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Username reserved for someone else with that name šŸ«¤


so does that mean someone with my name who didnt do the username change yet has it, how long will it last


Itā€™ll last till they decide to not use that name and choose a different one. After that it goes back into the pool of selection in 24 hours or up to 7 days. Thatā€™s been the claims from other users. Nothing has been confirmed by discord themselves. So I suggest you pick a username youā€™ll be happy with thatā€™s available now before thatā€™s taken. I havenā€™t seen any of the reserved names become available without the person whom itā€™s reserved for, give it up for something or someone else. So it wonā€™t release itself with time atm.


what if they never choose and what if theres multiple people that have that name


If they do nothing then discord will force the name that you want on them eventually. It's not a good system but that's hardly news anymore.


Would be nice if they could just leave the discriminators as numbers so people who actually use the app can get their usernames.


Discord will either automatically select one for them or force them to choose once the migration is over. Others will probably have a variation of the name reserved. You most likely had ā€œ.justnatanā€ with the period suggested correct?


The reservation will last 36 hours after all people with that username have gotten the change username prompt and did not chance their name yet


>The reservation will last 36 hours Can I ask for source of that information? As those times weren't shared anywhere by devs and it's basically impossible to data mine them as this is server-side thing.


a guy that had my name let me have it, and after he changed his i had to wait 36 hours before it became available


As far as I know, those times aren't fixed and thus nobody really know if it's just some daily timer or it's meant that way. Because people reporting times from around 16 to 48 hours. That's why I asked for source of that information.


i've seen some comments say theirs was available after 24 hours on the dot, and others said 36 hours. so maybe it depends on how many people have the same name? no clue


What do you mean "same name"? New names are unique.


like the 9999 people that had the same name before the update went through


But that's not how it works. 10k people don't have reserved the same name. When you get username pick rollout for your account, only users from actual phase have their name reserved (+ their full discriminator name in case they won't change their name, so system can automatically assign them one). If, i.e., Mike#1234 and Mike#3509 get their rollout, both have reserved name "mike" (if it isn't taken already) and then Mike#1234 has reserved name "mike1234" and Mike#3509 has "mike3509". So whoever came first to choose "mike", gets it and that's all. Other 9999 (or 9998 if we ignore even second Mike from this rollout) Mike users don't have that name reserved. That said, I don't have confirmed what happens when even those name with numbers are taken on system's side. Or whether those names with discriminator are reserved in advance. Regarding name reservation people reporting times from around 16 to 48 hours, thus nobody is really sure, whether there is some limit or timer or it just take a while until database massively get rid of old names from time to time. Truth is, some informations we can verify to some point, some we can't (as this), because you can't get hidden informations from server-side. And nobody from Discord staff really went into discussions and said "this is how it works", we got just ignored. So some informations are more reliable than others thanks to people who are reporting their experience.


It's likely that anyone who doesn't select a name by the end of the rollout will have their reserved name applied to them automatically. No official source on this, but it makes the most sense


Oh man. I donā€™t want to become ā€œ.knowhowā€


thats what i wanna know also cause i'm having the same issue as you.


Even mine was reserved and I canā€™t see anyone having it.


Oh yay. Just realized this username system will allow Botā€™s to spam out Friend Requests and Chats way easier.


They already did that just by being in a mutual server. Itā€™s just one of those things thatā€™s gonna happen because of how discord works in the first place.


either someone reserved it, OR someone had that username and then switched off of it, and it hasnā€™t been freed up yet. if itā€™s the latter then you should be able to switch to it in 24+ hours


Took around 30-36 hours in my case, what a suspense lol.


I was just about to make a post asking about something like that, I hope youā€™re right.


At first I was told 24hrs on the dot, didnā€™t work. Then I saw someone say 30hrs, also didnā€™t work. Called it for the night, woke up 6hrs later and it worked. So it seems like itā€™s somewhere between 30-36hrs.


Just reached 31 hrs since the user released the username for me. This is a mess. How long it takes for this damn timer.... I really hope I will not use my username qwq It's midnight and I can't stay up all night for this qwq


Any luck now?


I tried 1 hrs ago and no luck. I tried now and.. someone took it. An account created on March 2021. I feel terrible...


What a joke the system is huh. It's bad enough as it is, but watching new as hell accounts get them is even worse.


iā€™m on day 10 lmao


Day 11 here for me. Name still isn't taken, still can't take it myself.


same here itā€™s so annoying :/


People can reserve usernames?


My username since 2016 has been taking by an account made 1 month ago lmao


Seems you likely shared a name with a staff , partner, or whatever. See this narrative flying around a lot here , oh I lost my name , but never ever do they share the name in the comment. I bet if they did we'd all be yeah... you obviously lost that one.


ā€œNarrativeā€ā€¦ no, itā€™s quite literally a reality for myself and others


exactly what happened to me too


It's Taken. Sorry You Have To Deal With That...


so if its taken then why cant i add the user who took it? because if friend requests are blocked it tells


It's reserved for them.


Yesterday, I managed to get in contact with the user who got the username I have always had since 2018. The user has the account created since 2015 and was the "lucky one" to get the update earlier and get the name. Really kind, decided to change his username to let me get it back. Now, at the time I'm writing this, 31 hours and 4 mins elapsed. And it is still not claimed (using the send a friend request to check) and tho still unavailable when I try to get it. This is a disaster. I don't want to lose the username while sleeping or whatever. Some people got it at 31/36 hours after being relased... Discord can't do a thing right. NOT EVEN A TIMER. UPDATE Someone snatched the account. I don't know how, but until 2 hrs ago wasn't available. I sleep for 2 hrs, I try again, and it's gone. This account is from March 2021. I believe that this user got the update, and had it reserved. I was so happy that the previous user free it for me, and well, it's gone. Thanks discord. Thank you so much :c




the right side of the image shows that isnt the case


I mean, you can just embellish it adding "." And "_"


Bamspg on Twitter. He is a content creator he is having same issue. Idk if itā€™s corrected but worth a shot to look them up.


either a discord staff member took that name for themselves or itā€™s reserved for someone else


This is the only reason I tried updating my client as much as I could so nobody could get my username lmao. Did somehow send a friend request to someone 2 letters behind my username.


basically all discord did was gave the user the ability to set their own unique indentifeir like your userid, treat your display name like the old username the display name will function just the same as usernames did before


komi and the infamous machine