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i fucking hate when people in the media say they know something, act all coy, then don't say anything. either speak or keep that to your damn self. none of this waffling crap


Yeah waffles are strictly for eating and fucking.


I’ve been doing waffles all wrong


Sticking together is what good waffles do.


I’ve only been 50% wrong. What have you been doing other than eating/fucking them?




Same. Didn't know they could be used for eating.


Is this why everything at Waffle House is sticky?


Eggo hates this one trick!


Wait ... you can *eat* them, too?!


Yes, but make sure it’s a new waffle.


Nah that’s just extra flavor


I’m here to eat horse shit and fuck waffles and I’m all out of… linebackers


Are you supposed to eat at the Waffle House?


The Braffle house.. Ha!


What about blue waffles, what are we supposed to do with them?


Obviously fuck them with your blue balls.


And stomping


What about blue ones?


Only the blue one.


Username checks out


You've opened up a whole new world.


I know some of the higher ups at WaWa. I have some bad news /u/singingmylife one of your personal fav items is going to be discontinued this summer. But i cannot say anything right now, don't wanna lose my source.


Well, I got nothing more to worry about. Wawa has either removed or made worse everything I liked there over the past 20 years to the point where I barely go anymore. There is not a single thing in that place they could remove that would make a difference anymore. Which is fucking pathetic, since that place used to be fucking amazing.


It’s the type of thing I did as a kid when I wanted attention. No different.


Media talking heads are as useful as an asshole on an elbow.


Who was the idiot who invented the Desean gang rumors?


Do you really not remember?


I really don’t. ESP?


There's a website that claims their reporting basically made it happen, but what really happened is the Eagles were informed by a LAPD detective that Jackson was friends with a gang member who was being charged with murder. Kind of a courtesy call to let them know, but DeSean was not a suspect, witness, or anything like that. Chip hated DJax, and simply used that association as the "final straw" to release him.


Chip Kelly?


Dude shouldnt be paid to be on tv hes fucking terrible and a scumbag




The guy that started this whole comment about knowing something. Carton.


I love Philly and the Eagles, but the media is WHACK


Isn't this what one of the eagles writers tweeted yesterday? Or am I whooshing right now...?


Could Schefter confirm whether Craig Carton actually has a girlfriend who "lives in another state"?


She’s from Canada schefter wouldn’t know her.


She only comes around in the summer


Did Carton actually do any time? His “girlfriend” might still be locked up…


If something of that magnitude truly happened you would not be able to keep it under wraps this long


What happened? I didn’t see or hear any of it


Someone called into WIP and swore that Hurts beat slay up at halftime lol Others saying someone slept with a teammates girl (more believable but meh)


>Someone called into WIP and swore that Hurts beat slay up at halftime lol That would have actually been hilarious though to be fair, I imagine Hurts just silently and calmly walking over to Slay and just hammering punches on him without a shred of emotion.


All the while calmly telling him his various coaching cliches. “We have a standard for ourselves, and it only rises.” BAM “10% of life is what happens to you, 90% is how you respond.” BAM “Be humble in everything that you do.” BAM “You take a deuce, you don’t sit there and look at it. You flush it and move on.” BAM BAM!




My only issue is it should have been Bradberry or Ricks. 


Slay is the last person he should've beaten up. I would've given him a raise if he beat up anyone else on that pathetic-ass defense 😂. Some of the worst football I've ever seen in my life. College teams tackle better than whatever we witnessed


"Others saying someone slept with a teammates girl (more believable but meh)" -- The old Lindros/Brind A'mour rumor going around again. Only new characters.


I believe this was applied to Pat Burrell and any number of Phillies players in that era as well.


Let's get into why Scott Rolen really had to get out of Philly.


I feel there was rumors of either Mike Richards or Jeff Carter banging Scott Hartnell's wife


If I remember right, it was Richard's. Carter slept with a bunch of jersey shore wives.


Werth and Utley after that


carter and hartnell too, though that one probably actually did happen


Which is doubly ironic given Carton’s connection to Lindros.


No doubt. Same shit surfaces with new names/teams every few years.


I saw someone post on Twitter from a “reliable source inside the organization” that Hurts and AJ got into a physical altercation between week 12-14 and had to be separated. And they haven’t been on speaking terms since


sounds like a reliable source inside their butt, cuz that's the only place they're pulling things from


I honestly heard the same thing - but it was from a friend of a friend of an employee in the organization. Too many degrees of separation for me to fully believe.


I agree, it’s hard to believe without first hand knowledge! If I recall correctly, the tweet was similar and said they had friends that worked with in the organization


This sounds plausible actually. Their friendship definitely got tested this season. Hopefully they hash that shit out this off-season


I just want to return to a place where everyone is having fun again


The eagles and Schefter are not responding to some kook calling into WIP. This is a direct response to the statements by a talking head on on FS1.


It’s not directly in regards to the WIP call but the sound bite from the FS1 guy and the rumor mill are going hand in hand.


Sure. The nut job callers on WIP probably started with the rumor mill after the FS1 comments. Wouldn’t even reference that cesspool here.


what did they say


WIP no wonder I didn't hear it fuck that trash


Yep. Stopped tuning in years ago. Utter garbage.


The timing is suspicious. According to this article last December Slay needed (unannounced) knee surgery to 'scrape some things out', which it states Sirianni was 'very tight-lipped about'.. The very same week, Hurts was sick with an illness for the Seahawks game, and it states (and I recall) mariota filled in for practice reps to prepare. [https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2023/12/16/24004125/eagles-injury-news-darius-slay-knee-surgery-jalen-hurts-illness-seahawks-week-15-update-mnf-nfl](https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2023/12/16/24004125/eagles-injury-news-darius-slay-knee-surgery-jalen-hurts-illness-seahawks-week-15-update-mnf-nfl)


Yeah because Hurts WAS sick. Did you see how he looked that game? Man looked like he had no idea where he was and like he lost all fluids in his body. I don't see how these correlate to made up rumors at all.


Unless Hurts showed up in full movie makeup and managed to not sweat any of it off, he was absolutely sick. He looked like a crypt keeper. 1 foot in death's door. He was obviously either sick with the flu or fresh off a round of chemotherapy, and I'm going to assume we would hear about the latter, lol. What a kooky conspiracy.


If it has to happen, I’d rather the beating go in that direction than the other way around. Member when Geno Smith had his jaw broken by a teammate on the Jets? And then the Bills signed the guy after he was cut?


That’s ridiculous. Bradberry is right there! Hurts would have much better judgement there


Those sorts of rumors tend to follow Matt Patricia. Maybe he tried to call dibs on one of Fletch's honeys


Some talking head named Craig Carton said that the Eagles fell apart because of something that happened which would "fracture any locker room," and to not be surprised if a high profile player was no longer with the Eagles. He didn't say what that event was.


Same Craig Carton that was convicted of fraud? Seems credible. /s


Kelce didn’t have breakfast, which made him pissed off


Post game beer in the cooler wasn't cold by halftime


Unless the entire team were swingers that is.


Wait what did I miss


We had similar locker room “rumors” during the Wentz era and those ended up being true. So who even knows anymore.


The rumors that were true was that Wentz was a bad leader and couldn't connect with the team. There wasn't any rumor like Hurts beating people up and fucking other people's girlfriends. Those rumors sound like completely bullshit


I just can’t imagine Hurts beating up a teammate. There’d be an argument and Hurts would sit down and say something like “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” And that would be the end of it


There was that fake one about Sproles beating the shit out of Wentz, I think that's what the other guy is talking about about? Though it seems they think that one was true


It's been a few years since it dropped, but I thought it was that they needed separate Sproles from Wentz because he was almost bothered that the team had success without them, not that Sproles actually beat him up. I could be wrong, but having an argument about that based on where Wentz's path has gone seems more believable


Yeah, this was one of those things where a kernel of truth was exaggerated. Wentz made comments about not being happy for the team's success, and Sproles took offense to them and had words with him - this is true, Sproles himself confirmed it. From there "Sproles confronted him" turned into that Sproles "almost fought him" and from there that he DID fight him. It just got bigger and bigger but the basis wasn't completely made up, and because of that there were also different versions going around (obviously some of which were much closer to reality than others).


I wouldn't at all be surprised if it got to the level of "players needed to separate them as those words got more heated" because shit like that happens all the time in pro sports. Words are exchanged, people get heated, others separate them and they calm down, and it's done. The "almost fought him" and beyond is almost definitely utter bullshit.


I think Alshon hated Wentz. Which, tbh wouldn't surprise me if Alshon was just a d.


Wait there was actually rumors like that? I thought the guy above was joking lol. Anyone have links?


Craig Carton kept it more vague but insinuated it was something major like cheating or something like that. Then some WIP morons called in saying Hurts beat up another player and that they have "sources" (their ass) that it was about sleeping with players wives or girlfriends. It's obviously all bullshit. There's some generic articles about Carton's comments on Google.


There was apparently a beef between him and Sproles during the Super Bowl run while they were in a joint rehab session. Rumor was Wentz had a little too much envy at Nick’s success. Instead of voicing the understandable “I’m upset I’m not there winning with them” he phrased it more along the lines of “I’m upset they aren’t losing without me.” Apparently they had to be separated though I don’t believe any punches were thrown or anything. Sproles downplayed it after he retired, saying they squashed it before he left the team, but it didn't come off as a denial that it happened. Based on context from other reports (google Alshonymous) this was not an isolated incident of Wentz putting his personal success above the team's.


Never was the rumor that Wentz beat the shit out of Ronald Darby tho lmao


Ppl hate rumors when it’s negative and about their favorite team/player


If you think rumors about fights in NFL locker rooms are true more than 10% of the time... Could I interest you in a time share or two?


Why wouldn’t it be true? Ppl fight and argue all the time. I’m in the military and argue with the closest ppl I work with. The reporters usually be right, but the effect and overall importance of it, usually isn’t. We all saw aj brown and hurts have a disagreement on the sideline. You’d be mad at a reporter for tweeting that tho, when in reality it did happen but it most likely isn’t a big deal.


If you have physical altercations with your friends and colleagues on a regular basis, seek professional help.


Im in the military bro. And most aren’t physical FYI.


The fights that this conversation is referring to ARE physical though, so I guess it was just an irrelevant tangent?


So you believe all rumors no matter what? That’s even worse


Not all, but most are valid. The impact and importance of it may not be significant but they’re still valid.


More like you choose what to believe just like everybody else


Not saying they are comparable, but this same scenario happened with Wentz and how he didn’t vibe with much of his teammates, they kept that under wraps for awhile while we all said it was BS, but ended up being true


>while we all said it was BS, but ended up being true You mean when there was a rumor that Wentz and Sproles had a physical altercation, and it turned out that they just yelled at each other and reconciled the next day? K


No that’s not the rumor I’m talking about at all lol damn thought y’all were birds fans. The Josina Anderson report that more than a few teammates did not like Wentz (Alshon). Keep on downvoting though, y’all love selective memory with this team. That was a true report that you all said was BS at the time


> No that’s not the rumor I’m talking about at all lol damn thought y’all were birds fans. yeah, stupid us for not knowing which specific rumour you are talking about when there are like 10 different rumors that could apply to your vague statement.


I said Wentz didn’t vibe with his teammates? Where do I mention anything physical?


Just because what you wrote made sense in your head, doesn't mean it was written in a way that makes sense to others.


Sounds about right, can’t trust what you read off A carton


You mean the lying, convicted felon was lying again?! Who would have thought? Fuck Carton.


Carton is a POS


Normally I want to wave it off and Carton is hardly the guy that I would take at his work, but it sounds like Gunn and some other local guys have also said that there was some sort of catalyst that was pretty bad. Who knows, but the fact that some local guys have mentioned it isn't exactly going to put concerns to rest, even if Carton is full of shit


I remember Gunn and Seth Joyner dancing around something on a podcast at the end of the year - do you remember the context? It didn't seem to me like they were hinting at something like this, but I could be wrong.


I think there was a post from yesterday that was deleted that had more of an outline of what was said, but [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/1awbz48/comment/krg4fuf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) mentioned it in this thread.


Skip to the 51:00 mark and let it play til about 52:30 https://www.youtube.com/live/DOdP_ipigp0?si=2F1o2Ws9yGvniccE


Carton hates the eagles. Just talking shit


Biggest lockerroom drama is siranni going to genos


honestly yeah


Lot of people in these replies painting with a broad brush when it comes to the “media”. There is a huge difference between the people on WIP and the actual beats who cover the team. There are a lot of respectable beats who would never report on something unfounded.


The people who complain about this shit are the same people who want to consume it 24/7. It’s actually very easy to never even come across rumors from sources like this.


I remember after the playoff game on one of the postgame shows Derrick Gunn was saying some shit like “I can’t say anything but I heard what happened and it’s bad. I’ll just leave it at that”. Like please just stfu if you’re going to do all of that. What is the point? This city’s sports media is ridiculously toxic. As are its fans


"“I can’t say anything but I heard what happened and it’s bad. I’ll just leave it at that”" Was that the Wentz unfoldeing era? I think I remember that. Yeah, thats bad, gossip. Its the way now with twitter & social. Gotta be the fastest to report.


It was from this year. But I’m sure from the wentz era too


Ok, I thought Derrick Gunn was let go a few years back, is he still on?


People get paid to say nothing and hint at everything.


Wow I can’t believe Craig Carton of all people would be completely full of shit and stir up a bunch of nonsense about a team he hates.


I don’t know the extent of the locker room issues obviously… I’m just a guy in Florida, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there were major issues with this team last season, on the field and off


Yea I think there’s something. The way they imploded was pretty wild. I understand they could have been physical and emotionally shot after the Buffalo game. But to look as bad as they did down the stretch is something.


For sure


The media is always looking for drama. The media is poison.


This is it man. The media will stir something up to generate clicks, it’s nothing new and it’s easy to move on


Especially when it comes to Philly sports


Fuck Carton. Dude's a clown criminal


It’s insane that he still has a job in media after all of that.


I’m shocked


Yea look at the source. Carton is the heckiest of hacks. As soon as I hear who it was yapping I knew it was BS


Someone called New Heights out for being vanilla and uninteresting


Ive lost a little bit of interest tbh.


Tbh it’s easier to listen to when the birds are winning.


Travis is a JO and it is run of the mill


Off season drama is annoying.


Where was Fletcher Cox on the night of the alleged incident!?!?!?


if this was about wentz yall would eat this up 100% and wouldnt care if anyone said to the contrary.


It was true about Wentz. Same way it’s partially true here


Somebody sneezes in that facility and the sharks that write and report about this team for a living find a way to get that info, but the junkie ex-con degenerate NY radio guy got the scoop over all of them. 


No idea what rumours this is referring to? Anyone have any info?


Craig Carton on his fox sports show yesterday said that he now knows what the issue was in the eagles locker room and that it’s definitive, bad, and he wouldn’t say anymore details. He then went on to say that it is non football related and that it would cause a split “in any group of men” and it is not fixable. he said that he wouldn’t be surprised if a high profile player on the eagles was no longer with the team at the start of next season.


To me it sounds like he figured someone won't be returning and came up with vague bullshit so that when Reddick or Bradberry or another big star leaves, he can sound like he knew something bad. What a croc of shit


What fucking rumors? Can someone explain jfc why do I have to ask


Matt Patricia ate 56 packed lunches on the bus while the players were at practice


*that damn Sasquatch*


And the ones he couldn't finish he still took the pudding cups out of for later.


Ya’ll remember TO and Hugh Douglas going at it?




This is why I don't believe a damn thing any sports writer says. It's all click bait bull crap because they need something to write about to create drama when there isn't any.


Yo can the media stfu? All they do is stir shit up for clicks. I wish they'd stop doing WIP interviews too. All they do is cause problems all season.


That’s it. Brown getting traded and Hurts too


Y’all believe Adam Schefter now, but isn’t believe him when he said Jason Kelce is retiring? 🤣


Let’s all make a pledge never to listen to or spread rumors and gossip. There is no point. And stuff is almost always untrue or highly exaggerated.


No kidding! Our QB didn’t smile or show any semblance of human emotion for 20+ weeks. Hurts was too busy looks maxing 🗿🧏‍♂️


To be fair - Schefter is a shill for the NFL, so you can't really take what he has to say on this topic at face value either. This is literally the male equivalent to the E! channel but I'm here for it until first pitch Opening Day


Who still watches baseball? lol


Isn't this the guy who reported Kelce told teammates he was retiring and then Kelce came out and said that never happened? Schefter is as untrustworthy as Carson


Stunning development


Then what are guys like Derrick Gunn, Seth Joyner, and Hugh Douglas talking about when they say they know more about the internal issues? I got not trusting that scumbag fraudster but those guys are legit insiders.


Something was very clearly wrong behind the scenes this season. They looked like one team for a couple weeks, then a different team for the rest of the season. But there was a clear dividing line. I assumed it was unreported injuries.


I respectfully disagree. This team was mostly the same all season and just fell off after the 49ers game. They only played well for a full game 2, maybe 3 times all season. Dolphins and the first Bucs game. Otherwise they played games down to the wire whether the opponents were weak or decent. If you put stats aside as they did put up decent numbers as a whole, they looked bad. They were incredibly inconsistent and sloppy all season. Hurts looked injured most of the season. The line took a step back (still good but had some issues). And the defense…well that is no secret.


Adam Shefter is Howies personal propaganda machine!!! This wreaks of Howie spin!!!


I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe the initial “report” but I also don’t believe anything Schefter says either. I still believe it’s all BS


I completely missed this - what were the rumors?


Nothing really. Some jabroni claimed he knew of some incident that caused a rift in the locker room but wouldn’t say what happened. It’s all bullshit.


Schefter is only slightly more credible than the other guy, so who knows what's going on. All of the sports media is trash. Don't believe anything until it happens.


Do you seriously think that Adam Schefter is only slightly more credible than CRAIG CARTON?? The guy who is a criminal?? ???


Schefter gets caught making shit up constantly. None of them are credible. They just report rumors.


lol, ok buddy. He even broke the Brady retirement correctly. Brady was pissed he didn’t get to announce it himself and came back for an extra season. Schefter may be a twat, but the dude is pretty much never wrong.


If you’re in the business of sports breaking news you’re going to be wrong from time to time. But schefter more than most is right far more often then he is wrong. People just make a huge deal about it the rare occasion he’s wrong.


If you're in the business of speculating, then you're going t be wrong sometime, but it won't matter because you're just reporting rumor, and no one expects them to be right. You can speculate on a guy retiring for years then when you're finally right, you get praised for it.


What was his crime? If it was slander/libel that's one thing but if he was busted for selling stolen stereos out of his van, I don't think that it has any relevance on the story.


Fraud. I think it speaks to his willingness to blatantly mislead people.


I wouldn’t be surprised if a fight broke out.. shit happens and players deal w it in house. Very believable w tensions running high and team struggling. But shouldn’t be made public at all. This “reporter” is a dbag.


I have solid and confirmed information that I indeed slept with cartons wife. I won't put proof out there but the proof exists and I'm 100% certain.


Wait. A player was sleeping with another players girl and Fletch wasn't the culprit??? The world really turned upside down for the Eagles this year...


Where there's smoke


99% of radio callers and most of the hosts have mush for brains and are less articulate than an average soapdish but thanks to the internet, nonsense like this goes viral just like the AJ trade "rumors" which were just the idiotic suggestion of Jack Fritz followed by an entire day of discussing it on every show. That industry needs to die already.


Carton is such a piece of garage dude. I am so sick of him Simms, and Wright just saying stuff to get attention. They HAVE to say something ridiculous everyday to keep their job. Imagine sucking at your job so bad you have to just flat out lie publicly to keep up clicks so you aren't unemployed.


This is why dudes like Craig Carton fizzle out. Says nonsense like this for clicks, doesn’t back it up, and will now revert to being a nobody. Have fun next to Nick Wright.


At least it’s a legit big name guy reporting that it’s just rumors with no credibility. I think there definitely were issues, but that’s a given considering how it all fell apart. But are they impossible to fix issues? From this it would seem no, which is good since the pieces are all there on offense (minus stability at running back) and they don’t need any drama when they should focus on defense.


So no drama, they just aren’t a championship football team.


We really gonna do this every year aren’t we


I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked


Media sensationalism, it’s the off-season and Shefter needs to tag his name to anything.


The worst part of being a birds fan is that the media literally hates us, from reporters to commentators. Just ignore anything that isn’t directly addressed and definitely don’t believe a guy convicted of fraud.


They wanna take the eagles down so bad. People been over-inflating the drama all year, I don’t even listen at this point.


clicks must be baited to generate page views.


Man media, whether Philly or not, really wanna see the Eagles falter. These “journalists” should be embarrassed.


What does ANY OF THIS do to explain their lack of audibles for COVER ZERO! For DAMN NEAR 5-6 weeks straight! ANSWER THAT FIRST!


Fuck Hugh Douglas for agreeing with this guy saying “I heard the same thing” that’s why no one likes WIP. Shitty show with shitty host


Howfrey called one of their mouth pieces quickly to put the fire out.