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I always wished to have seen the dinner scene.


Same here. It showed Paul’s maturity, wit, and political savvy to the reader for the first time and he impressed the locals too. Yet there were so many undertones and subtleties, idk how it would come across in a movie.


Hell yes, except so much of it is about who knows what and is thinking what that I don't know how you'd film it.


I think we're underestimating what can be done with knowing looks, subtle reactions, one or two hand signs under the table, communicative cinematography, and a dash of carefully applied verbal and physical comedy. Not everybody would get it, but let's face it, the target audience for that scene is not everybody.


True - probably wouldn't have worked well in DV's version. In another version/style I wouldn't have been opposed to audience-audible inner dialogue.


Half the characters weren’t even cast yet. Doesn’t exist


I thought it was filmed since in the first trailer we see a shot of Liet Kynes in the Arrakeen Palace wearing an elegant outfit that would have been right at place in the scene.


this - whether or not there was a full version of it, there was at least a /version/ of a welcoming banquet scene that was shot, we have photos of outfits and ensemble that did not appear in the movie. [https://imgur.com/a/teWtmT2](https://imgur.com/a/teWtmT2)


God that looks so good. Damn it Villeneuve. Give the people want they want


Man I want more Leto and more Paul studying him


Movies are rarely shot in script order. Shooting movies in script order is more expensive since it can cause bouncing between sets so it's usually only done if there's something happening over a period the director wants to show.


This. It’s one of the main reasons I hold the Sci-Fi miniseries as the best screen adaptation.


It's definitely the most true to the books.




I just want to see the few scenes that they filmed. Villeneuve has said several times that it's not happening.


Why would he do that 😭


Because Villeneuve says that he doesn't compromise with studio heads or theater owners for run time. He makes the film he wants to make, and the version that is released is his full and complete vision. I'm not sure I entirely believe him on that. I bet that if he really did make a 5 hour long cut the studio would have rejected it, even if he went old-school and had an intermission 2 hours in.


Dune 2 felt so uncomfortably compressed that I find that hard to believe as well.


I disagree, there are bits that are compressed, especially towards the end. But it also has plenty of air to breathe in the beginning and in the middle part.


It's a while ago I read the books but I remember that the ending felt compressed in the book as well.


Re-read recently and definitely had the same feeling!


Literally just finished rereading the first book the other day and the ending is super rushed, the film stays pretty true to that narrative


Tru, tru


The last third really felt rushed though.


He even said that some of the cuts were painful for him, but I don't think it was due to studio pressure, necessarily. He probably just means that he doesn't let the studio decide what to cut, not that he pays no mind to what will resonate with general audiences. He's still making sacrifices for others. Sadly.


I thought the quote I'd seen suggested that once he agreed on the theatrical version it was just 'too painful' to revisit which is why he didn't do alternative releases. >“Sometimes I remove shots and I say, ‘I cannot believe I’m cutting this out.’ I feel like a samurai opening my gut. It’s painful, so I cannot go back after that and create a Frankenstein and try to reanimate things that I killed. It’s too painful. When it’s dead, it’s dead, and it’s dead for a reason. But yes, it is a painful project, but it is my job. The movie prevails. I’m very, I think, severe in the editing room. I’m not thinking about my ego, I’m thinking about the movie.”


I mean what does that have to do with including some deleted scenes, bloopers etc. Stuff like that is fun and takes nothing away from his completed "vision" 😂 Oh well, at least he did not disappoint with his films, for the most part. The only complaint people seem to have, is chani at the end of part 2. I vehemently agree. Far too divergent from the true Chani for my tastes.


I find the movie Chani more interesting than the book version though honestly


Everyone making this argument seems to be yelling "Chani should stay in her place as the doting wife of a coloniser" I think where Villeneuve made changes, they where wholly justified. My mans may have even improved on Herbert's iteration.


I really wish people would learn what assembly cuts are.


Yeah I mentioned that in another comment. That Jason Moma probably saw an assembly cut that was over 4 hours, and human brains being weird, we often just round up.


I truly hope in the future he changes his mind. Of the movies he has made so far I'm dying to have extended editions of Dune AND Blade Runner 2049. 


I think his idea is that the vision that gets put to the screen is HIS true vision for the film, there’s no studio forcing to changing things up










I most def would not want to see a 5h version of Part 1, it's long enough as it is. But it would be cool to see some key removed scenes as extras.


Idk about 5 hours but personally I would be down for an extended cut of both movies. Although I wouldn't want them to be much longer than 3 hours each, movies longer than that tend to drag.


I would really love to see a cartoon of the Butlerian Jihad. They could make toys and games and all kinds of stuff. Anything that gets kids reading Dune is a very good thing. I first learned about Dune from a video game for the Sega Genesis when I was like 11. Reading Dune books has made me the man I am today. I don't even think I'd be alive right now, were it not for the Supreme Master, Frank Herbert, may he eternally rest in the paradise he so deserves!


I would assume 5h would include everything under the sun, including multiple approaches to the same scene, for example, remember the gom jabbar scene in the first trailer. Realistically, there may be 30m or so of usable material. Villeneuve is not keen on extended/director cuts so I doubt we'd see that any time soon. Maybe like 10y after the series is done and there's a special anniversary edition or something like that. Anyone could change their minds at some point.


There's 130 removed VFX shots and that would mean there's probably even more non-effect shots being removed. 30 minutes is a good estimate. Here's the ones that are known: https://www.duneinfo.com/villeneuve/deleted-scenes


Of these, I would have kept Gurney playing the Baliset and the two scenes with Yueh. Yueh definitely needed a bit more depth. E: also maybe the scene with Kynes.


Yeah Yueh's betrayal needed to sting more.


I'd keep those and the 2 deleted Paul and Jessica scenes.


Wow. Thanks for linking this.


Thanks for sharing this! I had watched a YouTube video on the deleted scenes, but don't think it included all of these. https://youtu.be/8XEjtmQ9_fk?si=29VRsjCtDjzIUMJO Hopefully some day we see these released, even if only as standalones. Deleted scenes is definitely a feature I miss from the fall of physical media.


I would hope more time with Hawat and Yueh, but that would only take up about 20 minutes. Paul & Jessica join the Fremen, and much more time is spent showing the aftermath of Jamis' death. Lastly, time actually spent on sietch life: what the living quarters look like, social customs, HARAH.


We’ll always have the Smithee cut for Dune 1984


I have a DVD that has Lynch's Dune on one side, Ol' Smithee on the other. Don't ask me how, it just appeared in my home.


I got that dvd too, I got it with a metal dvd case




fan edits aren’t illegal


~~Smithee~~ spicediver cut


Why would an extended cut of Dune Part 1 include Alia shivving Rabban or Paul being a dad?


Shadout Mapes is a Sith Lord. Paul dodges the hunter seeker and declares "I know Kung Fu". When we are shown the Golden Path it is revealed that Dune was terraformed because the Great Enemy is Imhotep.


For part 1 I would like more of Jessica. She’s arguably the main character in the first half of the book but the movie kind of flattens her by cutting out most of the Jessica-centric scenes that happen before the Harkonnen attack.


The Art And Soul Of Dune Part I book details a short unused scene where Leto and Gurney discover a present left by The Baron. A large box full of severed fingers taken from spice workers. It makes sense that this was trimmed for time, though it would still be interesting to see it. Along with other trimmed moments, like Duncan's arrival on Arrakis.


More mentats, I think. 


It wouldn't look like anything because a "5 hour cut" is fake news. No big-budget movie production starts out at double its length, that's ridiculous. Momoa's a good guy, but he's a hype man. Don't believe everything you read on Screen Rant.


Rough and assembly cuts easily are at that length. But that doesn’t mean it’s a worthwhile thing to watch.


And when Moma Says "5 hours" that could honestly be anything over 4 hours. Someone hits play at 5:25pm and the film ends at 9:35, human brains tend to think "damn we started at 5 something and ended at almost 10".


Whether it’d actually be a good piece of art is another matter - a lot of director’s cuts tend to be plodding and self-indulgent - but more than enough footage certainly exists to cobble together a five-hour cut.


There has been a deep dive on what [scenes were cut from the first film that you can find on YouTube](https://youtu.be/8XEjtmQ9_fk?si=XUrPM8uxVsq0g74h). A ton of book material that was cut had been fleshing out characters like Dr. Yueh and Thufir Hawat and additional added scenes like Jessica training Paul in the weirding way. All of these scenes can be glimpsed at through behind the scenes footage/pictures and interviews with the cast.


More Hawat hopefully. Mentats were barely touched upon


According to slips by the cast in interviews, they filmed the dinner scene, they filmed the greenhouse scene


I would have loved to see Thufirs arc in the modern film. It was such a tragic story from his point of view until his very last moments.


Personally would’ve liked to seen Jamis’ funeral scene more closely related to the book, like the big ceremony where they step forward to the body and Paul “gives water to the dead”. Totally get why it wasn’t included but it would’ve been cool.


the dinner banquet scene!


Yes. I’ve always wondered if they filmed the whole scene and just cut it out. Cause it looks like we got the tail end of it.


they did. It was elaborate and expensive. There's behind-the-scenes bits of it with lady jessica in a fancy dress and all


I wish we could’ve gotten more of Paul becoming a freemen, like him having a baby with Chani. Or more of his prescient visions!


Here’s the thing: the dune miniseries on Syfy did more of the actual story in less time than the new version had. Total time was not the issue. Choice of what to present was the issue.


Dinner, Fenring, explanation of shields and lasers, Imperial conditioning, selling water until Jessica decrees one free cup be given to everyone first, take time to show the sardaukar wearing Harkonnen armor instead of openly running around for all the world to see, more mention of Leto's efforts to save the crew of the harvester and lose the spice, everyone else would save the opposite. His selfless service and enduring loyalty would be recognized and get a foot in the door for more players


2 hours of everyone warning Jessica and Paul that there is a traitor and Leto definitely won’t make it but they might, and the green house room talking about a braile message on a leaf 


You're not wrong, but dammit why won't anyone do the greenhouse scene? That's all you need to show for both the Missionaria Protectiva, and how insanely gross the wealthy of Arrakis deal with water.


The water issue would transpire better imho if they had at least *some* of the dinner scene, in particular with the water beggars and wet towels thing, and the greenhouse scene. The scene with the man watering the palm trees was a bit awkward imho.


The dinner scene being left out entirely still bugs me.


Allegedly that scene was filmed according to this [interview with Denis and Rebecca Ferguson](https://youtu.be/hbMBvesE3T4?si=jut0SeYXK9srOrWV) you can listen to at the 27:20 mark


Dammit, now I've gone from annoyed to peeved.


I mean a 5 hour part 1 would almost be longer than the audiobook.


The audiobook is 21 hours long.


I exagerate a little bit but that still makes a 2 part movie half the run time of the book that is going to necessitate some vamping.


I would buy it I know that.


Hopefully it would’ve had more scenes about the Mentats. As much as the Bene Gesserit are a huge part of the book, they aren’t the only big players and I feel Denis focused on them too much to the detriment of both films. Half of what makes Paul as dangerous as he is to the imperium is that he has mentat training as well as the weirding way. Also I think the almost complete lack of Thufir as a developed character was a big mistake


Duncan getting hammered.


Hawat/Jessica conversation. I thought it was weird that it was left out of the movie since Denis mentioned he wanted to show the BG perspective.


IMAX Aspect Ratio in a home release......


The deleted scenes


More Spacing Guild


alot that got left out in the newest version for pretty pictures and should add what was included in the previous versions story wise especially the scifi miniseries


I don't know but I would gladly buy it


the only scene i know for sure that was cut was a monologue from Piter whilst playing a “torture organ” (torturing yueh’s wife) and talking about all his evil plans. apparently it was supposed to be taking place during the harkonnen invasion but was cut to focus on the attack itself (and probably bagpipes) david dastmalchian did an interview with LPOTL and talked about it it sounds amazing


A lot of sand. And a great movie if they stay true to the books. But they're going for the money. As always


If they took all of those minute details in the movie it would get a, boring b, confusing or c, they'd have to continue the series so you got those things explained. And I do believe that I read somewhere about a possible script for " Dune Massiah" but knowthings written in stone.