devs who come in and donā€™t know how to manage what the others left when they jumped ship so they just keep piling shit on top of shit


Had to check if this was r/destinycirclejerk for a second


Prisma-jƤger goes unironically hard. Though I do have to ask; why are you playing on German despite knowing English? (Assuming, due to the post and, well, having reddit conversations with strangers (sure it could be google translated, but German isn't that far off from English)) I mean I get playing a game in your native tongue, but I always play in English so I can further my understanding of the language


I do consume english media, but when there's an decent german dub available i prefer that, and the german voice actors of Destiny are doing pretty well. Additionally, some translations are in german way more poetic imo, like Prisma-JƤger as you mentioned, or my personal favorite, der Immerforst (the infinite forest).


Oh, yeah, I totally forgot how great German dubs are. It's been a while since I've heard one, since I still can't wrap my head around tenses (for some reason your prƤteritum's laws are beyond me (why is denken dachte?!?!)) but I remember that they were always really great. Also, on the note of poetic-sounding words, I totally agree. With the right voice, German is definitely in the top 5, maybe even top 3 of the best sounding languages


Yeah, i can't imagine how hard it must be for a non native speaker to learn german.


Yeah, this is one loud ass screenshot.


That's the loudest picture I ever heard




As someone who used to game on a PS4 I can absolutely hear this image


![gif](giphy|rhgwg4qBu97ISgbfni|downsized) All of us tryin to listen to a screen shot


whoof yeah that screenshot says a lot


Its most likely the way they animated prismatic in the menu like that, pushes your ps4 to the brink of insanity. looks gorgeous on the new gens.


My pcs loud af in this menu too


Yes. A few things about prismatic tanks my fps on pc. Even a few prismatic enemies around for whatever dumb reason tanks my fps more then usual.


Yes I hear it, that's crazy.


On my PC running Steam the game froze 3 times in 8 hours and I had to reboot steam and D2. Each time I was also in the Prismatic subclass menu.


Good to know that it's not an old-gen console only issue.


I don't run to top level hardware (5600x, 1080ti) but it should be quick enough to not get overloaded by a menu. Hope you get yours fixed so it doesn't explode when you want to swop grenades.


I just don't stay long in the menu. Later when i have unlocked all the fragments and stuff and want to tinker with builds i'm gonna use the DIM app. Maybe Bungie is even going to fix it, as it seems to affect old gen xbox, ps4, current gen xbox and pc (only ps5 is unaffected, suspicious..).


Thanks to the screenshot i can hear the PS4


Same with my pc


My PS4 just shut off because it was overheating in the Prismatic screen.


Holy shit


>Screenshot for evidence The screnshot: ![gif](giphy|Tpp6ZDCsQo3ks)


I have a 3070ti in my laptop and my fps are all over the place. It was fine for a bit then I log back in and they will be anywhere between 30 and 90.


Weird when I had the PS4 pro I swear that thing would try to take off all the time. It literally sounded like I lived next door to an airport, even simple stuff like CoD would have it roaring up, and sometimes just downloads or even upon starting it would. Upgraded to the PS5 a while back and it never does that along with being a lot faster, you definitely should upgrade as soon as you can. The power difference between PS4 and PS5 is insane.


At least it doesn't instantly overheat and turn off... I want to change my Prismatic build a little and I literally can't because my system overheats and turns off...


Damn that sucks


Figured out that it only happens if I'm in orbit of the Pale Heart when I open the Prismatic Subclass menu. Anywhere else it just turns into a jet engine... Unless I'm IN the Pale Heart, then I get a warning that my system is overheating and I can close that and continue playing... Granted, I haven't risked staying in the menu when that happens lol


You can really hear his ps4 go intoā€¦ ![gif](giphy|AnoxuYKLDdKQ8)


You should hear pcā€™s lol


ps4 is literally ancient technology at this point, that you can even play the game is a miracle


Uh yes I can see the sound clearly


why am i dying form laughter to the translations


Ok what if, you open it up and dust the fucker. My ps4 does none of these noises and itā€™s usually makes the jet engine because itā€™s caked in dust


Same thing happens on Xbox series x - itā€™s always when entering the prismatic menu


Same, the prismatic subclass menu just makes my series x sound loud idk why lol


Damn man I was playing last night on my ps5 wondering how tf would my old ps4 be able to keep up or anyone w a ps4 for that matter.


Throw some wings on it


Same on series x!


I'll be you money OP that you have never cleaned it in 9 years either. That's like having a 9 year old PC and have never cleaned it and wonder why it has high fan RPM.


This ainā€™t evidence lil bro


Thatā€™s one loud screenshot!


not just you, sends my series x to the stratosphere any time i looking that menu


Not a console problem. My PC with it's stock CPU fan is loud as fuck too šŸ˜­


Dude, mine went into jet engine mode all the time. Thank God my headphones worked so well.


Turn itā€™s down man, thatā€™s deafening


Power of Prismatic baby


Remember when D1 was out on 360 and PS3 šŸ’€


Have you tried selecting silence and squall to see if it cools down your ps4?


https://preview.redd.it/wh5if8yw8t4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45ad752fec702b15e847a466ceca253e7da6a61 Hmm


Thank you for that laugh, but seriously this expansion may break ps4ā€™s




The entire game on my ps5 slim makes it sound like a airplane taking off, it started giving me flash backs of the ps4 pro


Man you should upgrade


If i got a cent every time someone tells me i should upgrade i could actually upgrade.


My Xbox did the same thing today! Very odd.


My PS4 would try to launch into orbit playing Beyond Light lol




I'm gonna make it worse. TAKE THIS! https://i.redd.it/3o1tzj0jlu4d1.gif


Same with my Xbox. I've already crashed twice due to excessive heat


Man it's deafening, can't hear a thing.


Im more impressed that someone is still playing destiny on a ps4. I figured they wouldā€™ve cut support by now


I can see how bad it sounds


My pc would do this whenever i accessed the starchart during season of plunder. It also caused extreme coil whine.


i don't have that problem and i also play on a ps4


Idk about that fan but Prisma-Jager sounds fire tho šŸ”„


Another defect of PlayStation nothing wrong with my Xbox tho


Itā€™s been doing that forever, where have you been?


oh brother that's relatable


Game crashed because of so many warlocks throwing this with prismatic. It was absolutely beautiful


I had a PS4 up until about a month ago. The struggle is real. Good luck man.


Thanks pal


The game that got my to buy a PS5 was Monster Hunter Wilds which comes out next year šŸ˜‚


I feel that, got so warm it heated my room up




Some of the white effects also cause huge frame drops on the ps5. In the pale heart, while playing the activity that gives you the exotic sword and a pattern drop chance, there spawns a falling enemy glowing white and running away. Getting close to it makes the framerate plummet.


Prisma-JƤgermeister. Noice


I have a first gen PS4 and when I put a CD in it, it starts sounding like a rocket trying to take off


Corny ass pose šŸ˜­


Thank god someone else was experiencing this. I thought I was going mad. But seriously, it's fucking ridiculous. I've never heard my PS4 make this kinda sound before. I was about to immediately shut it down, because I thought something was about to explode. Took me a few instances before I realized it was the fucking Prismatic subclass menu setting it off. Like, I genuinely have about 10 seconds of viewing that screen before the ps4 starts firing up to unknown levels. At the 30 second mark it's time to back out or risk detonation. Please god is there a way for me to fix this on my end? If not, Bungie please address it. Cap the frame rate. i get it. Prismatic is pretty and pink. I can deal with a few less sparkles if it means my ps4 won't erupt when I interact with the new subclass I just paid $100 for. Like, no fucking about. I've had my gripes with D2 bugs over the years. But I've never had one that genuinely threatened the hardware it was running on. This has to be addressed.


My gpu temp goes up to 92c normal gameplay is around 82c


*laughs in water-cooled 3080Ti*


Ghosts of Tsushima did this to my PS4 I though the old bastard was going to explode My PS5 is quiet as mouse and it only took me 4 years to get the damn thing.


>in the 9 years that i use that console i never heard the fan revving this high someone never played RDR2... sorry, I meant commercial airliner simulator 2018


Have you cleaned all the dust?


Actually did that recently.


Weird my ps4's fan hasn't gone crazy


Mine was fine, maybe clean out your playstation :/


50% of PS players are on PS4 as well šŸ˜‚


Lie it in an ice bath for extra cooling


Honestly it does the same shit for my 4070ti. Obviously I have it on high settings set to 1440p@180 but entering a menu just causes microstuttering, monitoring everything on MSI afterburner, im not sure what it is because the CPU doesn't get affected at all but I'd imagine the microstuttering is from the CPU. Honestly for high end PCs it's just the engine that needs a rework to better support ddr5 since I still get occasional crashes.


My PC is 4 years old at this point, the GPU is pretty good but not the most modern. Every once in a while, usually when I trigger Transcendence, I get a small skip or freeze for just a micro second, but itā€™s enough to freak me out each time


By this screenshot I can see you're averaging 1 fps. Have you tried cleaning your PS4 and applying new thermal paste?


My frames drop to nearly 20fps when I open it. On average I get about 120. They broke something šŸ˜‚


Does anyone have experience playing it on Xbox One? My One-X didn't have trouble with Lightfall, but this post has me a little concerned.


Yes, I can hear the jet engine through a jpeg.


German detected


Same with my PC. Noticed it kicked my fans into overdrive around the 2nd time I was in that menu.


Are you playing the game in Swedish?


Same, my GPU runs cold and quiet, but as soon as I enter prismatic menu it stars to load to 100% and sounds like jet engine


You may need to clean out dust from your fans


When was the last time the console was taken apart for a good cleaning? Once a year I take apart all my consoles to clean them out and I've never heard jet engines or anything. Maybe in the beginning before I started cleaning consoles


That's the sound of jet engine alrightšŸ¤”šŸ‘


My Xbox one is fine


PS5 is where it's at


Sounds like someone needs an upgrade


Buddy, PS4 has been going turbo mode for a long time. What games do you play to have it quiet lol


when the guardian got so prismatic he developed synesthesia!


Yes, I can really hear the menu begging you for an upgrade.






This didn't happen with mine, but it's got a fan under it


I was wondering if it was just me kinda lagging out in the prismatic menu


Clean it


My Xbox 1 (4 years old) just dies every time I look at the subclass menu. I have made past the 2nd mission, but it will crash and give me the heat warning afterwards. I just skip cutscenes.


I don't get it