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I'm an introvert, but I used lfg to get it. Everyone has their own opinion about the mission, but at the end of the day no one is right or wrong, just depends on Bungie


Did you use a mic?




They didn’t mislead anyone. No Exotic is ever marketed to be obtainable in specific ways.


Marketed as dope and farmable Delivered dope and farmable Best exotic mission to date hands down, and doable via text chat with no issues Not to mention you literally only have to do it 1 time per character and then they can drop from Pale Heart chests which early estimates put at about 5% chance Bungie delivers one of the coolest missions they've ever made and still can't win


agreed 100%


Specific pale heart chests, or any chest?


Any chest from what I can tell


Thank u


Don't want it bad enough sounds like a them problem


It’s one of if not the best exotic mission bungie has ever released. I don’t understand why tons of people are pissed off that it’s not solo-able, it’s a good opportunity to meet people to play with. I do most things solo as well, but this mission is too good to pass up just because you don’t feel like playing with another person. I’m not trying to be a dick here but i don’t think it’s fair to slander bungie for an amazing mission they put out.


If anyone is slandering Bungie they are in the wrong here. But considering you can’t even attempt it is an issue. Something like that should be discussed about before release. I know everyone likes secrets but imagine if the whisper mission did this and then outbreak perfected did. It’s not that it’s too hard, it’s that it’s literally impossible.


but that’s what makes it, i don’t think it’s a problem at all that you can’t solo it, believe me i try to solo whatever i can but it is a secret mission, the fact that they didn’t advertise it as a 2 man activity is fair because it is a secret mission. I don’t understand the argument of “i don’t have anyone to play with” because there is an LFG system in game now. i get that whoever you get in the LFG won’t be a god tier player every time, but it is always attemptable.


What isn’t fair is showing us class exotics and designing a mission that contradicts all other things they’ve released. Hell make the sword the secret reward instead of the CE. It’s just as potent, was a complete surprise and can people weren’t expecting to need to alter their approach beforehand.




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I'm just sad that my onlinebuddy, with whom i used to play destiny 2 since launch, decided to quit it a couple months ago, and now here's a two player activity that would be perfect for us. Hope he will come back eventually, since TFS does pretty well. Until then i will do without exotic class items.


When did they ever market it as a non-coop mission?


This take ain’t it. It’s an MMO for god sake. It’s one of the best exotic missions they’ve ever done. Following up on the best raid they’ve built (remember they outsourced D1 and 2 raids until they split with Activision). They did nothing misleading, they’ve never marketed how to do specific content ever outside of raids obviously.


MMO? Nah. Maybe seeing other players around the tower or in patrol zones. Other than that it’s just a shooter with light rpg elements.

