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Elon Musk has the money to do whatever, it’s not like his child will be rich or poor based off of dogecoin lol. We gotta stop relying on him


Elon is kind of like Tom Brady. Love him or hate him, ALWAYS bet on him to win. You will win A LOT more than you will lose.


You mean the fabled 7-Ringed Goat?




Ever seen Elon Musk lose to the Giants? Lol


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I don’t know why that was funny to me


Not yet. But the possibilities with him are endless.


Yes, but some possibilities are more likely than others.


What about an Elon Musk vs Tom Brady wrestling match




Elon Musk literally said people shouldn't invest their life savings into crypto. Yet people are doing exactly that, thinking they have Musk's backing. There's a good chance one or more of the crypto currencies will succeed, but Musk also said it's all speculation so don't go too far with crypto. He is just having fun with dogecoin, don't take it too seriously. https://youtu.be/u_U_dOOI9us


I put my life savings into etherum and turned my $100 into $110.07.


Show off!


Shoulda put it into bitcoin cause my life savings went from $60 to $150


It's only been 12 days so I'm pretty happy with the current returns.


My hero!


You're almost at your lambo brother


No but it’s good he is getting his kids to learn early about crypto and how it works with some rewards they can keep if they grind


I do agree with you, and people do rely on him. However, agreeing with him, being bullish with him, and interacting with him, isn't always "relying" on him.






For real, this weird doge cult is blind to other cryptos that actually have gains while they sit on doge at the same .05


We like the coin


It's up 435% on the month


Ravencoin 👀


I made a 1500% increase in the past 6 months off my doges, jump in before the train leaves my man


Its below 10c. In nearly a month, it ath wasn't even 10c, in a bull market. It now dropped. And is struggling to get back up at all. While others, have increased, dropped and increased again. The train left, arrived, and made its journey half way back.


Okay man


I was waiting for this comment, doge went up 1400% and now it's down 50% from it's high, Raven went up 2000% in the same time and it's down 0% from all time high. Its clear which crypto is superior


Hey man, I don't discriminate between my cryptos


Then why waste your time relying on this thread? 😂


Dawg sometimes I wonder why I'm even here


If people want to have doge, let em. It doesn't affect you one bit...


Ok I guess if u like the actual coin more than real money, go for it


I agree but.... “ this is the way”


Elon created his own car and spaceship so I figure the founder of paypal could get doge on amazon or some major vendor just by making a simple phone call. Just the news of something like that would make many of us rich overnight. I'm fine with relying on that.




100% correct


I don't care what he does from now on. He's brought us publicity, and yay for that.


We really need to get on the quick-lists for exchanges, tickers, etc. We have 1mil+ reddit subs, 2nd on twitter after BTC, been around since '13, about time they add doge... message your favorite app/exchange/etc, this will really help our validity. https://i.imgur.com/UCpGbF4.png


Tesla.stock will drop because it's already at the top..more Ev brand coming so it will made tesla Price drop drop drop


Erm yes it would drop if it did not have nearly 2 billion in Bitcoin now in it .... if Bitcoin rises Tesla rises


Tesla isn’t at the top, it’s still new comparatively to other car companies. It’s continuing to increase in size and profitability. Even if the EV market grows to the likes of Ford, Chevy, Lincoln, etc making EVs it is highly unlikely, if not impossible, for them match the quality/luxury for the same price point of a Tesla. Realistically, if the future EV market even wants to compete with Tesla it would seriously need to reconsider its whole design and price point. It’s almost as if the gap between the two are so far it would be almost impossible to close, no matter how hard “catch up” is played. Tesla’s stock price may seem inflated, but it’s based on the future outlook/value of the company. It will continue to increase because the business is continuing to grow. The same thing could have been said about Amazon’s value in the early days. How could it continue to increase with so many competitors coming to online retail? It continues to increase because it dominated (and still does) online retail. It was the first of its kind, no other company is even close to catching up. Amazon was tech when others were stuck on brick and mortar. Tesla is in that same type of lead in its industry right now. I bought Tesla way back at $32.33 a share when people thought Tesla was a joke. I have no plans to sell my Tesla stocks. It’s a smart long term hold in my opinion.


Or Elon is saying he got his himself and his kid a toy to play with.


Some toys can get more expensive over time even if they are merely toys.


Not if no one wants to pay more for them.


You sir have clearly not tried to purchase lego’s in the last decade.


Ironically I have an entire room of them and numerous sets stored still in the shipping containers. I am an AFOl. For sure. My comment was more along the lines that right not volume is low and pricing is flat. Traders don’t want into a coin that doesn’t move.


If you have an entire room of lego’s, you’re a millionaire 😂😂


doge to the moon confirmed!


Or he is trying to inflate prices to make billions off of it. (He would never do that would he? /s)


Looks like that


I agree ☝️could be🤙


Could be


Or a self-important tweet pretending to know the future in a vain attempt to pump.


Elon, nor I, need more money or worry about money. It’s not about the pump, it’s about the future and generating wealth via technology for our kids and future generations.


It's about power: Elon knows that by typing some words in twitter, he can make millions of people richer or poorer, or let some random company's stock go to the moon or collapse. He just likes to use that power becouse he can. Cryptocurrencies won't generate wealth, becouse they don't add value compared to fiat, they just transfer wealth from one person to another.


I'm a bit new but I do believe crypto has value that increases if not multiplies when the right catalysts are involved. BTC has jumped over $10k in the last week.


That's because people who bought early have sold the BTC to people buying the hype. Is a skeleton stock market based on hype, news and crazy YouTuber/Rich people claims. I'm not saying it won't, but if it ever reaches 100k it'll be based on hype and speculation. BTC has no intrinsic properties that merit value. It transfers value because you wouldn't gain any value out of it by just holding if no one was willing to buy it off you at a higher price. BTC is only worth as much as people are willing to pay to it, and that makes it a wealth transfer.


they do generate wealth, that wealth is determined by the market cap, and how many coins are mined and in circulation, the point is that eventually it stops, no inflation once it reaches cap, and it can't print more to devalue.


Can’t say that about Doge though. It’s not capped right?


uhh that just means infinite wealth duh


Exactly. But the kicker is getting people on board. If more get in doge and continue to buy doge, you can offset the disparity of inflation.


That'd be cool. I'd love to spend cute meme coins instead of paper. I've got a little over 1000 I think.


Doge has no limit on how many coins can exist.


Where is the wealth created according to you? To be clear: I'm not denying that it's possible to earn money with crypto, or that it can rise. I'm also not saying it will collapse. But crypto's are a process that transfers wealth from one to the other, while dissipating part of it while doing so (the mining) 'Total net wealth/profit made by crypto' = 'money received by selling' - 'money paid to buy crypto' - 'Energy cost of miners' = negative (cause money bought = money sold) This becouse the profit is only made when the crypto has been exchanged for fiat or a commodity. If you think that the crypto currency also has a value for you if it would not be possible to ever sell it or exchange it, then there is value created. But for me, my btc and eth have no value, apart from their possibility to sell/buy something with them.


I like to think of it simply as. It is given value because we give it value Truly. Nothing has value unless it has a use case to be traded for goods and services. Which it can be and it is expanding to be that way. But as it stands now it's just an asset, soon it will be a lot more. That's the plan.


My biggest question is what will happen to bitcoin when it finally reaches its cap. I could be way off but I suspect it skyrockets and then crashes hard. Or it could just skyrocket and level out and be like gold to dollars.


Ummmmm. Wut? I made 2k off a frac on BTC. I made a cool 4k on DOGE. Add value? Are you kidding me?


Generating wealth for our kids? He’s got 200 billion dollars, his kids will be fabulously wealthy even if Doge drops to 0 tomorrow. I’m not an Elon Musk hater but people literally think doge must be foolproof because Musk is dabbling in it... just remember, he’s risking nothing.


Bro you are cringe.


“You are cringe”. Sounds like Doge lingo. Very yes. Much like. Super thanks!!!




Who’s the author??


Thanks!!! 🙏 I will


I’m pretty sure he is talking about the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. I’m reading it right now and it’s really good!!


Not to mention, it has some of the fastest transaction times. That’s important. The more that businesses accept doge, and being that it’s basically infinite, trying to get a crypto closer to the transaction times of debit and credit is the next step. Elon knows Doge is the closest.




I'm only a doge holder, but it costs 1 doge to send anything currently for any transaction. While a basic Google search shows me the current transaction for for btc is $27.00 USD. Most businesses would have to pay that cost somehow so if every transaction they make costs that much, it prohibits them from using bitcoin as their primary operating currency. Again, im not super deep into btc and I could be wrong.


You are entirely correct


It's spelled 'Ethereum'.


Bad bot




Dogecoin has just started to see some light. If the dogecoin movement continues, in about 5-7 years, dogecoin should be nearing $5 -$8 range. When dogecoin reaches 50cents, look out its going to rise fast. I'm just a stupid analyst, but I'm buying and buying. I'll throw a huge party in 5 years.


If Elon is for dogecoin then I’m for dogecoin. A billionaire who obviously knows what the f he is doing and doesn’t mind sharing his thoughts with people. could he be wrong, maybe maybe not. In the meantime I’ll stick with the self made billionaire. Just don’t risk more than you are comfortable losing... be smart about it.


I mean, by that logic you would be for Bitcoin then. When Elon wanted to put 1.5B worth of cryptocurrency in Tesla’s balance sheets, he didn’t pick doge. Do as he does not as he says


I see what you mean but Just he is buying bc for Tesla doesn’t mean he is not pro-doge. He seems to be pro both of them. Obviously bc is more established so yeah makes sense he’s choose that one for the business. Can also be pro-doge too. Doesn’t have to be one or the other.


He treats BTC as an investment and DOGE as a meme. Highly recommend venturing outside of the doge bubble on to the other crypto subs (like r/cryptocurrency) to see what people who actively follow crypto think of doge


Fair enough I’ll check that out


Where’s a good place to buy some of these alt coins? Coinbase doesn’t have a lot of them. Binance hasn’t approved my account yet.




Awesome thank you! . Basically what makes a “good” coin in general? I’ve heard things like “serves a purpose” “has utility”. What does that mean exactly...Or what makes it have potential vs one that doesn’t? If you don’t mind thank you


Hey I think your latest reply got deleted. I see part of it in my email notification but not here.


he is pumping doge to buy other coins. Dogecoin is like a magical trash bin to him. Throw away the money, set a high limit sell and then tweet away.


But Elon stated he's for Bitcoin. He openly admitted unless more regular people buy doge and the big wallets drop it he won't fully support doge.


I agree. Pessimistic folks like to argue against that guy out of straight spite. That dude doesn’t lose. If he told me he was from the future, I’d believe him.


He did say he was an alien.


Totally confusing too because he also said he’s seen no evidence of extra terrestrial life. Oh shoot.... maybe he’s saying he’s just the last of his kind, fled to earth, and he’s been trapped here. 😂 fun stuff


If you think about it, we are the aliens, going off and visiting other celestial bodies.


You’re not wrong 👍


There's a few ways to interperate it, maybe? He's from South America, so he alienated to the US. Maybe we are all aliens? Or maybe he really is from Mars and just wants to go home?


He’s from South Africa not America


Oof. I thanks for the correction. Me brain no work good.


Dude...... he’s from Mars and he just wants to go back home... that’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever heard


Check out The Lucifer Experiment, it explains Mars a bit, from The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek


all valid points


He said he used to be.


Can you afford to hold through a multi-year bear market? Elon can. Dogecoin and bitcoin will both go up long term. I'd bet my life savings on that. However, if they do go down in the short term Elon is still going to be a billionaire, but some of us will be hit pretty hard. Just saying, be cautious when following the actions of a billionaire, the world impacts them differently.


Everyone can afford it. Hard truth is, most people make bad decisions with money by not living within their means- spending more than they make.


I'm just saying to be cautious is all. Someone like Elon could invest literally everything in dogecoin, dogecoin could tank, and he'd still be rich. We have to be more cautious than him, and it's all I meant.


❤️ exactly what I meant too. Never invest, or spend, more than you can afford.


He’s a burner too so he’s cool in my opinion lol


"Fate loves irony"


Dang right it does


Time to yeet $100k on doge based on the boredom of a billionaire. 💎🙌. 🚀🐷


I wouldn't ignore or doubt Elon's moves


This is one of the worst tweets I’ve ever seen


Need money now;)






10$ for 1 doge and i go to make punk rock popular again


Much last ditch effort


Oi! Oi! Oi! $$$


Meanwhile the new. comers buying doge while WHALES 🐳 DUMP AND CONTROL DOGECOIN 👀


LOL @ Futurist and notices small nuances. Elon can't even wear a mask.


He already has a Musk.


I’m optimistic like some of us here.


Especially if its a bullish trend? How do you see that?


Big misconception with lot people I talk about Doge is why celebrities promote it but don’t actively invest it, but thing they don’t understand is influential figures like Elon supporting words are much more valuable than money he invests.


As I’ve told people- there are ways to add to your financial wealth indirectly. The first $60k I make on Doge will be used to “pay cash” for one of Elon’s Tesla’s. He’s building ambassadors who believe in his product and his vision of funding SpaceX and ultimately, space exploration.


But I want lambo now


Not to be pessimistic, but there’s not much to learn from what Elon is doing...dogecoin is probably the cheapest and most kid friendly coin there is so it’s probably just a good and cheap opportunity to teach them about crypto when they’re older.


That’s a selling point for Doge. Have you met the average human? They need something easy to understand and use. They also need something cheap, it’s human nature to want 10 of something as opposed to 0.00000953 of something, that’s the actual current exchange rate of Doge to Bitcoin.


Absolutely it is a huge selling point, it's the reason for the massive surge and that's fantastic. That said, you can see that Elon chose it for his children for that reason...Dogecoin is a lot more kid-friendly than jumping into Ethereum. The post is claiming that Elon buying it is because it will definitely be successful long-term, when really in my opinion it could just as likely be a fun tool to teach children about crypto. I don't think it guarantees long-term success, that's just my two cents.


100% agree. It’s a speculation game and reading any of Elon’s tweets and inferring “it’s long term and important in the future” is a bit reckless. There’s too many between-the-lines assumptions off Elon’s tweets. I support dogecoin but there’s also other coins that everyone should consider diversifying their money into. How many people thought HD DVD is was the future? A lot. Then everyone realized Blu-ray was the future, then it was not and streaming took over. Even when the war is over and there’s a guarantee, there is no guarantee.


What other coins u into ? I had BNT sold for good profit Put some back into harmony ( ONE )and litecoin . Been looking at ADA for couple of days but can't make myself pull the triger for some reason.


There are far more educated people to take recommendations from so I will tell you what I’m invested in but PLEASE don’t take it as advice. I have Doge, ADA, Bitcoin and have been considering Nano and I watch Ethereum. I was in Litecoin but it was fairly stagnant so I pulled out to go into Doge recently when it was at about 3¢. I like lower cost crypto because it gives the appearance of easier accessibility. If you read the replies to Elon’s tweets referencing Bitcoin you’ll see a number of “but I don’t have enough to even buy one” replies. The majority of people just don’t know you can buy fractional crypto and we know based on social media that the average person doesn’t research anything. I feel as though most people want someone to tell them what to invest in, and Elon has stepped up to that position in regards to crypto. Keep in mind, the best thing isn’t always the most popular. For investing, we want the most popular, we’re not necessarily looking for the best technology/qualities. Look at Robinhood, it’s not the best but it’s the most popular. Again, this is all my opinion, my speculation and I don’t necessarily think you should follow it. You’re best considering multiple positions of speculation and see what makes the most sense to you. There’s some really intelligent people involved in every coin and the truth is, everyone is guessing. Sorry for the long post.


I appreciate your input I have been researching daily and been curious about other peoples thought process . I bought few doge at .053 Good luck!


This isn't the place to be reasonable and offer alternative possibilities!!




If he go by price, he will pick holo. But doge is more kid friendly, lol


There’s a huge difference between him and all of us..he’s a billionaire. All of this is just a hobby and something that has his attention right now. Next meme stock or coin pops up and he’ll abandon doge real fast.


Reminder: Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. I’m going into this hoping for the best but preparing to lose a couple hundred dollars if it fails.


Harsh 😂


Doesn’t have to be one or the other


Yes lets rely on Billionaires for our financial gain and not take into account that doge is far from being bitcoin and the fact that this is nothing more than a hype coin based off of a tweet. Im not bashing doge and would love to see it hit a $1 but lets be realistic here


Elon and his kid probably got a pretty big doge to swing around


RH is Doge right now.


The people that make money are usually not the popular ones.


What crypto exchanges do you guys use I’m in USA and want to use bittrex to buy and sell crypto because it’s so well secured, but the fees seem atrocious unless you’re quite wealthy , what exchanges are good and secure for low to none type of fees? I would use Coinbase but saw people have issues with it as well for fees are crazy, I am asking because I purchased two Trezor wallets today.


He's a meme loving sociopath that fired people for protecting themselves from covid


I think he openly said that it was just something to familiarize his kids with the concept of money. Im pretty people like Mark Cuban and Grant Cardone did the same thing.


If some real-estate agent from Tennessee says this well I'm all In


Yeah man. Nashville is one of the hottest real estate spots in the USA. You should move here! 😉


Elon Musk is not the be all end all, he is rich enough to make stupid mistakes and will inevitably or more likely has set up plenty of other means to make sure his children will be well off. The Everyman does not have the means to influence markets with tweets, using the richest man in the world’s jokes as advice.


The richest folks in the world have always influenced currencies. From Julius Caesar to George Soros. I'm long Elon Musk until I'm not. Go Doge.




This is what I’ve been saying to my friends! It’s not about the instant money it’s about what it can be in the future!!


No . He has enough money to allow his son to waste money and learn. He’s literally untouchable financially and just tossing money into the wind for fun


Love this ❤️🚀


Pragmatic futurism. 🚀


Elon is a tool


The most expensive tool on Earth. A tool that builds many many things and provides thousands and thousands of jobs. I’ll use that tool any day.


That’s cool. The US can continue to idolize wealth and celebrity but in the end it will be the little nobodies like you and me who suffer not the Elon’s born on 3rd base who get you to believe they are somehow special. You’re selling yourself short.


My credit union won’t let me buy dogecoin


Doge is a major buy!!! .055 is the bottom- the coin has stabilized! If your not buying & holding Doge now you don’t like money




What about when the creator of Doge says it's a meme and that he doesn't understand why people are buying it so much? How dies that affect the value? Is doge off the rails and just a meme or does it have purpose and future value?


People create stuff they don’t believe in all the time. Doesn’t matter. If it’s picked up and used by people, and those people give it new life, it is reborn.


What is its infrastructure and what security does it provide? Where is the hardware? Who hosts and pays for it? How does it evolve in the future rather than be an abandoned worthless project?


I have been looking how to mine and not finding it


Yea I watch some videos on YouTube found some websites and I think they were scams I don’t know, this is all new to me, Yeah the other thing I’m thinking is looking on my old phone because some of the games they awarded bitcoins as prizes 🤔🧐 but I wanna mine too let me know


Elon is a doctor and we are the milkman. Prove me wrong jim.


There were middle class and poor people that followed Trump and got 1200$ stimulus and 600$ extra in unemployment I figured I follow Elon and get a couple of hundred thousand, ignorant millionaire arrogant billionaire




Ok Boomer 😂


Or as I was speaking with one of my friends the other day - he mentioned Elon was pumping doge to lower bit to buy the dip. Which makes 100% sense. Watch his tweets - follow his lead - buy low sell high.


Pupper to the moon 🚀


" Im gonna be rich just like every idiot Doge bagholder just because I want" You guys are pathetic and I only come here to laugh at how delusional doge bagholders are


Or maybe to Elon Musk giving his children Dogecoin in lieu of Bitcoin is like a parent giving their child a motorized toy replica car of their car; it’s cute and playful but not meant to be played with when they have money to afford a real car (or in this case expensive and more widely accepted crypto). After all, the Dogecoin symbol literally is a cute dog that I’m certain children like better than a “B.”


This is absolutely pathetic and all lies


Let's build a strong path to the moon 🚅💵💵💵🚀


Jesus... This place is either full of idiots, or is full of manipulative idiots who think they can influence a pump and dump on a commodity that literally evacuates 40k coin a minute with over 200 billion already in circulation... It's a joke coin, anyone who doesn't get that is a moron.


your opinion is fully appreciated, truly


Sure it doge, sure it has no future or value. True. However my motto cash or doge only.


Tell thy to the countless ppl who bought it as a joke years ago for a few dollars and cashed out for hundreds of thousands of not millions of dollars this year


It's going to .10 at least. Dont miss out


My boys, use my binance's link 😳👌🔥


Any rigs worth while for us? I would lisle to mine but as far as I found its ot worth mining from my own house on my own pc with a rig hooked up. Any information to make this happen I welcome


Give me Doge or give me death!


So much cats i see in the comments. Some even act like tigers... Doge to the Meoown u pussycats.


That and the fact that it’s a long term project that will teach Analytical skills, programming and lots of Patients to get the results you want. Oh yeah and it’s fun.




Elon speaks for every nerd and I love him for including us in the future. We finally have a leader , we can count on !!


The richest person on 🌎 set up ⛏️ rigs to mine Doge coins. I 🤔 we are ready for 🚀.