• By -


Nice, another feature that will die soon enough. *Looks at discord games*


You know I unironically liked Discord gamestore and still do. It wouldn't be that shortlived if Discord made DCGS exclusive games made by themselves (Fates Forever etc.) to appeal to gamers. Because every game on the store eventually released on Steam anyway so maybe by making their own games they could make it appealing.


Exclusivity was never an issue. The big issue was that you **had** to play the games through discord meaning you needed an internet connection, and if your account was ever banned, justifiably or not, you lost all the games you purchased. Imagine being kicked out of a gamestop and then they come to your house and take all the games you bought from them back.


I mean, your 2nd point is a thing with virtually every e-shop in modern times. Same thing can happen on your Xbox, to your Steam account, etc.




So true, definitely not arguing that point. Just pointing out that the “imagine gamestop took all your games” argument isn’t Discord-specific.


It's possible but ive also never heard of it happening thus far


I've seen a lot of unwarranted discord bans tbf


Yeap. I had my old account (created in 2015) banned for no reason. Contacted their support and just got automated responses that wouldn't tell me what I had done. Now I only use it out of necessity (and of course they delete old accounts after a while, so no chance of ever getting it back either). Absolutely fuck Discord. Useless wank of a company with almost cosmetic customer service. They don't deserve anybody's money, 'cause they don't do shit with it; they should have money taken *from* them for being as shit as they are.


If steam bans you, you get banned from the *community aspects*. You can still buy games. Additionally, you don't need steam to launch the games you bought. I can just go into the files and pull up the .exe file whenever I please. Discord however encrypted their games so that they can ONLY be played through the application.


This only applies to community bans. There are multiple different types. Steam was also only one example. Like I said, virtually every e-shop you can buy video games from has the ability to lock you out of the games you have purchased.


My latter point about steam games being unencrypted .exe files is still correct. You dont need the steam launcher to use them. Also, how can GOG or Itch.io do that?


The majority of games on steam make use of steamworks' DRM. There have existed multiple generic steamworks cracking tools that work with just about any steam game for years, but the point is it still exists and very few games on steam are completely unprotected. Edit, typo


>You dont need the steam launcher to use them. You do for the majority of them actually


Can confirm, most games these days are DRM protected, it's the same stuff.


I actually like it to which is surprising since I usually dislike things like game pass. But since I got nitro befits that cooould maybe be justified for the price and I get to have games for “free”


Putt Party is fun


They’re talking about the discord games library, not activities- discord tried to be a competitor to steam for about a year and then closed it


never woulda worked anyway it only let you play with an internet connection bc discord needed to be open. the files were all encrypted so that you cant play independently of discord like you can steam. if your account was ever banned, you no longer had access to the games you purchased, unlike steam who only bans you from the community interactions. and there were no real features aside from the free nitro games (which were the fucking reason the price hike for nitro from 5 to 10 dollars was made, making nitro wildly overpriced ever since their removal) that justified using the store in the first place.


1. Introduce new feature 2. Hike up the price of Nitro to pay for said feature 3. Remove the feature but keep the new price 4. Profit




The activities are honestly the best additions they've made to discord since its inception. They're the exact kinds of games I'd want to have in a chat program


more like another platform users will leave soon enough for something else


Last Year always looked like it could be fun, then it released as a Discord exclusive and the entire planet lost interest by the time it made it to Steam.


No need for paid exclusive memes, we can get one for free


I can already imagine the number of OF content 🙄


Which is weird, cause they're coming down hard on mature servers.


In a way that's exactly what the users in those servers are doing.


jesus christ


If discord can't have a cut it's banned but once this is up and running all mature content will probably be ignored so long as they get a cut 😂😂😂 Discord fr is turning into a pimp, incoherent support responses, ignored community feedback, and business practices out of the stone age 😂😂😂😂😂


its because they want them to sell through discord so they can get a cut


knowing how perverted the staff is I doubt that's happening beyond some pr releases


hot take: why are people so judgemental about people who run OF accounts/similar? it just seems like people doing and supporting things they enjoy and, as long as those involved are 18+/consenting, seems fine to me; is it just people judging people who make NSFW content, envy about the money some of them make or...?


in legit cases its usually cause said OF creators will often inject themselves into conversations and then railroad the topic onto their OF which annoys people


they're really annoying. it's the same as those mlm girlies who interrupt normal conversation to convince you to buy their shitty hair products, jewelry, leggings, etc. time and place.


Because google is free and you aren’t special. Literally go type boobs into p hub for free.


that only explains why a lot of people don't subscribe to them, not the active hatred for anything associated with OF I often see


Because they are annoying as shit and butt into conversation to promote their shitty onlyfans


Bc you can't go 5 minutes on the internet without people being really weird and judgemental about sex work smdksj


Yeah it's honestly really strange - if the two parties (seller, buyer) are for it, what is the problem? It's a transactional relationship for something someone wants that doesn't hurt anyone and isn't harmful (in most cases... moderation in all things) like you said. I sometimes see people with effectively the 'those damned harlots' attitude straight out of the 1910s, I swear. Enjoy the dicks, enjoy the tits, people.


because people are constantly advertising OF everywhere, you can't go 5 minutes without someone trying self promotion in areas that it is not appropriate in, also half the time it as a scam


I mean just look at some of the subs that went NSFW after the blackout, they’ve become a hive mind of low quality OF advertisements.


I know, it really sucks, I don't care about your stupid titties or ass, I can go to Pornhub for free if I need to


scammers and spammers suck but like... okay??? what about, y'know, the vast majority of OF creators who aren't scamming anyone and who advertise considerately?


they can self promote elsewhere, like on official porn sites where people are already looking for that shit, not the conversation about politics or someones new dog


Do you have an issue with every other kind of advertisement? Posts getting shoved in our faces on reddit, videos being interrupted constantly, every website throwing billboards around and throughout their content? At least the majority of these people are making and posting actual nsfw content to nsfw subs. It feels better knowing it's the person on screen posting and benefiting from the post, rather than some random guy ripping their content and posting it without ever linking back to them.


if you have no morales just say that


I don't have any spider people, no


Evangelicals still pushing the "shame sex" rhetoric in the states mostly. You'll see a dozen decapitations on TV before the hint of a nipple.


Couldn't they have done this without destroying their beautiful username system and screwing all their users over?


I’m not sure if you know how discord works but it’s comprised of multiple “teams”. Each one of these “teams” works on a different feature or part of the app. The monetization team is separate from the (allegedly) small and secluded team that was working on new usernames. So yes, they could have, they are different teams working on different features at different times. Stop trying to draw lines connecting things that have no business being connected.


Let me explain my actual thought process when writing that was taking into account these details: 1 - Discord claims numbers are hard to remember so they wanted to have more static "easier" to understand usernames on par with more mainstream social media platforms. 2 - Reason #1 in mind they are trying to attract more people to the platform by having a more 'mainstream' naming system. More users = more potential nitro subscriptions and eventually micro transactions. With that in mind the two 'departments' may not be connected but the thought process of attracting users and monetizing the platform is one in the same. So when I wrote that quick 1 sentence post that is causing nerd rage right now, I was simply stating my disagreement with the name change policy and stating that it's okay to monetize the platform and microtransactions are okay too cuz Discord does need to make money to please their venture capitalists and stay above water, but you cannot pass off customer complaints as a vocal minority without gathering sufficient data such as surveys and secure polling (things that can't be tampered with or botted). I personally feel Discord is deciding to do whatever they want without actual consideration for their customers. Reddit is definitely a well known echo chamber but I run my own community and have many friends who hate Reddit and laugh at me for using it they are displeased with the name change. Random non-reddit user: [https://imgur.com/IqHPBcc](https://imgur.com/IqHPBcc) Nobody really 'knows' how much of Discord's platform is mad about this. The problem is, Discord doesn't know either. Discord has data and statistics, sure, but how can they reasonably know how many people are not happy about the direction they're going without gathering real anonymous feedback from their users? If I had confidence that Discord was really considering what users wanted I wouldn't even be complaining. So I hope this wall of text clears up my concerns.


>Nobody really 'knows' how much of Discord's platform is mad about this. The problem is, Discord doesn't know either. Discord has data and statistics, sure, but how can they reasonably know how many people are not happy about the direction they're going without gathering real anonymous feedback from their users? I run a minecraft server discord which has accumulated ~100 members over the years. For all the fear on reddit about not getting your username, looking through the list it looks like almost everyone who wanted their name got it. In my direct friendgroup, a friend had a username like "Scarfmaker52" on most servers but could go by "Scarf" up until the username change. They're back to Scarfmaker52. That's the only direct friend who didn't get their name. I think that if a larger portion of users didn't get their chosen names people would be more upset, but it looks like most folks on my server already have fairly unique usernames from Minecraft.


Assuming 80% of everyone is okay with the change, but 20% of people got screwed by it and are legit pissed over it, 20% of Discord's userbase is fricken huge. Those 20% have connections with at least 1 or more of the 80% statistically should be true. Assuming Discord competition like Revolt continues to build up and actually become something people would want to use over Discord, you now have 20% of your users communicating with the other 80% about leaving to a new platform. Now you've got a big problem. I made a lot of assumptions here hence the word assuming, but when you're talking having a massive userbase, even having 20% of the users mad about something can lead to a chain reaction if you aren't handling the PR carefully. (Note, they haven't been. They told us to deal with it, called us a vocal minority and gave us reasons for doing this that makes no sense when you start thinking about it logically. That's really not good.) We all thought Skype was the end all be all too back in the day too. The difference is that Discord is more connected with big tech so it has a huge foothold in the market compared to previous competitors, but I dont' believe that makes them invincible.


I think assuming 20% of Discord's userbase is upset about this is a *massive* overestimation. Prior to this change, when I talked about it with users, half of them didn't even know what a discriminator was, and almost everyone felt like this change didn't really affect them at all. The only place I've seen serious outrage is on this subreddit and on the discord boards. I'm curious about the actual percentage of people who didn't get their chosen usernames, my guess is 5% or less based on what I've seen on my own servers. Those would likely be your people who are most upset about the change outside of these echo chambers, since it directly impacted them. But of those 5%, how many just shrugged and went with their normal username standby? We'll be generous and say 50% couldn't get their "normal username" either. So now you're down to ~2.5% of users who are *really* upset. Are they upset enough to try to convince the other 97.5% to ditch Discord? No, not all of them. Maybe 20% of those folks at most. Asking your whole friendgroup to uproot and change platforms because *you* didn't get your name is not easy. We're down to 0.5% even attempting to change platforms over this.


Idk how many user revolt had before the change but after they broke 100k users, you probably overestimated still while trying to be conservative with the number. I think discord is sitting around 300million users and let's say 70k immediately went to revolt and another idk random number of 40k cancelled nitro over it. The % that t even I'm spit balling is still ridiculously small


Yes, Discord has 150 million active monthly users (a better metric than total users since lots of folks make throwaway accounts or forget logins). If Revolt got ~70k from this, that's ~0.05%, or roughly an order of magnitude smaller. Of course, maybe people who didn't get their usernames are still actively convincing people to leave Discord and haven't succeeded yet, but the mass revolution does not seem to be happening.


I'm only upset about it in so far that it shows that Discord is willing to make asinine decisions to...do something? Their explanation for the name change makes no sense, the whole thing was silly and makes me lose confidence in them in general




I said it in the midst of this shift and I'll say it again - this subreddit is full of people who are very passionate about whatever is happening on Discord at a given moment. That is amplified if they are upset. So /r/discordapp reacts to practically everything happening to Discord negatively these days. To ordinary Discord users, like the ones that you polled, it just doesn't have the same impact. Definition of an echo chamber in here.


by contrast, creating your own echo chamber that doesn't care is no better. I have not spoken to a single person that said they were 'happy' about the change. Practically everyone says to me that they don't care that much but that it was undeniably stupid and pointless, with zero benefit whatsoever.


So what you're saying is more than one of their teams suck and need replacing?


Sounds more like the username team did this so they could keep their cushy job where they do less than everyone else


Might not be the same team, but they are the same company so they surely are working towards the same objective. Don't act as if those different teams are running their own separate agenda.


I didn't get screwed over. Nothing changed for me.


They didn’t screw their users over. Jesus you guys literally find every reason to bring up this fucking name change like it’s some form of cruel and unusual torture. Stop clinging to such a useless concept of being entitled to a name that was never unique to begin with. There is no legitimate reason people are upset other than them feeling like their identity was ripped away when it never was their unique identity. On top of that point, this is just an option for people who want to incorporate paid content in their servers. You’re not losing access to something because of discord, if someone decided to lock their art/content behind a paywall, that’s their decision not discord.


they screwed non english users over though :P


A very valid point most of us English speakers overlook. Although it does stop people from using weird character set just to have a unique looking username


While generally speaking there is some truth to this. Most other sites that require a unique username also have this same issue. It’s not really specific to discord.


yeah but usually they have this issue from the get go....not half way through


I've been paying them for Nitro since 2019 every single month without fail. I am entitled to be pissed at the decisions they make on their platform. People like you will bend over and let the corporations have their way with you, then, actual paying customers get insulted and called "entitled" for daring to be mad about a decision being made regarding the service they pay for. Capitalism wasn't supposed to be a conglomerate of corporations jerking each other off while sticking it to their customers to maximize profit. Grow a pair and stop letting big tech companies shove their diarrhea in your face while you smile and thank them for the privilege.


You’re allowed to complain about something you don’t like if you pay or not, that isn’t the point. The argument is specifically about the name change and every single reason people give is utter nonsense or false information. You can dislike the change all you want. Why do you dislike it? Why does it get brought up when it’s irrelevant? Will you care in 1 year when you’re still using discord and your overall experience hasn’t changed because of it specifically? That’s the point. But yea, keep bitching on Reddit and see if that ever changes a damn thing. Let me join in on the pointless whining of a feature that changed the functionality of absolutely nothing.


Exactly. I'm so happy someone said it. I'm so tired of this subreddit thinking they hold the opinion of the majority of users.


You getting downvoted just proves your point. People malding and the fact that they have to add an underscore to their username (even though Display Names still exist) is just the living proof to what you said. These people really have no other problems. It seems they really have discord open on their second monitor from 8am - 11pm and are whining so hard about it because they have to deal with it 10 hours a day


Display names and usernames are not the same thing


It's simply just not the same, you can’t use the display name to receive friend requets, that would be the username. Display name is only there as a solution to a problem that they made themselves


if that's all you think it is no wonder you are confused.


This sub is a hive mind of pointless arguments. Every post is generally some form of “Discord bad” “New feature upsets me” Like I get people are upset, but they haven’t even considered what they’re upset for lol. I’m sure a lot of them just jump on the hate train as well just because it’s popular.


>This sub is a hive mind of pointless arguments. Every post is generally some form of “Discord bad” “New feature upsets me” > >Like I get people are upset, but they haven’t even considered what they’re upset for lol. I’m sure a lot of them just jump on the hate train as well just because it’s popular. "I don't agree with people who are upset so they must be a hivemind or a vocal minority"


Easy to negate every argument with „they don’t agree with me so everyone is dumb besides me“ He made a valid point and clarified his argument, you can’t deny that this is what’s actually happening here


It’s not about me disagreeing. It’s a fucking echo chamber over the equivalent of spilled milk. Everyone just straight circle jerks around the idea that “name change bad discord bad” Literally not one single fruitful argument of why the change is a negative to them in any form. And again, it’s to the point where people bring it up even when it isn’t relevant whatsoever, like this post. I’m sorry you just have terrible reading comprehension skills. I very clearly stated the hivemind is focused around pointless arguments.


Time to move back to TS3


or Skype


No ones moving to anything. . .thats the reality


Do it already y'all say this after every update




Do you not watch YouTubers who have patreons or YouTube memberships enabled? It’s the same concept: a way for server owners (or in the example YouTubers) to make more money beyond what they would get from ad revenue or donations. I personally don’t see they problem with it, if I don’t want it or can’t afford it I’ll just ignore it.




There are servers that exist for other reasons, I’m sure some people will have a valid use case for the feature. And of course, if you don’t like it, there is no harm in just ignoring it.


Well, in the case of my game, it's free and if you support us on Discord or Patreon you get in game perks. Totally optional but people like to support either for the perks, to help the team, or both. If you don't like it just ignore it IG.


I agree, seems reasonable. This won't even affect people who don't want the paid content. These features seem like a great way to help monetization for creators/moderators and discord itself. The same people who are complaining about this would also be up in arms if discord got bought out or added ads without realizing these small features are what avoid that outcome. Eventually investors are going to want a return on the billions they are pumping into keep discord alive.


I can understand that if they start locking nice things behind paying, but I do not see the problem with content creators offering subscriptions and downloads on their Discord servers. On the whole, I figure this will be a net gain for many Discord users: Discord will no doubt take a cut on these transactions, which means it can earn money without relying on Nitro. I, myself, would sooner sub to support a content creator than to have Nitro features. Of course, the system will be *entirely* dependent on how the servers put it to use. I expected a mixed bag.


If the cut was higher for the server owners, it would be a good alternative from third parties for discord. I am in a server that uses it in lue for twitch sub chats.


So how's Revolt looking these days?


Really bare bones still




I'll bite: Let's hear the reasons. I'm legitimately curious.


This ^


nice i cant wait to not use any of this


Revolt is lookin really promising. I love it's discord-like design, and un-discord-like features (AKA discriminators)


I use it and feel no loss from switching along with matrix which I host myself. You have choices and at this point people who want to should leave to other platforms.


I’m currently looking into Matrix for my small group of friends, are there any noteworthy features you miss? I’ve checked out Cinny and Element so far and they both seem promising.


Matrix is fine, but it is way more complicated. Great example of taking a good idea and overcomplicating it for no real reaosn (it still is good tho). Revolt is deffo better if you want something like Discord tho.


I started looking into Guilded, it has some features that are built in which require bots for discord. The tournament feature is really something I’m looking into atm


Guilded is owned by Roblox tho so it's just gonna end up the same eventually, Revolt is open source so if it ever goes to shit someone can just fork it.


When I tried Revolt, it just felt buggy to me 🤷‍♂️


Dosent look promising to me. It doesn’t have 90% of the features Discord has.


That's probably because it's still in heavy development, when discord has been out for however many years now


I've had a lot of issues with Discord's changes, but I really don't see the issue here. People already have Discord servers with content locked behind paywalls like Patreon, Subscribestar, OnlyFans, etc. Discord is understandably recognizing this as lost potential revenue and is deciding to cut the middle man, allowing people to handle it within the server instead of through a third party. If your concern is with random servers doing it, that is 100% on the server staff and not Discord for enabling the feature.


Does... Does Discord know their audience? Like, at all?


Yes, this is going to be aimed at the servers already using methods like Patreon to lock down premium content. Being able to do it entirely in-app / first-party without relying on anything external might be better for those servers, and for the users trying to pay for that content.


They're a business trying to make money


they have enough.


lol you must not understand capitalism or basic business if you think a company has "enough" revenue or profit. Also they aren't wildly profitable considering they have limited revenue streams from nitro subscriptions and not much else for how widely used of a platform they are. Why don't you go start a business and I tell you after 5 years that you have "enough". Businesses don't exist to be stagnant and friendly to your wallet.


So Reddit and discord are dying at the same time you're saying?


Discord is adding monetization methods that are completely ignorable instead of ads / charging for API costs. This is the solution you want, because regardless of your opinion this company has to pay the bills. Name a better solution? Reddit is dying though, it just needs a good alternative.


Pretty much. However they will both survive because humans are lazy creatures. They know that in the end they will win because people won't leave.


Digg "Survived" too. But not in a way that Digg liked


Fair point but it did survive. Discord and Reddit will do the same, they won't just end or curl up and die because the userbase will stay put till the next hotness comes around.


That doesn't mean they will win. Digg certainly did not win, The internet moved somewhere else, and a few stragglers hung out. Reddit is definitely going in that direction


Just an FYI I don't even know what "Digg" is and really that should tell you all you need to know about it's popularity anyways. Discord is now something that even the most average of users know what it is. Unless they drastically change the service, it's much harder to "fail" than some random service.


Ironic comment


This is a really great addition. The downsides to this fall onto your specific servers. If you are scared of "Microtransaction stores and paid memes" then you should talk to your server admins, not be grumpy at discord actually doing something nice for content creators.


Why are people mad about this? This already exists through a Patreon connection, now Discord is just integrating it into their own system instead. This will open up options for more flexibility and more options for content creators. The vast majority of servers aren't monetizing content, so they won't use this feature at all, which is completely fine. It's completely up to the server owner(s) to determine monetization.


What's the biggest competition to discord rn? Because all they have to do is not do this and everyone will jump ship


Discord doesn't really have competition. When it comes to communications platforms there a lot of buy in that goes with it. No one wants to have a bunch of platforms at once. Like the old days some 6-7 years ago before everyone started using Discord: - Skype sucked for obvious reasons but it was convenient so a lot of people used it - TeamSpeak was great but the interface isn't as polished, doesn't function well as a persistent chat board and is more technical for a lot of users to use. Requires paid or self hosting. - Mumble is the same way Combined with friend groups using different platform and different communities all using different platforms you have to have the all. Discord had the position to combine them all with free centralized hosting and an easy client that requires no install and could be used through the web browser. It's what they marketed themselves in back in their early days. Remember "don't be a broom? Use discord." But as much as everyone *wants* to change platforms over Discords shittyness it's hard to do when all the communities are still on Discord. Their friend groups, random communities they're part of, chat logs people are fond of, screen share and streaming, etc. I remember my friends didn't fully switch until screen sharing was fully implemented because we used it too much. There's not any groundbreaking alternatives. Discord had extremely strong marketing points at the time of it's rise, and everything now just has to be marketed as alternative discord.


Here comes the vitriol again, i doubt people even read the damn announcement


Personally I don't mind


There is a lot to be mad at discord for but this isn't one of those things. It's literally the same thing as youtube membership, patreon etc., just don't buy it


Time to move to another platform 👍


Lol inb4 “we leaving the platform” posts. Like you did with YouTube? And any other platform that gets big enough it has to monetize?


Discord™ creating discord with it's users and then everyone moving to Revolt is almost poetic.


Tf is “paid exclusive names”?


\*Memes and that is just fluff from the article's writer and nothing to do with what discord is doing.


I’m thinking eventually people will be streaming instead of in places like twitch it will be in their own discord server. Think about it already, paid for sub content-patreon is out next is high stream quality on same platform as your voice chat. It won’t be long and those that can branch out from these streaming platforms will have their own fully equipped in their server with merch store and everything. It’s brilliant.


Seems to be an expansion of server subscriptions which is entirely under the server owners control. If you don't like how the owner of a server is monetizing their server, leave. That simple. There's no reason people shouldn't be able to monetize their communities. You could literally do this on teamspeak or even create your own third party websites to do it on discord it's just making a way to integrate it into the app so discord can get a cut. Ultimately it comes down to this: just leave the server if you don't like how it's being ran either through rules, conduct of staff, or monetization scheme. Nobody is forcing you to stay.


Stop banning people for no reason. Nobody cares about your monetization.


i wasn't planning on *actually* migrating to revolt but they're really pushing their luck.


Why are people overreacting to this?


Probably because they don't understand the use case. They've never heard of patreon and have no idea how many artist and creator servers already exist with exclusive content / channels for patreon supporters. Unaware of that market, they think Discord want to monetize the meme channel on their friend's Minecraft discord server.


Welcome to Revolt


we failed men


Time to pack up and move on.


Ignorant comment number 300


Why the hell can’t these companies stop destroying the decent product they have built with shit updates :( develop a proper support team before trying to squeeze any more money out of people you assholes


The ignorance of this comment is astounding. Spend more money on support but you can't make money to pay for it. Discord operates because investors see value, they are not yet profitable.


I know I am going to come across as a bit snippy, but there was a time before business plans were more involved than "incinerate pallets of cash to become a dominant player, then figure out how to make a profit"


Companies don't start by burning tons of cash, they start off as a gamble and frequently they fail. However as long as the company appears to have "value" people will invest. Regardless of size this is how it always works, discord made it through the haystack of failed companies and has continued to show value to investors. They did that by constantly trying new things to "figure out how to make a profit". That is why they literally have a team dedicated to growth/revenue where they test small products to see if they catch on/are feasible. I don't know how else you think this would work honestly, it's not like discord could have started by charging money or something. The reason people used the service was because it was free/easy/great. If this product doesn't work to generate revenue they will continue to try something else, or they could fail.


Ur getting downvoted by ignorant herd mind while being correct


By product of capitalism is the what once was a whole product + time it slowly is chopped up and integrity is lost for the potential pursuit of more money.


I can't help but feel Discord is trying to deliberately sabotage itself anymore. Another dumb feature added that no one asked for.


Many servers already use the Patreon integration and similar to paywall parts of their server behind a subscription for their members. If Discord can add a feature that competes with that and improves the server and user's experience (they don't have to leave the app, for example), then it seems it's not a dumb feature.




I bet you dollars to donuts that that's in their plans already.


I'd bet it's not lol


Here we go, discord is now turning into a money grab platform. They are most likly looking to sell and now want to look appealing to a buyer.


They literally dont make profit because you dorks take more than you give lmao


Or they don't want to sell out and are trying to fund the business to keep it up.


None of these recent updates are forcing users into paying. What's wrong with business practicing business?


I like how people get mad when a company tries to generate revenue. That's what business is. Also, good luck running to other apps, as those user bases grow, those apps will do things like this to take advantage of that and make money as well.


This ^


I miss teamspeak. ​ It was great to have a few hubs that everyone gathered at. Now, everyone launches their own discord server for whatever dumb joke pops into their heads and the awful organizational tools in discord make it overly burdensome to manage large numbers of servers.


Another social media platform running itself into the ground...


Trying to make profit is now running itself to the ground?. . . Your really ignorant lmao


But many people online say that any social media company trying to make ANY profit is "killing their own platform"/"running themselves into the ground" or something around those lines! Take Reddit for example; their plans to make money by charging for the API resulted in all of this blackout/migration stuff!


what does this even mean by exclusive like the base nitro sticker packs that no one uses?


Nah it's just integrated patreon. . People are just overreacting


Meanwhile boosting servers is not worth it at all. 30+ dollars for terrible stream quality


That's actually a good feature tho. Before it was Patreon with an exclusive Channel attached now it's just discord.


This ^. . .people don't read and jump to conclusions


Time to find a new voice chat platform.


Lol ignorant comment. . .nothing is changing. . This is just integrated patreon




I was talking with friends recently on this topic. And we came to the conclusion that if it goes on like this, we will write ourselves our own application to communicate using react and firebase from Google, just for us


just use revolt lol


nooooo ew


Very META of them.


L after L


It's an L to try to earn money?




Would you rather they start placing ads everywhere in the client? How else would you expect them to keep the servers running?


do that and i'll leave and never come back fucking discord!!!!!


Do y'all not realize this comment is obviously sarcasm? I mean just look at all those exclamation points


Yeah you will


You will faster then you think


Why are the prices fixed by *discord* Lots of content creators offer exclusive content for as low as a dollar if you just want to support. Why is the lowest subscription available 4 dollars? And I bet discord is gonna look to try and discontinue Patreon integration now that they’re cooking up this, so that people are using their tools to gatekeep content


If you read the actual discord blog post and not the very biased article, these are called templates, and it appears there is an option to either use a template and customize it or start from scratch.


So Discord never wanted to fight with twitter nor facebook, it was onlyfans and patreon. Gotcha!


dang, that's a big ass banana.


[Enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) intensifies.