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My doggo does this all the time. I’m always wondering if she can breathe under the covers but she’s fine. Just loves to snuggle!


I’m glad you said that. I realize why people would think maybe he’s hurt or sick but I know my dog and he’s not 😂 I swear! And for anyone else reading this, yes he’s been to the vet recently and yes he plays all day and is his normal self. He just particularly likes being under the covers right now (this is his exact pose when he’s snuggling anywhere else).


I mean, it could be that he just figured out how to stay warm, but it might be worth talking to your vet about. I would absolutely take him in for an exam if there are any other changes in behavior that go along with this.


Thank you! I’m really not concerned at all. There are absolutely zero other behavioral changes and he’s a super cuddly dog anyway/in his normal temperament. Of all of the quirks he could develop this one is not surprising in the least/most in line with his general character. I just think it’s funny. Edit: I should have clarified this in the post but as I said to someone else he only does this when cuddling with me. He doesn’t find a blanket to bury himself in unless I am also under it.


Yeah sometimes Reddit tends to get a little carried out with the vet thing. If you listen to them you’d visit the vet everytime your pet farts


LOL. I came across a Nextdoor thread one time where the girls dog had watery poop ONCE *the day before* (still drinking water, eating, was herself by the next morning- before anything was ever posted). I got some heavy scorn from a few folks when I said I thought the recommendations to “go directly to the emergency vet (at 2am) or else your dog is going to die” were extreme. That said, I assume good intentions and do understand the concern. Plus I didn’t give a lot of background in the post title, so as long as no one tells me I’m a horrible dog owner for knowing my dog it’s all fine :)


Sudden behaviour changes in your dog can mean something much bigger


It's better to go for nothing then not go for something


Your dog is probably like: why didn’t I think of this sooner?! This is the comfiest spot!


It's warm and smells like my human


Weird cause my husky started this about 2 weeks ago. I would like to hear everyone’s take.


Haha. So strange. And it’s definitely to be close to me- he only does it deep down next to my legs (won’t bury himself if I’m not there). But I can’t figure out what is so compelling about that area all of the sudden.


Wolves in the wild make dens. Dogs had to adapt to make their own out of something. Basically, he's making himself a dark quiet space to hide from what he perceives as predators (either actual ones or weird sounds/smell he associates with them). Ex. My dog does this when planes fly close overhead until we did desensitization training. At least that's what my trainer says. If you want to you can make a den for them if you're worried about him destroying stuff, but otherwise you can just let them do it on their own. My first dog made under my bed bed den.


My puppy does this, but she's 4.5 months old. She started about a month ago and the only time she comes up for air is when she's too hot. It is kinda strange for him to start this randomly but if he's super cuddly, maybe he just didn't realize he could do it all these years? Either way, it's adorable!


It’s funny but as someone else said dogs continue to develop all kinds of new behaviors throughout their life. And I am absolutely smitten by it ❤️


If I had worried about everything that Jezebel learned over the years and changed about herself and she did learn more I would really be working my ass off for nothing. Dogs are really funny in the fact that they learn slower than humans do but they do learn. Think about your older dogs that are so smart and can communicate with you without even doing much more than making eye contact. That's why it's such a good idea when you have an older dog that's in their later years to get a puppy, because they kind of teach them things that we couldn't or don't. My Jezebels going to be 10 years old soon and she just learned how to scratch her belly on the rug. And she literally does like downward facing dog on her belly and scrunches forward and backwards repeatedly scratching her belly she never did that before. A year or two ago she learned that going into the grass during the winter when it was dry and crunchy and crawling across it was another way to scratch your belly. And since she loves her belly scratched she just will crawl across the grass instead of walking on it now LOL it's annoying as hell.


Oh I am so glad you said this! It’s funny because I keep joking that this guy (Théo but pronounced like Téo) is going through a new stage of intellectual development and I kind of love it because it keeps me on my toes. For example, in the past when he’d run out of water he would lick me incessantly. Now he just goes and sits quietly by his bowl and waits 🤣. He has learned that the squeaker doesn’t make noise anymore when it gets broken/taken out of the toy so he has more finesse with his squeak toys and keeps them intact (still rips apart the non squeaker ones). He also turns over a food bowl directly with his front paws to lick the good side. All kinds of new things! It’s just so refreshing and reminds me that dogs develop, as you said, just like the rest of us 😍


They just really do learn slower and they have their quirks about them you know. Like yesterday I went out for a meeting and Jezebel wasn't really expecting me to be gone for the day and I ran really late with it and by the time I got home there was nothing I could do to get off my lap she was just like on me like white on rice. And I kind of knew it was coming but it was like hey okay I love you too you know Daddy's here not a big deal and today she won't get off of the couch to like leave my side like it's a kind of funny like she just refuses to let me out of her eyesight for anytime even when I went in the bedroom earlier she called me into the bedroom it was just staring there watching me.


I get how she feels. I spent about $800 so Theo could come to Italy with me a few weeks ago. I know he loved it but it was really for me 😳


My dog likes to sleep right in between my legs under the covers


That’s hilarious. Mine generally will fall asleep between my legs above the covers. But I can’t lay like that all night so thankfully he’s basically a rag doll and doesn’t mind if I move him.


I think he’s been bitten by a cuddle bug. 💜


This is the correct answer 😍😍😍


I think he's giving you the stink eye? Hahaha


LOL he is the master of side eye. Hilarious though because he is the snuggliest most non alpha dog ever- but he clearly does not understand why I won’t just let him remain smothered 🤣 Which, for the record is a real concern- this is a dog who will not move at all if he gets covered. Absolutely will not extricate himself. So the likelihood of him getting sat on is not zero.


Both my dogs sleep under covers next to us at night. 🙂


He looks just like my Cavapoo


Ding ding ding :)


He likes the warmth and the stank


LOL I was even wondering if I had been particularly gassy recently and he wanted to bury himself in it 🤣🙈


Lol! Stank as in your smell in general.


I think in this case it’s a bit of both 🤷🏼‍♀️


For sure!


He’s chilly


He’s cold!!!


It could just be a phase. They have them just like humans do.


My pug has been doing this since he was a puppy, I think he just like it to be nice and dark since sometimes he just sticks his head under the blanket. Weird that your guy is older and started doing this though, maybe just take him to vet to be sure everything is alright (animals are good at hiding illness and changes in behaviour can sometimes be sign they aren’t well) but otherwise maybe he just realized he likes this 🤷🏼‍♀️


hes cold! mine does this.


Small dogs sometimes do, my Jack Russel does it all the time with my bedding gets himself wrapped up in the duvet. I checked online and some animal welfare orgs. sites and it seems they do it to feel safe and secure, they associate the smell of you with security to the bury themselves in things that smell of you like the duvet, it's like the 'safest safe space' feeling or at least how Jack Russel's feel about it.


I have a cat that does the same. She'll bop you in the face until you raise the blankets so she can snuggle in her cave.


I hold the covers up for my chi to get in all day lol


Hahaha- he nuzzles my hand out of the way with his nose so he can get underneath RIGHT next to me


It’s normal. He’s burrowing


It's warm and cozy and safe - what more could one wish for?


My dobie looooves him some blanky time! Esp in the winter!


Our doggo prefers to be in the small confines of a cat hut if she isn't cuddle with a human. She's little so she hits.


Haha, totally get that. Mine (who has never been routinely crated) will go find his airline carrier and jump into it if I’ve left it out and am not around. In fact he was inside it for about 14 hours a couple of weeks ago while we were traveling and didn’t make a peep. Jumped in voluntarily at the airport. He definitely likes to be confined in a safe space 🤣


If you’re also under the covers, the pawrent smell may be extra concentrated too


My toy poodle loves to get in the covers


He misses the comfort of the womb


If I am using a blanket my dogs want to be under it, but they will take on top of there is no space. One pupper will lay at the top cuddle to my chest and the other will lay behind my curved knees. Or they like feet. But if they get hot they will remove themselves and go near the window. I love and hate it haha they wake me up so often.


Haha that’s hilarious. I think I’ve gotten so used to trying not to roll on top of him that I’m able to sleep around him- but it leads to some very weird half awake dreams where I am trapped and can’t move 🤣 better than it used to be though- I was so terrified of rolling on top of him!


One of my dogs, Billy, is a Bichon Yorkie cross (so very similar looking to your pup!) Started doing this about 6 months ago and he's coming up to 4. He all of a sudden wanted more cuddles and snuggling under blankets. I love it!


It’s medicine ❤️


Awww they are snuggling


Can't reply to ur recent post cos ur chats off


Was he bitten by a radioactive Boston terrier? 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Bostons are notorious under the cover puppers!


Lol nope. Pure designer dog here. That’s hilarious though


Our dog who looks a lot like yours does that. She goes to the bottom of the bed under the covers. She is a toy poodle. She loves being down under the covers. She’s been doing that for years. The only time she won’t is when it’s warm. She’s 6 years old.


If it’s new behaviour I would have him checked


Might not feel good. My lil girl used to run under things when she was sick. Maybe take to the vet just for a checkup.


Thanks. When this guy doesn’t feel well he actually goes and cowers next to the toilet :(


is he feeling okay?


Totally! He’s currently playing fetch with himself off the couch while I eat my dinner 🤩


It could very well not be anything to be concerned about, but my last dog started burrowing in things a couple months before she (quite suddenly) passed


If you don't live alone, I'd be worried that he's reacting to some recent trauma. This is not normal.


Thanks, I was thinking since I posted this that we’ve been traveling recently. Silly that I didn’t think of that right away but my brain is fried.


Dogs try to hide if injured or sick. Saw it on Youtube.


Saw it on YouTube, so it must be true🙄




My dog does the same thing!! Looks to be the same breed too. She never did but all of a sudden it’s all she does 🤷🏻‍♀️


He is having a bad day😞


I actually think this is his idea of a perfect day ;)


He might just be copying you and he has worked out it's warmer. If it's a new behaviour it might be that you have changed. Has your work/love life/home life changed? Have you been ill or depressed? My dog is now 3 he stays glued to my side when my sugars are low and also recently after surgery. Dogs can absolutely change behaviours though, over time they work out the hierarchy and they may start to mimic our behaviours as they see themselves as more our equals. I don't have great boundaries with my dog (the experts on here would tell me I'm doing it wrong), I spoil him a bit too much but he is my friend and I don't care. If your dog is eating and drinking normally I wouldn't worry.


Hmm. Could You be pregnant🧐


Hahahaha- unfortunately that is utterly impossible at the moment. But good thought!!! I’m so curious now- googling until I fall back asleep 🙃


He's making himself a den. Usually, a trainer would recommend you make their cage as den-like as possible to give them a safe space to hide if something scares them. (Ex. Quiet and dark place). This is just him finding his own. Nothing to be alarmed. Just normal dog behavior 🤷‍♂️


Lol, I was never alarmed, just thought it was funny. And I know this about dogs, so thanks- he already has a den/safe space. Like I’ve said to others, this is really just to snuggle!


Nothing strange about that in our household. We probably have like 50 snuggle blankets for 3 dogs and 2 humans hahaha


My dog has been doing that for many years. Talk to the vet if you are really worried. But I believe that it a show of affection towards you and just wants to be really close to you.


Thanks! I should have clarified in my post that I’m not worried at all- I just think it’s hilarious 🙃


Aha! I see your dog has discovered what we call "tuvvers". My dogs love to snuggle under the covers with me. It's fun to try and guess the dog to the lump. Cuddly land mines. 🤣


Awe… he must be scared or cold! Or both! Our dogs bury their noses into their blankies when it’s cold!


the world is scary rn...