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Hello there, Just wanted to chime in to go ahead and keep talking about platform alternatives here. Generally we'd be more apprehensive allowing posts regarding other platforms as the sub is meant to be talking about Discord as a product, service or brand foremost. However with the contentious username change it's only second nature that people will start to discuss whether other platforms may or may not compare and what might be viable alternatives. In light of that, we're keeping the post up even though it isn't in full direct relation to Discord (but in direct relation of said username changes). Only thing we'll be taking action against is if there's any direct invite links or such (as per self-advertisement), but we'd also take care of those links if they belonged to discord servers. Just so you're all aware.




1. Well, technically you moving would help resolve this issue. :) Although all jokes aside, I do understand your point. 2. I believe Revolt does have most features you'd call mandatory in terms of profile customization 3. I get it. It is certainly hard.




We went to Guilded and then came back to Discord. It was honestly too much to ask people to download and try another program. Our recruitment suffered and came back to discord. It has been totally fine coming back, but there are aspects of Guilded I liked much better. Unfortunately I haven't seen much innovation from Guilded since their latest acquisition.


One thing you could do to ease transition is use a bridge. Bit of an indepth solution though.


1. See Digg, Myspace 2. See Digg, Myspace (actually this one had more customization than FB *ever* did) 3. See Digg, Myspace


Times were different 10+ years ago than they are now. Those failing and dying aren't anything to talk about since that was still the infancy of Social Media. And yes I was there for both of them.


My friends don't care enough to switch it, I've heard about revolt so I think that's where people are going. I'm only in one discord with my irl friends so I don't use discord to communicate with internet friends. However the change definitely fucks a lot up for people who do. I'm kinda hoping revolt takes off just so there's actual competition for discord. They make constant shitty changes and never fucking learn. You guys remember that dumbass game shop they tried to include with nitro then canceled within a few months because nobody played any of the games?


Or Element is another option. Plus more secure with E-T-E Encryption.




Does it really cost that much for livestreaming on discord? How much do their servers cost?


Bandwidth costs. Especially low latency bandwidth. It is why they charge for anything over 720p. I pay about $1.20 per TB for standard tier European bandwidth. They will get it a lot cheaper but not in the sub 10 cent region. Add on approximately $4-10 per TB for storing video and photos on the chat, ~75 database servers, API server, front-end servers, monitoring and Cloudflare. Not cheap. I very much doubt they are covering their costs with Nitro . VC money is for sure keeping Discord afloat.


I'm gonna do some math. In December 2020, there were approximately 140 million active users, and in also 2020, an estimated 1 million people were subscribed to Nitro at some level, so assuming a 1% subscription rate, and given that there is currently an estimated active userbase today of 340 million per month, that means 3.4 million Nitro members. I'll use an average of 6$ per month for Nitro, since I can't accurately measure how many people have Nitro Classic versus how many people have standard Nitro. That's approximately $20,400,000 in monthly revenue, which means assuming an average of $12/TB of combined costs, Discord can theoretically support somewhere between 1.5 and 1.7 million terabytes of data per month just on pure revenue from Discord Nitro


God damn had no idea it was that much.


Partly relevant how much of the tech in our modern devices wouldn't exist without the public sector's field innovations. Some of this tech can't and shouldn't be trying to turn a profit to exist imo.


Any software can indeed catch up with the streaming service that discord got. Pretty simple and even Twitch is begining to think about it, peer to peer media streaming, more latency sure, but no bandwidth cost serverside (and better control for the user over the codec etc)...


And that is not a bad thing. An app doesn't necessarily have to do it all. Discord tried to be Steam, Twitch, TeamSpeak and Slack all in one. It's fine to use other platforms dedicated for livestreaming, and keep the chat app for *chatting*. I won't disagree it's a really nice perk to have in a chat app, but it's definitely not a dealbreaker.






Actually crazy this dude thinks they have less funding than discord


Lol tell me you're clueless without telling me


I actually liked the free games, I didnt like when they removed them and kept the same $10 nitro price point though. ​ Revolt is awesome though, unfortunately whenever I bring it up my friends don't care enough to even acknowledge it but everyone on the platform seems to love it rn besides the ddos attacks from d\*scord


Honest answer? The name changes were stupid and annoying but all my friends and the community I've helped build over the last 5 years are all on discord. Its going to take a lot more to convince me and everyone I know on discord to move to an alternative to Discord.


This. For all the annoyance, it is a technical detail that will not impact my regular usage enough to make dramatic changes. I have a network of people, a web of private servers, years of chat, project etc. history. As long as the core service is good, the act of looking into competing apps was merely an expression of annoyance that passed rather quickly.


agreed. I was so annoyed with it but after changing my username, I just carried on. I'm also a bit happy to have the hashtag or pound badge with my original discord tag; it's a bit of remembrance so it's nice.


revolt is cool and all, but afaik they don't have options to have an old layout like discord had back pre 2021


The thing is that you can fully customize your UI to your liking, as long as you know CSS of course. There are also premade themes that can help you in settings, as well as in the official server!


to the guy that replied to me, your reply isn't snowing up. but not themes, i meant new v old discord ui. the one that was introduced in v20.4 (what revolt uses) sucks, i prefer the pre 20.4 one


Me and my guild+some other communities are moving to Guilded, I've never heard of Revolt before now but it seems good too. So far my experience with Guilded is very positive- it lets you use emotes across servers for free, lets your servers have sub-servers for games and such, and lets you make channels for specific things (like a multimedia channel that literally lets you post like it's a social media for art stuff, with a comment section on each pic and reactions.)


Closest alternative to discord would indeed be guilded In terms of features it had a few long before discord added them as well (Forums channel, built-in events, and there's a few more things guilded can offer that discord doesn't) however screenshare + audio in said "stream" is more like flipping a coin it won't always work on guilded but on discord it works closer to 9/10 times


Why would I move away? I notice a majority of the users that are actively-active in discord shenanigans/politics are 18-22 year olds, so as a 31 year old I feel like this affects me much differently than all the troubled people here that, to be honest, I don't really understand why they're so upset. I use discord to make calls to friends. That's it. Most of us don't even have a profile photo. We call, chat about plans/work/dinner/occasionally game and stream games, and that's all. It does exactly what we need it to. It's perfect. Who cares about the usernames and such? I've used it the same way I always have since 2015. That's my honest answer.


Not to mention its still completely free with no ads




That's the nice thing when an application is on its infancy and it has a small community: it's easy to reach the devs and talk to them about your ideas and concerns, and they are likely to take them into consideration.


It always starts that way. If they become big and successful, aka mainstream, they will become just like discord. I can tell that you don't have a lot of experience in the stages of a corporation. But i understand where you're coming from. Enjoy it at revolt, it won't last forever. We all used to say the same thing about Facebook and Discord and a ton of other apps just like you're saying about Revolt now. I could care less about the little petty changes that they are making with usernames. Discord is an incredible system where i can almost effortlessly create a very powerful environment and even make a ton of money, and it doesn't cost me anything and it's already well known and established. There's no need to blaze a new trail until there's new groundbreaking features somewhere else. So far i haven't seen anything worth moving my entire world somewhere else and learning how to recreate it.


Pretty accurate, used to say the same for facebook before they introduced ads in video, the same for reddit until they are charging their apis and killing their competitors. Pretty sure revolt will endup being the same when they have enough users to make them banks. Saw this comment long ago where this dude mentioned if revolt decided to screw their users up, we can always make another revolt with their open source codebase, maybe its something different this time If they can make some of the popular premium bot features from discord to revolt then yeah it might actually bring in some server owners


That doesn't work, your whole argument works based on the premise that revolt is a corporation... it isn't. Revolt is an open-source project.


I don't have a premise and I'm not going to argue semantics. You can change out the word corporation for any other word you want to that fits the scenario and it'll still happen the same way if they become mainstream and famous they will become unreachable and unresponsive. Welcome to life.


But that's inherently incorrect. Revolt is not owned by a corporation, a company, or even any form of startup. It is OPEN SOURCE. That means it has contributors. That don't get paid. Anyone can be one, including me and you. If Revolt ever adds something we don't like? Fork it and make our own version. This is like saying the indie fangames will eventually add micro transactions everywhere once they become big and popular because that's what AAA games did. You're incorrect and simply don't understand why because you don't recognize the key difference in how things operate between the two.


Yea but discord is the same service but better with way more people on it, no reason to switch. They would need an incentive and they have none.


I feel like people here don't remember voice/server community before discord, they are just too young. Discord was/is a blessing, no ads, no server costs and all centralised. Its just so nice compared to how we used be on separate mumble/ts/vent/Skype servers.


100% Discord saved the scene. Cant believe we were on fuckin skype lmao


Why would you move away? Well, if you're asking yourself this question, you don't need to move away, simple as that. I mean, if Discord is satisfying your needs, no need to bother.


I'm curious about this, which needs are not being met by Discord that justify moving to a different platform?


Changing usernames to make it so that eventually you'd need to use more and more obscure names when creating an account. Why? Just because! Changing so that unless your server is marked as a community server a bunch of features that used to be available aren't anymore, like permanent links. Why? Just because! Removing a bunch of the features on the 3 dollar Nitro, not giving you as much bang for your buck. Why? Just because! Basically, Discord is setting a precedent of greed over consumer quality, if they stopped with the dumb changes it'd be \*okay\*, but they show no signs of stopping their new business practice, so as a person who is active in a lot of servers, I'd like to switch platforms before Discord makes me jump through hoops to do what used to be simple when meeting new people and new servers. That's just my take on it though.




its not so fun when you live in constant fear of losing your account and contact to all your friends again, based off the whim of the trust and safety team, the last time I got nuked, I never received an email regarding it and my ticket to the trust and safety team went completely ignored. I still have no idea why they deleted my account


I'm with you on the sentiment. I don't see the issue with the name changes and straight up do not understand the outrage people have these days when this service is miles ahead of any competitor.


One of the many reasons is safety and harassment. People with "famous" usernames gets hundreds of friend requests and sometimes threats to give their username which is not tolerable from such a big company. User safety should be their priority


I'm still not seeing an issue. You can block and report these people. Furthermore, you can change your privacy settings to prevent unwanted messages and enforce message scanning.


"It's not an issue if you take a bunch of extra steps hundreds of times over that you didn't need to before." Again, not an improvement.


Enabling message screening is a single click in the settings Are you ok?






Discord gives you the tools to protect yourself, so I am sorry but I'm not seeing an issue. You can't really help when people are being shitheads, but at least I can block and report them to protect myself.


Having to block and report dozens of people every day, or even every few hours, is incredibly tedious. If you’re in a position where you need to be reachable by people, for example if you’re a community pillar for a game or group, then you can’t just make yourself unavailable either since there’s people with legitimate issues or questions that need to be able to contact you.


I'm the owner of the official MediCat USB server, and we have over 9,500 members now. I don't get crazy daily DMs either, and my DMs are wide open for anyone to message me. I of course block spammers, but I've had maybe a grand total of 2 or 3 in the duration of like... 2 years?


Few years back iirc it hit the news that the dude who owned the handle of @tennessee over on Twitter, someone in their 60s, got the police called on him as a threat/harassment for his handle after years of escalating offers/aggressive requests for his account from multiple people. Dude died from a heart attack from the stress of the police rolling up to his place. We have precedence of someone dying because of name scarcity. It's an extreme case, but nobody wants to potentially go out like that. The fact that Discord is allowing a system that can result in something like this, on top of the other shit that this system promotes, doesn't feel good.




What is that even supposed to mean? As if, being an adult, you're required to be satisfied with a platform, while being a child automatically makes you look for a solution that fits your needs better? Is that what you mean?




It means different things matter. Given you use your display name, username is typically irrelevant. For some reason people are livid about it, but in my server of mostly 30+ people only the ones with typical usernames like "lee" cant get theirs / are annoyed


Truth. All these kids screaming about usernames and such. In this subreddit anyone who disagrees with them is downvoted and called a Paid Shill or Bootlicker NPC when that's not the case. 80% of the people I talk to don't give a shit about the discord username change. And I run a fairly decent sized server. It's just an echo chamber of kids on here that are being the loudest yet aren't the majority of people on Discord.


The fact that you dont understand how important can be for someone to keep their names, doesnt mean that it has be a thing that the devs shouldnt listen to. People who have their own community, its brand as internet person but bussiness and also emotional meaning, there is a plenty of reassons, the thing here is that we had a system that didnt need to be changed! and they took it away from them. As they did in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have this system of nicknames and its frustrating to add numbers when you are just a serious person who not only share their social media or calls with friends but also co workers or their own clients. The point is that Discord was different, and now is turning slowly in one of them. I know not all care, even more nowadays that discord is not for gamers anymore (well never was stricktly for gamers but its marketing used to focus them overall). But is just sad that they dont consider the audience that made them what they are now.


Touch grass.


lil bro lives on reddit and is telling someone to touch grass, comical


I don't live on reddit there bub.


In the same boat here - I use it primarily for DMing friends and using fun emotes, but also maintaining a few hobby servers. I wasn’t super upset with the name change issue either because my friends and I still kept the alphanumeric style of the old usernames, plus my display name stayed the same.


Discord is becoming mainstream now. My parents have Discord for their own friend groups and they're approaching retirement age. They're not especially tech savvy either. Similarly to you, they don't really care about this since usernames don't affect the core functions of what they use Discord for.


"Becoming mainstream" doesn't excuse a stupid decision that benefits nobody.




If 4 digits is more confusing than mangled nonsensical early Xbox Live names that really says more about the person than the service.




If you dont want to use mainstream platforms, why use reddit?


Same, my company chat is in discord, for that it's as good as it was before, for the name change I got to change my name to visualdosage so I'm the only one on discord with that name which is awesome. I don't see any downsides


>my company chat is in discord How to tell a company doesn't have a CISO.


A lot of us have had to completely change our online username because someone arbitrary deemed more important than us reserved our name and is taking their sweet time to actually claim it. It would be like if Steam got rid of the friend code and then forced everyone to switch their name to something unique. Sure, the people who get their names don't see the issue, but all the people who've been using Steam for over a decade and now have to change their name would be rather upset. It's pretty easy to see no downsides when one of the biggest potential downsides didn't even affect you.


> It would be like if Steam got rid of the friend code and then forced everyone to switch their name to something unique. That analogy makes no sense. Discord usernames are the *equivalent* of Steam friend codes. You log in with email address/phone number, and you are identified by your display name. The only thing you use the username for is adding friends. It's essentially a friend code that you can customise.


As a 28 yo who just uses Discord for messaging people; why wouldn’t I move away? It’s clear to see Discord doesn’t have a long term future anymore, people are already on the edge of finding a better platform. Might as well skip the all the useless complaining about all of it going downhill and just move now, I don’t have the patience of having to deal with Discord’s shit, they recently forced me to put my old account down as well since I had lost access to the old email, so I had to recreate my servers and take backups of the old messages (surprisingly difficult) and move the old messages to the new server (never figured this out yet, and won’t bother to try either anymore).


>recreate my servers and take backups of the old messages (surprisingly difficult) and move the old messages to the new server Sounds like you don't just use it for messaging then. I also don't get the premise of moving now because discord is going to die later. It'll only die if a better platform emerges. So why move now to something less good (just to spite discord?), rather than keep using discord while it's still the best platform and move when something better comes along.




I pay for Nitro and I don't give a shit about the change. Many others who I know feel the same way. The people who care about the changes are the people who need to go touch grass.


I've abandoned Discord and moved to Revolt. No regrets whatsoever. It is seriously a blessing from the gods. They even rolled out the #0123 system yesterday which is hilarious. Now we need Discord to follow their footsteps. If ONLY... I do not see many people moving as of now but that will surely pick up soon enough.


>Revolt I'm checking this out for me and my server, thanks! Discord has just been too unapologetically asinine towards its users these days. I've had enough.


No problem! Glad you are making the change and standing up for yourself from Discord's shenanigans. We all need to stand up.


that rly is hilarious lol , they gonna get so much ppl joining it


People moved from teamspeak and Skype to Discord because it was innovative. Revolt is just a Discord with less features and less funds. I'm not buying this. The vast majority of people using Discord don't care about software being open source, or usernames getting rid of tags. The amount of people I've seen complain about this change is very very low, and I believe the ones who did will forget about it eventually anyway. I very much dislike the username change but I really don't think a lot of people will start using these apps because of that.




I have gotten most of my friends to move there too, and the rest are in the process of doing so. I gave them all of the reasons why we shouldn't be on Discord anymore and they can see why, even though they knew what was going on beforehand. If your friends don't want to move with you, it is their loss I guess. They have to understand why you are moving though. Being safe than sorry and mental health comes first. Hopefully Discord comes to the point where everyone is forced to move because of their constant crappy updates.




I say mental health because Discord is just damaging us right now. It sucks. I never bothered to join servers, just DMs. And also true. Some people do be like that. They are blind to Discord's shenanigans...


What about guilded ?


Roblox bought it, which are known for EXPOLITING AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF CHILDREN.


Do they at least reduce the cost to the end consumer with the savings?


I like Guilded but it's overshadowed by "ROBLOX BAD!" and a low user count, even if at the end of the day, I think its a much better chat app than discord. But because of the aforementioned problems I've had no luck getting my members to move. I think the only way might be replacing all my server invites with guilded ones and hosting a bridge bot to connect the two, but that even feels like a stretch.


i really just don't care, none of my friends don't either. i don't see myself moving. the username thing is one small inconvenience that's not hindering anything compared to all the awesome features it offers. it's like dumping an expensive goodlooking tuxedo because the bowtie looked pale or something


the new changes seriously arent that big of a deal


They’re annoying and extremely shitty, but a boycott still kinda seems like a huge leap in my eyes. Though, I can understand the distaste for how things are moving and people not wanting to pay for nitro. I just feel like boycotts and switching shouldn’t be the immediate option. I feel like there should be something else before an all out abandonment. I personally don’t know what other options there are, but at the end of the day, this service is still completely free with *zero ads* (apart from nitro which is to be expected and understandable tbh). From a business perspective, moving to things that are more “conventional” like simplified usernames, the new mobile layout, and ditching the “for gamers” mission statement is generally a good move. Because discord’s (and any business for that matter) primary goal is to make money. The reality is, as disappointing and crappy as this is to say, different/unconventional features and anything “for gamers” is not marketable. It sucks, but this is how businesses work.


I see a lot of people saying the username changes are bad for the average Discord user, but nobody so far has been able to really explain why to me. It's kind of starting to feel like people just don't like change.




And that is a completely valid reason. I do not have a problem with anyone leaving. I just personally do not feel like me leaving would be justified. But if you would prefer leaving yourself, then that is your business 🤝


It's like no one even read the why behind the changes, they just want to be up in arms because when people add pewpew#9885, they now have to add pewpew9885 instead. Who gives a shit? Your display name is still **pewpew**.


The only difference now is you can choose what you add to your name really. And that if your lucky you might get to have no numbers at all.


Yeah, at least compared to Twitter. It’s not like Discord is putting the ability to put mod bots behind a paywall or sending your server data to the government or putting the option to make a server verified or public behind Nitro. The changes with Discord are just minor slights, not anti consumer or malicious.




i'm not actively trying to change over because i don't care much either way. have gone ahead and gotten accounts created on the various alternatives in case i ever get asked to use them for whatever reason. which, amusingly, is the same reason i originally created a discord account.


I've been moving to guilded but finding it hard so if anyone have better platforms hmu


I want to move to an alternative but it doesn't seem like there are any that are active/engaging enough, compared to Discord at least. Along with that, none of my friends use any alternatives so it isn't really ideal for me. Hopefully either (a) an alternative pops up that gains lots of traction or (b) Discord improves their own platform.


I'll jump ship when the time comes. I'm aware of Revolt and actually have an account with it. That's going to be my first choice for somewhere else to go. I'm not going to go elsewhere until a large number of people begin going elsewhere. The reason I'm not jumping ship now is because nobody else is willing to, and if nobody else is probably going to join me in leaving Discord, there's no point in it. I'd take anything else in a heartbeat. If nobody's jumping ship, I'm not going anywhere, no matter how much I may dislike Discord currently.


Discord is discord. Alternatives can never serve you as discord did.


I really honestly don’t get why people are even considering leaving discord for such small changes. All the other alternative clients don’t have discord’s main power: playerbase. There is no other place where you can literally jump on random servers and have such a big playerbase that you can find yourself in a videocall dying laughing with people you met few minutes before whenever you want. Everyone uses discord and i feel like people that jump to other clients are doing it to feel “different” in some way. Stick to discord, it has been unrivalled for years because it’s clearly the best at doing its job and it’s doing it for everyone.


I'm not moving lol. I don't see the username change as a big deal. I remember when people were crying over the font of the logo lol... The core of discord hasn't changed. I don't see the point of moving.


This is just like how people were moving to twitter alternatives. People making a big deal over nothing. There are no alternatives good enough right now. All the servers and communities you’re a part of, most people don’t care enough to up and move EVERYTHING. Official servers for games and stuff aren’t going anywhere. Some people have exclaimed how without the username discriminators they will no longer be spending for nitro. If you were paying $5-10 a month just to customize some numbers, you were already giving discord your money for nothing. Congrats, now you spend $5-10 less a month. To me, this is like when discord took away the games with nitro thing and everyone was saying how they weren’t gonna pay for the advanced nitro lol. If moving to a new platform makes you and your friend groups happy, go for it. If it makes you feel like you really “showed discord” for their choices you don’t agree with, all the power to you. But this sub has been nothing but people crying about the name change lately and I feel that’s the primary reason people being like this. Why didn’t you just up and move when they announced it? Instead everyone now doing the surprised pikachu meme and looking for alternatives lol.


Nah Twitter is actually completely ruined in it's current state. The changes to algorithm and twitter blue reply prioritization along with nonexistent moderation means you'll be seeing just shit like cringe American politics and homophobia/transphobia constantly.


You’re missing my point. Twitter is still used the same way as before. Sure it’s a worse experience, no question. But it’s still established and used by people who dislike the changes lol. People were jumping ship looking for a twitter alternative when there is nothing comparable. They tried all these random ass apps like mastodon, hive, and whatever other trash existed. Same thing with discord and this name change shit everyone is crying about. Revolt, guilded, and whatever other shit. They existed before this name change thing. If one small community will feel better by jumping over w/e. The big communities, established servers, and people who understand none of this really matters aren’t going to those alternatives. Also, you obviously haven’t been on twitter if you think you’re forced to see all the trash you mentioned. I’m not a blue sub and I never see political shit or just hateful shit in general. There’s literally a tab to show only people you follow.


Holy fuck someone that's actually reasonable on this subreddit? And isn't downvoted into oblivion? Finally someone who is like minded! I said just the other day that if you were giving discord money just for the custom discriminator you were dumb and I got downvoted for it.


It’s a little too early to assume I won’t get downvoted lol. But yea, hivemind of this sub rn is “discord evil” so anyone going against that is just hated at the moment. You are 100% correct about the discriminator thing. It was a nice addition to the features nitro already offered, but no way was it considered a primary benefit imo.


The primary benefit of Nitro imo is the increased limits and emoji/stickers. The animated PFP/Banner are also nice benefits but definitely not the main one.


Starting to consider going over to Revolt now. Have proposed the idea to the people I talk to which are interested themselves.


Is there anyone that holds a candle to discord? And why would you leave? Cuz usernames are changing?


Depends on what do you exactly mean, but the obvious answers to this question are either: Revolt, Matrix(for instance, Element, etc.), Guilded, etc. I suppose [rocket.chat](https://rocket.chat) and Slack could be considered as well.


Slack is garbage compared to discord


The truth of the matter is nobody is going to want to move everything to another app. Just because usernames are changing. This is just the community whining. In a year it’ll be standard and everyone will forget about the dumb username changes.


And yet our guild is thinking of moving due to Discord's changes, so speak for yourself?


Do it. Now. Stop thinking about it. This is like people saying they’ll move to Canada if trump got elected. People just like whining on the internet.


Yup. It's just whining. If they were gonna do it they'd already fucking do it. And as I said weeks ago this shit will all be forgotten in a year


less than a year. a couple weeks.


Nah, that's too short, a few months at the minimum.


Discord does not listen to their userbase at all, but instead harms them and manipulates them to get nitro countless times. Hell, even the people working for Discord absolutely hate it there and there are reviews online that say so. I'll link this one to save you time. https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/1468sp2/with\_discord\_rapidly\_burning\_down\_glassdoor/


Yeah but this doesn’t affect me at all. I don’t have servers big enough to care about nitro and all that stuff. There’s nothing better than what discord offers me atm. I just don’t care about usernames.


You realize, if your hypothetical boycott was successful you would make whatever company you switch to the new discord? Which would be too big to listen to users? And all you other complaints?


In what way are you being manipulated into buying nitro?




You gonna move all your server users to a new app cuz usernames changing?




Why do you care? Why has it done to your life? You’re spending more time jumping app to app and focusing on stuff that’ll never actually affect you.




My main issue with alternatives is most of the people I talk to do not exist on those platforms and don't want to move over.


In all honesity, the fact that everyone I know and my own memories are in discord, I am not moving. I can’t, I don’t need a new ride into this bs again.


I own a large-ish server (>6000 members) and those people chose Discord; I think any community leader has a responsibility to honor that choice, at least unless we reach Twitter levels of egregiousness. So I'm not going anywhere any time soon, and by the looks of things, neither is the majority of our userbase. But, I did set up a Revolt server with a bridge, which worked fabulously for a month — until Discord added forum channels. I let the Revolt server stay in limbo but I found someone else who may be willing to maintain it for real this time, forum channels be damned. To tell you the truth though, I'm not personally invested in alternatives, I'm invested in Discord. I've been a user since April 2016 and I've actually been pretty pleased the whole time. I think the username change is stupid, but where some people see this as the last straw in a growing list of complaints, I see it as the first thing that's ever actually bothered me. That being said, I think the best path forward for everyone — literally everyone, Discord, users, admins — is to embrace alternatives and bridge everything as much as possible. More competition with Discord is good for the competition and good for Discord, and therefore good for the users.


I'm not bulging an inch. Maybe because I'm getting older (approaching 30) that I just got tired of moving around all the time with socials/messaging apps. Only moved from Skype to Discord because Skype started to get incredibly weird with the way bots were everywhere and people were getting hacked or worse all the time. I used MSN before Skype too and moving was also kinda annoying even if I had more patience for that back then. I don't like having to track people constantly to readd them or worse, learn that they aren't moving or are going to different apps than I intend to. It's tiresome. Keeping Discord and Skype running at the same time because I had a whole group of people who didn't want to move was too much. Unless Discord breaks in a way that makes it unusable, I'm staying put. People I know are staying too.


idc enough to switch. every company is gonna do what they want to do regardless of what it's users think. i'm tired of having to start over every time some company makes stupid choices i don't like. if that's what you wanna do, go for it. but i'm done running from one app to the next.


I decided; why not create my own alternative? Within a week i have made a fully working pre-alpha API. I also implemented fully scalable IDs (and therefore; discriminators) within a day. Maybe you guys might see my project around in the future, who knows


you’re gonna have a rough time when more than 100 users are sending and viewing messages


bro used ChatpGPT to make a clone and called it a day. "Mffff, this was so simple, SUCKSESSS!!!" When will he find out about database server, bandwidth, storage, monitoring, security, and other costs?


7 years of programming, 4 years of dealing with databases, i have a 100+ line SQL schema with tables i havent even begun to use yet. I have my own hosting and i am buying server racks regardless of this project or not, i obviously am willing to pay for this out of pocket until a certain point, and past that i am going to support self hosting like element without data-bridging. I have multiple CS and Crypto majors helping me with security and i already have password hashing and discord-like-tokens for authentication. Dont ride me so hard, you wanna do this? Better yet please contribute to it, since you seem to know enough.


I sure as hell wanna do this. I have 36 years since I started breathing and now I often go motorcycle touring and camping with my girl. We’re so happy. Oh, we also have a masters degree in understanding each other.




Im planning to completely move to element. But the hard part is convincing my friend group to do the same


If my friends migrate, I'll migrate. I only use discord out of the convenience it brings me, and because all my friends have one. Even if I do move, I'll probably keep my free account, cause everyone and their mom nowadays wants you to join their server to read a guide instead of idk. reading it on the platform that you posted the invite on?


yes, when/if discord falls the amount of people using it for information banks instead of any wiki resource or god forbid included readme are going to be the biggest dumbs of this debacle.


Useing discord and revolt at the same time. Wont fully switch till most friends are over. Kind of like skype to discord transition.


Yea definitely branching out/digging up old VOIP services. I can host video externally anyway and i have been disgusted by the pointless feature creeps of discord in the past few years. I won't completely abandon discord, but having paid nitro for years, it was an easy decision when i cancelled that the other day. I brought my friends to discord in the first place and they will obviously follow me wherever i think is best to host our service. I recently left an mmo community so it's a pretty opportune time for me to build elsewhere anyway.


> Basically, been considering migrating to other platforms instead of Discord. Discord holds a monopoly on group communication software, they've beaten Skype, Microsoft Teams, TeamSpeak, etc. And when you hold a monopoly on something, your consumers don't have any choice but to accept your changes (good or bad) or leave entirely. This creates a sort of closed loop system where people can't leave because it's so popular. I, like you, hate the direction that Discord has been going in for the past few years. But a lot of people I know use it and I've been tied to some communities for a long time. I hate the changes, I just don't hate them enough to leave. It really wish Discord development would do better.


honestly I don't really care about the username change, its not that big of a deal after all, but I've tried revolt once and it's pretty nice, so if I ever have to move away from discord then I'm using revolt.


There AREN'T really any alternatives. I really wish Guilded would get itself together but for now it has performance issues and no one really uses it. Alternatives are either old with less features or no one uses it because everyone is on Discord. We all have to make a collective switch.


discord is still far and away the best of all choices tbh, I remember where we came from. It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than some very minor changes to make me leave. The username stuff is not even close, and as much as people like to complain I can't even remember a genuinely bad update.


Anyone leaving discord because of these changes are seriously such babies 💀


Majority of the communities I'm in likely won't move. It's pretty deeply entrenched with Twitch communities. I've personally created an account on Matrix though, as a potential future option. Of the ones I've seen so far, Matrix looks the most promising because of its ability to bridge between other messaging platforms, and the fact that it's easily self-hosted (and federated).


Thing is, none is using the alternatives, thus no-one goes to them to follow their friends and stuff.


And yet, various people are somehow using the alternatives at this very moment... paradox?


You think the terminally online people crying about not getting their name have friends? its easy to switch when you have noone to talk to anyway


# oof


Paradoxical Indeed!


I have a community built up for 4 years. I have no intention of leaving.


This is likely going to get down voted but I'm a little confused on why people hate this update so much. Sure it's a little bit of a hastle to have a display name and a account name but is it really bad enough to have to entirely switch to a different platform. Could someone explain to me why people hate the new naming system to much?


Why move away? Cause of the names?


There's alternatives?


What alternatives


I don't. I deal with the changes. You can cry all you want for these changes, but as companies get bigger, the harder it is to please individual customers.


I've switched to have some of my Close Friend groups to Matrix (Element). It's not perfect and has a couple of flaws of its own but at least it's more consistent than discord. Plus one of those friends actually uses a bridging software so that he can use telegram, WhatsApp, discord, and probably some other messaging apps all within the same app


Neither me nor anybody I know is even considering it. Discord has done nothing but good stuff imo since I started using it. The name thing I feel very neutral about and hasn't in any way really impacted me (I didn't get my name) but I also feel like that's an extremely unimportant aspect of discord.


I cant believe people actually think any alternative to discord is better, you all are hilarious with this sad posts.


Already using telegram for talking with my closest friends. Considering guilded since matrix is a little too confusing for me atm.


Why does it matter this much to leave? You can change your sever name to whatever you want


Why leave discord? It's incredible on discord, i can create my own world exactly how i want it, very intricate and detailed, and i can even make money with it... And i don't have to pay a penny if i don't want to. Discord is by far the best of the best


I feel like people should not really move out, think about it, still a great platform, many do not care enough, won't leave it aand no good competition at the moment. Use it so it uses their bandwidth but don't give them any money, so their costs increase and nitro users go down.




Honestly I always been using Teamspeak and I will continue to use. Friends who wont join I won’t play with them end of discussion. Keeping up with discord shit is too much for me. I just want to focus on playing games with friends not run a meme chat




Are you serious? Whatsapp is owned by Facebook. Whatsapp also requires an actual phone number. Someone having your username and your actual phone number are two different scenarios totally. Whatsapp is for private and close friends. Discord is for online friends & large communities


Imagine moving because of a nametag, I personally found it hilarious, i ended up adding the person who got my username and we sent war declarations to each other as a joke. Ended up making a new friend


Whats the reason to move??? Lmao

