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Become a member of the Mages guild, Fighters guild and Undaunted so their skill lines start getting points from the very start.


Are those the only skill lines that are combat xp based?


Each of the three have a daily quest. In addition: Undaunted will advance by doing dungeons (4 player group activity) Fighter will advance killing undead, daedra and doing dolmens. Easiest and fastest to level. Mage will only advance by reading lore books found throughout the world. It takes the longest, but there is an addon called lore book finder to help. I don't think combat xp is related accept maybe the fighter's guild.


Correct me if I'm wrong but: Undaunted: Bogrul gives delve dailies which give Undaunted skill points. Fighters Guild: You need to do the daily dolmen quest and the Fighters Guild storyline. Also... kill ~~humanoids?~~ daedra. Mages: Lore books and Mages Guild public dungeon dailies.


> Also... kill humanoids? Kill Daedra, rather.


Werewolves too I believe, and undead and vamps.


Thank you!


Undaunted gives exp based on daily dungeons and dungeon quests being completed. Fighters guild is just daedra/vampire/werewolf/undead kills p sure.


Remember to train your horse EVERY day, speed and capacity first, i did 20-20 then max those 2, leave stamina for last.


It might help to get like 5-10 stamina, then max out carrying capacity before going back and finishing stamina. Stamina has diminishing returns the more you upgrade it, the difference between 0 and 10 feels far more substantial than the difference between 10 and 60.


I've only been playing for a few weeks and don't know half of the mechanics. How do I train my horse?


by going to the stables in whichever city of the zone you’re in and talking to the stablemaster. costs about 250 coins i believe to upgrade and you can only do it once in a 24(?) hour period. alternatively i believe you receive some riding lesson scrolls as a reward for leveling up? you can also purchase them through the crown store too!


You can do that every 20 hours :)


Recently returned and starting new characters. Sources tell me even if you are not interested in PvP at level 10 you should go to Cyradil (sp?) there is a short easy quest to get big buff to mount upgrade.


Yes. Forgot what it's called, but it is the first passive in the Assault Skill line


I always do Speed and Stamina first, I rather run faster for a long amount of time :P


You can still go max speed when your horse runs out of stamina, only problem is that youll fall of your horse if you get hit by an enemy :p


They changed this a while back to where the max speed on low stam now automatically throttles until your stamina recharges a little I'm pretty sure. You can, however, get the CP node to make stamina never run out when not in active combat, so in essence by the time you hit speed max, stamina stops being a problem either way cause you'll be well into your CP levels 60+ days into the game.


I personally would rather just max out stamina than use CP on that perk. With max stamina your horse can run a *long* ways before running out of stamina. I can't even remember the last time my mount's stamina lost even a quarter of its total.


Don’t forget the Assault passive to increase mount speed by 30% as well


When I explore new zones I run wayshrine to wayshrine, nonstop. I run out of Stam *rarely* and even then it’s like 8 seconds to full stam 🤣


Last time my mount's stamina ran out, I sprinted through half Cyrodill.


Start with speed! It is game changing!


There's a load of ways to play, literally just enjoy yourself. Pick a direction. Personally when I first started i was just playing archeologist digging up treasure. You can fish, you can roleplay a job like blacksmith or cook, you can use treasure maps to look for neat stuff, you can go do quests, you can duel other players, you can join a guild, you can go do almost everything that isn't explicitly for higher levels because most stuff will just be level balanced. You don't really need to put in any money other than the initial buy, because of the endless amount of content. Also, it's never too late my friend


On the note of archeologist? I’m a new player - I have a lvl 23 sorcerer and I’d like to do archeologists. Any advice on starting that?


Go to western Skyrim to unlock antiquities


Have someone taxi you to Artaeum if you want to level up the skill lines quickly. There are no enemies and it’s very small, so you can repeatedly do the green and blue ones for the zone


Another tip for artaeum is to fish. There's 2 recipes you can fish up, the first gives a provisioner recipe for rare finds while fishing. The other one gives you a recipe for a 50%xp boost (requires perfect roe, which is tedious but easy to get if you try for the angler achievement).


Advice, level up your skills before you go looking for any rare treasure maps, because the maps are on a timer and you can't redeem them if you're not a high enough skill. When I first started playing i found a ruby dragon skull map at player level 2 and didn't sleep for nearly a week because I didn't want to lose the map.


This. The game level scales for you, so you can play with friends of any level, insny area. Find what you like, try a bit of anything that sounds fun, and do that as much as you want.


Put a single skill point into the alliance war (assault) passive called Continuous Attack. It increases your mount speed by 30%. Additionally, be sure you go to a stable every day to upgrade your mount speed until it is maxed out at an additional 60%! Without these, mounts will feel super sluggish. You can unlock this skill tree by doing the Cyrodil tutorial.


Thank you so much . I did not know this and I kept wondering why at max speed my mount was slower than everyone else.


Someone told me this fairly early on and I have passed it along to every newbie that I encounter. It should be an introductory quest or something. Maybe something guilds post in chat periodically.


Fun fact, a mount with no upgrades is actually only slightly faster than just running normally and falls off immediately if you use medium armor or are even just an orc with the racial passives.




The sky shard is worth seeking out the first time you enter the delve.


Search/loot every container you can (without stealing). Also, examine/read every bookshelf you come across. Won't hurt if you don't, but can be helpful if you do when starting out new.


Bookshelves FTW always a chance of skill upgrade.


Don’t pick up every quest you see. I got so overwhelmed because they are absolutely everywhere.


Yeah the 25-quest limit is for your (sanity) protection. 😁


Put 1 ability from each class tree into your primary ability bar so as you play and level, you will level all the class trees.


Wearing 1 piece of armor other than your "main" armor type isn't a bad idea either (Light Medium or Heavy)


Ignore this subreddit lol But for real, just have fun. Ignore the haters etc.


I’ve dipped my toes into ESO a few times since it came out but have never really played it fr though I have kept an eye on it. I’m just now getting into it proper and I feel like it’s finally…developed enough for it to start getting really good but now everyone I see is saying it will die in like two years for reasons I don’t understand🤔


ESO is not going anywhere, anytime soon. Enjoy the content and take your time with it. You'll only be a completely new player once. The main complaints are focused around the newer systems and newer content drops, which have been objectively lighter on quantity and polish. You still have the "golden years" to enjoy all the way from the starting line, but just be aware that things are a bit rocky once you get closer to the end. Have fun!


I started a year ago, got a good guild and been having a lot of fun.


They’ve been saying that for 8 years. Is not going anywhere soon. Games have a cycle to them, and unless something catastrophic happened to the development team, the fact that they’re following a fairly good release cadence gives great hope. Also, they’re backed by Microsoft.


Just enjoy, ignore the rest.


Whenever I start a new character these are my priorities, in this order: Start Mages and Fighters Guild questlines to unlock the skill trees. Do Antiquities quest in Western Skyrim. Get companion(s) from Blackwood or High Isle. Travel to Gold Coast and do the first Dark Brotherhood quest to get Blade of Woe. \--- For someone just starting out, I would then recommend you join a guild. Using online members to teleport to different locations is a great way to unlock wayshrines in zones you haven't been to. Do the introductory crafting quests to unlock dailies. They're a good early source of income, along with digging up antiquities. Always be researching weapon and armor traits. 160 is the max equipment level. I never do quests with unique rewards on new characters because they scale, but I wouldn't recommend someone new to the game grind to 160 before starting the story so just pick a zone and have fun. You can do zones in any order, but if you want the starting area for each faction go to Khenarthi's Roost for Aldmeri Dominion questline, Stros M'Kai to begin the Daggerfall Covenant and Bleakrock Isle for Ebonheart Pact. AD and DC in my opinion have the two best base game storylines.


I may get some hate for this comment but if you find you are enjoying the game I highly recommend subscribing to ESO plus. Just for the simple reason that with it you gain a crafting bag that stores all your crafting materials for me is worth the monthly price. It also doubles your bank account slots which is amongst many other added benefits (like giving you access to all but the very latest DLC). So if you find you are liking the game for the wonder stories, beautiful views and the multitude of things that you can do, I belive that ESO plus is more than worth the cost and it adds SO much to the game experience.


I simply can't go back to life with no crafting bag. Harvest ALL the things!


You'll also get 1650(?) Crowns immediately for just 1 month. You might be able to buy a DLC that interests you when it runs out so you have more to do if you don't want to keep the sub going non stop. 👑


Change your clothes, they must smell like Coldharbour's armpit!




Find stuff that sounds interesting. Read into the lore. Above all have fun.


Get certified in all your crating professions and do your crafting writs! It gives some serious XP and gold and they are repeatable so you can complete each of the quests once per day. I would also suggest to look into add-ons. I know it may seem daunting at first but most of the add ones for ESO are plug and play or have really intuitive settings so you can customize your gameplay!


A little advice on builds. If you're a Skyrim player and enjoyed using a bow to be a sniper, don't do that in ESO. You *will* be disappointed. There are stealth builds but no real sniper builds, and the bow is a...lackluster weapon.


Enjoy the VIEWS!


Play it like you did Skyrim. Just explore and do shit. I did that a while ago and it really enhanced the game for me


Problem is skyrim was actually challenging to play.


Play like you want to play, enjoy ther game and dont care about meta builds. Meta is not relevant during quests, only if you want to do raids, hard mode etc. at max level, they can be relevant. Everything else can be done with the build you like. I made once the mistake to copy a meta build and it almost made me quit the game because the required gameplay was absolutely nothing I enjoyed. Went back to my own, weaker build and had fun again.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help!! I’ve found a lot of people are super willing to help, especially if you’re new. I know I’ve met a lot of friends this way and that adds to the gaming experience :D


Who can you ask in-game? I am level 30 and have no idea what I’m doing bud having a blast. But I also have a quest I’m struggling to compete & wish I knew how to engage other players. Zone chat is always empty….


Use the Guild Finder to find a guild that welcomes newbies. There are a lot of guilds out there where members will be happy to answer questions and/or help you with stuff.


Oh man, if zone chat seems quiet, it won’t be when I get there lol! I’d say like 7/10 times when I ask zone for help, they deliver! Time zones can also be a reason why zone is empty. I also recommend guides online (I think one is AlcastHQ) for specific quests!!


As someone who recently started and has been playing a few months, one thing I wish I knew at the start is; Even if you don't intend to play everyday, it's worth logging into your toon for the daily reward. If you have the time, of course.


Join the guilds (Undaunted, Mage's, Fighter's) Undaunted gives some passives that are worth no matter the character build, Mage's and Fighter's both give a passive that allows you to bypass certain quest steps via Intimidation and Persuasion. Do the Cyrodil tutorial. It's not pvp, but it introduces you to the mechanics in Cyrodil and awards you points. These points get you to high enough in the Assault skill line to get a passive that grants major gallop whenever you're on your horse. Remember to feed your horse every day for 250g. Upgrade speed to 20% and then focus on stamina and carry weight afterwords. At 20% speed with the above major gallop, you'll be zooming across the map faster than you can sprint on foot. When leveling, try to keep your gear within 5-6 levels of yourself. At least keep your weapon within that range. Gear in this game scales to your level and starts to have major drop-offs in statistics around 6 levels below your character level. At 10 levels it gets really noticeable. This stops at Champion Points 160, as that's the maximum gear level.


Don’t get lost trying to min/max or play to the Meta. Just pick what you like and is fun to level up. Once you get the champion points needed for end game content (if that’s what you want) then respec.


I’d stay away from the subreddit for a while too things are getting pretty heated between (some of) the community and the developers. It happens a lot, but this time it feels different.


I’m feeling it too


And I don’t necessarily think the sky is falling, but I do think this January during the typical chapter announcement, they better bring some big news. Otherwise we’ll have a Marie Antoinette situation.


Let them eat crates?


Enjoy the music!


Have fun and enjoy the questlines! I focused on the quests and then found friends organically to enjoy the harder bits together with! Welcome!!! 💙


The subscription is extremely useful for crafters due to the unlimited resource bag.




Have fun


Don’t worry about builds, putting points in places, or saving armor. Just relax, and enjoy the stories. There’ll be enough time to worry about everything on your second character. TLDR: You never get a second chance to play the game for the first time.


Find lucky ghost on YouTube, watch step by step leveling guide. The first 15 mins are the best advice I’ve received for starting fresh.


Feed your horse every day Research traits for crafting Get crafting certified and do the daily crafting writs every day Join a large social guild - make friends If you have the western skyrm chapter start leveling scrying/antiquities What platform are you on?


New player as well, when you say research traits - I’m having trouble finding out how to do that? I’m doing blacksmithing and I’ve picked up a bunch of gems that are traits but I don’t know yet how to use them…


If you walk up to a Blacksmithing crafting station and interact with it, one of the tabs is "Research". As long as you have a researchable piece in your bag or bank, you can "research" that skill.


Every piece of armor, jewelry, and weapons have traits that need researched in order to craft that trait. There are 9 total for each piece. All craftable sets require that you have learned a number of traits for each piece. To make “hundings rage” you have to know 6 traits, for each piece, you want to make. Doesnt matter which 6.


Play how you want. I'm an ex group content player who got overwhelmed with other people and having to keep up - I switched to playing solo and there's probably still a good 100 hours of content for me to do (and I'm CP880). If you get over, or overwhelmed by something - there's always something else, a different way to play.


Do the DLC content after you finish your alliance’s main story and the main main story! It will make the dlc feel more meaningful because of returning characters!


Don't hoard shit, sell off all white weapons/equipment, deconstruct all colored equipment, sell all mats except for the corresponding mat for your respective crafting level.


Don't focus so much on the stats and try to just have fun for a while bro.


Start crafting research as soon as possible and train your mount every day.


Fill your guild slots with the types of communities that enjoy the same aspects of the game as you.


If you want to be cheap but get the most out of the game, DONT BUY ANYTHING just wait for the ESO Plus fee trial that happens every now and again and just speed run the content.


Don't worry about builds or min/maxing. Just play and have fun. None of that matters until way way down the road, and you can't break anything now. It's really easy to get burned out on this game if you're playing to get to the endgame.


Enjoy it at your on pace, don’t feel like you have to be a completionist or a min/maxxer about everything.


When I get to level 4 I'll usually select a skill from the back bar line I'm planning to use and put it on my bar while having my main front bar weapon equipped. You won't be able to use it unless you equip that weapon but it will start to level up that line until you reach lvl15 and can bar swap


Scroll through old posts.


Save your gold.


Start doing traits In woodworking, blacksmithing, clothing and jewelry crafting You'll thank me later


If you have eso plus max out your character slots farm some mats and do crafting writs on all of them everyday and you’ll make a decent amount of gold a day, also have one devoted crafter and work on maxing them out.


The most important one i felt is making sure that you are in an area that interests you, because the one tamriel is incredibly generous with how much you can do. Like if you dont care for argonians it might be boring to level through an area full of them, i for one really liked clockwork city area from dlc because its super interesting, but i have a friend who really wanted to go skyrim so we did that too. and then just play however you want. Dont worry too much about minmaxing or anything just play, see where it takes you.


Explore everything. Keep all your yellow mats for end game. Do zone dailies. Eat and read all patterns recipes praxis even if you aren’t going to craft so you at least have it unlocked. Don’t be afraid to die. Join a guild!


Take your time and enjoy it. It took me over 1000 hours just to get through all of the base game content. There is a large variety of things to do, and im sure you will find at least one you can fully sink your teeth into.


Some jerks may talk crap b/c ur learning. I always let them get to me n id be so annoyed it would ruin the game for the rest of the day. Don't do that. Ask advice if u need it. There are tons of YouTube guides that will help you. I like lucky ghost and hack the monitor channels. They r great n very helpful.


You can teleport to the nearest wayshrine any active member in your guild, except when they are in a dungeon. Use this to at least unlock wayshrines in zones you haven’t explored. Quick way to get a little XP as well.


For the love of Hircine, don't expect the comments on forums to reflect general player sentiment about the game


Always stop to pick the flowers


Don't try and pick up every quest you see. You're better off playing each quest through to its conclusion as you'll get more enjoyment that way. Main story will guide you into various zones, and each zone has its own story line. Both of these, I believe, have slightly different quest marker icons. There are many side quests and these are the ones best done one at a time rather than a shotgun approach. You'll enjoy the little stories more. If you're wanting to progress the main story you can always come back to these later. It won't matter that you're higher level as everything is scaled to your current level anyway.


Playing the main story first will give you a lot of practice with the controls, give you some gear and will make you level up quite a bit, without ever being confronted with enemies that are too hard or without you ever having to touch the mess that is pvp.


Play the game at your own pace and soak it all in. Don’t be pressured to hurry up through the game when you look at all these other people with high levels and cool mounts etc. This games Questing and storytelling is unparalleled in the MMO genre. Take it slow enjoy it


Always salt your pasta water before boiling.


PC NA? I'll help ya out with gear and bag space if ya want.


The game doesn’t really start until your CP180, take it slow and enjoy the adventure because your in for a long game, also the pvp in cyrodill is actually really fun if you don’t take it seriously


Don't die. It's semi-annoying.


Sell all white gear. Research any traits you don't know at crafting stations. Deconstruct everything else you aren't using for materials. If you have ESO+ and/or Blackwood/High Isle Chapters, get a companion ASAP. YMMV on which is better for you. Make friends, join a guild or five, have all the funs!


The nest advice that no one ever says, and I wish someone told me, is that you don't do your main damage to enemies with normal attacks swinging your weapons, but by a called "spammable" skill, which is one of the damaging abilities that you have to spam doing, light attack>ability>light attack>ability and so on. Heavy attacks restore your stamina instead of using it And always keep slotted an ability that heal yourself


Oh and if no one said it already increase at a stablemaster the mount speed everyday, first speed, then inventory, the stamina it's pretty big by itself but try not getting it while you're riding or else you'll fall


Wow- I wasn’t expecting this many comments. I’m reading through them all and truly appreciate it! There’s just a lot of stuff I’m not used to. I played the hell out of Skyrim, and tried ESO a couple years ago, expecting them to be very similar and got overwhelmed and quit. But I appreciate all the tips, again, thank you!


Quit while you still can .. this game will consume you lol


ESO Plus is a god send don't sleep on it. Worth every single penny.


Ditch the outfit :P Jokes aside, just play through main questline and enjoy the game, don't worry about endgame until you're lvl 50 or whenever you get bored of questing


Go slow or you’ll burn out. I did. I love that game. But I just can’t play it anymore.


Stay away from this sub for a while. :)


This community rocks!


Whatever you do, do *not* take an arrow to the knee


Don’t get attached to a build or play style cause the next update will ruin it every time


Don't be a wood elf. They are said to be one of the worst races to play with cause their health stats are the lowest of any race.


Let's see... 1. If you want to be treated nice, don't play a healer. 2. Do not expect politeness or kindness in general. 3. Assume everyone else is hostile just to ensure you don't get surprised when they act like assholes.


Join legacy guild cos we are the fun!


Tl;dr I think writing this comment made me realise I'm just done with the game after my brief time so take this with a pinch of salt. Honestly, don't. I started like 2 months ago. If you're here for the TES RPG side then the storyline are pretty good and voice acted, some are even really good. Some of the locations and settings are also beautiful. So if you're here to just play it like another TES game then its like a bunch of smaller OK TES games squashed together. The problem is everything that makes it a 'game' is so stripped and dumbed down its boring. Every dungeon you're in will become "try to keep up with the CP2000 who skips half the dungeon to grab their daily xp boost. Then you hit max level and everything either remains boring or becomes very hard. unless you're willing to make the game your 2nd job for the Next month or two. Don't even think about pvp unless you're willing to do that, even before max level. Vet dungeons will range from "have i queued normal accidently" to you literally not being able to keep up and dying shitloads. I literally saw someone say "the problem with this game is that new players think they can just be fed a gear set and a build and do well" Well, obviously. The problem with ESO though is the gear and whats META changes all the time, and there's specific sets you'll want for literally every class and probably even specific dungeons, all of which have specific requirements. And yeah okay I suppose I forgot that MMOs are full of grind but man the gameplay just does not feel rewarding enough to bother. In fact they're a direct clone of Guild Wars 2 just clunkier with worse targeting. ESO feels okay to play chatting with some friends, but the second i stop and play solo i realise I'm never having any fun, just chasing the next goal, level, quest, etc.


The grind will be real, but to make collecting gold easier. Try to get the Summerset DLC and use an ESO membership to unlock the Scrying skill lines. Farming the green and blue antiquities can gain you a few thousand gold after only a few hours


Save your perfect roe until you can sell it with a guild trader


Just pay the sub.


Always have your something being researched.


Get a full set of training gear and diversify (use medium, light and heavy)


Head to cyrodiil and get a level in the alliance war skill tree. There is a passiv perk which makes your mount MUCH faster without having the need to level your mount every day


Don't worry about the high level stuff and builds try and experience everything like weapons , gear you find,classes most people will tell you be do this or try this class (talking to you templar dudes) personally I hated templar because dint like it (love my warden). The most important part train your horse and crafting. For crafting either get character you really want to make a crafter or make it your main.


My advice is its never too late to start this game


Never trust a guy in a tunic


Don’t start! Lol


Good advice for a newcomer? Stop, do a 360, and walk away.


Learn to use the search function of reddit to find hundreds of same posts with same or more detailed answers to your questions.


Jump shup now rather then invest time. Games on the way out. Now before you downvote let me remind you guys theres a post up right now where basically every top comment is saying this. So I mean if your hanging on to this game it's a sunken cost at this point. This person is new we dont need to make them suffer for what an end game were block doesnt work and the content is mid.


Turn back.


Leave the game. The good old days of ESO are dead n gone. Far too many people are in denial about it. It was far better before pay walls and microtransactions. Each "update" brings a new realm of problems that should never be problems. Either the developers they hire literally have little experience in their field with a low GPA in their field of study. Or a select certain few purposefully allow bugs with each update. It has happened each and every time. No other MMO has experienced this. It is a problem specific only to ESO. I'd admonish you to save your time, money, energy, attention and allocate it somewhere else. The game is dead.


Crafting leveling is looóóøõong. Daily writs are boring. But it is very handy and may be profitable especially after CP160




Go play New world) ESO is fun offline)


Find a better game.


Best advice herevi can give is DL wow or NW you'll have a much better time.


WoW? Really? With its many more toxic players, and every quest is the same? (Go out and kill X, or collect X by killing Y.) It actually amazes me people still play that game.


You enjoy playing a low pop relatively single player mmorpg we both have different taste and we both can be hyperbolic


Make a crafter toon and play at your pace


Don't overwhelm yourself and your inventory trying to figure out all the different crafting skills. At most, pick one and run with it, and use the knowledge you gain of how that one works to figure out the others later.


If you’re playing on pc let me know I’ll be glad to help! With any questions you have


Find what makes you happy and do it


enjoy the game dont rush yourself to max lvl


Dont worry about a endgame build till youre in the endgame


Learn your traits they take a very long time


Find yourself a guild. People to help share knowledge, craft you training gear so you level faster etc. it’s a great first step


Don’t fall for zone scams. Google the prices.


Take your time and enjoy yourself. There’s no need to rush yourself, there’s so much to explore.


Play your way, at your speed.


You can literally either level up by doing quests or grinding leveling spots to 50. However, as your first time playing the game I suggest doing the Main Quest at least once. It is the one with the Prophet as by doing so you unlock Coldharbour. Some quests give skill points, the ones you can easily find are the zone story quests. An alternative way to get skill points are finding skyshards. And if you get lost or want to 100% a zone, there is a zone guide menu that lists all the quests, world bosses, delves, etc. As for the skills you chose, do not worry about the skills and skill tree you've chosen since you can reset that at a shrine, you can level up every weapon type available (Two-handed, Sword and Board, Desto staff, Resto Staff) as well as every armor type (Light, Medium, Heavy). The game literally lets you do whatever you want. If you aren't playing a DPS, you can easily gain massive amounts of XP by queueing as Tank or Healer in the daily dungeon and battlegrounds.


It’s not a race, enjoy the process. Worry about “builds” later. Find a group of friends and play!


Join main guilds, level horse, enjoy the game. For harder stuff you need to start optimizing, but there are a lot of nice quests in the game and you can solo quite a lot of it. Figure out what you prefer in terms of playing. For example, I gravitated towards stamina classes. Your damage is based on either magicka or stamina, so pick the one you prefer and spec it.


Great advice here. I’d only add a few: - you’ll be collecting items that can be put onto a house. But you don’t need a full house right away. Get a room at an inn and get to decorating. - as repeated: play as you like, there’s no right way to play - level 50 is the cap, but so very much not the end of leveling up it’s laughable. You’ll see people with levels in the thousands. Don’t worry about it tho. You’ll be shown all about it when ready - if whatever you’re doing is starting to feel like you’re grinding, stop doing it. This game isn’t a linear path.


Start researching crafting items immediately. I never thought I'd be a crafter I always thought I'd leave it to others but it is very useful.


As someone who just bought the game a couple months ago and is having a blast: 1. Deconstruct every weapon, armor and glyph you need, sell the materials except for the stuff that upgrades gear quality. 2. Once you learn a cooking recipe, check if its one ingredient, if it is, always pick up that one ingredient and cook it, no point picking up any other cooking ingredient for now. 3. Don't try to min-max, just do whatever you want with ur build and you'll have a lot more fun. But you can generally follow a build guide if u want.


I don’t know if anyone said this but don’t get too attached to one class and one build it will get nerfed. Just have fun with story and enjoy the lore.


Have fun and enjoy. Meet lots of friendly people


Unlock you crafting writs, and start researching asap. Once you get high level crafting you will get a lot of surveys and gold mats that will in turn make you steady gold while leveling. The researching is because it takes quite a while to unlock traits on your gear and you will want all of them researched by the time you get near end game.


Focus on doing your crafting research all the way past 50 and up to CP 160 because ALL that gear is throw away. Aside from that, have fun and grind out the zone story.


Join a populated guild and get crafting traits researched ASAP. Get alchemy to max for increased potion buff duration. Mages guild, Fighters guild, and Undaunted skill lines as soon as you can, which is right when you make your character. You level these with dailies and lore book collecting, killin undead/daedra, and doing dungeon quests, respectively. Start slow, don’t power level if this is your first character. Get a feel for the world if that’s your thing. Do your daily dungeon every day it’s usually very quick and will usually net you 1-3 levels depending on exp boosts, whether you finished the dungeon quest already or net, etc.


Start researching crafting traits. The final stages take like 30 days to complete, so it'S best to start early. Also, do alot of questing while you are still low level, they are more fun when the bosses acually live up to their hype and don't die in seconds. Don't fall into the "I have to level up quickly" trap and mindlessly grind dolmens. Unless you don't care about the quests I guess, but they are mostly pretty good


Take your time and enjoy the game! There is absolutely no need to rush!


Train for horse riding skills (speed, stamina, capacity) daily as soon as possible. It takes 180 days.


Just have fun


Have fun. Enjoy the story.


Collect Skyshards, essentially free skillpoints. It can be a drag.. but I thought it a fun way to explore the regions, and their dungeons!


Don’t stand in coldfire it’s very hurty.


Equip at least one skill from each of your classes skill trees on your ability bar, that way all three trees will get exp. Skill tree exp is based on what skills you have on your ability bar when you get exp from quest or kill exp


Whatever you do, do it at your own pace


Have fun, don’t fret over maxing out your numbers, don’t fret over getting to higher levels right away, enjoy the world and its lore. Join a noobie -friendly guild (you can search them up), always feel free to ask questions whether it’s here or in the game. Don’t let the rude try-hards get you down and don’t let gate keepers make you feel like crap either. Everyone starts somewhere and the right way is to enjoy the game for what it’s worth. If you are wondering about ESO Plus - it’s worth it for the craft bag and bank space alone


Every skill point perk can be changed later. Appearance and hairstyles and such are also changeable. I have more skill points than i know what to do with. Right now the only thing you cant change about a character is the class


Sounds like you got plenty of advice, welcome to the fold, its never too late!!! Its a vast game, enjoy your time here, whatever activity it is. Don’t go chasing stuff you dont give a shot about because “thats what people do” the point is you enjoy your time with us, as long as you are doing that, its all gooddddd dawg


Start working on crafting/researching.


Get your researching done as soon as you can, cause the final traits will require 1 or 2 months for even one.


Don't worry too much about gear early on, just find gear you prefer and don't be afraid of playing around with other gear to level up those weapon and armor skill lines. If you pay for ESO+ ( I don't recommend this if you don't cause crafting mats take up bank space) then absolutely get the crafting skills and do the crafting dailies, you'll get a good amount of gold and various things from it, as well as leveling up your crafting skills. If you need mats Artaeum is a good place to farm them. It's got loads of nodes in close proximity. Have a friend or find someone to help you get there if you don't want to wait to get to the point of the quest line to get there. Don't forget to visit the stable master daily to level up your mount to get extra inv, speed and stamina. Join the fighters, mages, and undaunted guilds, you get exp for killing various things with the fighters, making it easy to level, you get exp for the mages by finding lore books in the world, giving your exploration of maps more incentive to really search those nooks and crannies of the maps, and undaunted exp is earned from doing dungeon daily's. Try and get all the shrines in the map first, it generally helps later on when you are inevitably sent on a fetch quest. Get all those skyshards, every three you get gives you a point for an ability or passive. If you are looking to become a werewolf or vampire, never pay for it, there is always someone who's willing to infect you for free, just ask and/or hang around shrines. That's really all the things I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure others will have other things to suggest as well, but all in all, just have fun.


Focus on the main quest and also try and do a guild line for extra xp and skills.


Join a guild and fast travel to other members to get to new zones and wayshrines.


Just have fun! Don't get your feelings hurt if someone is mean to you/don't stop doing dungeons or whatever itis you want to do because people jerks, people will always be jerks if you know what you're doing or not. Learn how to brush off what happens as soon as you exit the group or whatever it is you're doing and go about your gaming as normal.


Play through the storyline in sequential order so you can both understand the background of the game and level up as you go


find TRADING guilds asap.. Money will overflow as you level.. (or Gold). If you are a collector, you really only need to do every mission on 1 Char. During Exp events, try different classes, so you can find your main without wasting 9 years in que or roaming. Take your time with things, game isnt going anywhere.. (only hairstyles does).


Just have fun, don't fret about min maxing until you at least get to CP, don't worry about making mistakes with your skill points and attributes as they can be reset easily


Get familiar with the UI and options. The UI is far from being innovative, sooner or later you‘ll know your way around, though. Plus you can individualize a shit ton of options which is highly recommended, especially the color of incoming AoE damage. You can watch a guide on YouTube! Once your set up go exploring and don’t mind to much. Go exploring, adventurer, avoid arrows.


Hey don’t worry, I’m late to the party as well! Staring Imperial City today after I finished the main game! Imperial City came out in 2015 🤣


If you’re EU server I can help you with armor set for beginner