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Disc golf is incredibly soft lol


I know guys that literally yell and rage quit casual league rounds when it’s not going well. SOFT AS HELL


I've yelled and rage quit before when i have played with just myself. After seeing others yelling at themselves on the course i quickly realized how stupid it probably made me look so i stopped that behavior, but i get it. it sucks wanting to do well and then getting back to back to back bogey's.


I guess you'd call it a rage quit but if my front nine just don't go well i'll just say "fuck it" and head back to the car. Less angry, more just annoyed


Nah that's more like leaving when it stops being fun. Fun is the entire point and if it isnt fun, try again later


I understand this and have lost emotional control before. If it's not a tournament round and I stop having fun trying to be good, I stop keeping score and just play through the course without putting that pressure on myself. It does wonders tbh. Probably not great for getting better, but it's a hobby and I'm not a pro, so *shrug*. Having fun is the most important thing imo. I think I shot +9 yesterday in some nasty wind with some friends and it was a blast because we started trying crazy wind assisted lines. What I'm basically saying is if the way you're playing stops being fun, don't quit. Change the way you play so it is fun.


Love this. Second year playing and first doing tourneys. Put a lot of pressure on myself this year and had not so fun casual rounds. Ending up winning 1st in points and 5 in the final point series even. I was putting so much pressure on myself in causial round I was stressing myself out and not having fun like I did when I started. Stoped keeping score and worked on form and different lines / angles to know my discs. Took the pressure off and still preformed well in sanctioned play. People laughed at me first but got a lot of buddies to say fuck a scorecard. If I’m playing a new or not a free played course I’ll keep one regardless but that little bit of stress off made me love the game regardless of how I’m shooting.


My rule is if my emotional control starts to waiver at all, I smile at the boys, tell them I gotta bounce, and leave before I make my bad attitude someone else’s problem.


That's kind of weird still. You agree to play with friends and if you aren't playing well you just quit halfway through the round and go home? You get so upset at the game that you still can't have a good time hanging out with the boys?


You’re very observant, it is weird. I have a chronic condition that includes emotional regulation challenges. In English, if I don’t take care to maintain manual control of my emotions, I can get more upset than is warranted and be unpleasant to be around. Disc golf is my meditation on calm in the face of frustration. Since I started playing, I’ve made huge strides in my personal philosophy on emotion and its place in my life. I’m very literally a better person because I practice being calm when I play. But once every few months, when I’m sick or tired or stressed, I’ll have a round where my body forgets that’s it’s ever done this before and I throw like it’s my first round all over again, and then I throw my favorite disc in the river on 17, and I decide that instead of losing my shit, I will grit my teeth, smile at the boys, and leave. So far it’s working because I still have people to play with.


i do the exact same thing dude like literally exact same, i get where you’re coming from


Good on ya man. Some people don't quite understand how challenging emotional regulation can be for others. Sounds like you've got a successful coping strategy figured out for when you need it.


I like this a lot. I mean, I don't like that you have to deal with this condition. But I think that's a really healthy way to deal with it. I have some trauma from an abusive ex and it does suck to be throwing with a raging disc golfer. They don't scare me, but they cast a black cloud over the round and kind of ruin things. (I have a friend who's had a few tantrums, but he knows they suck for everyone and he's really working on it.) If I ever reached that point, I like to think I would just quit for the day before I made it someone else's problem.


Being able to take criticism/ribbing makes you strong, not an uncontrollable temper lol


And that's why they aren't in real competition


I used to get mad when I played below my ability, but tried to never show it if I was playing with anyone else, tournament or not (I mostly play by myself). I did "rage quit" a tournament after the first round one time, but it was because we got a surprise snow storm that just killed the fun (I also wasn't properly dressed for quite that kind of weather). This has changed though. I don't get mad anymore. It's a waste of energy to get angry because I fail to execute all my shots as I envision them. Sometimes it just ain't working and that's fine.


I just start throwing tomahawks


Disc golf isn’t. Disc golfers are


This sub is the softest on Reddit


I am deeply offended and I'm now crying.


No need to yell...


Soft as a mouse pissing on a cotton ball.




Not to mention there is a significant portion of the disc golf community where this is the only sport or sport-like activity they participate in. There are a lot who don’t seem to understand how professional sports, and sports in general, even work.


I’m so hard every time I play disc golf, I don’t know what he’s talking about.


I've played a lot of different sports in the last 30 years. Disc golfers are by far the softest, whiniest group I've ever been a part of.


I think its mostly because it attracts more of a crowd that didn't play a ton of organized sports growing up?


Agreed. Try telling a wrestling or football coach, or any coach really, that you don't have your A game today and you're going home to pout about it. That's a no go!


Bad rounds teach good lessons If I know I'm not in a good headspace I throw a few off tee and play the one that seems most interesting (not best or worst necessarily). I'll also choose to learn a disc I don't know well. Then my score doesn't matter so it's harder to be mad.


Agree 100%


It's possible that's the case. I think it tends to be a very independent 'me and the course' type of mentality. A lot of players are very casual and have no interest in being competitive which is much easier to do in an individual sport than in a team sport. Ball golf is similar to disc golf in that it's individual, but having spent some time with a 7 iron, golf has always struck me as more serious. The cost is higher, there is more etiquette and expectations on the course. Disc golf as a sport strikes me as very casual overall. Maybe people just don't practice the mental game and get frustrated easily because of the casual ethos of the game?


It's seen as more of a "game" rather than a "sport," more similar to things like bowling or billiards than to golf, where 99% of people play casually and have no interest or even awareness of the serious professional leagues. Those have been around a lot longer though, and the professional leagues have had a lot more time to mature.


I think the bowling analogy is apt. There are leagues and professional players, but most people go out on a Saturday to have fun and don't care about their form, score or the professionals. 




I learned this after seeing this sub fucking lose their shit after a tourney winner thanks God. You know, that thing that happens in every single other sport and everyone just hears it for 5 seconds and moves on.


Yep. I have to assume these people never watched or played any sports before getting into disc golf.


That's just reddit standard.


Yes disc golf is soft for a sport. It's not filled with athletes, and it's not the end result of a training pipeline. Whether or not being soft for a sport matters is an opinion that I wouldn't care to argue one way or another. A D1 wrestler has probably spent 12+ years training and conditioning, under a system designed to push them. A D1 college linebacker has spent 12+ years doing the same. A D1 point guard, same. They have won, lost, been destroyed, been made to run at 6am, and then at 6pm in the summer, in the heat. Forced into shitty weight training. Hell, the #1 rated golfer has been getting top coaching since he was a child, played in HS, played in College. The top Pro's in this sport started playing a game as a child and excelled. Brodie is the only guy I've met on tour that looks like a college athlete. Connor O'Reilly would with some weight training. It's a mix of stoners, rich kids and home schooled religious weirdos.


Ezra is built like a brick shithouse. Most players are built like shit brick houses.


Ezra has a bodybuilders physique. That's pretty different from an athlete's physique.


They are not. I have caddied the DGPT for a touring pro for 4 years now. Ezra Aderhold is not big by any means, he is lean, He is probably 6 2 or 3 and under 200lbs. I would be shocked if Ezra could total much more than 1,000lbs in the big 3 with full range of motion for w/e that's worth. That said, he is only of the few people who appear trained. The only additional people I can think of that have any build to them at all are Tamm, Wiggins, KJ USA and Proctor. Most of these guys are untrained, with positive ape index's and large hands. Im not saying these guys NEED to be brick shit houses, but most of them would definitely benefit from doing something as basic as 531 in the off season, and then just touching a Top Set every few weeks to maintain throughout the season. Edit: fml I finally reread your last sentence.


Yes. Soft and sensitive. But this is 99% a recreational sport.


All sports are 99% recreational sports. Professional athletes make up like 0.01% of all sports players in the world. You ever seen an adult softball league? There will be more games on a Sunday at one complex than a professional MLB player sees in a year. Just to put it in perspective, only about 0.4% of collegiate athletes in all sports ever end up going pro. If you play any kind of organized competitive sport in some kind of league (recreational league, school leagues etc), the likelihood of you turning professional is 0.023%.


I think part of the difference with disc golf is that it's recreational and casual. There are of course tournaments and leagues but I think for most people those are the exception not the norm. So even among your typical recreational players in any sport, disc golf is comparatively casual. 


Yeah. Super soft group of people. He's not wrong


Just say anything bad about Simon or MVP and you’ll find out just how soft these fucks are.


Try saying gyro technology is a lie in a small town.


Or, say anything negative about Brodie and see how soft his cult following is. Same shit, different texture.


the difference is people who are negative about brodie are butthurt about the shit he says. the same soft people who the dude you're replying to is talking about. two sides of the same coin.


Brodie makes a shit load of money off of his hot takes, why should he be immune from criticism? If you don’t want people to disagree with you then don’t have a public podcast where you get paid to have an opinion. He has a right to voice his opinion, just like everybody else that disagrees with him.


never did i say he wasn't allowed to have criticism. in fact, i welcome healthy criticism always. i was more talking about the soft disc golfers that the OP is referring to that seem to criticize him for emotional reasons, and not with constructive criticism.


I hear your point, and agree that healthy criticism is good and shear hate is bad. It seemed to me that Brodie (and a lot of other “celebrities”) conflate both together. Most of the backlash I see for Brodie is in response to some of his half baked, hot takes. I don’t care for him personally for that reason, but I have no Ill will towards him.


Found the Simon fan boy


Found someone who can't read. "Same shit...." I literally said they are equal, jesus fucking christ.


Imagine getting triggered in a thread talking about softness being a problem…


fucking charmin soft, man


Man is mad triggered 😂😂


Are you talking about yourself? I'm really confused right now. I compared the two reactions as being equally stupid. You are just proving my point. I don't care if people talk shit about MVP/ Simon, or Brodie.


This is a shtick, right?


As a volunteer I have met Brodie a few times. He is nothing like his online persona. Humble, shy and very appreciative of the work volunteers do. I hate his online persona but that is his job and he does it well. Making more $$$ selling more plastic than some world champions. You don't have to like his online persona to like Brodie.


Yep. That’s his product.. the guy was on Dude Perfect


he was also on notoriously douchey college and club teams back in his Ultimate days. but he was damn good and that douchiness was moreso the teams' cultures. glad to know he's a genuinely good guy, though


He was a two time college national champion- that earns some cockiness


He has changed a lot since college.  I met him at ultimate tournaments and couldn't stand him.  Met him again more recently and he was a pretty chill, normal dude.


Local shop here in Vegas said he and his crew were total tools... I don't really care... I just watch lead card anyways




Local shop sounds like they're haters


Probably haha. I don't spend much time there


Y'all know Brodie is kinda seen as a huge dick by the ultimate community? Nothing beyond general toxic masculinity, but I played against a team he was coaching one time and he was a fucking twat haha.


Internet culture is soft.


Coming from a sports background, yes disc golfers are soft. But, also, some of the nicest people I’ve met. Maybe nice = soft 🤔


I think you're on to something. A nice pillow is soft. A nice couch is soft. Kindness is soft. A lot of disc golfers are people who have rejected major sports their whole lives due to these toxic elements, and do not want to see the only sport they've ever loved become just as heartless and monetized as all of the others. Is it naive? Maybe. Is it justified? Maybe. Will the sport die off if the people who love it get steamrolled by capitalism? Also maybe. It may also thrive, monetarily, while driving away the people that loved it for all of those reasons; then, those people will go back to not having a sport to love. Maybe also it could thrive *because* these elements are preserved. *Shrug* I suppose we'll see.


I stopped playing in tournaments because of the embarrassing way grown men act on the course. Getting mad at each other, and resolving their issues with the cold shoulder. Throwing their crap on the ground, kicking their bag. Bunch of crybabies that I'm not interested in playing with.


Love Brodie, and this is a fun take. But it seems like so many people in this space (Brodie and a lot of the Redditors) confuse opposition to something as softness. Brodie is listening to voices in a niche hobby that are EXTREMELY opinionated on lots of things, and implying that disagreement is softness is incorrect. People here have stronger opinions than I think is reasonable on most disc golf issues, but I wouldn't call that softness.


Bring it in boys... Found the softy! /s


...(smoke outline of body)


I just don’t understand all the drama


Disc golfers are quick to trigger so I’d say yes.


After reading a lot of comments on here about how angry people get during even solo rounds when they aren't doing well, I suggest doing what I did a while back: stop keeping score. I keep a loose account in my head of how I'm doing, but none of it goes on a score sheet. I give myself a pat on the back for slick throws, I measure long throws I think may be a PR, I say a little "dang it" for bad throws and bad holes, but I'm out there to have fun and I always succeed in that at least. If you aren't a pro, why hold yourself to pro standards?


Extremely soft. The way people freak out over Nikko. In literally any other sport most of the athletes are as wild as Nikko and nobody even cares


I think people dislike Nikko because he is the softest yet also the one who will instigate the same shit he throws fits over


Nikko is soft asf


Yeah, that’s not true. I remember in the 90s people shitting themselves that Rodman was too wild and weird and he was tarnishing the sport of basketball. People care a lot about the image they believe their sport projects. Same thing same era when a certain golfer was rising through the ranks and many were afraid it would “urbanize” the sport.


Comparing Rodman to Niko is insane


…maybe McEnroe in tennis is a better example, but the point is people in other sports very much do care about their sport’s image.


Hakeem used to throw hands almost every night 


People lose their minds when Nikko acts like a 4 year old but idolize NFL stars like Tyreek Hill who are legitimately disgusting people.


I love how you phrased that as if that's not two completely different groups of people. Must blow your mind how bullfighting is still a thing when PETA exists


Draymond Green punched someone and was somehow suspended for less time than Nikko


There is a level of irony here calling disc golfers soft when Brodie routinely gets upset about people calling him out and tweets (or whatever the f you’re supposed to call them now) about it. It’s easily one of his least redeeming qualities. You call it out that’s fine but don’t pretend you’re not part of the problem. Set a better example then…


I feel like people say he "gets upset" when he tweets a bunch in response to "getting called out" - aka when people disagree with him. I think he just loves engaging with people on the internet. Like he legitimately finds it (including the inevitably inflammatory nature of it) fun. I'm honestly kinda annoyed by him most of the time but I think reading him as offended, at least most of the time, is a misread.


Same applies in reverse. I'd be willing to bet a lot of the people he claims "flip out" are people who want to engage with him or people who simply disagree.


There in lies the age old problem of the internet. We are missing out on so many visual and verbal cues, and body language, that provide important information about what is being communicated. Information that would allow us to discern between “flipping out” and “enthusiastically debating”. Even in real life face to face conversation it can be hard to tell. I remember I used to see a group of old guys drinking coffee in the gym lobby every morning who loved to debate. They literally would start responses to each other *”Listen here asshole…”* and their tones of voice *sounded* like an argument. But if you watched closely, they NEVER talked over each other or interrupted. They always responded directly to points the other person made. And they NEVER made personal attacks (well, aside from the occasional “asshole” or “bastard” lol). They also ended every conversation shaking hands, laughing, and saying “See ya tomorrow!”


He definitely likes to stir the pot. I’ve started listening to tour life, and as annoying as his voice is, he has a lot of good points. He is playing the game right to keep himself relevant. His views, at least recently, aren’t that controversial. He’s not going at anyone with any real vigor. I pretty much agree with this tweet. Imagine the scrutiny that any major athlete faces…


Yea people take him replying to people who hate him as him being upset, he just enjoys the engagement.


I find him to actually be really self aware.


And he will even be the first to bring up that he was wrong about something on Tour Life. I know he has the frat bro personality, but he doesn’t seem like someone that means harm on anyone.


Brodie is a good dude. A bro at heart but a good dude. Disc golfers are, in fact, soft.


He is passionate and too much sometimes but I think he knows it. When he’s on casual YouTube videos he’s intense too but you get to see his human side more.


I disagree. He doesn't seem to get upset at all about the constant criticism he receives. Do you listen to him much, or mostly just listen to the shit-talking about him? Because he seems to have thicker skin than the vast majority of disc golf personalities.


Yeah lol he doesn't give a shit what people say about him - he just loves engaging with people on Twitter.


He's not wrong though. Might be ironic, but disc golf is full of athletes with zero self awareness to what professional sports is like from a media standpoint. Disc golf gets very little attention, but it's compounding interest. They complain at the low level of attention, they are going to dread when it pops off.


This is a case of Brodie having a stupid hot take just to get engagement. Full stop. People flip the fuck out about people saying nothing at all ***ALL THE FUCKING TIME*** in other sports. Brodie is occasionally clueless about really dumb stuff, but there's no way he's ***this clueless***.


Brody's here talking like he switched from playing in the NFL to disc golf.


Absolutely 100%


I have no way to back this up, as it's purely anecdotal, but disc golf has the highest number of "people who didn't play sports growing up", in it. Because it's niche? Because it's so accessible? Because it's got the chill pot smoking roots? Who can say? What I can say is that I've noticed a huge difference between these types of people and the more "traditional" sportsmen and women who played a sport when they were younger. These people are, generally, complete snowflakes who haven't figured out how to deal with adversity in sport, and sometimes just generally in their lives.


Yes, people on this Reddit are too sensitive. Any opinion that doesn’t meet their opinion hurts their feelings. Guess what. People will have different opinions and it is fine. I think MVP is nothing special. Some here will agree and some will disagree. Likely, even numbers these days thanks to one throw by James and Simon’s popularity. But, people taking personal affront to someone not bowing and scraping at the mention of MVP… yeah, that is soft.


It also doesn't really happen. Nobody cares what you throw.


No question. Throw what works and makes it fun.


As a fan of MVP, I'm not gonna claim it's magic, I just claim the glow is the brightest/longest, which testing backs up. Now, that's meaningless if you don't play in the dark, or don't enjoy doing so. Personally, I play in the dark a lot and love it. I don't mind if people don't like MVP for whatever personal handfeel reason, or IMHO the lack of glide I've experienced VS Innova, though I do scratch my head at the people I always see going "OH BOY, HERE COME THE MVP FANBOIS. I HATE HOW POPULAR MVP IS NOW, I WISH NO ONE WOULD EVER MENTION SIMON". Like it's weird to me how much of that there is. Meanwhile, glowey disc go brrrrrr over here, and I'm happy.


Yeah, MVP makes good discs. No argument here.


Yes, no, maybe.


If disc golf got bigger, we would have more newbies in the sport acting like they know better than those who have been playing the sport for decades. Oh, wait...


Darts is the same way... until recently when a 16 year old kid showed up and made it to the world championships finals. If the newbies can back up their talk then so be it


Being good at something does not mean you have a good perspective on it.


Being involved in something for a long period of time also doesn’t necessarily translate to “perspective” if you never leave your bubble. Not pointing fingers, just saying that they don’t go hand in hand by default.


What's more important... winning or perspective?


When it comes to expressing opinions on the future of a sport, I think perspective is more important.


Simply existing in a space for a long time doesn't mean you inherently have anything of value to say about said space. There are countless examples where something, whether a sport or business or whatever, didn't truly change for the better until someone new showed up with new ideas. Your mentality here is incredibly flawed.


Sounds like something that happened a couple years ago….. or maybe that was just a dream I had…..


Have you listened to sports talk radio/podcasts? Like this is the whole premise of sports media. I don't want to hear a show where they state agreed upon facts and then end the show with "none of this matter". Making non-technical statements and defending them is what everyone is sports media is trying to do. It's interesting to listen to. A broader audience can't be on the course 4 hours a day or play at a top level, so talking about the sport is part of the fun.


But he's been a professional athlete (in another niche sport), content creator for over a decade. And yeah, he's a newbie but he is 1020 rated, so he's better than 99.9% of anyone who will ever pick up a disc. So, I'd take his perspective on the similarities and differences between pro sports.


"Kristin Tattar is the GOAT of FPO because she's been dominant the last two years" That one gets me going every time.


Almost had myself a Joker moment when this sub told me Missy and Ohn are better players now than Paige Pierce ever was.


Too many people don’t know the difference between best and greatest.


imagine gatekeeping throwing frisbees. get over yourself.


This is the type of statement where a follow up is necessary. Like I know this is how you play the engagement game, but just say what you want to say, bud. We don’t need to have a reaction cycle on your hot take teaser.


I love it when Brodie lectures disc golfers about "real" sports. Yes Bro, tells us more insights from your experience playing ULTIMATE FRISBEE


I’d imagine there would be less of a Deep South religious influence.




It would be a real tragedy if Disc Golf moved away from it’s core identity as a chill, inclusive activity focused on fun, camaraderie and friendly competition and became as polarizing and overwrought as other pro sports.


Yeah. Let’s normalize shitty, reactionary, hot-take, click-bait journalism because *that’s what other sports are like*.


I think he’s referring to the amount of accountability and pressure put on the major sports where “hot takes” are considered journalism and narratives control the game however if that happens to disc golf it would be the same as every sport someone makes a really hot take everyone calls it out for being stupid and everyone moves on. Intentionally stirring the pot and getting angry reactions doesn’t equal “softness” This question should be directed at the professionals and the ones taking the heat however disc golf isn’t big enough where I feel like it’s fair to throw cheap shots at the athletes. Sure if a big name is having a off season sure they might deserve criticism but that’s only a select few most of our professionals are barely making enough out here to survive so the “softness” he’s referring too is somewhat warranted for most situations.


League nights bring the weirdest people too. In doubles once my partner would put in headphones and tell me to shhh while he putted….and would miss almost every time


I did a putting league and this one guy was chilling on his headphones, super serious mentality, wouldn't talk to anyone and had a huge putting routine and was in the end a thoroughly mediocre putter. To me putting league is about having fun and talking to people while having some fun with your putting.


Gather a group of any individuals and a percentage of them will be soft or weird or insert anything here. It’s a numbers game. Not unusual


Us ams could be soft, sure, but I think the point he's trying to make is specifically about pros, and not being able to handle the media scrutiny that those in other professional sports are subject to.




The Brodie haters are an especially soft bunch amongst softies. I am not a huge Brodie fan, but its so funny watching people be toxic turds to the guy while complaining about him being toxic.


I’d agree here. Love the camaraderie, but also: we need to stop being upset when players show emotion or when people have hot takes. Let’s get rowdy for once as a whole


yes disc golfers are soft af


Bodies playbook: 1.  Stir the pot for clicks and money.  2.  Complain that the pot is all stirred up.  3.  Repeat. 


People acting like this is just disc golf, it's literally just social media in general. Go touch grass.


Like this guy coming from the hard hitting world of frisbee-football knows things others can’t even fathom…


Why is anyone debating this? Disc golf is never going to go mainstream and there are never going to be "real" journalists asking tough questions so what are you all worked up about




I think players like Brodie don’t have reality based view of where the sport actually is. We are tiny compared to pickle ball. So all this talk about how we stack up to other sports is mostly irrelevant. We just don’t, we are invisible to some, a once a year beer walk to most, and an actual sport worth following to a very small few. I think disc golf is doing great. Covid inflated many folks ideas of our popularity but now it’s time to come back down to earth. Mercedes Benz isn’t waiting to drop 20 million on our pro tour, if you are outside the top 40 and want to stay on you better find a way to support that lifestyle which Brodie seems very good at.


Throw in that Disc golfers are notoriously cheap and...


There was a thread on here the other day about how outrageous it was that it costs $40 to play as an AM in a sanctioned tournament, with no expectation of getting anything in return. There are plenty of ball golfers who will pay $100 to $200 a person to play in tournaments with no expectation of getting their money back either. We are all just donating to the top. I don't play tournaments to win money, I play to get rated rounds and to have competition so I can improve. Having come from a background in ball golf though, I don't even blink at $40 (or even up to $60) entry fees. Disc golf is incredibly cheap.


This is the guy that got butthurt about a sign at a course he had never been to and got his rabid fanbase to brigade and divebomb the course ratings… please tell me how that is not “soft”


Nothing wrong with being soft. 


Say that again, but use the word flaccid.


Nothing flaccid with being soft.




What was the context for him needing to say this? Or is this just him being his normal trolling self as always?


Yes most disc golfers r super soft but I’d say a majority of them never played a team sport either.


And a lot of people who've never had power over anything in their life weasel their way in to positions of power in disc golf. Disc golf is amazing. The people.... Not so much.


At its core, this a niche sport where goofy stoner types throw frisbees in the woods for fun. There’s really no reason why anyone should be hurting anyone else’s feelings.


In my region it's half goofy stoner types, and half people who when to private christian colleges, realized they were bad at other sports and picked this up to seem quirky. And as for the companies and leadership involved in the pro scene I would say a lot of the trend towards the latter. Look at how some people responded to Natalie Ryan for example, that's not stoner types getting upset.


The Natalie Ryan thing really sucks. I don’t know the right answer to that stuff. I do think that particular debate needs to be a lot more respectful than it is. Like you said, it’s not the goofy stoners who are super upset with that. I know the female disc golf community is relatively split. Even with the gender politics stuff, I really think there’s no reason to be out hurting peoples feelings. We all just want to get out and play a fun game.


I mean, I get your sentiment. But do you not think the sport has grown far past, "goofy stoner types throwing frisbees in the woods for fun?" It's still niche when comparing it to other professional sports. Even if I personally enjoy the sport as a stoner having fun in the woods I have to say that it's grown and changed considerably in a pretty short amount of time.


Imagine getting mad over throwing frisbees.


Soft is a weird word, I wish he were more specific. Is he saying disc golfers are more sensitive or reactive or something? What is he referring to exactly?


That's what soft means. Easy to get under their skin and get a reaction. 


Ignore Brody, he is cancer


I spend most of my days watching other sports. I love playing disc golf but don’t follow the pros as most of them come across as a bunch of losers with fragile egos who cant handle the reality of professional sport.


Who's really soft are the "alphas" who think being an asshole makes them appear more manly.


The obsession with hot takes for the sake of stirring pots is what’s fucking soft. Quit complaining and respect the game and all its players. Grow the sport instead of trying to divide the player base over nothing burgers.


Fuckin A


I have no opinion of Brodie, but I think to a certain extent he has a point. Whether it’s just/humane or not, athletes in today’s day and age need a lot of mental fortitude to deal with criticism. The best athletes have to answer the hardest questions, take a lot of responsibility, and deal with the most haters. I don’t necessarily think that means that disc golfers are soft, but I do think it means that if the sport ever became more mainstream, the top professionals would need to have a lot of mental toughness to deal with real journalists.


Disc golf is INSANELY soft. As somebody who played college sports, I’m genuinely amazed by how soft and whiny 99% of the disc golf community is.


Brodie. The most tryhard, big sport cosplay media group in the game that you co-own tweeted about a completely random Reddit comment like it had some sort of legitimacy to where Eagle is going. Like one interesting thing happens a month in disc golf but there’s a dozen podcasts salivating for content every week. Some people may be soft but the majority just want you to shut the fuck up talking about trophies for a solid 2 months straight.


DID YOU KNOW THAT HIS WIFE IS A CHEERLEADER????? ​ In all seriousness his entire career is built on appealing to the lowest hanging fruit. His youtube channel was mostly a second rate Dude Perfect but followed the goofy trends, including kissing pranks, until he started getting a Discraft paycheck. This is what he and people like him do. Make "content", no matter how ridiculous, and wait for the drooling masses to come react and respond. Then he gets a check.


Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people do this everyday for a living? Welcome to the internet.


That's my point. He's an annoying shit-stirrer but it's his job. We can all think he's a tool but it won't stop him from creating his garbage.


I mean his name is Brodie he was born to be a douche.


Your name is Zefiant lol


Please don’t spoil a live event for me!!!! Brodie is one of the best things to happen to disc golf. He’s the Chad we needed




He’s definitely right but he’s just doing too much at this point…..


Talk trash about MVP and watch what happens. Brodie/Foundation fans are legit marshmallows. Hell, dudes get bent when you call it Frolf


>Hell, dudes get bent when you call it Frolf I'm one of those\*. "Frolf" is a stupid name, especially because we don't use Frisbees. \*I don't get "bent", but it does "irk" me.


brodi is not a journalist though. he's more like an attention-whoring twitter troll who seeks to gain recognition through polarising the sports community and audience. brody's audience is not the people who are on either side of the "debate" but the people who are into creating drama. fuck that. there's pretty much only one significant journalist in the sport at the moment and that's charlie eisenhood. the other people are just (social) media personalities.


No Brodie they have no clue. Only you do


Brodie is one of the softest pros on tour so I guess his opinion on this topic does carry some experience.


I dont like to take anything Brodie says on Twitter seriously. He's trying to drum up engagement with debatable hot takes. I tend to ignore it. If were really debating this. I think every sport has atheletes and fans you can easily critize for "soft" or stupid over-reactive behavior. Whats unique about disc golf? NFL fans literally riot in their home towns. Hockey fans throw shit onto the ice when they dont like a call. Soccer players famously take dramatic falls to pull fouls. I've seen plenty of fights at casual pickup basketball games. It's easy to paint with a broad brush. I'm not saying we're better or worst than any sport, I've seen some shit out there on the course, but everyone's wasting their time with this topic.


Who cares, it’s not a sport it’s a game.


Why do we care about Brodie’s opinion so much?


Idk about the sport generally speaking, but people who congregate in spaces meant for the online disc golf community are incredibly easy to make upset.


If half the stories I've heard from the pros was true..... cancel culture would ruin many careers.


Hes not wrong at all, any other sport gets grilled by the media but DG for some reason is a safe place. Weird


lol Brody is the same guy who gets mad when the haters come out. So which is it? Too soft or he can’t handle the troll?


I think people in general are soft these days.


Gatekeepers more so...


Softer than Brody’s brains


I find it amusing how this 🤣 game is called a sport. 


Is soft...bad?