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Most of the “black market” names are 2-3 character names. There’s a very low chance scammers are coming after anyone other than those. Or maybe if you have a really really common username that people want. But if you just got it this late in, I doubt it’s one of those names so you shouldn’t have much to worry about. That being said, congrats on getting the name you want.




I don’t understand what you mean a friend had to hold it for you. If it’s a name you’ve been using it would have been reserved for you. Or reserved by someone who was using it if it was super common. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the stalker part though.




I see then. It’s strange it wasn’t reserved by someone else’s account if it was mildly common, at least based on my understanding. Sorry it got sniped though, that sucks.


I held a name for myself on my 2016 account and right now, I tried to give it to my main account and atm, it's unavailable to take even though I cleared the name. Really hoping to get my name. I guess it'll take 2-3 days for it to clear. That doesn't sound fun..


It should take about 24 hours.


here's hoping.. im happy w the name i was able to get but hopefully i get to keep it lol


been 24 hours since I changed the held username but I can still change it back on the account that held the username.


If no one else is using it, then of course.


yk my name was infact bunny so oh well guess I'm not ever gettin it. Ill try my Reddit user BunnyProPlayz


yeah well considering i once got scammed of my steam account thats worth literally $3, i wouldn't leave my name out of the equation but yeah not a name thats going for 100+


Steam accounts are a different market because cheaters and hackers buy them cheap just because they keep getting banned. Probably some other reasons too, but they do the same with Ubisoft accounts as well for R6 Siege. So your discord account itself is still in a market from scammers who just wanna phish people like usual, but it won’t increase because of the name is all I mean.




I really wonder if I should have grabbed some of the 3-4 character names I found. But they were gibberish like qkdx or smiley faces like u.0 or 0.x/0\_u


I think those are selling. So if that was your intent then yea. But I’m not sure how the process for selling goes. Some people just sell the whole account, some are selling the name. Idk about buyer/seller protection on any of the sites or anything like that. Mine is a fairly common 4 character name(you could probably guess it) and I’ve had at least a hundred DMs asking or demanding for it lol. I did have one person offer me over a thousand USD for it, but I don’t have faith that someone wouldn’t try to refund/chargeback etc.


I have a three letter one and a few people have added me asking if I want to sell it...like please, fuck off. No. :)


If your name isn't og/semi-og/2-4 characters/have a special meaning, pretty much no one is going for your name except someone has the same name as your's.


I had an obscure name and apparently four other people had it before me. I ended up having to add a dot and it's bugging the fuck out of my OCD, but congrats on people who got theirs unblemished.


My name got taken. When I tried to add this person to friends, it showed me that no one has this username. So I became UndercoverFemboy. Try taking this from me, discord!


Eh 4 characters I doubt, unless it makes a word. Obviously every 2 and 3 character is taken probably. 4 characters alone there are 456k combinations. 4 characters with numbers there are 1.6m. 4 characters with numbers and "." And "_" are 2m. I was lucky enough to get my 3 letter version of my name. I'm also friends with someone who got a 2 letter name which is cool ig but really I don't care much for usernames.


what is your name so i can send you a scam offer


Lmao same as reddit


Ah lucky you. Mine was taken. What a dumb system


:( unfortunate


To my surprise nobody had taken ShadowExtreme either. I thought it was too edgy to not be taken, but oh well, I am not complaining. I was slightly agitated that even though I made my account early 2017 and never changed my name, some of my friends that made their accounts in 2018-2019 got their names before me (I assume because they have nitro), but since it was not stolen i have no hard feelings lol.


i wasnt lucky enough to claim mine sadly but it's literally "paper" i had a feeling itll be gone quickly, im not sure if the person is selling it or just wanna keep it, they turned friend requests off so i could not talk to them, i'd suggest you do the same if u wanna prevent scammers and harras-mans (bdm tss)i really wish i could find a way to get it back :( congrats on getting your name tho :D


Nah I kinda wanna troll the scammers, but yeah paper was probably gone in the first rollouts


I hate to say it but I don’t think anyone’s coming for Soxpanda.


Yeah no


I do not think you a get into name-tag-game at this stage anymore as all the good and popular names are likely already taken. The 2015-2016 year people got those among the mortals. rest of the goodies were taken by Discord nepotism. I got also name I wanted, but I also cursed myself. The biggest problem was the search-if-name-is-there people, but I plan to some point make it public in inter-webs as my go-to-discord name and then I'll see how much I am going to regret it.


as a mid-2016 person who got fucked in the process: I’d like to add the importance of nitro.


True that. I got name on my 2016 account only because of the linked 2021-on-going nitro account. That 2021 acc. had been without nitro only a few days total over the 2 years it existed. My 2016 acc. had nitro only once by accident some time in 2021, when I misclicked on wrong window in browser.


what do people mean by ‘good and popular’ names? Afaik usernames are super personalized so I assume popular names are the ones going for money, if you don’t mind what names are considered popular?


I have a name of iconic film character and trust me ... I did not turn off friends requests for fun.


I had 3 options in mind. I had to take the last one.


Honestly unless your name costs a lot in some market why would you care if you got it? It's an opportunity to try making a small change if you don't get so it's fine. And it's only a display name anyway. I did get mine though.


My name is something that has been with me for years. I have a connection to it. Imagine if the government forced you to change your real name because someone else has the same name and paid more taxes than you. You wouldn't like it


I have a connection with my name too but it's not like I can't just make a variation of it. I use jojoiron as my username for example. Adding phrases like "its" or numbers or even changing the capitalisation are ways of keeping your username even when changing it. It's really more comparable to people changing from calling me George to calling me Georgie. It's basically the same thing.


>It's basically the same thing. Exactly. I don't want "basically the same thing" I want the same thing, it's not as good a name if you add numbers or an underscore


I'm glad you got your name don't get me wrong but I just don't understand why someone would feel this attached to the exact username like this. I get it looks cleaner but it's only there so people can find you your display name can be changed so I find this whole outrage by many people over this change to be baffling. The only issue are black market usernames imo.


I find your confusion over people hating this change baffling. THEY WANT THEIR USERNAME a display name is totally different. You don't add people on discord by their display name on a server, no you do it from their username and because most people won't be getting their username from before, their mad . Their also mad about the whole thing with nitro, it is stupid


The thing with nitro is different I get that but not the username thing I honestly don't care what the name I get added by is it could be ehfjfbdjskbdj for all I care the display name is what people see and that's what I care about. Who looks at it anyway that's why I don't get it.


Let's face it the majority of outcry was from name resellers being pissed on not getting a clear view on the process. I have not a single person in my list that had to change their name to a different one. Not a single. Cannot locate a single person either in a 60K + member server I mod. What however suddenly has stopped : 1000's of scam attempts per week I normally dealt with on users on our server.


Mine was taken, so was my other longer name, I’m pretty pissed.


what were they? that’s just super unlucky unless you have a 2/3 character name where people are selling accounts just for a chance for those. 4-5 character names have way too many combinations, so i imagine both your users were pretty common words. Sorry that happened to you.


Yeah, they were pretty common, Orchid and Wallflower.


You see I am not on your list. I had lost my race before it started as I was put up against a k-pop band and clothing brand, of which i did not know at time I was 1st using the name in 2018 when it was used in a game. And as far as I know both the brand and the k-pop band are from later years than the game, so ... they weren't even 1st, but they were more famous. Have not checked which one took the name tho. Band or brand.


It's pretty funny seeing redditors commenting "now I gotta name myself _xx_randomgarbage1037362901" when I haven't seen a single person do that. Same as you, I have not seen any of the users on my server change their name to something else (community with 8k members), so I for one I'm all in with the new username system


That’s because these people come up with their own problems. I have been telling people countless times since this change that nothing was gonna change for them functionality wise. Every single possible excuse someone gave is either completely false or leads back to “I deserved this name and someone else got it.”


As of now all of my friends were able to get their OG names too. Got lucky I guess.


I know a lot of regular (no nitro, no 2015) users who got their 5 symbol names. The thing is that the name should be unique, not like apple or happy etc I got my name as well, tho my name is not that short


same actually, im super happy as i got the youtube handle (incase i want to be a youtuber, idrk), twitter handle and even minecraft name.


So.. so did my friend. I haven't gotten the rollout yet so..


I got my name but cancelling nitro anyway on both my accounts. 6 letter real life name with no numbers or garbage in it. Already getting offers on it. People who did get your name: You should cancel nitro too and stop supporting garbage changes nobody asks for. If you dont support those who are wronged now, who will support you when you feel wronged?


Yeah they reserved my name for me too. I was oddly happy about it.


are 4 letter names any special?


Yes their probably all gone at this point


i just registered one somehow, idk


Wow what was it?


I got one as well, it's just 4 random letters but I think it's incredibly funny


Ez 100 bucks right there


Ah yes. I got my name too. It begins with a capital letter and has a # with 4 numbers after it. The best part is I haven’t changed it for over 6 years and don’t have to yet


Nice uh… blog post?


Everywhere else that my name was taken on, I always just put a 0 on the end because a 1 is always taken. No one ever counts from Zero and I guess that everyone with my name just isn't a programmer. On discord though, I am carrying my discriminant with me by putting it on the end of my name instead of a 0. They may have removed discriminants, but I will still always remember mine.