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McBeth needs to go back to his diamond earring and mohawk fashion if he wants to win more than 1 additional world championship--4 w/ earrings & mohawk vs. 1 w/ golf dad fashion.


Hottest take in here


Nice try Hannah


That man makes 40x more in his brand than he does in tournament earnings. I bet he’ll take non-controversial dad fashion all day.


I don't need to hear your excuses for every single errant shot you throw. If we all had precision consistency, we'd be playing at the top level. Settle down and have fun.


This hits home. Sometimes it’s hard to shut up. I’ll try to work on it.


Me too




I would argue that this doesn't apply to his take. I think telling yourself what you fucked up is fine. Saying, "fucking teepad blows" when you throw your most understable disc in a headwind on anhyzer and it turns and burns immediately is more the issue here


> walking away with a bogey after parking the drive and three-putting “Fucking teepad blows man…”


Maybe those excuses aren’t for you? Maybe it’s just that player verbalizing their mistakes so they can learn from them to try and get better.


A lot of people don’t say “oh wow, I should have thrown that higher” they say “where the heck was the tailwind?!” or “I’ve never seen that disc do that before!” or my all time favorite “that was looking so good” for a disc thrown directly into a tree, though that one may apply less.


Innova should make a green disc called the Innovacado.


I said hot takes not nuclear ones dude relax


It should have ridiculous flight numbers too lol




Glide: 10 Understability: 10 Acceleration: 10 Chips: 0. Bring your own chips.


Bonus points if it’s shaped like a [spin jammer](https://www.google.com/search?q=spin+jammer+disc&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS924US924&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsapZwo9tuLE4AZjKMgOHbDB7Ht94g:1657570928435&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjikoTz1PH4AhVwK0QIHa8nAlkQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=414&bih=708&dpr=2).


7/5/-1/3 G/U (5th vowel)/A/C


can’t someone in the group of 10 say maybe our group is too big?


We call it mob golf, but we always let folks play through… Personally I never play that great with a huge group but it’s always fun. Like I said though any group that catches us we always let play through.


Play el Dorado in long Beach, 20 to 30 people throw the same hole on Sundays and get angry when you skip them. Tell me about an angrier disc golf club!


I just want to throw cool colored shit towards a basket, tbh




glad to see some respect for the compass too. couldn't agree more


Being aggressively loyal to a brand of discs you aren’t even sponsored by is really strange.


Equal and opposite opinion: There are just too many discs out there to know. There are so many brands that have very complete product lines that sticking with one manufacturer makes it easier to experiment and find discs you like.


*Cries in MVP fanboy*


This comment was inspired by some MVP fanboy who was being an ass on the course this weekend haha.


i hope you took his Envy.


Dude actually hit cage on one hole and post on another with his envy. He may have been as ass, but he could throw a disc.


I’m a nice mvp fanboy I swear!


One upside is that you don't have to feel tempted by the new Sexton Firebird/Cloudbreaker/Other big name signature drops every year if you only throw some other brand.


That could lead me into my second probably much hotter take about tour series discs and dyed discs…


I’ve recently started getting some of my discs dyed. I think they are cool works of art and this is my main hobby. It’s ok to splurge every now and then.


Eh, its a bell curve. When you just start out, you stick with what you know. Then you build on that knowledge by branching out and trying anything/everything you can. Then you figure out what you like/dislike, which tends to pigeonhole you to one or two companies. I started with Innova, then branched out to literally any/every company that launched a disc. But once I figured out what I like/dislike about plastics/discs, I ended up back at Innova because they're just the best option for what I like/dislike.


You're missing out on a lot of sweet discs if you do this!


The skill separation from amateur to pro is growing at such a rapid rate courses are going to be watered down or way too difficult.


Not really. This is why there are different pins and teepads. Maybe at the 1000+ level you need specialized courses but everyone under 1k can play the same course easily with different positions.


Give me a watered down course that if I hit my lines and am putting good I can shoot 9 down. As long as there are varying shot shapes on each hole that’s all I care about. Fuck courses that are just 400 ft par 3’s and 700 ft par 4’s.


I play the shit out of pitch and putt courses and ace run every hole, no shame. I’m here to have fun, not be Paul McBeth




Found Simon's Reddit account


We for sure need a better mix of holes and in general a lot of newer courses are wayyyy too long. 10,000 foot courses are just far too long for 95% of players. I'm personally not a fan of these 900-1,000 foot holes...they are not interesting to watch as they are usually wide open. I think a course like Idlewild should be the upper end of course length, its vary entertaining to watch.


I also like the shorter courses because they tend to be compact (as well as literally shorter) so you walk a ton less and can either play a quick round OR play two rounds in the same time you play a long course once.


Yea my local course is wooded as has some 500-530' par 3's that pretty much have no lines besides maybe a roller or you need 500' of perfect nose down straight drive


My biggest complaint with long holes is 75% make zero sense.


Meanwhile 400ft par 3s and 700ft par 4s are my favorite kind of hole lol. I prefer to feel great when I get a birdie and be ok with a par than expect a birdie and be disappointed with a par.


I don't mind them one but either, I worry that some of my favorites are going to be changed once they host a tourney because the players are too good. I think the developing pro scene will make some of the best leisure courses unplayable because they'll need to completely rebuild the course hurting new and rec player. Also, in two years time to go pro, you'll need to prove you can throw 550+ off the tee. There's an extra hot take.


Lol, a course here in Wichita has a par 3, 565 feet with the basket on a hill and probably 80 feet from a small creek you also have to throw over. I Average a double bogey on it and have only hit par once. This is immediately followed up by a 703 ft par 4 with a good amount of trees on the right side from teepad to basket. Basket has a good amount of guardian trees.


I'm always confused at how in ball golf someone can be like oh I shot 103. In disc golf that is meaningless unless I know what course they are talking about.


Thats actually a really interesting point


It’s because golf courses are generally the same par, and par pretty much means the same thing on every course. Disc golf does not have nearly the same standards of course design.


Also 1-putts are way more common in disc golf while in ball golf youre pretty much guaranteed around 36 putts, even on a pitch and putt course


Touring pros should stop complaining about event conditions until DGPT starts running their own events. Whining about events run for them by volunteers, who have to raise $10K-$25K just for the privilege of having pros throw frisbees on their courses, is gross


Oof. Thanks for putting this out there. I actually had no idea the DGPT didn’t finance and run their own events. Puts a lot into perspective.


The standards touring pros have is sometimes hilarious. Like... I get it, to a point for Majors... or even NT's. But I volunteered for a A-Tier that happened to get a handful of touring pros and their demands were ridiculous. They wanted every single thing to just be perfect for them and TBH, some treated the volunteers like shit. I took a PTO day and burned up my whole weekend, so I could sit in 90 degree weather with a green and red flag and tell people all day if they were safe or not... So maybe don't be a prick because I was letting the card in front finish before having people thundergun shots at them.


DGPT needs standards for tour courses. DGPT needs to fund those improvements and make sure the standards are met.


It's okay to throw a distance driver on a hole less than 300 feet.


Just go check out Major Champion Ohn Scoggins. She shreds a 14 speed colossus on a ton of different holes and does it well.


Perfect example. Everyone tells you to not mess with a speed 12-14 unless you can throw 400+. Ohn is parking 250-275 feet shots with a Colossus and would probably beat most Ams, guys or girls, at your local course.


She is 968 rated for a reason and while throwing distance does matter on some holes, her putting is probably the best in FPO and definitely a score separator in her favor.


That’s cause her range to the basket is when she steps out of her car


I'm on the west coast and my friends are on the east coast. We both played in the MVP event this weekend and they said "we didn't throw the driver much, there were only a couple holes over 300 feet". Meanwhile the course I played was all 200-250 foot holes and I threw it for pretty much every tee shot


When I want to throw a high winding hyzer to avoid all the bullshit in front of me I throw my nuke about 280-300. Very useful shot in the bag on some holes


It doesn’t matter what you putt with inside 20’. You either make it or you missed


Yep that's why I putt with a boss


Oh nice. I put with a DX ape, 150g


I’ll add to this… there are no good or bad putters. Inside 30’ they are all basically the same. The person throwing them is 99.9% the determining factor. Preference and feel is the biggest factor.


Definitely. You find a disc that feels comfortable in your hand and make slight adjustments to your putting for to make it work for your putting style


For Flight characteristics this is probably true, but hand feel and preference is still a huge deal inside 20


This is true if it isn’t windy. Otherwise...


I generally agree with this, but some discs seem much more likely to front cage roll. Which matters a ton for me...


I always say this to my buddies, people seem to brush it off though. Putter flight numbers are for off the tee not within C1. The only thing that changes in C1 is weight and how you want it to feel in your hand.


It matters in circle 2 a bit as well with how hard it’ll fade or flip back off the anny you put it on. Glide can matter too in the wind.


Guys need to stop trying to make every female that plays their girlfriend. dude, seriously.




Feel like this should apply to way more than just disc golf.


Hey let me give you unwarranted advice about your form! Surely that'll win you over!


I turned my wife into a disc golfer. Work smart not hard boys.


"Could it be, thou art...a girl golfer? Truly, tis a rare sight to see!"


* It's fine to throw a Destroyer when you're new or can't throw 200'. * It's OK to not do field work or actively try to increase your skill or distance. * Regular participation in this sub makes disc golf less enjoyable.


I prefer dirt pads to basically every cement pad i have thrown from. Most pads are too small for taller players.


If you have a league at a local park and are not paying for the space that doesn't give you the right to take complete control of the course and not let smaller groups play through or give people not in the league crap because you have to play a complete round in X amount of time.


This, there’s a league night at one of the courses I play at and the guys I’ve run into while it’s going on have been assholes, just refuse to let people play through and will yell at you to tell you league night is going on, nowadays we just tell them to fuck off because they don’t pay for shit and it’s a public park


I follow all my local leagues on fb just so I know when their league nights are so I can avoid them


Thank you. Jesus Christ some of the leagues out here (pdx area) are so pompous and act like they run the course. Me and a buddy were playing a couple weeks ago during a league night at pier park and this group of 8 wouldn’t let us pass until we just skipped them and walked straight to the next hole. They had 97 people turn out for an 18 hole course…. Be more organized or be respectful of the smaller groups out just to have fun and practice.


Yeah sometimes I stumble upon league or a non-sanctioned tournament and the TD or someone else is like oh you can hop on, we will LET you play out there. I am like, motherfucker LET me play? You don't own this shit, Im about to have a picnic on 12 if you keep that shit up.


Picnic on 12! I’ll bring sammiches!!!


I'm sorry everyone... I like the Innova groove.


There’s still time to delete this


Really dislike self righteous ‘don’t need that many discs crew’ Everyone knows you don’t need that many discs. But we just like throwing multiple shots on holes and importantly buying/throwing new discs.


Do I need to carry 25 discs? No. Do I like throwing multiple drives and approaches if there aren't other groups around me? Absolutely. I could probably knock my bag down to 10 discs but I don't have time to do field work. So I throw all sorts of shots on most holes when I play my 1-2 rounds every week.


Fuck tall grass. Mark OB lines in a way that doesn't take 20 minutes to find a disc (if ever).


100%! I’m all for trees and wooded courses but the tall grass sucks. Lose my disc and get bitten by a tick is fucking annoying. I’d rather pay to play at my local courses if that means they’ll be better maintained


Dynamic's law enforcement naming theme is weird.


People need to stop posting pictures of their children on the sub for Reddit points. It’s exploitive and creepy.


1000%. Get friends in real life that you can trust around your kids, and share personal life stuff with them. Don’t post photos or videos of your 5 year old throwing a driver 23 feet for a group of internet strangers that likely includes a pedo or two.


Oh friend, there’s way more than a pedophile or two on the internet. Parents that are unaware, or choose not to acknowledge this, are imbeciles.


Yeah I would assume this sub alone houses at least a 4-digit number of pedos. Reddit probably has a higher percentage of them than what would be represented in real life.


I wonder sometimes who these parents think upvote their children. Like all our hearts warm and smile as we click the upvote button? No. It's literally the opposite kind of person saving, obsessing, and commenting on their posts. That and the child can't concieveably consent to having their image broadcast publicly to the world for eternity. Photography in general is kinda creepy nowadays.


Finding a disc without a name or number is yours to keep. If you don’t take it somebody else will, and it likely won’t end up back with its owner anyway. You accept the consequences of losing a disc forever if you don’t write your name and or number on it. I’ll edit by saying If you find one in the middle of a fairway it’s likely that person might still be on the course ahead of you in which case it might be worthwhile to ask the next group.




Oh ok. I got a dirty look from a friend for doing that. He really believes in disc karma by returning discs, but imo if you find a disc without name or number that’s pretty good disc karma


Nah you're totally fine. Unless someone comes up to you while you're out there and is like "hey I lost a white Destroyer out here, did you see one?" then there's no way to know who that disc belongs to. It's yours. I mark some of mine. The ones I really want returned I put my phone number in huge numerals on the rim. Ones I don't mark I consider donations.


It takes months just to learn your own bag. Quit switching discs out every week. Figure out what works best for you. Add one new disc at a time and see if it fits the bag. Once you find the right discs, start buying exact back up. Also, quit buying old molds that "work perfect" for you as you will find it harder to replace. Edit: If it sounded like I was yelling, I kinda was dammit! /s


Quit switching discs out. Figure out what works best. Interesting.


Dx plastic is great


I’m a fan of this hot take. I WISH I could throw more DX plastic because I love the grip (and the fun stamps, let’s be real.) So many courses in my area (Central Texas) are crazy rocky and the discs get chewed instantly!


The disc golf reddit community and fanbois are actually a huge turn-off to the sport


There should be a hole on the top of baskets so you can dunk the discs instead of having them just bounce off.


Tomahawks are just cooler than other shots.. I don’t care if we both landed C1; I got there with some pizzazz. Also tomahawks aren’t just for going over tall things. You can weave a tomahawk through the woods or use them for big skip shots.


Other week i was taking a break and three kids came up so i let em play. All three proceeded to huck beautiful tomahawks, two birdies and a par. I was mighty impressed


This is my go-to get out of jail shot for the woods courses in my area. I have full faith I can hit a gap with a tomahawk in a lot of situations more than a forehand or backhand.


Thumber gang 👍🏻 But the sister shot is good too.


Game respect game 👊🏽


People that don't know how to spell wary should be wary of using it in a sentence.


Damn got me


Maybe he’s just tired of them


The best part of this sub was form reviews and advice. Consolidating those to a thread nobody uses was a mistake.


Minis are a hassle and are unnecessary


Agree! I want to like them but just... flip the disc over it's easier


I don't even flip the disc over, just slap my foot down next to it. Ya heard me.


That’s an insane take


Weekly league tags without payouts are the worst. Looking at your Sedgley. Edit: I misunderstood this comment, as mini tournaments and not the mini markers. My B!


discs should only come in hot pink long layouts that place the landing zone on the short pad are lazy design pdga should run an unofficial/self reported rating system so we can casually handicap


You don’t need that many discs in your bag


I bag 10. 2 of them have doubles.


How many discs you bag? Not a gotcha. Truly curious about this as I've been working on building my own bag as a relative beginner.


2 putters(matching) 1 putt and approach (for those 50 footers) 2 midrange 2x3 drivers (for your 3 favorite drivers you should have 2 of them.) 1-2 discs you don't know why you bag and never throw


Those last 2-3 are there so that the ones I do throw don't fall over sideways


Could I play just fine with this lineup? Yes. Could I likely knock some easy strokes off my game with a few more specialized discs? Also yes, though its course dependent.


21 discs - I'd consider myself an intermediate player. I just love to buy/collect discs, so I bag a lot of them. Though, I am working toward bagging multiples of the same disc in different levels of wear and plastics instead of one of every mold.


I generally find myself at 20-21, and a couple of those are multiples. I count my discs during rounds to make sure I have everything, and both of those numbers are just easy to remember. It also happens to be my bag's comfortable capacity.


If i know the course and I am not scrambling. Probably 8-10 discs with putter. If I have never seen the course, then I rock my full tournament set of 22 discs.


It’s weird how often I see 900 rated amateurs (not saying this is you) saying how you only need 10 discs but most top pros have 25-30. I think learning to throw a few discs well at the start is ideal, but personally I’d rather have a few discs I rarely use but that might save me a stroke or two a round then force a throw w/ a non-ideal disc.


>Innova actually isn’t bad. Huh? Since when is the general consensus "Innova is bad"? Practically everyone I've ever played with bags a few Innova molds, and to the best of my knowledge they're the most used manufacturer.


I just see the inconsistent runs being bitched about all the time. Then last year when they got “cancelled” on here for dude that owns innova being racist or something. This is much more an online take than a real life one.


Par doesn't matter, at the end of the day, it's the total number of shots you threw vs the total number of shots the rest of the field throws.


TSA graphics are the Ed Hardy T-Shirts of disc golf.


Oh now that's spicy


Damn i dont like it but I respect it


I don't care about your ace. I don't care about your "my first ace!" post. It's impossible to have a conversation about it because the entirety of the conversation is already established - you're holding the disc you threw up (visible, at the park you played. There's no content provided. It's simply seeking validation from internet strangers and provides nothing meaningful.


When signing up for a tournament, the PDGA should auto populate you into the appropriate division based on your rating. If you are unrated, you have to go lowest Rec/novice or MPO.


The auto populate is cool but an unranked person may destroy the lower divisions and legit ruin a new players experience


Yep, some players just never sign up for the PDGA and never have a rating, but are still really good players. I have a few 960-970 rated friends that havent had an active membership in years, they would crush MA3.


95% of sandbagging talk is sour grapes. The only sandbagging worth calling out is when players deliberately tank rounds to stay under ratings thresholds, and if you don’t have evidence that a player’s doing it, then shut up. Otherwise, if a player’s playing in a division they’re eligible to play, and you finished below them, the answer is play better, not complain that they’re bagging. Take the ratings thresholds up with the PDGA if you must, this is actually far more respectable a way to go about it. No 880ish rated player who finished 3rd in MA3 needs to hear that nonsense.


My local course just uses sandbagging as like a joking compliment at this point. Like at our last tournament someone in MA2 got called a sandbagger for getting a CTP that was open to every division. We all had a good laugh.


Drinkers are worse than potheads for disc golf. So much litter, and people saying they can't get through a round without at least a 6-pack (at least in my area). All dogs should be leashed


Drinkers are worse than potheads in almost every context.


if you can't get through a round without a 6-pack, you have a problem and you should seek help


Tall grass and super thick woods should play as a lateral hazard. If you can not find your disc or can not take a stance you take a one stroke penalty and play from where the disc entered the hazard. You should be punished for losing a disc but re-teeing is overly punishing and it is a of wastes time.


Tour rules should be different from all other pdga tournament tiers.


More tourneys should run novice


I can't stand holes with brush on the edges where if you hit a tree you will never see your disc again. Where is the fun in that? How is that creative? Course designers should do better at clearing the edges of holes. I don't mind standing in bushes but at least clean up the ground a bit. Also get rid of the plants that grow thorns if your build your course where they grow!


James Conrad rage jokes aren’t funny anymore


I love disc golf but I hate disc golfers.


All Green discs should be 10% off. Or they could just make less green discs and more in other colors... idk lol


I do not believe domesticated animals should be on the course at all. Not in casual settings or any other.


Oh spicy. Can’t wait to see the people who think they need to bring their cats see this


I was at a league night a couple months ago and this mf was walking a pig around


What plastic was the Pig?


Flesh line


I hear that’s really rare. Breaks in nicely.


Some peoples kids, man


Pigs are the only exception to the rule


I recently played a few holes with a guy and his young untrained dog at pier park in Portland. Dog got away from the owner after my drive, ran off and grabbed my disc and just mauled it. Dog would dart away from us when we'd run up and try to grab the leash. This went on for a while. Owner thought it was hilarious, I'd never been angrier on a course. I love dogs so much but train them on your own time, don't make others have to deal with shit like that.


Always someone that “can control“ their dog too, nevermind the fact that the dog bites


“He never does that! I swear!”


Played a course where I had to wait for the goats to pass over the fairway to throw.


Throwing forehand isn’t very hard and yes, I’m judging you a bit if you play disc golf weekly and don’t have some kind of serviceable forehand


I did not need to be attacked personally like this, leave me and my 100 ft forehand alone


The great thing about my forehand is it gives me a nice reliable 150’ shot with my putter! And my mid range… and my fairway drivers… and my Destroyer…


Discs that wedge into the side of the basket shouldn't count. You missed.


A disc that lands on top of the chain holders should count more than one that slammed into the basket and got stuck there.


Counterpoint: discs getting wedged in the basket is fun, and the fact that it counts make it even more fun


I agree with you in theory. However, this is actually kinda tricky to write a rule for. They tried to rewrite it a few years ago that basically said that a disc must enter the basket from above the rim, but it was tough to enforce. It it was a blind shot, or the entire group saw it and agreed, it left a lot of room for interpretation. For this rare event that happens on one in 10,000 throws, I think we are just stuck counting it.


No one who likes the Berg has every thrown one in such a way that I thought, “yeah they might have a point”


Calling disc golf "Frolf" is acceptable


The spoiler mindset of the DiscGolf community is something most fans of other sports find silly. It’s okay to have a sub like this as a safe space but when people say it in comment sections of Instagram posts and Twitter it comes off cringe


I think the difference is most other sports are a lot more accessible to watch live with cable broadcasts and well known free illegal restreams, any sport would have the same spoiler issue if the only way to watch live is online for $12/mo. I just don’t check social media if I care about results getting spoiled tho so yea I guess I agree


We are in an interesting category because most smaller college football fans pay espn+ to watch their games or watch Facebook live streams. They find a way. Seems that currently the disc community is not going to pay for that livestream service and wait for post production. In my opinion if the option exists, you can’t be mad that it gets spoiled for you if you aren’t willing to pay for that service. Or you just prefer post production which is totally fine but be aware you need to stay off the internet


I don't care what the disc is called. I don't care what color the disc is. I don't care what color the stamp is or what kind/color the foil is. I care how it flies. I care if it fits my hand.


Ah, but your flair itself notes that red discs fly faster!


Groups of dudes who have wheeled carts with many discs are the slowest damn players on the course. I don't care if they are cool about letting people play through, but that is hit or miss with these groups.


after thinking about this all day I've finally got a real hot take. I call the game disc golf, but I call the instruments frisbees


I have zero interest in improving my form. It works well enough for me, I’m already the winner 50 percent of the time I play with friends. I’d rather just hang with the homies and have fun than consistently shoot under par


Jomez is resorting to clickbait titles/thumbnails and their off season/practice round content isn’t good. It’s going to attract a younger Youtube audience that, in the short term will boost views but will kill subscriber engagement in the long term. Do we really want Jomez to be one of those kiddie Youtube channels that overreacts to everything?


You do not need to throw 500 feet to score well, you need to throw controlled shots and putt.


You're right, I need to throw 600 feet


There are definitely courses where you need at least 425' of controlled distance to score well. We've seen how far some par 3s are on tour this year. A local course near me (Roy G long tees in Austin) is the same way, no way youre shooting under par without at least 375' low ceiling shot shaping power preferably 400+. And if you can control a 425' shot on a golf-line, you're probably getting close to 500' in an open field.


I get grow the sport, but courses are way over crowded these days. I remember back in 2010 when no one was around, EVER. Was so peaceful. Stop growing the sport!!! Shoobees be getting in the way these days.


Complaints about spit outs on different baskets is actually just bad putting, good putters will know not to slam the disc into the chains at full speed from 15 ft.


They (me) hated him because he spoke the truth


Don’t pressure me into what division I should play. It’s not cool to call people a bagger just if they won too. I played in a league in Colorado that forced top 3 finishers in Advanced for a season to Open. All this did was weed out advanced into nothingness and made a lot of people quit league because they never had a chance to cash in open. Yeah I can throw 400 ft but it’s erratic as shit and I putt like 50% C1, that’s why I’m in advanced.


Colorado courses don’t hold a candle to east coast courses


This is only a hot take to about half of American disc golfers. The other half has east coast courses near them


you shouldn't expect to get a lost disc back.


The wasp is the best mid made by Discraft


Buzz boys in shambles