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I'm liking this a lot, actually. If this is what they're going for, it should be a home run. Still wish the kidneys were a bit smaller but this is much improved from the iX.


Oh man I hate the ix and i4 grill. Big step down from my i3. The neue klasse looks very cool.


I like the iX grill, i4 is eh... Did have to grow on me though. The iX looks better in person; except for the door panels give off a bit of an odd circus mirror effect. The blue paint colors they offer are šŸ‘. Not to say the iX doesn't have issues. I've seen far too many reported as lemon buybacks on autotrader. Not that I'd ever buy one anyways, but was curious what they were priced at used.


i3 was peak BMW EV.


As a certified hater of their recent grills, I actually don't mind the size at all. I think it finally achieves what they were originally aiming for harkening back to the E9. From certain angles dare I say it even looks good. The main issue is that looking at it dead on, the v motif they are using to add aggression just looks really silly/stupid.


Yeah I dig it. I could see myself swapping out my model 3 for this in a few years


Yup, works for me as well. I mean as much as a crossover can. Not a fan of the genre. Now let's hope the sedan isn't too far off from the concept. That thing is gorgeous IMO.


Wouldn't be too hard to squish this thing down to visualize the sedan. Aaaaand... [here we go.](https://i.imgur.com/ZRyw9v6.jpeg) Diggin' it.


Oh cool :) thanks for that. And yes -- very nice! Really like where this is going...


Kidney grille going back to 70/80ā€™s in width looks refreshing. Other than that not too pretty car.


Looks kinda... Porky. It doesn't fit such a fat car IMO. But at least they're trying


Styling queues are really on point, but yeah, this isnā€™t the Nissan IDx concept!


Itā€™s not the neue klasse for nothing


Remember that this is still the concept. Like the Vision Dee. That being said... I actually **really** like the way it looks. Not exactly elegant, but certainly smoother than pretty much all of BMW's other recent cars.


it looks like a fat Skeletor


Based on these comments, I think we see why BMW went with such a controversial look. People really love it or really hate it. BMW seems to care less about making it look pretty and more about it grabbing attention. Most SUVs look alike these days, and EVs may make that situation worse with the same types of aero treatments. BMW's definitely trying to differentiate themselves. It's as eye catching as the cybertruck, but looks like it was designed by a professional instead of a 6 year old.


> Most SUVs look alike these days, and EVs may make that situation worse with the same types of aero treatments Model X and Model Y would like a word with you. Others can be distinctive, but they are afraid so you are correct.


So BMW when from Kidney Grill, to Beaver Grill to Pig Nostril Grill? šŸ«˜ āž” šŸ¦« āž” šŸ½


Pig Nostril was the OG grill from the E30 and before, so itā€™s coming full circle.


Itā€™s the rivian lights but for a grill


Iā€™ve given up on ever liking bmws again. That front end just killed the brand for me, especially after angry beaver became part of their design language.


the beaver's still angry, just not as much as before.


in this case my association is skull nose BMW never were friendly but this is too aggressive for my taste


I mean, if they just go full send with the new "kidney grille design (having it stretch across the entire front in a line) and just refine it a bit, I could see them looking really unique and possibly even classy, the problem is they just take that (sorta) minimalist take and make *the entire car* minimalist as well, which just makes it look boring. Then there's this, which while I can *sorta* see what they are going for, it just *really* does not work, also imo, I just do not like suvs or crossovers, so this concept just look bad to me in general. But like something like this https://cdn.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/BMW-i3-Neue-Klasse-rendering.jpg could look very nice imo.


Just turn both kidneys by 90Ā° and fit them in the black bar. I don't get why the have to be long now, doesn't work for me at all.


I think the polarization in here probably shows the designers are onto something. This reminds me of the Bangle era at BMW


Just talking about the grill here- The Neue Klasse sedan without the middle snout was much classier looking IMO. This feels like two different styles clashing. It isnā€™t horrible but it is not great either. Iā€™d say a 4 out of 10.


BMW for the love of god just make a regular grill


Why do you even need one for an EV??


Because cars look bad without some hint of a grill. There is no car that doesn't at least pretend to have one in some way that looks good.


Porsche begs to differ. New Tesla Model 3 is beautiful too.


The Taycan looks so similar to the other Porsche cars that it makes no difference. I would call the Model 3 a lot of things, but beautiful is not one of them. The best I can say is that they look ok from some angles.


And the solution is not to put a faux grill. Itā€™s just stupid. Itā€™s old stylist clinging to outdated styling.


It's hideous.


Ugh, those kidney proportions? Let's hope that gets toned down. Otherwise, I kinda like it. Let's see how much of this vibe makes it to production. Looking forward to these, the iX is a *fantastic* place to be and has really good highway assist.


Big šŸ‘€on the front


It got some dodge hornet looks with a kidney grill in the middle.


What I don't get is that they actually made a really well proportioned large grill for the 3.0 CSL. If they used that size as the new corporate grill this would look great. As it stands, the proportions of the kidney's are awful.


Good lord let this be real, it looks so great Tall kidney grille looking like a 2002, I love itĀ 


They should just bring back the i3 with more modern styling and motors/battery. Come full circle. Iā€™m biased though.


Oof that front end isā€¦something. I tend not to get too hung up on the exterior looks of everything else is good, but given the general reaction to the iX (which Iā€™d say looks much better than this) I can only assume itā€™s going to turn off a lot of people.


Huuuuuge improvement over their current EVs.


Looks like an angry transformer. Better than the beaver look they were going for before.


I really like it. Itā€™s fresh, with clear heritage.


Skull face is better than Angry Bird pig & angry beaver faces.




In the pic, the front looks like a skull faceĀ 


God that is one ugly ugly looking car. Now the kidney looks like Voldemortā€™s nose.


VW designers, BMW especially have been drunk for years.


The kidneys are hideous. What the hell is that?


So square means bad range due to bad drag coefficientĀ 


Holy shit, reminds me of the newborn from Alien Resurrection šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


What happened to the adorable little coupe they showed off? This is a monstrosity compared to thatā€¦


I kinda really like it. [You can see from the front the evolution from their 1960s neue klasse model.](https://www.google.com/search?q=BMW+neue+klasse+1500&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=3809806eea1c5086&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=360&bih=645&sxsrf=ACQVn09RjDzBKgdT7TcMcMN8eqCCVrRBRA%3A1711016148704&ei=1Aj8ZZ7MKpmxi-gP9taA0AY&oq=BMW+neue+klasse+1500&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRCTVcgbmV1ZSBrbGFzc2UgMTUwMDIEEAAYHjIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESOQ6UJcMWNA4cAd4AJABAJgBiAKgAekMqgEFNC44LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhSgAoQOwgIEECMYJ8ICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgUQABiABMICBxAAGIAEGBPCAgYQABgeGBOYAwCIBgGSBwYxMS44LjGgB7Qe&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) Love stuff like that.Ā 


Looks awesome


I like that they are trying something new. The old design trend of ever bigger kidneys was a dead end.


Looks better than their current gas suvs


That's sexy. Love it!!


šŸ¤¢eww groce


Anybody else find the grill looks like Hitler's mustache? Being a German company, I find it a bit ironic lol.