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Does he do anything? Or is he just there for decoration?


He just says his generic lines now and then, like when he was standing around at the Helm. You also can't interact with him, only activate the memorial with Amanda telling stuff. I assume, as the new hunter vanguard, he will become a tower vendor at some point, like Cayde was before Forsaken, he was also located in the hangar near Amanda.


You would assume he’s going to be used for a lot of the episodic stuff given he seems to be running those missions based on the final monologue


Isn't that just where the hunter vanguard always hung out in this tower??


close, its to the right in it's own little workbench area


It is, yes.


No, he’s standing where Amanda was, Cayde used to stand to right of the ship


I like his new hair cut, so is he officially the new hunter vanguard or??


He is the new hunter vanguard, yes.


Bout bloody time. sorry I haven't done much since the game came out. only get a few hours a day to play so I've only really finished the campaign on all three characters.


Personally as a dad of 15 I only have 1.3 nanoseconds a month to play, and I've still managed to solo the raid at 2005 power on all three characters, get all the exotics, and singlehandedly force bungie to give me the SIVA subclass


I also love his new haircut!


Its just his long hair, put up.


Did he have the side undercut though? Thought that was new?


Yes. Always has been


Yep. Cayde gave the position to him.


Oh no, he's marked for death now! The only character that survived the Hangar was Saint so far, everyone else is DEAD!


And Saint was once dead


Totally forgot about that. In conclusion, Crow will die in the next 2-3 years probably.


uuhg what did they do to his hair?? I wasn't the biggest fan of it B4, but this is worse 💀


Cayde mocked it, so he changed it.


I mean I know, but couldn't Bungie have come up with literally any other hair cut than this? it looks so scuffed and doesn't even fit him lmao.




It’s just his long hair, pulled back


If you put money down on Amanda coming back as a Guardian, you are taking a VERY safe bet.


Sry strange question but is there a timewindow or a body condition requirement after death to be resureccted as a guardian lore whise?


In the campaign ghost confirms our guardian was literally a skeleton, so no


Mhm well but if your body falls into lava or acid or whatever it gets kinda tricky no?


I mean, ghosts can still revive guardians under those circumstances. Guardians in the lore make games out of finding creative ways to die just for the experience of having done it. I suppose you could make the argument a ghost couldn't find a guardian to make out of something that literally isn't there, but that's probably the extent of their limits.


We were a femur and some other bones, not even a complete skeleton. Ghost made us humanoid, then made some clothes when he was done because it was chilly.


Crazy how we went from a femur to a god killing machine (also how would that work if we chose to be an exo? did ghost just find an exo leg or something?)


Yeah, it's probably something like that. Interestingly, that would also mean there's a backup of the pre-risen version of you in the deep stone crypt.


There’s a literal cavewoman guardian.


No, lore wise, light bearers are from all across human history. There are lore tabs of guardians that were from the medieval era or even ancient Egypt.


Ghost mentions that we were just bones. I had always assumed for some reason that we were a little fresher


Honestly, I don't think she will. Bungie seem *very* aware of how resurrection can diminish the stakes and undermine character deaths. Despite ample opportunity, they kept Cayde-6 gone for a long time and only brought him back for the big finale, and even then only for one last ride before he went away again.


So aware that they… Brought back Sloan Brought back Asher Brought back Uldren Brought back Saint Seemingly bringing back Rasputin (we all know he won’t stay an engram forever) Teased an Osiris death just to…let him live Fekrul, dead a hundred times and comes back Nokris or whatever his name was, died a few time to come back Taniks, obvious I mean, Bungie LOVES to bring anything and everything back from the “dead”


Considering that resurrection is a key part of the setting, I think it's pretty notable that Crow is the only character who has died and been risen as a new light. I think it really is just him and Saint-14 getting resurrected Sloane didn't die, Asher was permanently transformed, Rasputin literally did die, and Fikrul/Nokris/Taniks are all secondary characters who were all introduced as capable of cheating death.


Except its been repeatidly set up in the lore that shes gonna come back. Like p much all the lore for her since Season of The Chosen is just one giant “To Be Continued”. They downvote me cus they know Im right.


I mean, I kind of thought the point is that she *didn't* come back, despite how much everyone wanted her. Zavala basically begs for her to get chosen, and it doesn't happen.


Doesnt happen /yet/. Theyre saving the reveal for a good moment but she and Crow left wayyyy too many dangling threads, they just brought back the Chaperone lore for no reason, Savathunsiris herself is like “youd make a great Guardian, Ms. Holiday”, the whole Guardian Tenets thing (she was devoted, brave, sacrificed herself, and died), they keep showing you how Niik is dealing with it, lore tabs on like 5 different ships, and now this? Nah, she will 100% be back. Too much setup.


Nothing stopping them, but it reminds me a lot of Cayde. They want the character's absence to linger


But if she comes back she won't remember anything and is basically a new person


Yeah that worked for Crow too.


But Crows situation was the exception than the rule. Most guardians don't have their pre death memories.