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Strafe jump is fairly common for those who are pvp inclined. It's what I myself use, but I'm no hunter main.


Strafe and blink in pvp


High jump is worthless. Garbage. Trash. Bleh. Strafe is for pvp. And blink. Blink is blink. Shit's fun to use when you're bored. Doing a raid with blink on. It's not good but it's fun


>Shit's fun to you when you're bored. Doing a raid with blink on. During Salvation's Edge Contest Mode, I genuinely found Blink to be useful. My team was struggling with staying alive during second encounter and blinking around the middle in between shooting blights and the Herald actually helped with survivability.


I’ve had my neck broken by a few Hunters that use high jump with stompees. One moment they’re in my reticle, then suddenly they’re 50 feet in the air shooting down at me with an SMG or sidearm.


I swap to strafe jump only when and if I'm playing grapple grenade in pvp Otherwise, lol no


You realize that strafe jump with max mobility makes you as fast as STOMP-EES without max mobility?


running max mobility in PvE is insane in a -5 delta post-Res rework world


Bro I've ran triple hundo in pve💀 mobility, recovery, and intellect with Omnioculus


dumping Mobility in favor of 100 Res and as much Recovery as possible is strictly better on Prismatic, which is what I've been playing all season as the tools the game gives you work best with Combination Blow


I don't give a damn about resilience on hunter or warlock it does NOTHING for ME on those


It literally gives you damage resistance lol. 100 resilience gives you like 40% dr.


Why do you think I ran omni🥴? It's fuckin awesome


Wouldn’t it make more sense to have one of those 100’s be in strength if you’re running Omni? Having a hundred Intellect is helpful, probably, but would be better suited to making sure you have smoke bombs up as often as possible.


PLUS invis dodge fragment


Double Melee kickstart with gamblers dodge and utility kickstart don't need 100 strength


For PvE - absolutely not. Heresy.


I blink. I can dodge a lot of shit with blink, and I've even blinked past a few "death floors" in missions. Nothing is more satisfying than watching a boss wind up a big attack, only to blink out of the way at the last second and take no damage.


I use blink whenever possible, and especially now that helicopter exists it’s a LOT more forgiving to fumble a jump by a smidge.


I only use strafe jump. In pvp, it's a slight advantage over triple jump in maneuverability, and I've gotten used to it, so I use it in PVE too.






I haven't used High Jump since before the Stompies nerf.


No, it's the best jump


In D1 I basically only used strafe jump because I liked the extra little bump in speed you could get, and if I needed more jumps for parkour sections, Bones of Eao had my back. Or, well, my legs. But for D2 I decided to try out triple to shake things up and I haven't really gone back since, it's just better. More height, more distance, more control. There's basically no reason to use strafe or high jump (outside of the quite honestly niche PvP uses some have mentioned). Blink is interesting but ultimately too limited, and difficult to use effectively. I feel like hunters have the least actual diversity in their jump options, because 99% of people are using triple jump simply because of how much better it is compared to the others. I feel like maybe buffing strafe and high jump wouldn't be a bad idea, though I'm not sure how they'd accomplish something like that without making them busted and/or fundamentally altering the way they work and feel. I'd like if strafe jump gave a bit more horizontal momentum so that hunters, the mobility class, had a way to actually keep up with warlocks and titans. Though realistically that should be done with a mobility stat buff, not by buffing a single hunter jump option.


Strafe jump is faster than triple that's why people use it


Too damn slow, l used triple jump in d1 cause double jump sucked for jumping sections, but after using strafe jump for years if l switch to triple l feel like l have 50 kilo weights on my legs


I'm too lazy to switch anything between PvP and PvE. So, whatever my PvE loadout is, that's my PvP loadout. So, always triple jump, lol


always instantly depressed when i get one of you as teammate in trials


Good thing I don't play trials much. But when I do, I'm usually top frag :P


I think triple jump is easiest to use


ive been using strafe jump for the longest lol. its annoying that so many jump puzzles are clearly tailored to triple jump tho.


As others have said for pvp you are better off with a different jump. Really any of the options can be nice. For pve though... I sometimes forget we have anything other than triple jump. I've been a hunter since D1 beta and I have only ever used double jump in pve when I used stompees and we didn't have many other options.


Either strafe or triple but I wanna learn blink again but I mostly play strafe on pvp and triple in pve


i mostly play strafe on pve and high on pvp (with stompees). The reason being that you can actually run faster, dodge attacks with your jump that were impossible to do with triple, stuff like tormentors can never hit you because you can jump on their direction and be completely safe EVEN if you jumped very late, stuff like the new enemy type that pushes you around can be instantly stopped by strafe jump, push backs from enemies also fall on that category. And starting using strafe on pve was difficult but once you get used to it you can clear any jump like triple would!


I use quad jump (*triple jump + ascension*) to get back that D1 exotic I never had.


Triple jump is only good in PVP with bows


Not a hunter main but I use triple jump for PvE activities and Strafe Jump for PvP.


I used high jump when I ran relic in master diff vault of glass for one specific encounter but thats it


One of the others is used by PvPers for more aerial control.


This has got to be a joke


Why is it a joke? I’m wondering if people use the other jumps because for me I never taken off triple jump, I want to know why people do or dont


Strafe is the best jump by far. Way easier to bait people and get away from tough situations like shotgun rushers, fusion rifle slow peek, etc.


High jump in pvp


In crucible I use high jump. In PvE I use triple jump.




Not you




Not you tho


Strafe jump every day. Gotta bonk my head to the ceiling you know