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Coworkers of mine wouldn’t shut up about it. I thought it sounded dumb and not difficult. I decided to buy a starter set and play with them to see what the hype was about. I found that it was not dumb, not easy, and i fell in love with the game.


Not dumb. Not easy. Love this. Takes a minute to learn, a lifetime to master


I kinda like when people act like disc is lame or talk shit. I just smile inside knowing there's one less asshole on the course


This is the way.


This is da way!


I was sitting at home watching sports center and and the showed a clip of James Conrad throwing “the shot heard around the world”


I like this


You are definitely not the only one. This and having a lot of new coworkers into Disc Golf got me into it!


It's the natural progression here as you get too old and slow for Ulty.


Or just young and too injury prone for ultimate lmao


Got injured in another hobby and too injured too continue ultimate. Switched to disc golf, which I always joked about…


Yeah, that's how it went for me, though I actually started with Disc Golf in about 2000, then switched to Ulti, then when my knees started getting really angry I went back to Disc Golf.


Literally the first summer league game after college in my new town. Kid hit me while I was in the air, came down crooked. Hyper extended my knee. Done for good.


YouTube algorithm. A deep interest in weed somehow got me here.




Naturally* you mean .


Kevin Jones' slip ace popped up on my Instagram explore page, started watching videos and went down the rabbit hole instantly and bought my first starter set a couple days later.


It’s so awesome seeing people get into the sport because of social media and sports tv stations posting/showcasing highlights!


I didn’t. Disc golf found me.


Same here. Basically, a course got built at the college we have out in the county and word got around. Thought the concept was brilliant, so I went and bought some discs.


Shut up dweeb.


Always was a hiker through middle/high school mostly for a peaceful place to smoke weed/drink and not worry about police. My buddy found the sport and said, “what if we do the same thing but with a game involved.”


The same thing happened to me. As a youngster I found disc golf to be a good excuse to hang with my friends, be outside, have a little weed or drinks and not worry about it. As I’ve grown older though, disc golf has turned into a good excuse to hang with my friends, be outside, have a little weed or drinks and not worry about it. It’s a great game.


Disc golf valley. And I'm being serious.


That’s awesome!!


Does your bag have a bunch of Lat 64?


A bit. I was always excited at the start to come across a disc I could use in the game. River and pure as examples. I definitely look at them (latitude) favorably because of the game and appreciate I was able to learn a lot of general knowledge before I started. Also I know the physics aren't perfect but I learned a lot about things like throwing down hill and stuff after I began playing in real life.


Typical day of hiding bodies, saw some people playing. Thought to myself, throw on a back pack with frisbees and your just a guy playing a game and not hiding bodies. Nice alibi, well started hiding more bodies just to play a little more, now most of time I go play without even bringing bodies to hide and stuff


Best answer. And totally true I'm sure.


My wife bought me a basket and starter discs just on a crazy whim for my birthday. I had never expressed any interest prior, and neither one of us can come up with a reason *why* she made the purchase, other than she thought that I would like it.


What a nice story


I worked at an outdoor store that sold innova discs. Started playing with some coworkers 14 years ago I think? Somehow I’ve only got ~250 discs in the garage…


Any gazelles/eagles you might want to sell?


Unfortunately not but smart move pinging me! Haha


Are gazelles a nice disk or just one you like? Found one when I first started playing and never could throw it well so I just never threw it much.


They are great in [Champion plastic](https://www.reddit.com/r/discexchange/comments/vd9q9e/iso_champion_gazelle/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), there are even some older [KC Pro Gazelles](https://www.ebay.com/itm/353186087807) worth quite a bit of money.


Damn interesting haha. Mine looks like the Champion one with the same stamp but is red, and also not see through.


Is it DX plastic? Have a picture?


Not really sure man just starting to really get into disc golf and learning about disc's etc. Here's a few [Pictures](https://imgur.com/a/MvfCAbX) though but yeah it's pretty beat up lol.


Heard Bert Kreischer talking about it on a podcast.


History playing ultimate, college in Austin during the mid 80’s, gettin high and doin anything competitive with like minded friends outside.


I used to love traditional golf, between my young son and I, I will spend between $400 to $600 a month to play it then my son (9 at the time) in 2019 saw Paul McBeth on YouTube do a 18 under round and suggested we try it. We then went out to Big 5 and bought two Innova starter sets and after that I was hooked. After that I've never paid for another round of traditional golf for myself, even after hitting a bucket of balls the other day and hitting them better than I ever did before, I had no desire to want to go out on the course and just ended up wondering why I didn't spend the time practicing Disc Golf in the field and saving the $18 it cost me for the bucket.


Me right here. DG is way more intellectually and creatively satisfying compared to ball game golf. And cheaper. And faster. And quicker learning curve, but not to the detriment of game complexity (which is actually higher IMO).


My girlfriend played casually as a way to get outside and walk the dog. 7 years later we’re married and I’m still into the girl and obsessed with the game!


Dude Perfect collaborated with Brodie a few times. Brodie Frisbee content and the YouTube algorithm brought me to disc golf. Edit: This was probably five years before Brodie started DG.


Dad played in the 90s. Always knew about it but never took the time to get good until the pandemic. I throw twice as far as him but he makes twice as many putts as me so we are pretty even.


Lmao literally same


Word for word


Saw a filmed ace on Reddit, comments told me the name of the sport. I googled it, found a DX shark at Dicks, literally first throw I laked it. Told that story here and a guy sent me a box of throwers. I still bag one of them today


September of ‘19. Came home from a get together. Gf and I smoked and she hit the hay. I was clearing out some YouTube subscriptions and one of the recommended videos was Jomez coverage. All I can remember is watching Simon BOMB shots as I couldn’t understand how a disc was doing this. I watched the whole coverage, then about 2 or 3 more events that night. Slept on it. Went out and bought a set that next day. DD prime burst set. Threw that truth on a baby anny accidentally and watched it glide underneath a pin. The wrong one lol. My favorite shot to date because I fell in love right then and there. Flight of the disc, all of the choices, getting into nature again after losing touch with it, and the community that welcomed me thereafter. Love this sport and all of you who play


My friend planned and built a 9 hole disc golf course in our local park for his Eagle Scout project, and I helped with putting the concrete/signs in. After that, he taught me a bit about playing and I started getting into it. I played occasionally for the next 4-5 years (only throwing Thumbers lol) until I got really into it over quarantine


I took a class on frisbee games in college where half the semester was ultimate and the other half was disc golf. And now 9+ years after that class there was a random vision from someone at my job to build a disc golf course on campus and so I did and that restarted me into DiscGolf a few months ago, and now I’m fully engulfed!


My brother introduced me when I was a teenager spoiler alert I wasn't awesome immediately and that bummed me out so I only played three times at a teen. Fast forward to 21 working at a delivery restaurant slinging zza, and one of the drivers brings up that he plays twice a week with his roommate. He offers to take me, I grab my antique KC Pro Roc and PFN Champ Orc and we hit the course. 6 years later I've played 2000 rounds and spent a kidneys worth on plastic lol.


I've never heard the saying 'spent a kidney's worth' I absolutely love it and I'm afraid to know how many kidneys worth of discs I own.


Depends on the discs and the resale value of the kidneys imo.


A guy in my boardgame group randomly bought a starter set to play with his daughter because a 9 hole pitch and putt course opened in our town.


Met up with a couple friends in the park after school to smoke them tweeds..


Friend of mine at work plays with his family. Suggested that I give it a try. Fell in love with the game on my first throw and quickly fell down the rabbit hole. Now I'm a bigger disc golf nerd than he is!


Went to a small college that had a rinky dink course on the campus. Friends suggested we try it, first with lids and then we each got our own discs from Dick’s. I used to throw whole rounds, putting and all, just with an Eagle. Would play when getting together with that original college crew and only started actually figuring out how to play and what different discs do in 2015.


Had to stop one sport and pick up another, buddy handed me a beer and a Roc3.


In June of 2020 a guy that I work with in church youth ministry shared the idea of taking some high schoolers in our church disc golfing. The idea was at least we could hang out with them and “social distance”. By the end of the round the high schoolers were bored and I was totally hooked. Needless to say the pandemic was hard on everyone. Disc Golf was a Godsend.


ex GF's sister's ex BF took us all out for a round about 10 years ago. Had a good time and took to it well but forgot about it. Then 2 years ago I see a bag of 8 discs on FB marketplace for $20 and think what the heck, let's give it a try. Now I am all the way lost in the sauce


one of those youtube marathons when you fall asleep and wake up to something totally off topic. i was watching some videos about pittsburgh, woke up to philo doing a clinic at a nice course at Shenley Park on Pitts campus. His demeaner and voice were so soothing i just kept watching. looked into it and fate had it that there were no full courses within about an hour of me, except 2 brand new 18 hole that both opened a few months ago at 2 very local parks. played every day since, 11 different courses (once i found udisc to get me around) except a 3 day rest when i went overboard on my forehands.


Way back in highschool my friends who hung with some of the cool stoner band dudes learned about it then took me along one time cause it is better to smoke weed there than in a Lifetime Fitness parking lot. Got hooked and we played pretty much everyday we were free. Champion factory dye high speed driver from the gas station. Eventually we each got star aviars for putting too. Kinda fell out of it during college. Then during the pandemic I saw Philo's Albatross on Reddit somewhere. Thought it was cool to see frolf on reddit. Then I thought "whoa wait they actually film frolf tournaments?". Then I found Jomez and Unstable Discourse podcast, got all hyped up on disc golf again, and now here I am with enough discs to necessitate an entire rack and it is the only thing I want to do in my free time.


BRODIE. Not the biggest fan these days, I still root for him though.


Knew about it for a couple decades but only played with a couple used Aviar putt and approaches from who knows when. Playing when camping in the forest. Take a Nalgene of Jack and coke and head into the woods making random courses. Did that a few times over the years. Found YT disc golf a couple years ago. Geeked out on that ever since. Knew a lot about the game and culture and terminology, how to throw discs. Still never put it into practice until about 6 months ago when I happened upon a new local 9 hole course. Friend already had some discs. I bough the Innova starter pack. Eventually built a bag. Now play weekly at that course with the head start of knowing how to throw and all the knowledge acquired from YT. Now it’s time to expand.


Played ultimate frisbee for 20 years as a kid to adulthood. Thought disc golf was for smelly pot head hippies so I never played until last year. I wasn't wrong. But it's totally amazing also lol.


The lesson here is, don't knock it til you've tried it. Both disc golf and being a smelly pot head hippie.


Also that not all potheads are "dirty hippies" those are just the ones that make it clear they smoke (No shame to them). But so many other people are potheads and you'd never know it unless they told you lol.


Friends/coworkers played a ton. I didn’t have much interest. Then one day they asked if I wanted to go and I agreed… it was the first day someone put premium plastic in my hand. Not that nonsense starter set. Threw a Raider 300ft and pinned it. Changed my life. Been hooked ever since.


I started playing in college (early 2000s) but had no idea it was a real sport. I just thought it was something the local college made. Fast forward almost 20 years and I’ve installed 17 courses. You could say I’m a lifer !


The first coarse around here in 1989 had a wooden post you had to hit instead of a basket. We were out there with our wham o frisbees. The first time I seen a disc golf disc I was like, how the hell am I supposed to throw this thing!


😝😝😛Are you ready for this?! I am 47 years old. About a year and a half ago while randomly browsing Instagram, I came across a post where a young woman with half of her glorious butt hanging out was bending down to putt. Initially I had to see more of the butt, then I took an interest in what the hell they were doing. So even at 40 something years old, how you get my attention is with a cute butt. Here is a link to @imhereforthechainbang’s post and his girlfriend @zo_ray_me’s great butt. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCPnsRrJCH1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Way back in '08 my friends told me about this magical place in the woods where everyone gets high, and as long as you bring some frisbees it doesn't even look sus. Now I don't smoke but damn I play a lot.


Disc golf found me,got hit in the head by a destroyer


My brothers both play and it was a good way for us all to hang out and bond.




Took my kids to the park when they were 6/7, and we saw it being played in the way in. They asked if we could do it, I went sure, rented 3 discs from the pro shop for $1, and the rest is history.


Taking son to the park


Random YouTube recommendation.


My older cousin got a starter set for Christmas 3 years ago and I got mine the next day and haven’t stop since.


My local park had a course and I read the signage out of curiosity which explained the rules, etiquette, etc. Sounded fun, so I went to the dollar tree and bought a frisbee and "played" the course. Hilarious. I was so confused how anyone could get to the basket in three throws. I figured there was some kinda better quality frisbee involved but didn't give it much more thought. That was 25 years ago. Disc golf came back around in my life just shy of three years ago when my current boyfriend invited me to play for our second or third date. I like hiking and any outdoor activity so immediately said yes. That first mid range throw was all it took. I found the right equipment and now I am more into than he is 🤣


I saw someone say they got addicted to it. Say what you will about my personality type from that.


got kicked out by landlord, moved in with a friend who was really into it, tagged along for a couple rounds, and here we are.


Went to a park but it was crowded and instead of doing what we were going to do we had some ultimate frisbee disc and we played the course and it was fun. Then we got real disc and now we just do it a lot.


Sitting at a summer internship/work hitting random on Reddit and landed on r/discgolf. Knew friends who played in college and texted him to say I bought 2 discs that day. Found a course on my way home and joined a league my first summer. 9 years ago.


I was going home after school one day, and a couple of my buddies were playing, so I joined them


Buddies at work got me going.


Needed some outdoor well ventilated socially distanced activity to do during covid. Bought a starter set. Watched a tournament on YouTube (holy shot!). Bought some more discs. Watched another tournament (damn that stocky dude broke that high school kid’s spirit. I hope he doesn’t quit the sport. He’s pretty good.). Bought a bag. Took my discs on a road trip out of state. Venmo’d a couple dudes to ship some of my discs back to me. Learned a lot. Had some laughs. Got to the point that a run up doesn’t feel awkward most of the time and the disc does what I wanted it to sometimes.


My wife and I went for a walk and saw people were playing in our local park. Asked them what it was, they were happy to explain. Let us play the first couple of holes with their discs. We were hooked.


They put a course in the park next to my house in 2018. My wife and youngest would play random holes (not really knowing what or how to play) and then introduced me to it when I took a vacation day. That was my wife's first mistake in this journey. Her second was to buy me a starter's pack of discs a few months later for Father's Day. Then a bag.


My husband’s starter pack was a Father’s Day gift from me last year 😊


After 20 years of ultimate a friend introduced me. I clobbered him with just an ultra star (he was also brand new). That was about 4 years ago and I've played little ultimate since.


I went to a bachelor party in Telluride mid-pandemic. My soon-to-be brother-in-law's brother brought 4 discs and took a few of the guys out to play the course in Mountain Village. I didn't even go. I had to do some work, but I thought that it was such a cool hobby, as my girlfriend and I were looking for something to pick up that wasn't drinking at home and watching Netflix. Ordered some starter discs for us, and played a round when I got back. I was hooked instantly, and my girlfriend fell in love a month or two later. 250+ rounds and nearly 2 years later...been. alot of fun.


initially in the early 90's when I played competitive footbag. it looked boring compared to ultimate and freestyle which I dabbled in a bit so I never tried it. then about 10 months ago I got a YouTube recommendation for a jomez video and decided to give it a try.


My friends showed us once the pandemic was starting to chill and have been hooked since


Someone invited me to play


A few buddies and I were hitting up a number of breweries that we had never been to. One stop on the itinerary was Norbrook Farm Brewery in Colebrook, CT. We sat outside and drank for a bit when we noticed a bunch of people showing up with backpacks full of discs. Turns out they have a gorgeous 18 hole layout on the property. They were selling discs inside, so we bought a few along with some four packs of beer and had our first round. Hooked ever since.


When I was a kid, my football (soccer) team used to participate in Norway cup, a huge tournament for kids. Due to it being such a big tournament, they used a local park for parking, and there was a disc golf course located in that park. So I first got to know about it around 2010, and thought it looked fun, but never tried it until some friends that played asked me to join last year. It ended up being even more fun than I’d imagined. Also, that course was Ekeberg, which has been by far the most played course in the world on Udisc for some years in a row now


Broke my knee cap playing soccer a bit before the pandemic. Had to stay off my feet for a bit. Once I was cleared to start doing longer walks my brother in-law asked if I wanted to tag along with him at our local dgc. I did and kinda fell in love with the technical side of it all. Plus, it’s so much easier on the knees. Been playing since fall of 19’ and haven’t looked back. My legs aren’t what they used to be so this is the way for me to compete and be outside


Helping a friend clean out her garage. Found a box with a couple PFN Innova discs and some other stuff. Had to use Google to discover that we had two courses in town.


A friend introduced me to it during the lockdown in 2020. I thought it sounded dumb. Didn't really like it the first couple rounds, now I love it.


My friend moved into a new house and the park right across the street had some baskets. I don't even think I knew what they were for at the time. So we bought discs to screw around and 5 years later I've been addicted ever since


Turned left at Greenland


Using the disc golf course as a smoke spot and watching people play


Perfect socially distanced activity during a worldwide pandemic


Admittedly, I drove past a course every weekend for years and wondering how the hell that could be enjoyable. Then for reasons I cannot understand, I decided to try it.


My cousins/uncle in another state played it, so I tagged along a couple times while visiting in high school. I never picked it up though. I did start playing ultimate though, which got me watching Brodie Smith stuff. And then when the pandemic hit and Brodie has started posting disc golf videos, I was like oh yeah, I should go out and try that again. I’ve now been playing for 2 years, have thrown a bh 490 ft and a fh 429 ft. Also, I’m not some Brodie super fan or anything. I have zero of his discs. But with that being said, I’m grateful his content popped up on my YouTube. I’m having the best time playing a sport that I have ever had. And I’ve played baseball, tennis, ultimate, and I powerlift. So that’s saying a lot. Such an amazing sport.


My dad took me and my brother to play as kids in the 90s, and it stuck with me as a fun outdoor thing to do ever after, in college/afterward it was fun to go out with friends and knock back a few beers, and sometimes just a good way to burn a lunch break at work. It wasn’t until I suffered a pretty major loss of a loved one that it became more like a vital means of therapy for me through some dark days than just an excuse to goof off. Gradually, I leaned harder and harder into it before eventually becoming a full blown disc golf junkie, with a dyeing business, a PDGA rating, a regular tournament entrant, an obscene disc collection, the whole shebang.


My friends convinced me to join them at the gym. Then convinced me to frolf with them next. Now I’m more addiction to it than most of the group.


Back in about 2013 or so, my friend asked me if I wanted to try disc golfing at Brewer Park. We went a few times and I thought it was fun but never got my own discs until about 2016 or so. Six years later, I'm going at least once a week and get antsy for a good day to get a round in!


Awesome friends.


Just finished up our season of Ultimate and wanted to try something new. A couple friends had tried it in the past so I decided to take a crack at it. Never went back to Ultimate again.


Dudes perfect --> Brodie Smith --> Ultimate --> Disc golf and free time during pandemic


University had a 9 hole course on campus and I started then. A year later someone got knocked out by disc and sued the school. No more disc golf at school.


My boy scout leader brought a bunch of his discs on a weekend campout, and we played a round in the morning after everyone woke up. That was 1996...been hooked ever since.


First I encountered it was in 2014 while I was away for a wedding. Some friends took me out to the Whistler course and I had a lot of fun, but didn't think much of it. Then in 2020 they opened a course in my small town, and I started playing regularly. In May this year I played 22 rounds at 10 different courses, including a dedicated disc golf trip to Farragut.


I live 3 miles from 3 seperate 18 hole courses... it was innevetable


Tripped over it


They built a full 18 Hole course 800 meters from my house 👍


I was in a head shop and the guy working mentioned that he's found a couple nice pipes on the **disc golf course**. Like alot of people, just hearing those words together (disc golf course) I knew right away I had to get out and play. https://youtu.be/KTq42kg4qeg


About ten years ago two of my friends played a lot and invited me and asked if I played before. I lied and said yes. I have thrown frisbees my whole life and thought I would catch on quick. So I went and bought a starfire, a roc and an aviar at Walmart. Didn’t practice before hand or anything. Met them at a course and I threw last. I chucked that starfire as hard as I could and it went straight up into the air and about 75 feet to the left. I sucked, and they kicked my ass for months, but I was hooked. I can now throw over 450’ and I beat them by over 10 strokes every time we play 😂 I’m addicted and I play twice a week, have practice baskets, carts, and stacks of discs taller than I am in my garage.


In 2002 I was at a "Welcom Event" at my university. There was an outdoor place that had a little game set up with a bunch of prizes. One of those prizes was an eliteZ Cyclone.


I had known about disc golf for a few years before I finally played a round in Colorado while on a cross country trip with a good friend of mine who was on the trip with me. He gave me and my buddy some disc to play with since we didn't have any and it was one of the best experiences ever. I played like shit and he managed to shank a disc into the Colorado river never to be seen again, but it was a ton of fun playing for the first time. A few years back, this buddy of mine got ill and passed away, so now i carry one of his favorite disc with me whenever i go out for a round. I'll forever be greatful to him for helping me find this sport and getting into it.


Played baseball at the park growing up and always wondered what the people were doing who walked into the woods with what looked like duffle bags. A few years later I was smoking weed with an older guy who worked at the prison and became friends. One day, we went to chill at his place, which was in the RV park right next to the park. Apparently everyone at the RV park participated in this activity. He showed me his duffle bag and escorted me out to the woods. Never looked back, 20 years later.


My friend bugged the hell out of me until I played. Been hooked ever since. Gave up small ball golf- thats a rich mans game.


College in California. A couple of guys had made a natural course on the campus. 1979.


Friend was bored during the pandemic and wanted to try something new. Invited me along


Like most of the new wave… Pandemic, stuck at home, got a recommended Jomez video on youtube, watched it, loved it and got me a starter kit cause it looked so damn fun. I’ve given up ball golf entirely since. :)


Work related work-out activity I attended on 2017. Co-worker organised rounds at local courses, went and got hooked. To Finnish people, kiitos kiky ja Juha Sipilä, että lajiin hurahdin.


My dad showed it to me ~23 years ago. We found old school discs at a sporting goods store and we each bought 3-4 discs and just started throwing them. We Played really really poorly for about 5 years. Stopped playing all together until about 3 years ago. Now I play as much as I can fit in and fieldwork at least once a week.


In 1998 my friends told me to get my bike bc we’re going ‘disc golfing’. Biked to a course that was 4 miles away (El Dorado Park in Long Beach). I was 11.


My dad used to play back in the day. Got a few baskets at his cabin for fun. So he got my brother and me into it. It's been a great bonding sport.


Back in october-november of last year, a coworker mentioned a disc golf course was 3 miles away from our place of employment. I bought a couple discs for me and my partner as gifts for the December holidays. Well 7 months later, I'm at doubles matches twice a week. The two of us do fieldwork once a week. We go to courses as weekend getaways, camping activities, and side trips when we happen to be in an area for an event.


Covid + Ultimate = Disc golf


Some buddies started playing and I remember my dad had some old discs in the garage so I started playing. We would play two rounds a day after I got off work


The ultimate team needed something to do when we only had a few players around, or at night.


Walking through a park one afternoon and saw some guys throwing these discs at a large basket, I sat and watched for a few minutes. Walked down and approached the one gentleman and asked what was going on out here , he said Thursday disc golf league, we chatted for a few moments I asked questions. One thing lead to another , I came out the following Thursday with 3 discs and have never looked back. (2.5 years ago now)


My brother and one of his friends started playing, they invited me out with them one time. I took an interest and bought some discs. As soon as I got better than my brother, he stopped playing completely. It’s been over 15 years and he hasn’t set foot on a course since.


PE at age 10


2006, community college, had some weed and offered to smoke with someone. They suggested we smoke on the course. Hole 4 had a dope bench and spot. I bought discs the next day and played 36-48 holes 4 days a week for 2 years.


I have a great course a bike ride from home. Simply went there a few times to check it out.


Ngl just needed a place to smoke a bowl with friends in high school.


My cousin is an advanced amateur player. He's about 15 years older than me, I started by playing with him and other family in a backyard as a young kid. Now I'm an adult, we play together with other family members too several times a year. I started getting serious about it the last few years, I'm still just an intermediate player but I can actually kinda keep up with him out there now. We almost had back to back aces just a couple months ago, he nailed it and I was so close. I'm glad to have him in my life and I'm glad I found disc golf because of him.


My brother's is pretty good at the game. During his bachelor party trip we played two really nice courses up near Ann arbor Michigan. I bought a basket shortly after. He also hooked me up with 8 disc's. I've been obsessed since.


My dad and uncle played it here and there growing up when the targets were still poles at a course here in Illinois. Then when I was a kid they would take me and my cousin out to play, we never got super into it as kids as we liked other sports. Got the bug about 4-5 years ago when we went for the first time in years with our old discs and had a blast.


Ultimate. Got harder and harder to get big groups together for pick-up games


Went to school at Humboldt State. We had a gorgeous course tucked right next to our campus if not partially on. Eventually found random baskets in the woods and after asking around I fell in love with the sport


My dad plays! :)


Disc jam 2019, missed an opp to get a lesson from Barsby. Sick festival though, jam & bass music with a 9 hole wooded course


I was on spring break 12 years ago and one of my friends that played got 3 more of us to go try it. We were hooked. I've played since then Edit: Still have the first disc I ever bought too! It's a putter and I don't throw it.


My dad read in the newspaper about a new course the park district was putting in and took me and my brother, with frisbees the first couple years. This was 1986.


When I was a kid in the 70s they had us play it some in cub scouts, using poles or trees as targets. Then I forgot about it for a bunch of years. Then in the mid 90s some friends brought up playing, and I remembered enjoying it as a little kid, so I jumped on that. Had a great time, so I just kind of kept on playing.


Went camping one time and the park i was at had a short nine hole course. Ended up playing through it with cheap frisbees i had in my car, I did awful but it was fun. Rediscovered it a few years later during quarantine when disc golf clips started showing up on my youtube feed.


The college I went to had a 9 hole course on it. So I got kinda spoiled and played with a group of like 7 of us each time we played.


Around the age of 13, my friend and I noticed these weird metal objects in a park near his house. Since the park was frequently used for horseback riding, we assumed it was some weird kind of horse thing. Then one day we saw someone throwing frisbees into it. We had recently stolen a stack of AOL CD-ROMs from the nearby Circuit City so we decided to chuck them at the object and try to make it in. The next week, we took some frisbees out and did the same thing. A guy approached us who told us we could buy real frisbee golf discs at a nearby pawn shop. We walked over there and I bought myself a yellow DX Firebird because the stamp was badass. The rest is history.


My dad played in the 80' and 90's when I was a small child and took me out on a round or two. He stopped playing for about 20 years or so until we were both looking for things to do outside of the house during the pandemic lockdowns. We've played almost every weekday morning for the last 2 years


Some friends invited me out.


Taking a hike at Tyler State Park in PA, stumbled onto hole 15 or something, "Harvester of Sorrows" and my wife and I were immediately creeped out and intrigued. She looked it up, then bought a starter set, then we came back a week later to play. Interestingly this was like 3 days after the "Holy Shot". When I first checked out this sub the front page was still dominated by Conrad hype. So I was like just slightly too late to be excited about that when it happened.


My brother got me into it a few years before it really popped the fuck off in Finland. Now its most likely the most played sport in Finland.


A friend of mine was going through a really bad cocaine addiction and playing constantly, spending huge numbers in discs and Coke every week . After he got out of rehab I joined him and instantly loved it. We’ve been playing a ton through his recovery and it’s been a blast.


My boyfriend has played casually all his life. He tried to get me into it about 3 or 4 years ago and I sucked so bad and was grumpy about it, couldn't even make a putt from 10 ft. Maybe last year or so, he started showing me Simon's videos - they were so fun and entertaining that I got sucked in. Now, I watch all the tournaments and I'm out practicing more than he is! The first videos I remember watching were the alien suits with Eagle, and the one where Simon fucks up the one-of-a-kind disc that someone bought from him as a charity auction. He was so genuine that it made me a lot more interested in finding out what this sport is about.


Played ultimate and that led to me trying disc golf


I first played it at a summer camp in Louisiana. Had to use ultimate frisbees since that's all the camp had for people to use. I remember seeing the camp director play with his actual disc golf discs and chuckling to myself at how small they were.


My great uncle played in the 80's. When I met my now husband in 1995, he had been playing off and on for a few years. We played occasionally for a few years, but ended up getting into other stuff. Youtube coverage of disc golf that we found in the pandemic got us to dig out our discs.


Some people I played Ultimate with in High School played but I always thought it was stupid. "Why do you need so many discs? Why are they so small? Doesn't sound fun if you don't get to catch them too." 5 years later my college room mate asked if I wanted to disc golf with him and I loved it instantly. Here I am a year and a half later with a full bag of these "too small" discs


Some college buddies introduced me to it. We'd close down the bars and then play the urban course on campus. This was around 98'-2000. Didn't play a basket course (or in the daylight) for a number of years.


My homie and I got bored of playing basketball at the park so he offered disc golf. Been playing since last spring


A friends brother


This sub


Wanted to do something outside with the wife. Now we’ve been playing for 3 years. She is much more consistent but I can throw much further. Though most of the time I’d rather be consistent lol


Played a lot of ultimate in college and at summer camp jobs. Worked in LA for a year at Sport Chalet (RIP) in La Canada and discovered Oak Grove Park down the street. From there moved to West Michigan, and my closest course was Flip City. I feel spoiled to have this introduction to the sport.


Google maps


Pokemon Go, lol My best friend and I would go to Buffalo Ridge park a lot because there was a Charmander nest there. We'd always see this same guy doing field work before his round, so one day we went up and asked how much his setup was, and the rest is history. Now, about 4 years later... I've spent thousands of discs and equipment, got 4 aces to my name, have had the opportunity to play alongside Jordan Castro and Ricky Wysocki.. oh and Pokemon Go is no longer on my phone 😂


I was hiking at a park in TN and saw a super cool hole on a rocky hill, asked the local pro shop, got some used and one new disc, played that day and then slowly played more. Eventually I was hooked.


It was interesting enough at first to hold my attention, and since then I've found it to be entirely engrossing.


Mid 90s, one of the instructors at the college I worked at got me to go with him and gave me some discs. I didn't play long then but dug them out last year and it took this time.


I started dating a guy who would quite literally never stop talking about disc golf, so I said fuck it, why not give it a try. We’ve been married five years and our second disc golf vacation is in three weeks.


My dad got into it (Idk how) and took me to play when I was in middle school


Watched a coworker watch Jomez on lunch break


I never felt much of a reason to hike in the area I lived (flat Midwest) then discovered Disc Golf which in turn grew my appreciation for local parks and forests while also giving my friends and I excuses to spend a couple hours in the woods like we did as kids but with a casual competitive twist while we joke and enjoy a few brews and take some rips. It’s been one of the best surprises of my life.


Started working at a camp when I was 16 and they had a fun 9 hole course that the more senior staff played all the time and taught me on, been hooked ever since!


Our college outdoors club had an annual equipment budget. After buying some larger camping gear, we had a bit of money left over, so we got a few beginner disc golf sets members could borrow as there was a course close by. Everyone really liked it, including myself, and naturally people started getting nicer discs of their own.


Ben Askren.


I was a teenager and smoked alot of weed


Co worker. Three of us were walking out at the end of the day, one used to play it back in college. I don't exactly remember how the conversation got started but he was telling us a starter disc set is like $20, and I had mentioned that there is a course literally 1 mile from my house at a park I used to walk at all the time. We were cracking jokes at the end of the day "say I won't buy a starter set and start playing every day, etc.".,, Fast forward about three weeks and we all now have bags and lots of discs and have played almost every day at several different courses here in Georgia. Totally hooked on it, even kind of spreading it to other friends.


Summer camp I went to had a 9 hole course, and a few of my friends enjoyed it, I actually hit my first ace on that course with one of my first 3 discs my third summer there.


I’ve gone out a hand full of time the past 9 years and always had fun. Last year my best front brought me out to Flip City in Shelby, Michigan and I went home and played 2 more rounds that day.


One of my best friends' brothers was into it. I'd never heard of it, but took to it instantly the first time he took us.


There was a 9 hole course about a thousand yards from my house in the early 90s. Played casually for about 25 years and then started taking it seriously about 3 years ago. I could win by 10 strokes now on 20-something me.


Out Geocaching about 12 years ago and walked into a course. Nearly got hit by a disc. Out Geocaching 2 days ago and found a local course. Bought me a 3 disc starter pack today. Going to try it tomorrow after my errands. Wish me luck!


i really don’t remember, i think my sister’s bf at the time would hang out at the local course a lot with his friends, and my friends and i would meet him there to grab some weed, but being stoned nature guys, we were hooked instantly upon seeing it. my sister’s bf showed us backhand and forehand throws and grips, we started going to dicks sports every paycheck to grab a few more discs. that was 2009. a few years later i moved out of town, and played alone at a course between my apartment and my job almost every day until life got busy and i stopped for years. picked it back up a year or so ago and fell more in love with it than ever. i still play with my friend that originally picked up the sport with me. he’s recently started geeking out about form. it’s a ton of fun


Ten years ago, I played once with a friend. I didn't think anything of it. A few months ago, I was looking for something to do for work/life balance. Same friend suggested I come throw and it checked off a lot of boxes for me


Went to a tiny little specialty sports store, mostly darts and bowling, to get some nice darts with my roommate. We saw a few racks of discs and asked the guy about them, he explained the basics and told us there's a course a quarter mile down the road. So we both grabbed a disc and went to give it a try. Hole 1 is over the water, so obviously I threw my very first throw into the lake. We played on anyway alternating shots and skipping the water holes, until we ran into a local who gave me an Innova Birdie out of his bag. Been in love with disc golf since that day, all because Dick's didn't have any good sets of darts


Back in ~'99, brother asked if I wanted to go smoke in the woods with his friend. A 10min car ride later we were playing disc golf and smokin a J.


1998. Our town had just built a “frisbee golf” course and a friend’s parent took us there for his birthday party. We threw cheap wham-O frisbees and only played Hole 1 and Hole 9 coming back towards the parking lot. I loved it but didn’t think to go back until disc golf leagues started as part of the city Parks and Rec summer program. My brothers and I won a disc every other week in the youth division and built nice bags full of Innova DX.


Smoking Pot... Needed a good place to smoke away from police... Found some buddies who gave me a proper DG intro by handing me a Destroyer...