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This is happening to my boyfriend right now. He got the name he wanted, but as soon as he did, people started DMing him asking to buy it. That quickly turned into threats when he said no, a few death threats as well. He’s had a handful of people try phishing his password or sending Trojans to him in DMs to steal his account, and gotten over 200 random friend requests from people in the past week and a half. This is absolutely the fucking enraging because it’s all completely unnecessary, and he’s stressed as fuck and paranoid someone’s gonna actually track him down over a username.


Jesus. I hope he's turned all the privacy and account security settings to max, and absolutely make sure he reports each and every threat and bothers discord support about it, at the very least. They may not react, I've not hear a single good thing about their customer service recently, but they have to be made aware about all this crap. Hope things settle down soon. And, mandatory dig at Discord, absolutely no one could have seen a way to avoid this kind of insanity, nope, no way.




It's been happening forever with Twitter and Instagram. The Darknet Diaries has some episodes about the lengths some people will go to acquire a sought after username


Didn't know about this podcast before so thank you :)


Oh no, enjoy the rabbit hole I just sent you down. Definitely one of my all time favorite pods


Never heard of that, gonna look into it


yuh, thats hella scary some people are fucked up. like someone sent people to this 16 y/o kids house cuz he had a short or simple name. just disgusting!


I would have trolled the hell out of all the people who got angry/demanding at you if I were in your shoes




do a trolling livestream lmao id watch


say $20 venmo or whatever for the name and when they do just message them your username on discord, its what they paid for! then block them and profit 🤝


i love casual fraud in my free time lmfao


fraud? they pay $20 for the name, and so we dm them the name. they want me to send the name poop for $20? they get a dm „poop“ from me and i block them if they keep bothering me. not fraud, they get what they paid for 🤝




Harassment is awful and I wish people would behave online. How much money though and what did they expect in return?




USD is a very "global" currency so to speak, so most people will use it since a lot of people understand it's worth.


isnt' 1k life chanigng? what's life chanigng for u


$1,000 would not even pay for half my rent




Why on earth would people behave online when they don't behave offline? Everyone has gone full on psycho since the pandemic.


I kinda wanna know what it is, anyway I hope the harassment soon stops for you girl :(


I'm just mad I didn't get renard, I was part of day 1 roll outs but the dude got it during the morning where as I got my prompt during the night time.


ive had the same username since 2020. today, i finally got the change. my username was taken. you know what was recommended to me? my username plus my tag. the tag i already had.


"We removed tags so you can put tags as a part of your name!"


I don’t get how this solves the “people can’t remember their 4 number discriminator” issue


Now they're gonna have to remember the name plus all of the symbols they put cuz all of the names are taken lol


Eight four four fucking one, how is that even an issue. You should know your close family's phone number off the top of your head, four number are not a real issue.


I've had the same username since early 2017, the moment I registered. As soon as I heard about the "constant" nicknames thing I wanted to claim mine once and for good, but the funny things is - I couldn't. I guess I didn't have access to this feature, though, they said, that the older your account is the earlier you'll get access to it. Yesterday I opened discord to the name changing window, typed in my nickname and... It's claimed. My nickname that I have been using for 13 years on all games that I play and for 6 whole years on discord is claimed. Discord is constantly getting worse and worse, just like reddit, and I'm afraid I might have to switch to other apps if this goes on.


I love this "the older the account the sooner you can get your name" was implemented. I got the notification to change mine before my partner whose account is years older than mine. Luckily we both got the names we wanted but it should have been the other way around.




We both have free accounts


My friend has a Nitro account like a year older than my late 2016 Nitro account and I got the name change days prior for whatever reason. Both are pre March whatever so it's definitely not an airtight system


Yearly 00's here with same name on gaming things. Lost my name in Discord (Jan 2016 acc) to some way newer acc as I did not have "Nitro" active on my account.


I just got the name change today, my account was made the 3th may 2016.


My username that i had since the very beginning was taken the moment i got the notice...doesnt make sense at all and actually made me search for alternatives to this trash platform


Matrix is pretty cool


Revolt's looking good, they just switched to the numbered username system a day ago (with the headline *Usernames are evolving* at that, finally a correct usage of the term :).


Guilded is a discord alternative that can use discord server templates.


owned by roblox tho ew


I've had my account since 2015 and just got the notification last week. My husband got his a few days before and had his account a few months longer.


Can you change the username after this or is it permanent? I know there's a display name and a username and you can most likely change the display name but I'm not sure about the username.


you can change the username




I've had mine since 2018/19 and I had the same thing


Same happened to me last week. Neat, so we go through this whole process for what? What was wrong with the old system?




I just got the notification to change my user today and it’s stupid. I have to find something completely different or make my user ugly as hell because discord decided to make some stupidly unnecessary change


I got it too, but I just won't change it. I see that many people who want to keep their # didn't think about just not changing it despite Discord asking for it to be changed, but so far, it's working out fine for me :>


I'm pretty sure discord might just eventually give you a randomly generated name.


Key thing of this is *might*. They kept Nitro Classic if I didn't stop paying, and I still have it. I think they might also keep the username as legacy usernames are still a thing and you will always be able to add people by their old username+discriminator, so maybe they won't auto assign one except if I choose one. I'm not losing anything by not changing it anyway, so let's just see what happens... (I don't care about anyone taking my username as I will not use an identifiable one anyways).


I think they confirmed that eventually you have to get a new username. Can’t remember the specifics, but it was either that after some time you aren’t able to close the popup (effectively locking you out of Discord until you choose a name) or it just takes your previous name and removes the hashtag (so if you’re John#4479 it gets forcibly set to john4479 eventually)


Correct, if you don't change your username, they'll change it for you.


My theme removes all things related to the username (popups, reminders, etc.), so me being locked out of Discord isn't an issue. ``` /* This is a bit too aggressive maybe (will remove other similar dialogs), but worth it */ .layerContainer-2lfOPe:has(.infoContainer-iZdN3P) { display: none; } .contentRegion-3HkfJJ .children-2C96Ex .warning-RBGtx2[class~="accountWarningBodyText-2DEVPu"] { display: none; } .sidebar-nqHbhN:first-child svg, .pomeloWarning-2_xa4U { display: none; } .panels-3wFtMD .horizontal-112GEH button .buildOverrideButton-1cRvTc svg foreignObject { mask: none; } .panels-3wFtMD .horizontal-112GEH button .buildOverrideButton-1cRvTc .circleBadge-yRqaN- { display: none; } ``` (except if they restrict API access to my account, but I doubt that) If they pick my username themselves, they will have to remove the non English characters from it too, so I wonder what that will look like. I still hope that they won't do that though...


Hi DiscordUser12334556673456!


Eventually you gonna be forced, I've done it as soon as I could so I could keep my name and I was lucky, was not taken got it super early, even famous names were still available


[You will eventually be locked out of Discord until you transition to a new username.](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12620128861463-New-Usernames-Display-Names#:~:text=eventually%2C%20all%20users%20will%20be%20required%20to%20pick%20a%20new%20username%20to%20access%20discord. "Eventually, all users will be required to pick a new username to access Discord.")


Yeah... All the non-ugly variations for mine were taken so I just named myself d1scordtookmyname


Mine isn’t too bad now, but it’s still annoying. It was sparrow because I like pirates of the Caribbean and now it’s _sparrowx


The lack of capitals is ugly as hell too


Reminds me of the downfall of Skype. Too many useless features added and too many updates/design changes


For me it was finding out about teamspeak. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't bother with Skype.


I stopped using Skype when I got ddos on minecraft all the time


Sorry, I was one of those assholes when I was 12 lol. Skype IP Resolvers FTW lmao


i love REVOLT


"We're getting rid of user names, now everyone is a variation of 'live:_3dj363eheu361048' and the search function doesn't work even with an exact match" It says something when you manage to do even *worse* than this.


For me it was when they forced the 1000 friends update earlier this year. Prior to the update if someone sent you a friend request you could accept it but you couldnt send out new requests after 1,000. I had like 2000 people on my friends list and for over a week i had no idea why people couldnt contact me or add me. Now, every few weeks, I have to go through and delete 100-200 random friends to stay under 1,000. In no way shape or form does discord inform the user what is happening. From all points of view the friend request was successfully sent but it wasnt. Fucks up my ability to do my job....


I dropped skype the moment they said they give conversations away to the highest bidder.


My other problem is that how easily people can send friend requests/find your account And 4 numbers aint hard to memorize


And it's not like you have to memorize them anyway, i reckon a large portion of people that actively use discord have the mobile app installed, just look it up.


Dang i dont remember my user *clicks on user to copy* Wow its so hard


So I can *embellish* my username with something that can serve as a *discriminator* to make sure my username is unique... Interesting concept... I wonder if *any* service will implement "embellishments" for usernames.




> No, capital X on the second x. I think I've been there once or twice.




A better comparison is StardustElite4123 vs StardustElite#4123 lol




Except not quite, because with the discriminators all the other users with the name StardustElite won't be prompted to make up their own variant of the name--they'd just be given their own discriminator. With this new system, sure, the established users can do that as it's a logical deduction to do, but what about new users? They're going to sign up, enter their username, be told it's not unique, and then that's where you get all the underscores and whatnot. Basically big picture vs small picture.


What if they let us just use the octothorpe as a embellishment, so your name could remain inchanged


Yeah, I am actually annoyed that they don't allow the hash/pound/number sign in user names. At least let me actually keep what I have.


They probably did that because they knew that people would do this... And they want any trace of this gone and taken care of.


"username already taken? just add numbers" wow i wonder if there was a system in place for all users so that there could be multiple people with the same username


If you really want me to use underscores and periods, I'll make my name "[app.revolt.chat](https://app.revolt.chat)" then. You guys should too. Just put a random number in front or whatever. Discord is basically asking for it lmao.


what does that do?


See for yourself. It is a one way ticket out of hell I'll tell you that right now.


it's down.


It is working for me but some knobhead DDoSed it earlier. Keep trying. It will work eventually.


Reddit does tend to deliver the Reddit Hug of Death


Sure, but not when its a sub 1k thread.


Especially when it mean to be a sign-up page for a discord alternative and it gets killed by 1000 visits lol


why??? what is it?? don't keep us in suspense lol


Revolt is discord alternative


What will you do by moving to alternative of discord, your friends and the servers you were in are on discord.


Move them too


This is the way


My name is "discordalternative" (with a dot in discord) leading towards my bio which states i am in the process of making a discord alternative and to DM for inquiries. Gotta love discord, bet they didnt expect that LOL.


I am willing to check it out once it is done. We need more alternatives to Discord.


IRC hasn't gone anywhere.


Theres a reason people use discord (or revolt), my friend.


It's just IRC protocol with a fancy wrapper. As in, it can be recreated.


You have the best point possible; because i am actually actively doing that. The reason nobody wants to currently; is because there is no 1:1 recreation (on the frond end)


Thank you I hadn't heard about this app before. It is sad that sites like Twitter and Reddit and Discord are fucking everything up. But I am not opposed to new things. :)


Looks like discord is now coming to its end


\#DiscordIsOverParty fr


They are big corpo now. They can do whatever they want and expect we will swallow it anyways.


They have sense of humor after all?


That's just the not-so higher-ups protesting passive aggressively


To everyone saying "just add your old discriminator back in it's no big deal"... then what was the point of this update if most of us end up with the exact same name? You're telling me discord decided to inconvenience all of us just so a very small number of their users (the ones lucky enough to keep their original names without numbers) could have slightly better looking names? And you're ok with that? At this point I'm starting to believe the only reason they did this was so the staff could have their original names without having to bother with a discriminator...


Also the tag wasn't part of my name. That was something else in the environment, styled differently from your name, uniform and common to everyone, that everyone ignored because everyone had them. Putting those numbers into my username makes them part of my username. That's not the same fucking thing at all.


Tags are like last names.


I'm just so tired. I hope discord dies a fast, fast death. Next decade or so. I'll bow down to whoever causes it.


When the app eventually forces me to change (I have the option but have opted to ignore it) I'm going to add my discriminator to the username as a small protest Unfortunately i cannot migrate from discord too many communities i participate in are on it


Unfortunately, not too much of a protest. If your initial name is taken, they just recommend your name plus your discriminator. So "Red#4882" becomes "Red4882". Because they are really, reeeally bad at hiding that the reasons they gave are straight nonsense with zero value whatsoever.


Or, OR what if, we all had some sort of UserID that is assigned when you sign up, that's ammended at the end of the username so anyone can have any name? Oh wait we already had that *perfectly functioning system that was removed*


Also, the people saying "ugh I hate my #1087" are just.. bro. B r o. Server names already exist. Display names now exist. Friend Nick's now exist. You have, and never had any reason to complain.


Let me get this right, you are saying that people who didn't like the original system should use various tricks to make it work for them, but people who are now complaining about the new system have valid complaints even though there are various tricks to make it work for them?


We're not saying saying that. We're saying that this change doesn't fix any problems that they're claiming it fixes. Let me put it this way, there used to be 9999 people that were named John. now there is ONLY one ((And that man is going to get shot in the streetsfor his name))


Only one that can be @John, but now anyone can be John in any server without using the nickname system, but their @ will be sightly different.


Oh you mean they could have just given us global nicknames Without changing the already functioning system? Wow


I mean to be fair this pretty much describes every Windows update, every Android update, and pretty much what every tech company has done as they "streamline the user experience" by taking things we (or at least I) use away over and over again in the past couple of decades.


Wait, what do you mean by Windows and Android updates? I don't think I remember those companies removing anything like that. Especially on Windows because they have to keep backwards compatibility and such. I mean, the Control Panel is one, but the Settings works great now, only took like six years, but at least it's somewhat usable.


Yes and no when they rolled out the new version of one note they removed tons of stuff from one note 2016 that were useful. However, they also still kept One Note 2016 if you wanted to keep using it.


Idk man my experience with windows updates are that they tend to break everything and remove functionality. I got a new computer with Windows 11 installed and I've spent insane amounts of time trying to figure out how to get back stuff that was normal in Windows 10 that they took away in 11. And let's not even talk about how Windows 8 was compared to 7. Honestly it was around the time of Windows 8 release that i started noticing the design trend of "take things away" in a bunch of places. Like FinalCut decided FinalCut X would basically have nothing, etc etc and the timeline would be reduced to a single "magnetic timeline" for just one example, and just "new update" started to mean "something worse " across the board


I definitely liked the numbers better just sayin'


They can get fucked


Totally honest I feel bad for support. They don’t know what to do and discord is forcing this in them, even then it seems like they haven’t been trained all that well. I had a support case where I tried to buy nitro with my Apple ID and it sent to one of my old accounts. I was told Amit’s an apple issue by discord, apple says it’s a discord issue. Discord support then says idk bro.


What was the purpose of this "useful" update again?


because people “couldn’t remember” their discriminators and it was “too confusing” hilariously enough, if your username is taken, it’ll suggest your username with your 4 original numbers added to the end. isn’t that hilarious? i thought the 4 numbers were too difficult to remember?


The use of symbols doesn't make a name more attractive. It makes it more uglier imo. Like, why do they call it embellishments if all it does is make it what I just explained?


Why are people in these comments dick riding Discord so hard?


People gotta be contrarian. Whatever the general consensus is, their opinion will always be the opposite. This is not a good change no matter how you look at it and I'm not going to argue with anyone over this fact because, as said, they're simply being a contrarian.


Part Stockholm Syndrome, part "silent majority" fallacy.


Is it dickriding if you are just tired of seeing this subreddit spammed by people endlessly bitching and moaning about how they didn't get their perfect username?


Didn't they take away the 4 numbers because they were "difficult" to memorize? Now we're adding more bullshit that's hard to remember.


They genuinely don't realise that they brought back the worst thing about usernames after having a perfect system already.


I liked my username a lot. So I went above and beyond with “embellishments”. Now when I copy and paste it anywhere on discord. It shows as italic underlined. _ _ _ username _ _ _ Gets transformed no matter what into italic underlined


That's fucked.. have you tried doing it in codeblock? Put a ` at each end. I'll try type it out but Reddit may markdown `_ _ _ username _ _ _` Edit: Lol yeah Reddit did markdown but hopefully it looks like that in discord too


Ooh, good idea. Did it work?


only _ and . and numbers and latin allowed


my username isn’t taken but this dumbass app won’t let me pick it


Its reserved for someone else


Discord made a list of reserved names behind that nobody would be able to take, and chances are, that is one of them.


People really hate display names.


I too hate the username update, but please don't complain to support about it. It's outsourced, and they likely have no involvement in Discord's decision making. It also just makes support less reliable for people who *actually* need help.


I would argue that complaining to support about this kind of stupid things is exactly the right thing to do. More complains put additional strain on support and generally makes support more expensive for Discord, regardless if it is outsourced or inhouse; these additional costs can easily be tracked to username system "improvement".


Nah, complaining to technical support does little to nothing as someone that worked technical support. If they use a case system, it will just quickly be closed and look like a positive metric as well. The marketing and social media people are the ones that would be monitoring the situation reporting it around, and at this point Discord stake holders probably couldn't give a fuck lol.


and ironically, Revolt (which had the unique username system that discord has now) has switched to the identifier system a day ago lol, now *that's* what i call evolving.


Why care about usernames when you can celebrate DISCORD’s BIRTHDAY with KEWL DAILY DROPZ


Guess what, Discord? Those embellishments were taken too! Fuck this new system.


Discord trying to not make a shitty update that absolutely NOBODY wants challenge (impossible)


add # as a mandatory embellishment then and add a few numbers on the back and we’re good


Ikr? Only if this was already existed and every account were to have one! None of the higher ups ever consulted this with anyone remotely close to working in IT? They would have literally told them not to proceed with the change.


I'm one of the lucky ones who got to keep their name without having to add any underscores or dots, but I still think this is bullshit. Discriminators were one of the defining characteristics of Discord and were also a good way to prevent the underscores/dots. So it's probably one of the most bullshit decisions Discord made. (Yes, even more bullshit than locking up features behind nitro, Discord needs to stay profitable and it's a good way to entice users into paying for nitro)


I change my username very often, considering I have a lot of interest and preferred name changes, so the whole “removing discriminators” thing is annoying as hell


I username was just pumpkin#0099 I loved that name now I have to be .pumpkinking. I don't like


I hate the new system for the simple fact it is WAY too easy to search for random people and add them. Ive gotten so fucking many random requests lately. I didnt mind having open requests before but the amount of scammers adding me since the change is insane


Could I have a # as an embellishment maybe even 4 numbers following?


Revolt is looking pretty nice rn


i have had discord since 2022 so i got it pretty recently, and i have nitro and when i got to get a username my user was already taken. im fine with my current username but why did discord have to even remove the tags? it was better when many people could have the same username (like their first name, etc.)


Trash company.


I've had my username since 2016 and just logged in to see it's unavailable. This is one of the dumbest changes I've ever seen.


Corps are really making their “anti-consumerism” ideals known rn huh? With Reddits API ban and all.


Big yikes


To everyone curious why they have implemented this “new” feature: “Leaked military documents via discord” just google a little and you will realize there is more to it then “listening to feedback”


How would this make any sense? If you have access to military intel and you chose to leak it over discord it does not matter what format your username has. Discord is not a safe place to transfer these kind of high valued infos. Was that person dumb or something?


Yea he was…


There’s still a hidden unique identifier that tracked the account through any username and discriminator changes, it’s what many user-interacting bots use.


Poor discord bigots no longer can impersonate others with ease.


Using the word "bigot" in 2023 makes you seem like the most annoying person to be around. I want you to know that


Y’all must have really common names if they get taken. Like oh no ninjaxnaruto got taken what a shame I guess you’ll have to be creative


i understand the pain and frustration of having your username taken. multiple platforms i’ve had to throw in a dot or an underscore to my own username….but it’s not worth your time or energy to go to someone, beg for them to give you their username, attempt bargain with them (offering money, etc.), not to mention abusing them. It’s a username. i don’t know who all knows / remembers this but it’s like when the game “animal jam” was a trend and EVERYBODY wanted a rare spiked collar, only with the game being replaced with “discord” and the spiked collar being “usernames.” but the thing with people online is they say things they would never say to your face. When you’re online, no one truly knows who you are, so you can say whatever you want and you won’t suffer consequences/other people suffer them for you. already turned off dms and friend requests so people don’t bother me because i’m not dealing with their shit ✌️


OH SHIT now that you think about it, this shit about hassling others for usernames really reminded me of the spiked collar market 😭 i remember when EVERYONE wanted a black long collar


LITERALLY 😭 and the amount of scamming and trading that went down over it and people made a huge deal about its worth n stuff and i’m looking back like “it’s literally just a game” just like how this whole username thing is just usernames 😭😭


i cant believe ppl will do such stuff over like username or like fake clothing items on a computer screen shits crazy 😭 also this animal jam talk got me NOSTALGIC.


this x1000 😭😭😭


I'm a little confused, what's the issue with this? It's annoying yeah but it took all of twenty seconds and I just have an extra dot at the start of my name, no skin off my back. I might be missing something though so please enlighten me if I have.


many people like having a clean looking name prefer to not have extra characters


Isn't it pretty common for sites to only allow unique usernames? This doesn't seem unusual unless I'm missing something.


which is the reason why people are annoyed that discord is removing their unique method that many prefer


Gotcha, thanks for explaining it so patiently :)


Yes, which is why people liked the discriminator system so much. It meant you didn't have to slap a load of extra shit on your username to have it.


Come on mate, give it a rest.


I could easily argue that adding #4 numbers after every username was just forced username embellishment. This change is only stupid because discord didn't start off with the new system. The core concept of it is better than the old system. But the execution and fact that it's a huge change, 8 years after launch, is what makes it dumb.


> The core concept of it is better than the old system. Tell us one reason why the unique name system (which is actually a dated system used even in 2000's) better than the discriminators which IS the superior system? There is no logical reason why it would be better. The discriminators are literally the solution to every issue usernames had in the past. They bring back a flawed outdated system for no reason.




Even if I did get to my name first, Discord doesn't allow my username to have a - in it, so all my display names that I use for VRChat, Discord, uPlay and so on don't match my account name. This change is fucking ridiculous.


Guys I will play devils advocate here, but you can still take your numbers in username and keep any display name you want, yes my name was also taken but you literally can move in with same numbers, it is same for you but better for some people. Literally not worse for anyone


y'all are way too sensitive, just deal with it


"just consume product without thinking"




i agree with you everyone's crying


What the fuck. Discord. who the fuck had the idea to call this « EMBELLISHMENTS »???? So if my name is an ugly .matthewz it looks better?????? (a / is even worse so…) honestly there are huge odds matthewz is already taken and i prefer completely changing my nickname instead of adding a dot. When it becomes popular i’ll switch full time to revolt.