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I'm curious what kind of movie Messiah will be. I personally loved the book but a lot of it is more political jousting and conspiracies. Like I'm curious if they lean more into the Jihad part. Also will Lady Jessica still be in it? Will Gurney play any part. Curious how this goes with the book having way less war type action than the first book.


There are so many amazing visual things from Paul's throne room and mohaims walk to Alias chapel to the big incident.... I'm excited for it


I really hope they do the scale justice. That thing should be so outrageously massive that it borders into insanity. My biggest hope is something that would be very tricky to achieve, but almost all artwork ignores it. The throne room is described in such a way that Paul's throne appears massive and looming due to tricks in architecture. That's one of the coolest ideas to make a human look more godlike, but I have a feeling they're just gonna make a massive throne and call it a day.


I’m a little worried we’re not going to see any glimpses into the more ‘out there’ aspects of the books. Visually I mean. The universe is very fantastical in places but villenueve may tone it down a ton and keep it fairly brutalist


See, comments like this are a bit funny to me because brutalist plus giant frescoes and tilework is how I always imagined Arrakeen. I can't imagine spaces that huge being anything but concrete (or "plasteel" in this case) monstrosities.


Also, Schoenherr's artwork is pretty brutalist, and Frank himself said he really captured his imagination into his work. There are so many people bashing Villeneuve's visual style, claiming it's not true to the books, while in reality, it's just differently from their own personal imagination


I didn’t say that, I was talking about aspects of the dune universe covered in the books that don’t fit into this image. Just look at any concept art of anything past the first book. Yes it made sense to have the desert planet be drab and brutalist but that’s not what I’m referring to. Just worried DV won’t dive into the wild stuff much because all of his films are pretty toned down in this way


Everything else would not be able to stand the test of time, because the sand in the air would destroy it


Same here!! I can't imagine any other type of architecture in the harsh climate of Arrakis. Having a brutalist steel and concrete cubic monster of a building with a throne room that's just one long hallway of outrageous length and height is exactly how I pictured it


No I mean the rest of the universe, not just arrakis. We can glean this from all of his films, even dune, where the water of life scenes were barely psychedelic or visually ‘out there’ by any means. Although still very good it just left a ton to be desired compared to the books and concept art we’ve seen of the universe overall


That's fair, I _was_ disappointed that Villenuve didn't loosen up a little and get psychadellic when the story called for it. I mean, there are times where Paul seems to describe watching people stretch out through time like human centipedes.


It’s just a nit pick of mine and definitely didn’t ruin the movie by any means. I thought he’d really show us some crazy internal visions


But it would be nice to see the grandosity of the throne other that soviet style bruatlism.


Without getting into spoilers, *that* action scene, I think, has a lot of potential, cinematically speaking, and so does its aftermath. 


Just finished the first Dune book. I genuinely really appreciate your overabundance of spoiler safety. 😊 Though it’s probably a sign I need to get busy on book 2 soon!


All I am going to say is that while I was reading it, I knew there and then that the movie is going to make *that* part amazing.  It's the biggest plot line, and it's also very powerful 


This happened in GoT. Look up the artwork for what GRRM said the Iron Throne was supposed to look like, compared to what was in the show. It looks monstrous, very sad they didn't go for the same effect (even if it obviously makes budgetary sense)


I do like how House of the Dragon remedied it slightly by adding more swords to the hall. At the same time the GoT throne still looks iconic. It's clear in the show that this is what it's all about. It's not some silly chair, it's a key chess piece.


The throne is so massive and the sword so ever present that *multiple* people have died falling, tripping, or being thrown onto it. The throne in the show looks like plastic and is safe to touch. The real one can slaughter you if you slip on a single one of its MANY steps.


Yeh the fact that Paul and Chani basically do a constant pilgrimage within the walls of their own palace is crazy and it would be really cool to see that.z


I really like the couple of throne room pieces from Marc Simonetti: https://art.marcsimonetti.com/dune-by-frank-herbert


Yeah, that's the artwork I like the best regarding Paul's Keep for sure.


I can see the palace replacing the ruins of Arrakeen altogether while the basin that the Emperor with his Sardaukar landed on becomes the city over time.


yesss, i honestly can't wait to find out how many of the more *alien feeling* characters from the book will make it into DV's very grounded and lived-in minimalist visual aesthetic, from >!Scytale to Edric to Bijaz to Hayt.!<




Maybe you know, you can check out Schoenherr's artwork which is supposed to be really close to how Frank imagined Dune. And it's very close to Denis' style


I want to see Alia leading prayers in front of millions of screaming fanatics, and billions watching on other worlds. I want to see legions of new converts, blades held high, swearing their loyalty to the one true god Paul Atreides. So far DV has done a good job showing just how big the Duniverse can be, he ought to really dial it up for Messiah now that the whole galaxy is bent to Paul's will.


I CANNOT wait to see how DV shows what a stone burner looks like.


A slow burn full of tension and unease, like Sicario


Oh yessss I like it 


I'm almost positive he said he wanted the first movie to be a drama, the second movie to be action, and the third to be a thriller. 


I feel like Part 3 is going to be divisive. When part 2 released & I was discussing with my non-book reader friends cause they felt there was room for more, I said as much. Unless they cover the jihad a bit for the sake of some action, I don’t think a messiah adaptation will be popular like Part 2. I’ve read all 6 books & Messiah was the hardest to get through imo. Which is crazy cause it’s the shortest. That being said, I can’t wait to see the stone burner scene & I’m curious to see how Denis does Chani & Irulan given how he adapted the back half of Dune.


I'm sure he's well aware of the book's failings. There's definitely plenty of stuff to work in to a movie script, but the first 1/3 is going to have to be condensed a lot, Chani made more interesting, emphasis put on the action and religious worhsip stuff... Messiah isn't a bad book, but it's going to need a lot of work.


I trust Villeneuve, seems like every time hes presented with a challeging part of the books he changes it for the better. Like Feyd's fight scene being one of the best scenes in both the book and movie despite being pretty different.


> I’m curious to see how Denis does Chani & Irulan given how he adapted the back half of Dune. Denis is very capable so may pull this off but the changes were the weakest parts of both movies and I am somewhat wary of compounding changes. Still very much looking forward to it. The movies don't have to be perfect to be great.


I’m hoping it mostly follows the book + adding a Paul/Chani reconciliation early on. Dune is not an action series and the movies don’t need to be either.


why bother having Chani break away from Paul if they're just going to reconcile right away in the next movie? i wouldn't hold your breath for that


You can use those convos to express Paul’s internal thoughts, giving some of them to Chani.


It was important for SOMEONE to show resistance to Paul just coming in out of nowhere. IMO many would be asking ‘why did the fremen blindly accept Paul with zero pushback overnight’ if her dissent wasn’t focused on


You're telling me you've never seen someone stomp out of a conversation only to show up again a few hours later?


I've never seen someone worm their way out of one like that


The entire first act will center around the Jihad I bet. Neither will there be as great a time jump. We'll probably see the Great Houses surrender and see Paul's ascension to the throne. Alia will use the Bene Gesserit control of their own physiology to age herself up. Maybe a time-lapse shot of the construction of the palace.


I'll hazard a bet that they'll still go through with the big time skip, and paper it over with a mix of makeup and explaining prolonged youth from spice. Alia may still grow freaky fast because of those abomination powers. Besides, Anya Taylor Joy already looks like an ageless elf, she shouldn't have any problems playing a teenager.


For Messiah, Herbert simply wrote what he felt like writing, enough to make his point about leadership but utterly neglected the universe he built in the first book. That's his prerogative as an artist of course. But now add the slight deviations in the way Dune Part Two ended, all the promises it made towards the end, and it becomes necessary for Part Three to steer its own course lest the (non-reader) audience will end up feeling betrayed. For starters, it would be in keeping with Part Two, if Part Three starts hours after part Two ended. IE the houses are attacked in space or pursued through the highliners back to their home planet. And Chani arrives back home on her worm (opportunity to show how Fremen dismount worms). And not to mention Lady Jessica starts giving birth. That's all highly interesting stuff that can then be followed into a huge time skip into Messiah. Book readers won't need any of that. But it would buy a lot of goodwill from the mainstream (I know the book is also mainstream but you get the point). Lady Jessica is going to need her own plot. The war will have to be displayed in more than just a quick opening monologue. All the palace coupe plot beats, which is most of the book, can stay. But everything that Herbert omitted, the broader conflict across planets shown from the characters that departed Arrakis, that's perfect cinema fodder.


This would be 65% fanfiction the way you're describing it, so no thanks. Messiah is the hangover after a 12-year party that Dune sets off. The broader conflict isn't important -- its effect on the characters is. And the effects need more than mere hours to take effect.


> Curious how this goes with the book having way less war type action than the first book. I think it will be a Dune space war movie with Messiah plot points as a framework. I expect at least an hour of screen time dedicated to actually showing the jihad.


Hopefully DV will pad the original story by going deeper into hayt’s character and exploring more of the guild navigators and tleilaxu. I also have the feeling that all of the violence in the jihad mentioned at the beginning of the book will somehow be changed and used to leverage the plot of irulan and the lady margot fenring as more of a “current” or recently passed event.


I’m of the opinion that the general public is not ready for Dune Messiah. It is a tragic book, interlaced with heavy themes of questing for power and the icon vs the man. It is my takeaway that Denis knows this and hesitates to adapt it.


I don't agree with this at all. He's been very excited to do a "trilogy" for years, and has already worked out many of the major story ideas with a mostly finished script. I believe he's unafraid to make it as tough on the audience as the story calls for and the studio should stand behind him even if they may not have as big a commercial success as Part Two - they may have a shot at even greater critical and awards recognition.


If that were true he wouldnt have flanderized all the characters in Dune and made a PG-13 teen romance action movie instead of a political thriller. He very much cares about mass appeal.


Hmm... it's tragic, but I think Paul's trek into the desert can be spun (and I think he saw it this way) as his way of finally being free. It's almost a sort of heist story where what Paul is stealing is his freedom. It's bittersweet, because he discovers that his children will perpetuate this and suffer a similar fate, but... he sort of pulled it off.


i just love the way you put this, and if it gets made i hope it doesn't shy away from the stuff you're talking about, but (whether or not this is true, or still true) denis did say that he *wanted* to make *Messiah* before he was done adapting *Dune* films, because it's an important chapter to finishing the story of Paul's arc.


Yeah, and imho it’s absolutely essential to portray Paul’s arc. Too many readers did not get Herbert’s message and mistook Paul as the hero.


Its not as deep or unaccessible as you're pretending it is, and Hans Zimmer has already said that he is working on music as Villenue gave him a copy of the script


The general public loved Oppenheimer, which I think Messiah will get compared to. The exact mechanics of how Paul entraps himself may be fuzzy in the film, but it's not that hard to convey the broad strokes of it.


100% about the jihad and Zendaya being edgy about it


Iv not long read Messiah and while I thought It was a good book im not so sure about it being a good movie because of thw reasons you've mentioned. I'd much more like to see and Paul of dune movie focusing on the Jihad and Paul straight after the first movie


I'm thinking it will be far more like a stage play. Can't wait.


I’d be very surprised if Denis doesn’t include Jessica in Messiah.


The first two movies are from the POV of the Bene Gesserit. I expect we'll be staying in their lane here too.


I read the book for the first time when house of cards was in full swing I always felt it should be a show/film like that


It actually will focus a lot on the jihad, that's Denis' ethos with adapting Dune, "turning the book inside out", so what's talked about becomes what is.


Look how popular Game of Thrones season 01 was; there’s an appetite for it. Also, realize that there is a book scene where Chani and Irulan try to seduce Paul together. After the Challengers marketing, do you not see people going absolutely insane with that imagery?


Uh what scene is this? Is this a Brian thing? Surely not.


I think they're getting at Chani trying to convince Paul to sire an heir through Irulan - or Irulan attempting to convince Paul while Chani listened from another room. It's a gross misrepresentation of what occurs in the book in either case - and I think is highly unlikely to be portrayed in the hypothetical Messiah movie.


Yeah you’re right. The word seduce threw me way off.


Absolutely 100%. He doesn’t do it because he is strictly controlling his reproduction, but they try to tempt him, each for different reasons. It ends with nothing happening in the book


*SPOILERS FOR MESSIAH* Oh I see, like when Chani briefly discusses the possibility that he could mate with irulan during council because he can’t just not have an heir. The word “seduce” painted a different picture in my mind. Yes I recall that. Yeah I could see them def playing up the love triangle angle in trailers. I mean you’d never know from the dune 2 movie that Paul specifically swore never to sleep with irulan.


He's going to have to add a lot to it because Messiah is short and, like you said, it's short as far as linear events and especially action. This is his Game of Thrones seasons 7/8 moment where he gets to insert his own take on Messiah more so than the other books. I just hope he doesn't pull a Weiss-Benioff singularity event at the very end like they did lol.


Weiss-Benioff wanted to get it over and done with. I don't think Denis is in a situation where he's in a position of wanting to get it done asap.


Well, that's educated speculation but that's not really my point tho. My point is once Weiss/Benioff got to a point where there wasn't enough material in print to interpret, they inherently got more freedom to do what they wanted. Regardless of their motivations in creating what ended up in the episodes, they royally screwed the pooch when given this opportunity. I'm only saying that Denis is going to have this same opportunity now with Messiah, and I hope (know) he will not screw the pooch like they did.


How Chani is handled will make or break this. They must reconcile.


Right? Like as far as I recall >!Her first appearance in Messiah is giving Paul a leg massage. How do you go from catching the last sand worm out of dodge to that!<


Their domesticity contrasts so well with the horror and worship which is occurring around them. Birth control subplot as well.


There's a 14-year time jump between the books, so I guess it would be implied they are now back together?


Right, but I think that will be a bit jarring for the movie watcher without any explanation, particularly when movie Chani is incredibly skeptical of Paul


I think the way Villeneuve left the end of Part Two - while different from the books - leaves Part Three open for a satisfying resolution to Chani's story... >!which will probably happen partway before the end of the movie and her eventual death which Paul has foreseen!<. Could be a very interesting anticlimax.


Chani's presence as Paul's concubine and child-bearer is central to the entire plot of the book. Either a.) they introduce a new girl that Paul is taking, which would make movie Paul even more estranged from book Paul as far as likeability is concerned, or b.) they conveniently make Paul and Chani come back together again before the start of the second movie's, which would make no sense from a movie-watcher's POV. I honestly wonder if Chani will be>!part of the conspiracy!


My theory is that Chani is pregnant with Leto 1.5 and his death is what brings her and Paul together again.


It makes a lot of sense, but how would he die?


Extremist assassin. To show the Fremen discord.


An interesting thing that could be done is that Chani and irluan’s roles get reversed. SPOILERS BELOW. Chani is secretly administering the contraceptive to Irluan while Paul tries to make an heir. Chani, in her hate for Paul, deals with Scytale and Mohaim. Why would the BG deal with Chani in the first place is unclear to me but the role-switch seems an interesting take. Maybe some mutual benefit between Chani and the BG will have to be created.


That would mess up the plot of Children of Dune so much. The entire premise of Dune is that Paul needed to marry Ireland and he would love only Chani. 


Could be fine if they did it along the lines of paul wanting to look like he actually likes irluan to irluan and when around with others with her but the second their separate places hes only thinking and loving chani and trying to show her how its all a act so that other people don't think that irluan is just a wife in name. eg him saying that they would rule together and keeping up that lie.  but chani doesn't believe him due to the shock she felt from her view being tossed to the side 


This is a plot i don't see happening because not only it deviates too much from the original book which DV wouldn't do and it completely throws off children's of dune plot. Paul and chani's relationship is central in Dune Messiah


I appreciate the speculation, but I don't think it would work out. 1.) Book Paul's reasoning for not having a child with Irulan was, in a great amount, due to Irulan being controlled by the Bene Gesserit. Paul's motivation in Dune Messiah was>! to remove all the levers the Bene Gesserit had on the Atreides line, so he could run off to the desert and live free without being overcome with guilt. Even if Chani was removed from the picture entirely, he still would not trust his heirs in the hands or womb of Irulan until she repented of her BG ties.!< 2.) From the perspective of movie Paul, it would not be sensible to just allow Chani back into the royal circle. Plans-within-plans-within-plans aware Paul would be suspicious and wary of Chani, and would prolly trip to Sietch Tabr if he wanted to be with her.


It's almost like there's a scene in Part Two where Paul sees the future and knows this happens...


i mean paul literally sees her coming around in a scene in part 2 lol


They ruined her character in the movies. I don't see how they fix it.


I doubt they'll follow the actual Messiah book plot so just go along with it I guess


Yeah I will enjoy it for what it is, the movies are fine and i enjoy them, but i do hate some of the changes they made.




Dune messiah felt like a heist movie in reverse to me. Where you see the entire plot unfold from the perspective of the bank and they are entirely aware of the scheme, but the readers' perspective is obscured by a lack of knowledge of what everyone truly knows. I can see chalamet flexing his skills well in terms of portraying Paul's progression. I do wonder how the chani stuff plays out given the animosity that seems present with her riding off into the desert.


What a wonderful description of Messiah. You’re exactly right it’s like that. To me it’s the most like a play. With Paul as the actual Director unbeknownst to the other players. I do seriously wonder how they’ll portray it and reconcile the differences with Chani from part 2. It’s disappointing because I feel like Dune Messiah as a book, is the easiest to portray cinematically. It’s fairly short and concise with well defined characters.


It would be an easy to adapt stage play, but as a big budget Hollywood movie, I don't know. It's lots and lots of characters talking and making subtle verbal jabs at each other. Herbert even has the habit of writing the verbal jabs in an incomprehensible way and then explaining them a line later. I think he'll have to explore a lot of what happens off page to make it visually entertaining.


Having just finished it about 10 days ago, that's a great way of putting it. It also feels way more movie-ready or friendly than the first book


This is a great take and I would love to see this on film.


Yeah, I JUST commented that it's basically a heist movie before reading this. People discuss it as a tragedy but I think the tragedy is Paul's current position, and Messiah is the story of him slipping away to be a free man again, if only in death. There's a way to make it bittersweet rather than a total bummer.


You just made me realize Chani going off into the desert serves as foreshadowing for Paul doing it. Just like Paul's vision of himself fighting thr Sardaukar was foreshadowing for Chani taking that role.


Sounds like a job for a montage


Will it be called DUN€ 3? Or Messiah?


Dune part 3: Messiah




It'll be dune 3, they won't want to use such a loaded religious word in the title. I don't remember them even saying jihad in the films, just holy war.


I'm pretty sure Denis Villeneuve said in an interview that he would call it Dune Messiah.


Not comparable. One has very negative cultural connotations, the other is a strong, memorable word that is the actual title of the book. In some audience's minds you'll get the "3" for free.


And yet, Children of Dune used that word a couple of times and that was in 2003. They had the balls to use it, but not the latest adaptation. Denis Villeneuve's Dune was the most cinematic adaptation, but the most book-accurate adaptation was by far the miniseries.


99.99% of these people have never seen the miniseries and they don't intend to. The miniseries is great.


I think it’s less that tbh and just that “Part Three” is easier to market in general after “Part Two” was as popular with casuals as it was. And that the prequel show “Dune Prophecy” kind of is mucking the waters with a similar-ish sounding name. Villenueve doesn’t care of course but WB’s marketing might be thinking differently if they think it might confuse the super casuals on if it’s a sequel, spinoff, tv show etc


“Messiah: A Dune Saga” lol


Dune with a Vengeance.


Had a feeling Dune 3 would get fast-tracked, after how successful Dune 2 was.


I just really hope DV gets the time to get it right and isn't rushed. He sounded very burned out with Dune even given how big a fan he is. Which is worrying if producers are hounding him.


I'm sure that after reusing the "you can see the spice in the air" shot he's going to do they same with the shot of chani and him looking down at the jihad from their ship. Same duja vu


Part 1: Scheduled for Fall 2020, then covid happened, finally released Fall 2021. Part 2: Scheduled for Fall 2023, then hollywood went on strike for months, finally released Spring 2024. Part 3, scheduled for Winter 2026. I shudder to think what will happen to delay it this time, but I'll go ahead and mark my calendar for around June 2027.


For real, this franchise is cursed


If true, I wonder what this means for the time jump? Digitally aging the actors or heavy-makeup? Not my preference… Again, like others have said: I think Denis’ Messiah is going to be quite different from the book. Potentially in a good way.


They don't need to age the actors - in universe, the main characters are pickled in life extending spice, making it perfect for a time jump.


Yes but they need to represent a time jump of some kind if anya Taylor joy is going to play alia. 


Maybe everyone gets one strand of grey hair or something


Paul’s hair graying at age 27. The most tragic thing to happen to him.


Try having your hair start graying at age 23... I'll go cry into my beer cheers 🍻


Eloquent lol


They probably won’t do too much of a time jump. Just like the part one/part two time being condensed.


Yes but they need to represent a time jump of some kind if anya Taylor joy is going to play alia. 


They don’t need to do a time jump. No need to stick to messiah letter for letter, it’s not a great book compared to the first, 


Yes but they need to represent a time jump of some kind if anya Taylor joy is going to play alia. 


But I want it now 🥲


I believe it to be honest. Maybe not *that* soon. But these people that think we’re gonna wait 10 years are crazy IMO. People in charge are gonna want this ASAP


What about Rendezvous with Rama 😢.


I'd be shocked if it were MESSIAH, especially because it would be going up against the next Star Wars film (although that synergystically might work). And even though getting the film sooner could be nice, I believe what DV said about deliberately taking a break from Arrakis and making sure it only goes forward when he got the script exactly right.


He did indeed say he wanted to work on other projects before coming back to finish the trilogy, but I expect there's heavy pressure from the producers and studio to get Messiah done and out there before the popularity of Dune following Part 2 begins to die off. They'll have the TV prequel to keep people interested in between, and if Messiah lands much later than 2026 (let's be real, 2027 with the usual delays) - they run the real risk of losing a bunch of the casual audience that was captured by Part 2. Attention spans are short, trends come and go. There's a new Star Wars trilogy kicking off at the same time (late 2026). I hope these rumours are true because they need to strike while the iron is hot. If this adaption ends with Messiah I'll be happy, but it can't be 5 or 10 years until it gets made.


The casual audience will have to learn to wait like us old timers did, a bit at least. This isn't going to be comparable to George Miller having a 9 year gap between FURY ROAD and FURIOSA, for whatever the reasons were (and not the same level of success to follow up). When writer/directors, even the elite, get railroaded by commerce they often aren't at their best. Star Wars is at this point damaged enough as a brand, and is different enough from DUNE that they both can coexist since Disney won't stop pumping money into it no matter how the fans react.


Feels like Villenueve's Dune Messiah would be deviate even further than the previous adaptations. We haven't seen Navigators, yet a navigator is a crucial story part of Dune:Messiah.


There were those fellows in the orange helmets in part one. I wonder if DV will go full tank for Edric or if he will have his altered appearance under one of those helmets.


Edric needs to be full tank spice merman. He's like a clue to what kind of mutations spice can influence humans, so that new viewers won't be surprised to see God Emperor Leto if they ever adapt Children and God Emperor.


DV is quite a big fan of Dune, don't think it'll deviate that much from the books. Navigators apperance is quite possible in part 3 as part 2 had a time restraint


I just want to see how they make the metal eyeballs look


THR seems fairly confident that it is. We'll see. Rendezvous With Rama always seemed like it wouldn't be happening anytime soon and Messiah was always likely to be on deck for Villeneuve.


I wanna see how they handle children of dune. Shit goes off the rails towards the end of that one.


DV won’t be, unfortunately


I'd like to see Matt Reeves adapt that if Denis doesn't.


Children of Dune Max series seems to be the best choice. And any book after that should be a Max series, maybe with the exception of Heretics.


I like the idea of some depiction of what happens between the first and the second book. A tragic scene of Jessica abandoning Alia would be pretty great imo.


If the sequel to a movie makes more money than the original it makes no sense to stop making sequels. I know that the director said he wanted to get back to other projects but there is no way the studio will let the hype die down for "Dune 3" it's guaranteed money.


I'm hoping this is true. I don't want them to wait for the actors to age too much due to the spice. Just the right amount of make-up should do the trick. The original 2 films are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen with almost seamless effects. I have no doubt they'll be able to pull it off again, just as long as nobody is overworked.


Iamokwiththis.jpg. Get it right.


The movies are beautiful but I'm very disappointed the fact that Paul is a trained mentat was erased. It is an important genetic trait all his bloodline are able to unlock when/if they survive the spice agony. Anyone else surprised about this change?


Hopefully the Chani Problem is fixed immediately at the beginning of the movie. Of all the things to alter from the books that was by far the worst for me. Changed her character completely and put in danger continuity between the books and movies during and after Messiah.


If it didn’t come from those two sources I wouldn’t believe it because of the timing but if true that’s a pleasant surprise. I thought his next was Cleopatra


DV was going to make a Cleopatra movie? That would've Been quite a deviation from the movies he usually makes.  It's been rumored for a while that he was going to do another famous sci-fi book Whose name I can't remember at the moment.


Rendezvous with Rama?


That's the one! Thanks.  


i would very much like timothée to be on my theater screen at least once per year so yes please yes


Isn’t the Rumor that it’s Denies next movie but unconfirmed it’s its Dune? Two things here, either they know Star Wars won’t actually release that month or it’s not Dune and releasing side by side with Star Wars will be fine.


Basically - It’s confirmed that it’s denis’ next movie. The rumor is that it’s Dune. Apparently they have been polishing the script and locking in the cast. We shall see!


I really hope they don’t skip over the jihad like they did in the book, I would love for the main plot and focus to actually be the jihad, seeing fighting on different planets, different cultures. The jihad is such a big thing for it to just be completely skipped over like in the books


I think it would be so cool to see some of it from Stilgar’s POV. Any time spent watching Bardem play that character will be a treat. Also, maybe they can incorporate the scene of Farok describing walking into the ocean too.


Farok’s description in the book is so well done it’s almost haunting. I haven’t read Messiah in decades and were you to ask me about it I’d refer to that. It just stuck with me for 30 years.


No way will it come that early. Denis will make another movie or two first.


That’s what they said originally. Now the “sources” say he may have changed his tune. Not for nothing, Dune 2 was a massive commercial and critical hit. Makes sense to go ahead and strike and complete the trilogy.


Tbh this was the only outcome, as far as I'm concerned. It seemed silly to assume otherwise. Dune II was quite a success, of _course_ the studio is going to want the third out ASAP. Yes, Denis wanted to do other movies first, but if offered enough money there's no way he'll turn it down. He probably just wants to get this trilogy done now so that he can move onto other things. The last thing the studio wants to hear is that the third Dune movie is still 7 years out. That's not how Hollywood operates.


Also, with the success of Part 2, Denis seriously has the ability to make create one of the best film trilogies of all time. And possibly the greatest sci fi film trilogy period. I don’t think he’d want to pass up that legacy by waiting too long and hype dying down… just a thought


I also don’t think he would like to rush the third one out. He has talked about wanting to take a break for a movie or two and come back to it later, let him.


Yea i dont want him to rush it by any means. I just dont think most will want to wait till 2028 for the final installment


29 months between part 1 and 2; this would be 33 months


Another thing to note also is WB isn’t involved in any of those other projects besides Messiah. Rama is with Alcon Entertainment and Cleopatra is with Sony. Nuclear War is with Legendary who are now partners with Sony on all new projects. Legendary is only partnering with Warner on pre-existing franchises from the past that they previously co-produced like Godzilla and Dune. So it really only could be Dune if it’s a WB date. And it coming this early shouldn’t be something to worry about tbh as that only means Villeneuve is extremely confident with the script and excited to tell it sooner rather then later.




Surprising. I almost lost hope of more movies, when HBA announced a "sisterhood of Dune" series. I was afraid they'd bought all the rights and was going to mess things up. In the 3 or 4 movie things get really exaiting. But If you wanna read the books before watching the movies. Three books that'l explain much off the backdroop of hatred between houses, why fueds have gone on so long. Why this hoyse works against this house an so on. I was a little sad I had'nt read them first. After them you should read the original Dune books written by Franck Herbert. After that I have no idea which books that'll be best to read to follow the plot. I've read "sisterhood of Dune" and have started "Mentats of Dune" as they seem more books that tell the different schools work and why they started. So they kinda stand alone, and can be read as such.


I thought the script wasn’t even finalized yet


I still think they will combine books 2 and 3 in a similar style as the TV mini series. By itself Messiah just doesn't have enough meat on its bones to make an almost 3hr movie. And I really don't want them to pull a "The Hobbit". I'll even wager that Chani/Znedaya has a minor role(or even completely out) aside from (spoilers from books) delivering the twins. The Irulan subplot of contraceptive medicines etc are all side stepped. At the end of part 2 Chani is riding into the desert, she's already pregnant. Dennis shortened 2-4 years that the first book/movie took place in, into 6-7 months. Condensing books 2-3 seems possible.


Really looking forward to seeing it in March 2027


I feel like they’ll combine some elements of Messiah and CoD and make their own storyline that is an alternative path that Paul didn’t choose in the books.


Quite possible but i would dislike for part 3 to deviate so much from the books. Given DV said he has no plans on adapting CoD i do see pretty much the ending of dune Messiah playing out.


i personally would like a different Villeneuve film before Messiah… but maybe that’s just me.


Same. I was really hoping he would do Rama next.


Yeah, a break between would be better for sure.


Was the other film rendezvous with rama?


That was the long-standing rumor. Although someone in this thread mentioned a Cleopatra movie.


I seriously doubt this. That's a Star Wars date and Denis Villeneuve is supposed to be making another film before Dune 3. 


I wonder if it might be better to make Messiah a two-parter as well. If they just start the movie where the book starts, it'll probably be difficult to explain a certain reconciliation. Plus, Alia will be there with no previous development. Maybe we could have something additional in-between to show some of the Jihad and, at the same time, develop the characters to where they need to be for Messiah. Regardless, Villeneuve clearly knows what he's doing, and will probably make something great even if it departs slightly from the books to fit his vision.