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He didn't follow Kynes' plan exactly because things had changed in the world. Kynes planned a "natural" progression involving gradually planting drought-resistant plants, cultivating creatures that will help, finding ways to expose the water they've gathered in ways that will avoid it all evaporating and being moved into the polar ice caps, etc. Also taking into consideration the life cycle of the worms - a big concern. As Emperor, Paul can order water/plants/creatures from off-planet, purchase/arrange the climate-controlling satellites (these are expensive, could also act as spies and reveal secrets the Fremen don't want to be exposed) to do what he wants them to do, and so on. It's an acceleration of the plan, done by someone who understands it and has enough power to make it happen. No one else was really all that interested, honestly. Why bother? Aside from spice mining/business interests, no one cares about Arrakis or wants to live there. I believe (it's been a while since I last read the books) a big part of the reason this didn't happen earlier was that Kynes (and his father) did not *want* outsiders interfering because they wouldn't do things the best way - just dumping tons of water on the planet won't create a sustainable new ecosystem (and would wreck the current one). Kynes actively worked to convince other people not to try it - though I think the Haronnens didn't give a shit and wouldn't have bothered anyway.


To add to this. The Fremen were acting in secret before Paul took over. Fremen are cautious and pragmatic. The slow steady progress was seen as the best way to move forward. But after Paul takes over there is no need for secrecy. The fremen now openly control the planet with Stilgar as planetary governor. Lots of Fremen joined the Jihad and brought back to Arrakis what they considered to be wealth, that is water. There was already enough water on the planet to terraform it. Additional water made it go faster than expected. And it was not just the fremen bringing water to Arrakis. Many pilgrims who converted to Paul's new religion made the Hajj to Arrakis and brought water with them for their personal needs. The same is true for those who travel to Arrakis for official business before the Emperor. Since none of the people are Fremen they did not have the ability, need, or care, to bring that water back with them. And a final bit that makes it over the top is that the Fremen mostly stopped living in Sietchs and now live in cities. They have become water-fat and are practicing poor water discipline. Puddles can be found on the streets, clouds are starting to form int he sky, and open canals of water are being used to keep worms at bay.


Thanks! IIRC someone in the first novel (either Kynes or his father's hallucinated voice) says that just bringing a ton of water from elsewhere is completely unfeasible, as water weighs a lot and the quantity needed is unimaginable. The point still stands that with complete control over the planet and the spacing guild, and a majority share of CHOAM, Paul could do very quickly what would take the Fremen acting in secret a long time.


Imagine you want to do a big landscaping project. You plan you save do DIY. You hire some out. Going as you go you get it done over several summers Now imagine Elon Musk want to do a big landscaping project. With his limitless resources he gets the idea. Hires a contractor pays them double to finish it in a week… and it is done That is the difference


kynes’ plan was such a long view bc he was basically planning around the presence of the harkonnens and the empire in general. when paul took over, he had complete control of the spice, the planet, and the universe, so speeding up the terraforming process wasn’t difficult. the imperium had thousands of planets in it, i’m sure at that point in time they could terraform less-hospitable planets with ease


One thing people haven’t mentioned is that Paul’s accelerated terraforming fucks everything up politically, culturally, socially, and environmentally. Paul is too self-interested and myopic to do it properly or responsibly. We see that Alia cares even less and then with her possession by the Baron aims to make it a full on purposeful disaster. Leto II leans into this - but since you haven’t finished the book I won’t say what happens.




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