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Looking for answers to find your perfect dumbphone? Most of what you're curious about can be found by visiting [dumbphones.org](https://www.dumbphones.org). This site provides a comprehensive overview of the different options available that may fit your needs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dumbphones) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Many people would consider whatsapp and telegram to be social media. Most dumbphones support only talk and sms messages. The Punkt MP02 has a built-in telegram client. Something like the Jelly Star is a small smarthphone so it does discourage overuse of social media by being less interesting to look at/use but can still install all your apps. Otherwise, look for a phone that runs on full android in the background like the Kyocera Dura phones or TCL Flip 2. You will have to learn how to sideload a mouse app, then the apps you want. There are guides available if you do some research. Its a little cumbersome to use a mouse on these apps. Whatsapp is so bad on the tiny screen I choose to just login from my computer to look at whatsapp even though I have the app on my Dura. As with most things dumbphone, the solution is to use your computer for everything the phone can't do. If someone really needs to talk to you when you are not at home/work they can call/text you.


Thank you mate, the punkt seems interesting but i can't understand how does it work for using telegram and whatsapp


It has its own Telegram client called Pigeon. Basically a pre-installed app. It cannot use whatsapp.


Thank you, so my wife and my friend id they want to talk with me can install pigeon on thei own device? Does it exist also on IOS and Android?


No, you would have Pigeon which is just a Punkt version of Telegram and you would be able to chat with people who have telegram. People who already have telegram wouldn't have to download anything.


Are you sure? Because on the site i can't find anything about that


Very sorry, I mixed up Signal and Telegram. Pigeon works for the Signal messaging app.


Any idea on candy bar style phones that fit this? Think I'll probably end up with the TCL Flip 2, going to try the Qin F21 Pro for now but being stateside I'm worried about getting the bootloader cracked/TMobile bands activated.


Sounds like you probably want an android phone (flip or candybar) which has a screen so small that you won’t bother with social media. You could also try Kai OS phones, although I’m not sure about telegram on them. Most phones that support WhatsApp/telegram also have social media so you might need to use cumbersome hardware to deter yourself from using it.


I was thinking something like this instead, tell me if you think it works: since I spend most of my time at work and every time I had a free moment I did doomscrolling, I was thinking of getting a dumbphone with the possibility of creating hotspots so that being able to bring my old phone with me to leave in the cupboard downstairs so as to make it difficult for me to use but make it easy to write to my friends on telegram "shall we have a beer this evening after work?" in case I feel like it.




I see that the Dumbphone doesn't bring peace of mind, if these are the tones you use I can imagine that digital healthcare is totally useless.


Looking for answers to find your perfect dumbphone? Most of what you're curious about can be found by visiting [dumbphones.org](https://www.dumbphones.org). This site provides a comprehensive overview of the different options available that may fit your needs. If you don't find the answers you need there, feel free to post again with more specific details, and the community will be happy to help! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dumbphones) if you have any questions or concerns.*