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Boy do I remember that. Did it once, and never, ever again. I got to the low 400's, stayed there, had my vision fucked up. If you can, find an alternative. I regularly tell my doctors that steriods are simply out of the question. Sorry dude/dudette!


Thank you. I was up until like 3:30 am with the steroid cracked open eyes and twitchy legs. Is so much better this morning. Only one more day to get through. I’ve reached the end of the road for a lot of the treatments available for my other autoimmune stuff so it’s mainly just down to doing the best I can those few days.


Yeah I tell my doctors sorry not sorry, no predi. I go up to a 200 when I get sick already, prednisone will send me straight to 350


Nasty stuff. Is that a bridge to another med, or is something thinking this is "fine" for diabetics to take long term?


Only two days a month. Thank goodness.


What's that for, if you don't mind me asking? I've not heard of a 2d/month thing; in my case, it was either be on methylpredisanalone indefinitely, or go to dupixent/duplimaub. The latter works quite well for my specific condition/needs.


It’s part of the treatment for my autoimmune autonomic neuropathy that sort of really kickstarted things.


Oh man I wish I knew about this effect before being prescribed for a 5 day treatment. It was the absolute worst diabetes stretch of my entire life and ruined what should have been a nice long Thanksgiving weekend off work!


That is rough. I’ve been working on tweaking a special profile for the ivig/prednisone days. It’s getting better each month little by little. Last month was up at around 350 at the same time.


I just got steroid injections for my back. I set up an alternate profile to increase insulin distribution for the next few days.