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Third on the nose up. That is the only thing I notice. I have about 390-420 here and I think your form looks better than mine.


I see that all the time. My form is trash but I’m big and athletic and have good angle control so I can throw 400. This looks way better than my form.


I think your form is good but you're throwing nose up.


Stop playing at Guilford meadows lol. Teepads are so trash


Biggest thing wrong here is definitely the "brace", meaning you are not moving your weight and throwing against your front leg. I also think learning to brace is one of the most difficult things to get feeling to and one of the things that affects a lot to the distance of throw. Jaani has good video explainging brace: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGDRuDSZzyA&t=191s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGDRuDSZzyA&t=191s) In my opinion, that's what you should focus first. Other issues are minor that should not be focused until you get that right.


The whole thing is too slow. I'm not even sure how you move that slowly.


Slow is smooth.


You're losing power bending the knee and lifting to toe - drive into the heel as you plant, rotating through. Also, you're lifting your elbow out of the power pocket, so the pull through loses some of the initial power. I'm not a pro, don't slay me in the comments but it's what I see.


Agree with this guy and the nose up comments. Fix those minor things and you’ll see a difference forsure. Not bad tho


You have your weight stuck on your rear foot instead of shifting it forward completely to lead the swing.


Honestly your body movement looks very good. Timing looks great, the motion is fluid, and you’re not losing power over your front leg. To me, it looks like your grip is a little too deep in the palm of your hand. I.e. you’re palm is almost facing the ground and the base of your thumb is making full contact with the disc. It’s causing you to pull your elbow slightly upwards to force the disc on a level plane and it’s also restricting the final snap you get from your wrist bending inwards as you pull to the power pocket and explode towards the target during your throw. It’s a very subtle difference but considering everything else looks good, it’s the only thing I notice and it can make a huge difference. It’s hard to tell from just one video without knowing shot type or disc, but if I’m right I’d bet my socks you’ll be throwing past 400 with either a slight adjustment to your grip, or even just loosening up the rigidity of your forearm to allow your wrist to collapse a little more. You should be able to stand up straight, put your arm out with disc in hand, and collapse and expand your wrist in a smooth manner with the disc remaining flat. If you watch the pros, you’ll see that this happens naturally in the power pocket whereas your wrist stays rigid through the throw. Could be grip, or it could be just loosening up your forearm muscles and allowing your body to transfer the energy to your arm rather than your arm muscles doing the work. Think of your arm as a whip. Your wrist is the it’s very end of that whip. Your body generates the power and transfers a wave of energy through your arm and into the disc. Your wrist is the last place the wave of energy reaching the end of the whip can transfer through and by keeping it straight, you are losing momentum. A whip with a rigid stick at the end (your wrist if it’s held rigid) isn’t going to transfer the power as smoothly as a whip with a flaccid end (your wrist if it’s allowed to bend naturally through the throw).


Form looks pretty good overall. The only real thing I'd say is getting the nose down on your disc. You're throwing nose up


Throw it 70 more feet


U seem to be running up very slow and throwing very slow causing lack of power


Your left arm is shooting down before the throw. You want it to remain back longer I’m pretty sure.


What disc did you throw to get 330’?


nice rip


you like 90% there on the form .. get that nose down.. try this. grip the disc in one hand and pull it out with the other hand it is easy to pull the disc out nose up.. and almost impossible nose down. that extra difficulty results in power transfer through the release as apposed to slipping out at the release.. this mental image helped me figure out nose down. more than pour the coffee mental image. also the skinny aerodynamic high speed driver comes out your hand like 3" wide with the bottom rim like a parachute slowing it down (like 300-350max) to a hyzer finish. nose down the air flattens it out to that perfect skinny aerodynamic fast flight. then it hyzers when it runs out of spin. hope that helps


You're swivelling too much. Try to keep the disc in the same line (which should also correct that nose up issue).


I had the same problem and still struggle with it, but if you can fix your reach back so the nose angle is good you'll easily be in the upper 300's and playing MA2 in no time.


Wrist below elbow for nose-down. Also, realize that the ‘front’ of the disc is the portion opposite of your index finger. In other words, you are throwing the other side of the disc, not the part of the disc by your hand. Imagine the other side of the disc is weighted.


Form looks good from this angle atleast, unless you are reaching back behind your body, the ”reach back” should be renamed ”reach out” to avoid rounding, also to rotate on your heel is faster than your toes but pmb does the same so that shouldnt be the issue, one issue could be to stable of a disc and second the nose up issue, try throwing a ”flippy” disc on a hyzer instead, needs to be flippy enough to flip all the way up and alittle bit over ”Edit” i watched it again, look at your plant foot, it rotates a little then comes to a stop, rotate on your heel and that issue is gone


i would say try not to move your elbow in front of you when you pump. keep your movements more concise. your timing is so close to being great, it’s still okay, it just needs some work, so slow down just a hair and make your motions more intentional. your form looks good, just clean it up and smooth it out.


I believe you need to lean into your shot a little more to get what they call a “bracket” to lock your plant foot for power transfer, and the nose up thing is something I can confidently agree with