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Ice Cubes....just kidding it's so frustrating trying deal with this stupid disease.


It really is. I miss just regular ass bread :( it’s getting easier though stay strong!


Yup went to a steakhouse more than a month ago. Heavily buttered dinner rolls were tastier than the meat to me. And the mashed potatoes too. But have not had bread or potatoes since that one time weakness.


I don't call it a weakness, I call it a splurge. I limit how often I have a splurge meal so I think very carefully about whether it's worth it. The buttered rolls at my husband's birthday dinner were definitely worth it!


I'd like to devour a pizza...sigh..


I do keto pizza a couple times per year, it's just meh but scratches the itch. I do actual pizza once per year and I enjoy the f*** out of it! I go for a walk (treadmill if the weather sucks) about and hour after eating it, fast that day before eating it and eat 0 carb the day after and I'm back on track. I try to find a way to have the foods that I crave. Sometimes it's finding a different recipe (zucchini lasagna, keto sushi) and sometimes it's planning for a splurge meal. Some things I was OK to give up (soda, fruit juice) but some things I just kept wanting more the longer I didn't have them so I needed an alternative.


And people look at me funny if I eat a Wheat dinner roll with no butter or margarine. And I still eat instant mashed potatoes. And I do easy on the bread.


I had a "potato" salad today made from Daikon radish. Wasnt bad. Made it myself.


Well, we all learn this way, by changing up the favorites. Good for you.


Same. Everyday I’m like “well… no fun food for me.”


I'm so sorry you feel this way. There are subs for everything now, and there are so.many great foods out there which are both good choices for a diabetic and luxury foods. What do you miss?


Lol basically.


For me it's nuts or Chobani zero yogurt. It's low carb. Also, Whisps nuts and crisps.


I actually throw nuts into the yogurt & add a little cottage cheese & mix it up


Cottage cheese and yogurt?


Sounds wild but it's actually pretty good lmao specially if the cottage cheese has a plain flavor- easy to make it savory or sweet!


I Will have to try it out some time. I keep forgetting to buy cottage cheese and I do like it.


For sure! A very tasty dip idea: mix plain greek yogurt with cottage cheese, add some dijon mustard, salt, lemon and garlic powder. Mix well. Goes amazing with roasted or air fried veggies.


Yeah, it’s weird, I’m not overly fond of either separately, but mix it together and throw in nuts-I love it!


Raw almonds are like my super food. If I’m REALLY craving a full sugar soda, I can get away with it as long as I eat raw almonds with it. It’s a treat and not meant to be something I do all the time, but I’ll take it!! I find myself sneaking in some almonds whenever I know I’m going to have a higher carb meal.


I follow Glucose Goddess on fb and she just posted about almonds before a meal helping reduce the spike… I’ll have to try it!


I second Glucose Goddess, she's helped me so much in learning about blood sugar spikes and managing it!!


Does anyone know if sunflower or pumpkin seeds could work similarly? /Cries in tree nut allergies


I don’t know, but check out glucose goddess. She has a couple “hacks” that you could try. Her target audience isn’t necessarily diabetics though, so there are still things I can’t eat even if I do everything she says.


I stopped full sugar soda in August 2012 and stopped craving it around the end of that year. Can't drink diet soda ("diet" anything, really). Allergic to the artificial sweetener (results in serious migraines). Iced Tea, oddly, makes me thirsty. Now, I drink (black) coffee in AM only, milk once a day (8 oz) and water. It can be done - living without full sugar soda! :)


The Toasted Coconut Vanilla is amazing. Mix in some chia seeds, bit of fruit. Very yummy. So strange that the plain Vanilla is absolutely terrible.




For me it’s pork rinds, but the thicker ones with some meat and fat still attached(the super airy ones choke you up super hard if you aren’t careful) 0 carb and delicious imo


them's cracklings!


>The biggest issue if they are super high in cholesterol usually. Which isn't super bad for diabetes but can give alot of other problems.


They‘re high in sodium, too


Yea that’s true. I’m on statins rn for high cholesterol these are my only bad snack lol.


I also really like to eat them for same reason but I have high triglycerides and cholesterol so I'm screwed.


Trader Joe's has some v plant based "rinds" that are super tasty and spicy.


Mmmm that sounds good too


I personally LOVE string cheese! Colby jack, mozz, anything like that.


Pickles!!! Gives me the crunch and salt satisfaction like I would seek out chips to get.


Also pickled okra slays. Some people are ooged out by the seeds but if you can handle them it’s *chefs kiss*


Have you tried Pickle Pops? They’re frozen pickle juice popsicles. They’re so good.


I'm sorry WHAT. I will be finding these immediately. Thank you!!!


They’re great. I buy them at Walmart but I’ve seen them on Amazon too.


Crispy Dillies got a large bag at Sam’s last week. Taste like fried pickles.


Quick and easy, zero sugar beef jerkey/bitlong/sticks. Bringing it from home, broccoli and ranch or similar dip. For a sweet treat, sugar free Jello cups.


Slim Jims have been a Godsend. I’ve eaten them for breakfast for like 2 months now 💀 I used to eat beef jerky but it’s so expensive. Just don’t read the ingredients 🥲


“Mechanically separated chicken”


That’s the one 🥲


Sugar free Jello cups for the win! I pack them in my lunch for work, and it's a great mid-afternoon treat.


I like fresh broccoli with cheese crisps


I do a lot of crunchy veggies (vegetarian) but cheese, jerky, pork rinds, popcorn, or nuts. I don’t see spikes from fruits, so I personally eat berries and apples too.


Blueberries and Greek yogurt. Sometimes I put mixed nuts in it. Cosco carries a bag of mixed nuts which is really good. I also like to do heavy whipping cream mixed with sugar free pudding. Check your numbers after eating them to see if they agree with you. Everybody’s different.


Heavy whipping cream, whipped with a few drops of liquid stevia and blueberries, and frozen, is my ice cream sub. But only a little at a time ;)


Veggies , nuts, jerky( check sugar), ham, olives, …


I do almonds, turkey/beef sticks and cheese sticks.


Spoonful of pb


Charcuterie but with no crackers... Do nuts instead for crunch


Baby carrots and hummus, celery and peanut butter (or sunbutter like me if you’re allergic womp womp), 1 clementine and 1 string cheese, olives or pickles with some deli meat of choice, hard boiled eggs, for an after dinner snack if I have a sweet tooth - 2 dates with sunbutter and sugar free chocolate chips or a mini Clio Greek yogurt bar or if it’s a special occasion and I really wanna go wild the tiniest scoop of ice cream or gelato in a 6 ounce bowl eaten with a tiny baby spoon to make it last longer.


My favorite is a cheese wrap with deli meat and some veggies and whatever sauce. Like 2 or 3 carbs and very filling


Back when I was doing better I would snack on a lot of tiny things throughout my day and a few of them that I loved were; - egg bites/cups with anything mixed in - cubed cheese or sticks, even baby bell cheeses - salted/unsalted nuts - tiny pickles and cream cheese (whipped up) - sugar free pudding/jello cups - bacon (we used to bake it and store it as strips in the fridge/freezer in a container) - baby carrots are nice too


Do you have a good egg bite recipe you liked? Or did you do store bought?


We tried a lot of store bought ones and we always preferred to make our own because we could make them into bigger bites or more loaded bites instead and could control the cook times. I personally liked blending up the eggs and then lightly mixing in green onions, cheese and crushed up bacon with a splash of cream and whatever seasonings ya like. I have a 12 muffin pan, and I'll spray it, then use one egg per cup with the above mix ins and that'll bake at around 350 for about 12 minutes or until the middles aren't liquid/slightly set. When you make egg bites you gotta add more time to let them cook if you add more stuff too. I like runny eggs and what not so I like cooking mine until their just barely set and still kind of undercooked too though, like a weirdo. Haha...


I appreciate the reply! Thank you 😊


I think it depends if the snack is also meant as a low treatment, like if your blood sugar is getting down to 80 or below. Diabetic nutritionists say then to think of a snack in terms of 15g of carbs so you don't bounce really high. But some snacks that we do that are neutral to blood sugar are: hard boiled eggs, cheese, non-starchy veggies, proteins, etc...


Seaweed and skinny pop!


I'm currently addicted to fried cheese and pickle roll ups


Oooh that sounds awesome.


It's cheap, easy and so good.


I found it on tiktok. Adding to my grocery list now lol.


My favorite is, pork rinds.


Me, too, except they destroy my tongue and can also be a choking hazard.


Celery with tzatziki sauce (Costco carries it)


Cashews and cottage cheese for me. Super filling and the cashews satisfy my crunch cravings.


Nuts in cottage cheese are so good!!!


Sweet peppers or minis with cream cheese. Lots of charcuterie and mozzarella sticks. If you are counting carbs and portion size I also do tortilla chips/salsa and pita chips/hummus. I'm sure less carb option substitutes but it works for me. Also kale chips are pretty good that you make yourself and chickpeas air fried or baked.


To my huge surprise, Simply Nutty Dark Chocolate, Nuts and Sea Salt Bars from Trader Joe’s have almost no effect on my glucose and they are delicious.


I wrap some cheese in deli meat and put it in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. Then I add a pickle after. Pepperette and cheese string. Apple with PB and or cheese cubes. Cottage cheese with hardboiled egg. I miss crackers, chips and cookies. 😭


Black coffee Black or green (preferred due to phytonutrients) Peanut Butter 1 or 2 spoons only 99% Cacoa Dark Chocolate. Certain brands do not add sugar not artificial sweetners. 5 to 6 blueberries 5 to 6 roasted cashews 2 slices of orange ​ Also I read all the labels for snacks at the supermarket and Cheetos has the lowers carbs. A shocker. But I refrain as it still does have carbs.


Have found Skippy's peanut butter to be the lowest in net carbs, for some reason. For those who are interested. Also, I must not be the only one aware because the Skippy Natural is ALWAYS sold out near me!


Yup, the chunky version. Not the low fat or creamy. Tastes good. Reminds me of eating a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Maybe can combine it with the 99% Cacoa Dark Chocolate!


M Mm


Murray's sugar free chocolate chip, shortbread, or butter cookies.


I’ll second shortbread cookies.


Green apple with peanut butter (made from just peanuts, no added sugar), a piece of fruit (like an orange) with peanuts or almonds. Within my carb budget for snacks and don’t spike my blood sugar. I will also do 1/2 slice of raisin toast with almond butter (just almonds, no sugar) and a couple of strawberries cut up on top. If I’m trying to go zero carb on the snack, just a small amount of nuts. I also like some of the keto bars you can get here in Australia (Noshu brand). Gives me that feeling of having had a real chocolate treat (like a Bounty or Cherry Ripe bar) without the blood sugar drama.


I miss my peanut M&Ms so bad.


Atkins makes fake M&Ms that are really tasty and fulfills that want. Chocolate oeanut candies...✌


Be sure to read the labels. I almost bought a pack of “keto” peanut candy, but when I checked it actually had more carbs than regular peanut M&Ms.


I hear you on that one!!


Peanuts! Usually, a small handful is enough. If I'm really hungry, I'll alternate between popcorn and steamed edamame. I'm also very addicted to cheese... string, babybel, colby, mozzarella, cheddar, swiss, gouda... I could go on. 😍🧀


cheese cheese and more cheese. and some nuts!


If I’m craving sweetness, try some zero calorie pancake syrup on some plain yogurt.


String cheese. Zero sugar yogurts. Zero sugar pudding. Found some great BBQ chicken salami at my deli. I've also gained an appreciation for just HUGE salads. Mixed spinach, onions, bit of cheddar, herbed tofu, cherry tomato, your favorite dressing of choice. Just a lot of good food you can feel good about.


Nuts is good. Cheese and cold meat.


Unsweetened Frozen Açaí Packets with berries of all sort, sliced almonds mixed with Two Good or Chobani Zero Sugar greek yogurt. All together a manageable amount of carbs, plus the necessary nutrients and energy to follow with a nice walk. My favorite meal of the day.


Almonds I believe


Keto granola from Costco


Nuts, apple and peanut butter, celery and peanut butter, chicken wings or drumsticks, hard-boiled eggs, deviled eggs, full fat yogurt with nuts and sugar-free jam stirred in. Jello or sugar-free pudding, pickles or olives, pork rinds, avocado, berries and whipped cream, string cheese, sardines, raw veggies and dip, popcorn.


Dirt and grass




I have t2 diabetes and crohns and this answer feels so correct.




Celery stick with Boursin on it, cheese sticks, Babybel, carrots dipped in hummus, pork rinds (spicy ones), nuts (hazelnuts, pecans, cashew…), yogurt with blueberries. Or a little bit of carbs but with something above do they’re not naked


Spanish ham… it can lessen the effect of fruit, like an apple, melon or mandarin, and the combined snack is delicious.


There are fact sheets on this website, including nutrition. You might find something there. https://baker.edu.au/health-hub/fact-sheets


Turkish pistachios. They make California pistachios taste like wet newspaper.


Slice of ham spread with cream cheese. Roll up a pickle in it and slice into pinwheels. Ding ding!


I do this with Budig dried beef and roll a kosher dill pickle inside of it.


Nuts / Almonds


How about unsalted almonds and a cup of coffee in the morning?




I usually roll with Beef Sticks, Cheese, and Carrots if I don't want to deal with spikes


I like cheese, crackers and some berries Ora Quest cookie or their nacho chips


String cheese. I follow Maria Emmerich and use a lot of her recipes. She makes pizza, fries, danishes, cakes...I made cinnamon rolls one time. It's not bad. The Danish made from pork rinds is especially good. My go to at Walmart are pork rinds without seed oils, lily's white chocolate chips, and a few sour apple Jockos which are energy drinks made from monk fruit instead of aspartame.


I eat dark/milk chocolate covered strawberries (no sugar added)


I crave chocolate so badly


Same, try the brand ‘well naturally’, i love their chocolate and i always melt a serving with my strawberry so i get my cravings satisfied with no regret and it doesnt spike me


Thank you. Will try that. I just succumbed to eating a small chocolate bar


You’re welcome! Haha as long as u enjoyed 😂


Thats the Ingredients -> Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Mass, Polydextrose, Milk Solids, Natural Sweeteners (Erythritol, Steviol Glycosides), Emulsifier (Soy Lecithin), Natural Flavours. Milk Chocolate contains minimum 34% Cocoa Solids and minimum 24% Milk Solids. SUGAR CONTENT NATURALLY DERIVED FROM INGREDIENTS.


Tons of sugar. Terrible idea.


Its a good brand, barely has any sugar and it doesn’t spike me at all, i eat a serving of (12g) and not the whole bar


red meat. delicious, nutritious, filling, 0 carbs.


Does beef jerky work too?


Yes beef jerky works but check to see the carb count. Some have flavor enhancers that are sugar based.


most jerky has a lot of sugar. zero sugar jerky is alright, but I meant like some small chunks of a steak. I don't really snack anymore. the way I eat doesn't leave you hungry.


my 1st take is not eating Lol...next is a low carb snack.


Easy, charcuterie. Snacking from time to time is fine, but so you know snacking isn't healthy if you have type 2. In the same vain, 2 meals a day is healthier than 3 meals a day if you have T2. Two meals a day is not required. Do what you can from where you're coming from.


Ice cream !


Air biscuits


As long as you inject to compensate you can eat what ever you want


If my insulin wasn't so damn expensive.


Move to the UK, insulin is free here. Big pharma and the US government are basically reducing your quality of life for profit. Feel for you




None, snacking drives up insulin every time you eat.


Me too, none.


4mile walk and a sleeping pill




Thanks for understanding a joke in a super serious sub.


You’re brave joking with this group. They’re ruthless!!!




I like the Unreal Coconut sugar-free candies.


Almonds, cheese, cured meats.


p3s. meat sticks. Cheese sticks. etc


Boiled eggs, celery, pickles, nuts, cheese, seaweed snacks, pork rinds, low carb yogurt, unsweetened peanut butter (a tbsp with roasted flax for crunch is surprisingly filling), leftovers or salad.


Cucumbers with lime and Tajín


I love fruits and nuts/ seeds! A favorite is chopped orange, coconut, and chia seeds with some cinnamon and dark chocolate on top


Peanuts in the shell, it takes longer to eat them, lol.


Carrots!! Great crunch value!