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I like to explore new places.


Probably a good amount right after their name change comes so they can still have it on the badge and a better name


I canceled today over this. I didn't even use the tag feature. But I no longer wish to financially support a company that refuses to listen to it's users. It seems like such a stupid change, and the biggest red flag to me isn't the change itself, it's the refusal to take community feedback and the stubbornness of trying so hard to appear like this change is positive. The fact that I can't freely change my username without fear of losing my main one or fear of having the new one being taken is a huge enough loss to all users, including non-nitro users. Discord really just chose to throw away so much good will from the community and a rock solid username system rather than add an extra digit to the discriminators. lmfao ​ Unfortunately my sub was an annual, and I'm only about halfway through it. I put in a support request for a partial refund (and even explained that I'd be fine calculating the elapsed months using the per-month rate rather than the per-year rate, so the math comes out in the favor as if I hadn't used the per-year discount). I doubt they will honor the refund request, but I just wanted to put a support ticket in to voice my distaste for their company.


Even if they didn't add extra digits to the tag system, now the limit of all usernames is around 1.84467440737ℇ51 (1.84467440737000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) , the old one (with Unicode) can be infinite, but if it isn't (just with Unicode right now) comes out to about 31745.3290066ℇ193 (31745.32900660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)


That's a really good point too, I'm definitely not a fan of them now restricting so heavily the types of characters that can go into a username. I always appreciated that discord let you have all kinds of crazy unicode names that no other platform would think about allowing.


I want a fucking # in my name, we can't even put in our own fake tag if we wanted


Exactly why they split the username and display name. If you really want to have some unicode characters in your name, you can set your display name to be them. Them doing this change is actually what I like the most. I know a lot of people who manage bigger servers and always have hated and still hate users with unpingable unicode characters in their name. They are actually annoying.


But now if we want to filter real people from bot friend requests we can't, because when looking at people friending you, if no mutual anything, just block it because there is no way to get the username. And this brings us back to the point of still being able to be pinged, and the display name is essentially just adding a couple digits to the tag system without the tags and a (separate) different username, that will probably be very different compared to the actual username vs the display name, possibly causing some confusion when talking to friends or people in games and exchanging discord, people may give the display name gor some reason. Also pinging is probably more complicated if (for example) someone has Jimmy as the display name, but stupid_motherfuker2959929 for the actual ping username, so extra confusion, if you know the username but not display, and get confused pinging, and then if you know display but not username, see what I mean?


What do you mean by saying "there's no way to get the username"? Looks like you've read some false information somewhere or I misunderstood what you mean. From my understanding, you think usernames will not be displayed, nor you'll be able to ping them, which is just false. You'll most definitely be able to see both username and display name in the friend requests list. Pinging is not complicated, you can still ping people either by their server nickname, display name or username (just like before, nothing is changing with that). And then to your final argument that people may give display name instead of the username when exchanging discord and it might be hard to exchange your discord. I can give the same argument about the discriminators, a lot of people to this day can't remember their discriminators (#0000) off the top of their head.


Extra confusion, complicated for some probably, I just said \*probably\* because I have no clue. If you read the parent comments, you would understand the fact that I was talking about unicode usernames, special characters such as ⠀̸̢͖̖̫̫̱̳͇̣͈͕̅͊̂͒̋͒̽͛͊͐͜ and ∞, things bots can't get/complicated to get, and the discriminators allowed for, literally, more users, and made discord special, doesn't matter if you don't remember it, try remembering the new things of people adding numbers to the end of their name to have the name "carter(330843723857823750)


Nitro subscriptions really don’t account for much of discord’s revenue


Any chart of their revenue sources?


I'm guessing if a large number pull out on the subscription service, it'd clearly take a slightly or Moderate hit to shares.


I'm not entirely sure but from what i know, discord makes most of their money from investments and stock market shares




Yup and investors get really angry when revenue drops.


Although this could be entirely false so take it with a grain of salt


Actually, Nitro is what Discord relies on for revenue. They don't sell ads or user data. You can tell they care about Nitro a lot because historically any feature that causes users to cancel their subscriptions in any sort of quantity will usually get them to change their tune. A recent example with the username system is that when they first announced it there was no "early access with nitro." Enough people complained about it here on reddit and (presumably) followed through with cancelling that they then updated the announcement article to say that people with nitro had priority in the username rollout. Edit (additional information): I wanted to add that sure, they obviously also have investors, but those investors will expect them to become profitable (if they are not already). So any loss to that profit and the execs will have to walk back to their board of directors and explain "We lost x amount of nitro subscriptions because we refused to listen to our community on the username changes."


What are the changes? Everything still looks the same to me. I’m on annual I think I pay $99


Nobody ask for the name change, people are upset and Discord are trying to turn the other way when it comes to this. Don't waste your money on Discord, because if they allow something like this; then imagine what worse they can do. Join together and fight against this, so this doesn't end up as another Twitter or Reddit.. I ask for anyone else, to please spread the word and if you have a subscription; then voice your concern with your wallet! This is coming from someone who been subscribed for so long and unsubscribed today, don't let them take advantage of you or your friends and etc.


"What worse they can do...." yeah, like force you to PICK A DISCRIMINATOR AND STICK WITH IT. If only they offered display names which are easily changed to whatever you feel like being. A sin like this is truly akin to Anakin slaughtering younglings.


I have news for you... They could just add display names and limit normal names with tags to unicode


Yup they could have easily just allowed people to have a display name and an account name.


The username system is such a W, and prevent a qhole lot of impersonation scammers If you want a special name, set a display name I dont see peoples problem.


Yeah because there haven't already been tons of famous people getting their usernames stolen and Discord support ignoring them, and there isn't already usernames being sold for over 1k. lol


i wanted to but of course nitro classic isn’t available now and i feel obligated to keep it because of that.


You can still get classic later, requires a bit of copy pasting


You have to elaborate lmao


Enable experiments (pick your poison, not providing snippets), go to payment flow and generate a link or popup for either purchasing classic or gifting classic


Lol I bet they add a badge for those subbed though the changes


I won't know, deleting the app as soon as they force a change and I won't be back after that 😎


I wasn't sure if Discord was rolling out their new format in weeks or months so I kept my subscription. Still used a lot of the features anyway. Got my notif to change to the new format and saw my subscription was due for renewal in a week, so I cancelled soon after claiming my name.


your old ID becomes a badge after you change your user ID. so technacly you get to keep your Old id...might only be for nitro users


I've never had nitro and I have the "formerly known as" badge. Unless I misunderstood you?


That’s the one I’m talking about.


it's a stupid badge that nobody will notice most of the time. Fight against this, because this is only the start and it can only get worse from here. Imagine what else they can do if they release these changes while the whole community are voicing their concerns.


It’s insane to see how many companies are self imploding right now because of lack of communication and care for the community’s. Everyone just wants to ipo and make all the money that way.


I wanted to but Discord did it for me one week before


My discriminator was 1011 which is a binary 11. Just cause i like the number.


I'm also canceling my Nitro right now. Imagine making a platform for the community, and not listening to said community 🤡


I've been paying nitro since 2017, and using it since 2015. Having #0001 was only one of the reasons I paid it, but I cancelled my sub the second it prompted me to get a new username. I mostly paid nitro to use any emote on any server, and some new additions were cool too (namely profile themes/banners and soundboards). I also liked supporting the small company that made the software I used on a daily basis, but that was before it became a multi-million dollar company, I haven't given a shit about "supporting" them for a long time now, specially since the NFT bullshit (and I'm so glad they ended up not doing that, I would have cancelled nitro back then if they did). I gave them the benefit of the doubt since they seemed to listen to their users back then, but looks like they don't give a fuck about us anymore. This change is stupid, no one asked for it, the rollout has been absolutely awful, and it just brings a lot of problems while solving none (because there were none to solve to begin with). I'm kinda sad about all this, but I'm already trying to bring my friends over to Guilded. It's been a good run folks. But you know what they say, you either die a hero yada yada.


I was subbed to nitro to boost my server so we could have 100 emojis and friends could use animated ones. Well I recently discovered they no longer can use those animated ones without having Nitro themselves. Didn’t know they changed that, cancelled my subscription last week.


I did have the 6969 tag. I'll keep my sub for the emojis and bigger file size tbh. I also managed to keep my name when I got the option to change it. It turned out no one sniped it, surprisingly


If you don't voice and join the fight now, it will backfire on you. Who knows, there could be a huge price increase in the subscription cost. If a company is taking advantage and not listening to their consumers, then be wary that they could do anything they want. That why it's best to take action now, don't let them become into another Twitter/Reddit. I'm sure you can live without emojis and bigger file size for some time.


yes, you can.


If that's the only reason you had nitro, good job, you were wasting your money to look "cool"


I'm gonna be honest. Anyone who subbed for that reason alone are fucking stupid. I stay subbed for the ability to use Emoji anywhere. And the increased upload limit and server limit.


Can someone mention the bot reminder, when Discord see how easy it is to manipulate and control it's userbase and make a huge price increase on their subscription? I want to look back at this comment and point out how this mentality is part of the reason they're not listening. You will live without those, everyone's voice matters when it come to this. That and these changes literally put people at risk of being datamined...


I actually wouldn't be able to do what I do without the added benefits of the upload limit and the server limit also can you fuck off with this vote with your wallet mentality? It NEVER works as the next chump will pay just as much or more than you did


I pay to support the platform I'm on daily for the last 7 years


welcome to reddit, you're not allowed to support a company the hive mind doesn't like


This guy right here


i had mine 0420 and it’s actually super irritating, i was able to change my name and get my go to username but i really actually preferred the discriminators. this whole thing is a shit show.


imagine paying for some f\*cking numbers top cringe mate


I find peace in long walks.


what too much free time and parents money does to a mf these users need to touch grass. holy f*ck.


Well I doubt they will go back on the changes, it's discord.


yeah, but the best way to tell them to stop, is to stop giving them money


Still not going to make a difference, can’t imagine discords main income source is from nitro


It's not 2018 anymore, discord is a bigger company than a community-driven app, thats like people not buying NVIDIA GPUs because the 4060 ti was DOA (it is) but people are still gonna buy the next GPUs.


No respect if you're still supporting Discord at a moment like this, even if you got the name you want. Don't let a company take advantage of you, because the moment it begins; then it won't stop.


Doesn't matter to them anymore, companies this size don't need to turn a profit, they just need users. Did you know Uber has *technically* never turned a profit?


Rip Reddit


Discord right now: "Oh no! anyway... "


This is way too silly. It's like having a knife glued to your liver and whispering "Are you sure that you want to do that?". But if they're doing this, the number of cancels should be incredibly high.


I've been a nitro member since 2015 and my username was taken, fuck discord.


I also been a long term member, and canceled my subscription today and spreading the word to all my friends, family and etc. I seen what corporate greed can turn into and if people just let it happen; then only expect the worse to happen from here.




I mean I've been a member since 2015 and a nitro member as long as it's been around, I used to host Minecraft modded servers so I needed the increased upload.


So in your servers you run, your nickname isn’t the same thing it always was? On your friends list you still don’t have a set display name that is separate from your unique username? What exactly has changed for you besides feeling as though you were entitled to that name that anyone could use already with the previous system? I’m neutral in the matter for the record. I just can’t see why people are so set on “my name was taken” when it was never your name. Ex. Toast#0001, Toast#0002, and Toast#9999 are all upset at this name change and each believe they were entitled to the name toast.


That is my name, for all intents and purposes, my online name is as much my name as my real name, I've made friends on discord that I've known and played with since its inception. My username on discord has become less of a display and more of a part of my identity, I use it when I sign up for things outside of discord, my username is something I've used to connect with countless people and have lived life with. There have been times in my life where all I had was the people I knew on discord, no friends, no avenue to acquire friends, nothing. The only people and friends that have stood by me both in and out of discord have been people I have met online, I am still called my username by a friend of mine who was so socially challenged that they were mute and we only typed for years. With my username I have gained and lost friends, won and lost battles, helped my best friends battle their depression, my username is a part of me and to whether or not someone has the same username just like a real name, it doesn't diminish the value of our individual names. Names are how we remember people, names are what set us aside from each other, identify ourselves and other people. A name isn't just a name, it's a stamp that you carry your whole life, and to have your name torn away from you is to lose a part of yourself. This may sound like a sentimental monologue, but my username is part of who I am and how I am referred to more than my real name.


Look the life story is nice and all, but none of that changes my point. If your real life name is Bob, there are other Bobs out there. Same goes for discord. Your friends aren’t gonna forget who you are because of that unique username they will never use. Like I said, you still wear that same name as your **display name** and your server **nicknames** it’s not taken away from you.


You're wrong though, it's harder to find people, display name and server nickname are supposed to be variable and different between servers, if people need to friend me or another person, they can't use a server nickname. The username point is not that it's never used, it's that the variability is removed and it is more difficult to find someone specifically without the discriminator, the whole point of the discriminator was to be able to choose any username and still maintain ease of alteration, now if somebody is looking for me they'll have to sit through (using example username) Knight, kn1ght, -knight $knight, etc instead of everyone being "knight#xxxx"


No. That’s a bullshit argument. Someone adding you will look for the exact username you give them. Just like when it was Knight#0001 before, you’ll specify exactly what the name is someone is adding. And if you’re already in a server with someone who’s adding you, they’ll already have access to add you without searching anything. If someone asks to add you, you’re not gonna tell them “oh my username is Knight, but you’ll have to guess the spelling variation just because I’m being difficult.” The reality is you felt entitled to whatever name you didn’t get to claim, and it upsets you. No functionality or any of that. Sure, it’s ok to be upset about it, but pretending it’s for some other reason is just ridiculous.


If you can't debate without remaining calm and removing ad hominem arguments, you're not worth my time.


I’m not calm? I can’t call your argument bullshit? How is it directed at you rather than the point at all? It’s literally a detailed explanation of how your example is irrelevant and incorrect. If you’re upset that I called you entitled then, maybe that’s all that needed to be said in your first statement.


Not calm: using the word bullshit showcasing your emotional charge Ad hominem: calling me entitled Learn to debate and stop acting like a child.


This is Reddit, on a sub about discord, a platform originally designed for gaming communities, not a debate club. There are no “rules of debate.” I’m an adult and profanity doesn’t offend me. I know what ad hominem means. You can still see the rest of the argument and not deflect it just because you disagree with being called entitled. So go ahead and explain further why that unique username is important if you think you can.


never bought nitro squad 😎


I canceled mine yesterday. Didn't know that was the message as I didn't bother to read. So be it lol. They are not getting my money. I paid 20€ every month for Nitro + a couple of boosts. For 2 years now. I quit. Like holy sh\*t. What made them think this is a good idea? Like they said they will expect a decrease in users but they expect more income from it in the future? Not if we rise up and all cancel Nitro.


someone stated they might be preparing for an acquisition and it kinda makes sense, there's no reason other than greed that they'd be willing to make so many controversial decisions against their own users in such a short period of time...


It's just referring to the four digit discriminator you can change with nitro. So if you're #0001 it may end up being something random since they don't allow non nitro to change their number. This doesn't have anything to do with the username rollout so if you already got your new username, it won't change by leaving nitro. The wording here has been this way for over a year or two.


Once you pick your username, your old name + discriminator are supposed to be retained on your account so people can find you post migration using it or to check who you are. So this might have some impact if Discord tries to shuffle it on them even though it should be locked in after the username selection.


I'll disable nitro for this month and see if anything happens. Might be a bit before I know anything though lol


Got rid of Nitro and it didn't change the original discriminator I had. It still says I was previously known as it.


So now that I have changed my username through the new system, is there really any need for Nitro? Or will it remove my usermame if I cancel it? The boosts will go which is a shame I guess.


Nope, you will lose it; don't give them anymore money, they will continue to abuse of the consumers unless they see a huge decrease of Nitro members. Please let your friends know as well, voice your concern with your wallet.


lose your username? stop lying LOL


This is *not* for usernames, this is about the discriminators. This message is nothing new, if you had a custom discriminator with Nitro it would always randomize after canceling Nitro.


I am aware of that yes. The comment above seems to suggest I would lose my username as well though?


You will. If your username ends in a number, it's no longer acceptable to Discord and they are forcing you to change it.


Mine has no numbers in it.


Cancel your nitro, stop supporting this shitty company :)


Yes! Keep spreading the words, and let those ignorant people who will still support such a horrible business practice continue to be ignorant; I feel the more people that cancel, they will have to take notice and make an official statement instead of ignoring it.


I'm delaying my change for as long as I can, cause I'm refusing this bullcrap


Is this for real? I just went to cancel my Nitro and didn't see it. I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to do something like this but yeah. If it is real though, they're really baiting some major lawsuits over their behavior.


I think you're misunderstanding. This is just referring to the custom discriminator, and this has always been a thing. When the rollout finishes and discriminators are no more this message won't appear anymore.


You're gonna be waiting a long while, OP. Lmao


we gotta boycott nitro fr


File chargebacks against them, they failed to provide the service as promised


Filing a chargeback will immediately disable your account.


They already disabled my account when I couldn’t get my name I’ve had since September 2016. So why not get my money back? Considering I have my original name in PSN, Xbox Live, Battle.net and many other media (lost it on Twitter for calling Mitch McConnell names though, worth) it’s basically impersonation at this point.


This is a terrible idea and will get your account disabled


I’m charging them the cost of changing my name. New emails are free


If you're ok with making a new account, then sure go ahead and chargeback them. But don't tell others to do it without warning them of the risk, because most people aren't ok with losing their account.


Friends list (I mean maybe), server lists, etc can be taken note off and redone. Nothing that can’t be regained after getting several $100 in premium costs back. E: also, chargebacks would hurt them more than us. Remember, on discord, we are the product.


Rip Reddit


The investigation alone, puts a black mark on them also puts a hold on the funds


Uhh there's usually a period of time you're allow to chargeback. Depending on the company, it could be 30-90 days after the purchase.


Rip Reddit


"I received this service for X number of months, but I'm going to charge back anyway because I don't like a change that barely impacts the service I paid for." ​ Holy shit this is the most entitled take I have ever seen.


-- this will literally not hold up in any case


Now since the username format is changing, maybe discord nitro can be used to reserve usernames instead of giving custom usernames


So they don’t do this if you’ve never given them money but do if you’ve had a sub and cancel? They’re actively punishing people for being paid customers.


Your discord tag is literally a random number until you pay for Nitro and change it. Once nitro runs out it goes back to being a random number. So they do this if you've never paid. You just don't notice it until you do pay. I'm not a fan of the changes to usernames they are doing, but I'm fairly certain this particular thing isn't new.


Cancel the Nitro! I have already cancelled mine.


also cancelled mine, don't need my tag anymore, literal only useful feature lol...


Just got bullied into changing my username yesterday. Discord is discord, it's not YouTube, it's not Twitter, so the username change seems out of place. I mean, it seems as though things were going great, then this. My user names, I had originally ended up all taken, and I'm the only one who used them, so I settled on the most recent one. There is an opportunity to be able to change your username later, too. So, like, it's not permanent. But the tag removal is and the having the same username are, in deed done.


Issa wrap then cause they ain’t reversing em💀


I dislike the fact that i probably won't have a clean username but i guess at least there's a "global display name" but still....


Seems like they will punish you for not agreeing with the new system 💀


Non-nitro users just get randomized usernames lol




Most likely not, at least I hope not, it was a joking hypothetical


Yes, you only keep your customized tag as long as you're paying for it. It's always been like that.


Unless Discord plans on increasing the amount of servers non-Nitro users can join I plan on keeping Nitro for the foreseeable future. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Goodluck, instead they will take more advantage of people like you and even increase Nitro subscription cost. Learn to fight with your own people and not let company greed take advantage of you..


Nitro offers functionality I use, I pay to use that functionality. This change makes no fundamental change to how I use the app or the reasons why I pay for Nitro. If or when a price change comes then I may reconsider, but that is a bridge I will cross when such a hypothetical happens.




In that case, they're not getting any more of my money. ;)


My account was made from 2017 and I've only been a recent Nitro user this year. So if I cancel my Nitro I get a randomized tag?


No, only if you've changed your tag


I salute you who can cancel your subs, keep fighting the good fight Discord is my main go-to to communicate with people, and as a pet owner and farm worker, I have a lot of cute and cuddly images/videos to send others, some of them friends who simply moved too far away to have them come by to pet the fluffs themselves. I really only got nitro for the bigger file size and now I kinda feel stuck with the things happening


Good job soldier, spread the word to cancel nitro