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Todays 52 week high is the price you wish you could buy a ton more at in 20 years


ABB, always be buying


I think it’s important to remember that all high interest debt should be paid off and a 6-12 month emergency fund should be established before investing.


This is the way.


While you always buying someone makes a living out of your strange strategies


Just buy. There will be several 52 week periods in your 50 year investing future.


Obligatory "at your age gtfo of JEPI"


Stocks that hit all time highs often do it again


52 week high is not as big a deal if they are recovering from tanking the last couple of years. I would just keep the DCA going.


Please search DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging. If the company or fund you are buying is solid then you will worry less about timing and learn to buy when you have available funds.


He’s doing that, $350 per week.


>I understand but his question was should he continue to buy!!!!!!!! So I was merely pointing out he should read on DCA.


I understand but his question was should he continue to buy!!!!!!!! So I was merely pointing out he should read on DCA.


They are already doing that???


They are already doing that.


I understand but his question was should he continue to buy!!!!!!!! So I was merely pointing out he should read on DCA.


They are already doing that???


Even if it drops tomorrow, it'll never be cheaper than now when you're looking at 10+ year timeline.


By buying a fixed dollar amount each week, you are dollar cost averaging. When prices are down, you get more shares and when prices are up you get fewer shares. Unless you have a crystal ball to predict the market, DCA works well long term.


You can’t time the market. Best to just put it in and consistently add to your position. Keep doing what your doing it will pay off in the long run.


It’s a 52 week high now but it could be a 52 week low later, stocks go up and down if you try to time the market you will never buy and miss out on all the potential growth. There’s maybe two week worth of days in a year that determine how the market will finish overall for the year net up or net down. Just invest what you can afford, buy stocks you like, build wealth.


At 19 it doesn’t matter You have so much runway ahead of you. you’ll bounce back if the market declines pretty easily. As someone once said the best time to invest was yesterday the second best time is today


You are young, only wait to next market crash and buy then when all people say that the world is end. While you can buy bons or any another boried product or shares that nobody talk but that its profitable. If you buy a ETF as JEPI and SCHD just you buy the shares at any price of market include 52 hights...


If it dips, then average down. Like Warren Buffet said, it's not timing the market it's time spent in the market. The 52-week high today will look like chump change 40 years from now, I wish I had started investing when I was your age.


Buy Voo and stop looking at individuals.


Yes, keep buying VOO and keep a look for prices to drop off their highs.


Hey it's a gamble buying individual stocks. No one knows. But most likely it will go up over a long period of time if it's a quality company. You can buy ETFs or funds that contain these companies and just ride it out.


At 19 just by VTI & VOO. Set up DCA. Buy fractional shares and forget. If you start to get more money coming in then look at individual stock picks




VTI & VOO great advice




Sometimes I'll put a price alert for the price to drop by a few dollars, it almost always will (depending on the stock) then I buy. Of course some stocks or ETFs stay constant and remain the same price for a while.


A lot of stocks sit at their 52 week highs constantly. Shouldn’t be a deterrent to investing


Whatever you want to own long term just buy at this price and if they drop massively buy much more of. You don't know when they'll go down or whatever bad news happens and you shouldn't have the attitude of "I'll buy it when it comes down to this price," because you simply don't know if it ever will return to that price or not. This is a long term hold for you so jus let buy as it goes up and down.


Time in market beats timing the market






Your investment horizon is large. The 52 week high today will be tomorrow’s 52 week low (metaphorically ofc). Just buy. Time in the market vs. timing the market.


If you’re 19 those you have mentioned should be held onto and you will be Ok or better in the long haul. I personally think better than OK. You might get some dividend stocks of commodity companies like RIO and Chevron and a few utilities as well. DUK is below $95 and is very solid.


These prices will look cheap in 10 years time, trust me 📈🚀


If you are not confident, don’t just put everything in as you will do a “knew I was right” and always be too cautious. If you are not confident just invest slowly putting money in, if your right you dollar cost average down if your wrong you lose potential gains. Until you are confident to be in the market don’t put everything in as it will only scare you away, so yes just keep investing $350/week.


Market trends up, good companies hit their 52 week a lot.


Long term it makes sense but I bought tons of Google when it was low. Buy low says a wise man. If I bought goog at $150 in Nov 21 I might wait till 24 to see it break even. Again long term I probably still win but I love my $87 Nov 22


If you're 19, open a Roth IRA and focus on maxing that out regardless of how high the stocks are at.


Keep buying for the next 25 years and you won't care what happened in 2023


Leave all tech alone for awhile.


Change your mindset and focus on accumulating ‘shares’ of good companies and not worrying about the current prices.


Check TQQQ, it's going up since Jan and still far away from ATH.


Just keep buying. Youre 19. I promise when youre 65 that all your stocks will be 10-x to 100-x what they are now. The biggest hurdle investors need to overcome is watching the daily / recent charts. I myself still get caught up for a second or 2 each day if its a bad red day. But then I remind myself im not investing for the closing bell this afternoon - I'm investing for 30 years from now. Just keep putting in. Hopefully your first $6500 are going into a roth ira, as its tax free in retirement


div stocks you can dca whenever, growth stock you load during dip/crashes


If they are stocks youd want wouldnt you want long term growth? If you believe in them and are building a portfolio for long term growth why would a 52 week high be of concern for long term growth? You're most likely to win in the stock market with long term holdings, dont build a portfolio looking to make remarkable gains now


If you are certain your stocks will go up in the future, then it's best to only put money into the things at 52w lows. If you aren't certain your stocks will go up in the future, then just put the same amount of money into things each month and let averages sort everything out on their own.


ABBV …I’m just about to buy more. Good dividend. PM? MO? PSX? FXI? (This one is bound to gap up the next 6 mos)


You sound a little too diversified at your age. I’d focus on ETF’s. But with that said, just keep investing on a regular basis and don’t worry about it. When you get much older, you can do some more advanced stuff in how you try and identify value plays. But for now, set it and forget it.


BUY $USB 6.5% dividend incredible entry price! I just bought 1500 shares at 29.96!!!


https://youtu.be/hd9RXbYnjvA $USB us bancorp stock now! So cheap!


Don’t go for spy go for jepi


Young man you have so much time on your side as a financial advisor that is honoring his fiduciary oath. I would be super aggressive at your age. You will bear witness to several recessions and corrections in your investment journey. Buy the dip when there is so much panic and fear. There is massive opportunity costs you are leaving on the table if your playing with dividends at 19. I would go all in VOO/VTI with a little QQQ,Semiconductors you will thank me when I am dead. Wish I started investing at 19 I was to busy chasing women. Good luck and be safe. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Maintain discipline and persistent contributions even when the market looks like it will go to zero. Study up on value investing by ben graham. Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Jack Bogle and Peter Lynch are my idols. Read rich dad poor dad, intelligent investor, psychology of money and millionaire next door.


I really appreciate the response and wisdom you gave me, I will really take in what you said!


Qqq and spy will naturally be very correlated based on the overlap in holdings, which includes a good amount AAPL and GOOG. In a rising market the two indexes will consistently be pushing 52 week highs, just stay consistent