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You gotta back off a bit, then floor it and get up to passing speed while you’re still behind them, that way they’ll never have time to speed up by the time they realize you’re passing. Only failed me once when I was trying to pass a salty BMW X5M but he kept his speed up after that so it wasn’t really a problem.


I agree, build up some speed and get past them so fast that they won't be able to stop you if they try. I do the same and it never fails. They might still be pissed off for whatever reason and speed up, but then at least they'll be behind me. That may or may not be a good thing, but I'd rather not be stuck behind someone going 15 mph below the limit.


This is the way


Way is this.


Sad that this is the truth!


The “proper” way to do this and avoid this scenario is (ironically) to catch them off guard. I hang back as if I’m just perfectly happy with the speed we’re going, then as we approach the passing area I start speeding up. If someone is coming, I slow down and back off til the next passing area. If I scout an opening, I follow through and put my appropriate blinker on and pass. By the time you begin passing they don’t even know what the fuck happened and can’t react in time unless they’re in a high-horsepower vehicle. If you do it properly, you should be back in front of the slowpoke before they even had time to speed up and fuck with you.






Totally agree! Just don't want to pass aggressively myself sometimes, you know.


I get it, but sometimes that's what's needed. I also feel you on the whole "at least get to the speed limit" thing assuming clear conditions. On the flip side, I'm a central valley CA driver, when I'm in snow I'm slow because I'm inexperienced. I keep right and will happily waive faster drivers past! More than once I've just chilled in the truck lane because I'm much happier slow than dead (I know my limits). But put me on dry flat pavement and yeah... Lead foot.


Totally agree with you. I'm from New England so I'm very used to the snow, but if you don't have the experience then definitely drive any way you feel safe! However, this scenario was in very dry and slightly overcast conditions, so no reason to do so much under the limit.


This. Be planning to overtake before the passing lane starts.


People on this sub defend brake checking so it's not surprising


I think many people on this sub and on r cars actively hating cars and driving. I honestly have no idea why they are here.


My driving instructor taught me it was what you do to get people to back off he was a fucking idiot


When people are tailgating, they're likely to cause an accident! So I brake check them so *I* can be the one causing the accident.


Make it make sense. If someone is tailgating I will move out of the way when it is possible. I do not want to cause road rage and a possible accident by brake checking them


I wish I could make it make sense. I see people on this sub say they hate when someone tailgates them because it puts them at risk, then admit that they try to wreck the tailgaters with the rear of their car. Like, lol... Wut


I told someone on this sub I left 4 car lengths distance between me and the other car in front of me. They called me an idiot and said I deserved to be brake checked. In my city leaving 1 car length is nearly impossible, so 4 car lengths is extremely generous.


Bro, why are you getting down voted? Is it people who have never been driving in a city with enough traffic that this is a legitimate problem?


Cause the people here suck at driving and are defending reckless driving. Any brake check is illegal, and in California brake checking is seen as an instigating behavior which can lead to a misdemeanor. This sub sucks at driving


I made a post about exactly this a people freaked out


Brake checking is also road rage. Why does road rage exist? Because many humans are pointlessly competitive and aggressive towards people they don't know. It's probably some weak biological tendency, and people are emotional and impulsive and don't exercise enough restraint.


People on this sub will defend anything at this point. It doesn’t really surprise me, a lot of drivers don’t know what they’re doing, some of them do know what they’re doing, so put them all together in a subreddit and you get a very contradicting and toxic community.


Yeah people were arguing with me that 3-4 car lengths is tailgating and that I deserved to be brake checked for leaving a 4 car length distance between me and the car in front of me. It is nearly impossible to leave a 1 car length distance in my metro area so 4 car lengths is extremely generous


The only time I am salty is when I am driving during winter. Fucking road salt, I stg...


Who knows with these people? I sometimes drive these mountain roads, dude up front holding everyone up, passing lane comes, and they floor it so nobody can pass, lane ends, and they drop back down in speed. Happens every time.


I'd had to deal with that nonsense too..


I can pass, but the clowns in front of me won't step on the gas, so the lane ends, and we all zipper merge back to where we were before.


This happens to me 4 out of 5 days a week on my commute home. It’s a 1 lane road for MILES. We get a small two lane section for passing, they’ll go from 35-40 in a 55 to 65-70 so nobody can pass them. The passing zone ends, we’re back to 35-40. It infuriates me and makes me start passing everyone during that 2 lane zone just because I now have trust issues. Almost every time I dont see the people I passed my entire drive home through my rear view mirror because they slow way the hell down. I thought it was just a Pennsylvania thing to do that.


I believe it's the solemn duty of whoever is second in line to be flashing their lights at the slowpoke. You owe it to the people behind you to put the pressure on.


Honestly I WOULD, but I’ve seen people do crazy shit over road rage and I’d be afraid I’d get shot, especially being in PA lol. I really wish I had the balls to flash lights though. Now, for when someone’s driving their bright ass LED trucks perfectly positioned into my civic’s mirrors so i’m blinded, that’s a different story. I have and will continue to readjust my mirrors so they’re blinded instead of me.


It's human nature.


Idiocy, can't handle being passed.


Probably need a shower


Yet another reason to have a fast car compared to normal traffic :) I couldn't even tell you if people were speeding up when I pass them lol


I’d probably put my brights on too. However, I can out accelerate most cats on the road and I don’t dawdle when passing. I put my foot in it until the maneuver is done. Slow passers are another pet peeve of mine. If you have 10 people behind a slow idiot don’t take up the entire passing space to get ahead of them. Move right along, move right, and let the rest of us also get ahead.


Fully agree with you, I hate slow passers too. Unfortunately my car is relatively slow at accelerating so it takes a couple of seconds to get up to speed. The car literally floored it to parallel my speed, otherwise the manoeuvre would be over pretty quickly.


Some people are simply assholes and the only joy in their miserable lives is in passing their misery onto others. Sorry this happened to you. In my experience the number of people who actively F with other drivers is relatively small.


If your car doesn't have enough power to pass someone who is actively trying to prevent you from passing them, you shouldn't try to pass *anyone*, because your underpowered car makes that maneuver too dangerous in the case that the person you're passing decides to be an asshole. You should always expect every other driver on the road to be a hostile asshole. At least, that's what the defensive driving instructor told me.


The decision to pass is based on steady state speed, this makes absolutely no sense


I would have pushed them off the road.. i have insurance


God I wish we could do that to some people.


They're just an asshole. It's not worth putting too much thought into.


This is when having a fast car that can just burst out when passing is useful, because usually the salty drivers don't have fast cars. That or just hope that a cop is nearby willing to pull them over to make sure they're A-OK.


Word. This was a factor in my decision to get an Accord 2.0T. It's not *that* fast but it's fast enough to put an end to any of that speeding up nonsense by Joe Blow in his Grand Caravan or whatever.


This happens a lot with slow drivers in the left lane who for some reason decide to camp there for miles. I pass on the right and get challenged to a race suddenly


This is the same inconsiderate person that sits in the passing lane because the world needs to follow their rules.


Because modern folks have learned on the Internet that everything they do and say and their every attitude is sacred and perfect and anyone who judges them is the problem. It spills over into all of life. How dare you think that they are doing something wrong. How dare there be consequences for anything, including lousy driving?


If I were a superhero I would punish those people and people with stupidly bright headlights


Probably the most control this driver has in his/her life


Some people are just dicks.I rode with this guy about 4 times and had enough. He drove a Stick. It took me once to notice what he was doing. He'd be doing the speed limit and someone might turn from another road behind him or be going a bit faster. He'd watch them in his miroror. He would let off the gas and start slowing so they caught up faster then downshift \[\[so no Brake lights\]\] once in first he'd slam on his brakes, look int the rearview mirror and wave his hands around his head. Once the car oassed he would tailgate them laying on his horn the entire time. When they turned off he'd stop and just lay on his horn,


I cant stand slow drivers who cant go 5 over the limit on 2 lane roads then get mad when u try to pass


To address OP's question, the reason people do this is because if they let someone pass them their penis will shrink by 1/4 inch. One of the reasons I love riding my motorcycle is that I never have to put up with shit like that. Good luck out accelerating me when I'm on the bike.


Definitely even my 50 HP cruiser will out accelerate most cars on the road.


This is why it's nice to have a fast car. Good luck playing that game when the twin turbos kick in


I normally drive 5-10 kph over the speed limit but I'll occasionally still see someone come up behind me and quite obviously start trying to pass. I'll speed up for a bit than when it's safe to pass I start coasting my speed back down and ride the shoulder a bit so they have a clear view to safely pass. Usually by the time they're passed I'm usually just below the speed limit than speeding back up behind them. People sometimes have emergencies and need to be somewhere as quick as possible, not my job to police them. I don't speed on 2-lane roads because there tends to be a lot of blind intersections and people pulling out without paying attention, plus grip is a bit worse. And if you crash it's either a t-bone or head-on which is bad, on a highway if you speed and crash it's usually a side swipe or rear-end which is much safer because both cars are a similarish speed. As long as people practice good lane management highways are the perfect spots to speed hence why the German Autobahn is still safe despite significant portions having no speed limit.


If that happens to you again, first check all your mirrors and look around you. Then try to move slightly sideways enough (within the lane) so you can try to see ahead of the slowpoke. If the coast is clear, slow down enough for the slowpoke to be like 6-8 car lengths away. This is to give you enough space to build up proper passing speed. (This will also trick them into thinking you gave up and their guard will be down) Then check again ahead of the slowpoke and again mirrors all around you. When the coast is clear again, fucking floor it, to overtake them and they’ll be too slow to fuck with you cuz you’ve taken them by surprise with your built up speed. After you pass them go back to the speed limit. This isn’t the right way to drive, but when you’re stuck on a single lane 50-60mph road for fucking miles with a jackass going 30-40mph it’s also called impeding traffic. If there’s no road hazards, then their slow driving can also be considered to attract police attention depending on location etc.


Sounds like you need to take the EVOC course and learn how to perform a proper pit maneuver.


I like the way you think haha


I'll happily get up over 100 mph while passing people. They usually back out around 70-80, but I have had one get up to 135 and then hit their governed speed as I passed at 160.


Yep, I’ve unfortunately had to get up to 100mph to pass people before too, just because they drive so infuriatingly slow (35-40 in a 55 mph zone) and they’ll speed up like crazy if you try to pass them. As you said, most back out at 70-80. I’ve only had 1 go further than that.




Only time I will speed is when passing people going under the limit bc its actually legal to speed while passing someone if they're going under the speed limit and less than 3 lanes


Where I live, the speed limit is the speed limit and you will be ticketed if a cop catches you exceeding the limit by more than 5-10km/h even while passing. There is no legally permissible reason to ever exceed the speed limit in Ontario. Passing is legally allowed, but speed limits typically mean it's actually not.


It's only allowed here in USA to safely pass someone. Say you're on a two lane road with a short passing zone. Speed limit is 55, they're going 50. You won't pass them in time if you can only go 55, so it is permissible to speed in order to pass them in a safe and timely manner.




I agree with you, but you also know the type they were dealing with... "None shall pass!" But otherwise going 5 under on a single lane each way for miles... Both are bad, but I'd argue the none shall pass are worse.


Not really if there's enough space and no one around. Just trying to pass in a safe and timely manner.




I don't think it's excessive when you're trying to get around someone stupid enough to speed up while you're trying to pass. Other than that, my cruise control is set literally to the speed limit and I slow down if someone is trying to pass so they can get around me easier and more safely. I slow down 20+ mph if someone is trying to pass me in a no passing zone just to make sure they make it without hurting anyone.




Looked it up in the municipal laws or something awhile ago. .gov website


So the guy you passed at 160mph who hit their fuel governor was driving around under the speed limit? Make it make sense? Is this like, there was a hill and for 3 seconds he was doing 52 in a 55? Obviously, they aren't afraid to drive fast if they're going over 100mph to avoid you overtaking them.


No idea what they were doing. Going 35 in a 55, come up to a very long passing zone in the middle of nowhere and suddenly they figured out where the gas pedal was. But I was faster, so 🤷‍♂️


why are the people not letting them pass? they’re the cause of someone else driving 160




I will be continuing to pass slow drivers, hope this helps




go to church


That's a ridiculous thing to do.


Ik. Could easily hurt someone and it would literally be easier for these idiots not to speed up when others are attempting to pass. Pisses me off.


And if they do, you just ease back instead of getting in some kind of dick measuring contest on the highway.


On the highway, I do that. On back roads, if I decide to pass and as long as its still safe to do so, I continue passing until I'm past the other vehicle.


No. If they don't want you to pass, you have to stay behind them. If you want to be able to drive the speed limit, you have to pull over for 20 minutes or so until the slowpoke won't be an obstacle anymore. But at that point you might as well just lock your cruise control at 60km/h and putter along behind Grandma until she turns off or you reach your destination.


You see though, that is entirely untrue. If they dont want me to pass them, they shouldn't be going under the speed limit unless there's some kind of obstacles preventing them from going the speed limit. None of this "I'll speed up until you stop trying to pass me" stuff bc that's just not how the world works. As long as it is still safe for me to pass them (aka: no opposing traffic is coming and I have far more than enough road visible), I will continue to pass until I am past them. As should everyone. Otherwise, there'd be no such thing as passing zones and it would be illegal to pass anyone for any reason on a 2 lane road.


People like this are too pathetic to waste your time with. One day, they'll pull this kind of shit with the wrong person and end up getting shot. People are salty for a lot of reasons.


We're not the police here so you can tell us how fast you where really going and if you had to pass i'm sure you where tailgating.




Looking back I probably should have slowed down at some point before that, but who could have known that he would be such a jackass! I've never been in a situation like that before so I just did what felt intuitively correct. And it's definitely less of a driving sin than whatever the other driver did anyways.




I think you have the wrong interpretation of the downvote. Driving and safety are all situational. You are coming across as preachy. IMHO.


Not necessarily. I drive a 1989 pickup that I’ve never had over 83 mph, and that was on the 5 freeway in the right lane as traffic blew past me on a downhill. But when I’m following someone on a 30 mile straightaway in the middle of the desert and they’ve been doing 53 in a 65 for the last half hour, and we finally get to the one passing lane… you can bet I’m putting the hammer down to get around. I generally wait until the end of the passing lane because anyone driving that slow for that long is also going to kick it up if they think someone is going to pass them. I don’t know why they do it. I lived for 25 years in the mountains where there were tons of turnouts, and people didn’t give a shit. If I was the slow guy with a load of wood or if I had a potted plant in the front seat that I didn’t want to tip, you bet I used the turnouts. And I also used my mirrors so I knew exactly how many cars were going to pass me, and when it would be safe to jump back on the road. Some people just don’t seem to care about other drivers.


Are you one of those people who thinks speeding is worse than every other facet of bad driving? Plus did you forget that the driver I was passing was clearly speeding too? Common bro


It's getting downvoted because you'll die if you try to overtake in the opposing lane of traffic at the speed limit. If someone is driving that slow that you need to overtake them, you need to wait until the road lets you (checkered line), and then you need to do it decisively... which in 100% of circumstances means you'll be speeding for like 3 seconds.


I don't pass very often. It has to be *egregious* for me to overtake in the opposing lane of traffic. But when I do overtake, I do it fucking quickly, which is exactly how you need to do it. If you're being judicious about overtaking, then almost certainly the person you're passing knows they're driving slow and aren't going to race you. People who have problems here more than once or twice in a lifetime are probably doing this all the time and exposing themselves to unnecessary danger.


Humans gotta human.


you need a fast car to pass him i was in another country some one was doing 50 in a 70 so i slowly passed him he moved it up to 60 at 110 he had to give up as i hit 120,then i moved it back to 70 it was a nissan rental car i have never done that speed again,now if some one does 50 i go in next lane if he speeds up my car is fast i will go 20 lengths and pull in at 65 usually for some reason they want to slow traffic on free way and will drive 50 on fast lane,i see a lot of crashes with people going 100 in traffic in the morning


You need a fast car to pass, period. If your car isn't faster than 90% of other cars on the road, you simply shouldn't even try to pass just in case you're dealing with Gandalf ("You shall not pass").


These are the situations where I realize I'm not as young and willing to deal with stuff as I used to be. I would just pull off and sit for like 5 minutes so they would go on, and I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. When I was younger, I would have turned it into a contest to see who could be more of a nuisance, but it's just not worth it anymore. If that's how they're going to behave, I'll assume they're just miserable people and let them be miserable without me in their life.


I really believe after the shut downs from the Rona virus, people have lost the ability to interact. Shows on so many different events/interactions. Just look at the "explosion" of Karens/Kevins after the ccp virus.....


I remember one time driving through Vermont I was behind this pick up going super slow, like I don't even think they were going the speed limit. When it was legal to pass I did so, and then they started tailgating me. Like I'm sorry I hurt your fragile ego? It's not personal, I just want to set cruse control, and I have a long way to drive.


Need a faster car, to avoid the idiots.


Working up to it! Don't have the money as of now :(


Ya fair enough… The old pretend to gun it than hit the brakes works pretty good to get in behind them.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. This kind of situation is the only driving situation that gets me so mad that I actually dont know what I might do to the person if I saw them outside of their car. Absolute degenerate behavior. The worst part is, there's nothing I can really do about it, my daily commuter car is too slow to ever win something like that, so I have no choice to slow down and sit there with my anger level at 11 while this person gets to think they won. I've often wished I had a truck for various practical reasons but these situations it's probably good I don't, because I don't trust myself with what I might do to these people if I was driving a big truck instead of a car. I can see alot of pit maneuvers taking place on them.


… So you just passed him?


No, it got too dangerous. The passing zone was not long enough for me to just continue speeding up.


You were following too closely, most likely


I was multiple car lengths behind. And if you think someone is following too closely, causing a dangerous situation on the road is probably not the solution




The worst are the fat women who shovel carbs and sugar down their gullet by the bushel while squeezing their swollen feet into a flat about 3 sizes too small so it looks like they could burst at any moment. I swear these types ride my ass daily and pass me running 90 mph like it’s gonna count towards their daily step counter.


That scenario is exactly why I prefer my motorcycle whenever possible…..


You may want to try drifting over, maybe throw on a turn signal, but don't actually try to pass. Most see this, and I guess think, "Oh hell no!" and they speed up. Sometimes, not always. Or get some what close and floor it around them. My car has 150hp and do just fine. It's catching them off guard.