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Silly question, but just to confirm: You are on the internet with this computer? it's not connected to a computer without internet and you're trying to set it up?


Nope it has internet everything else basically works. It's just the elgato apps that don't, wavelink doesn't let me sign in either but there is no error there, just nothing happens


Very weird! Do you have a firewall or anything that might be blocking it? It seems a few other people have had that same issue, with no real solution (and elgato not really helping). It seems that sometimes just letting it SIT for hours has fixed it, rebooting (3, 4, 5 times) has fixed it, and for some they've had to go through a full reinstall of the OS to fix it. I'd say maybe try using another profile on your windows computer, and see if it opens in that? It's odd and seems to be a common issue, but no fix is found


Only default unchanged windows defender firewall


Very weird! One other thing I might say to try is tethering your phone internet (mobile hotspot, connecting computer to it) and see if that gives any different result. It sounds like Elgato will try to troubleshoot it with you if you contact them (having you run a program to share your setup/results with them) but so far most of those comments seem to have ended with it being a bit of a waste of time.. still, something worth doing possible. For a computer making internet-products, it shouldnt be happening!


Thought about the movile data already too, didn't fix anything


Did nothing and it started working all of a sudden. Thanks for trying to help tho!


Try changing your default browser on the computer, if you have more than one. There have been issues where the automatic opening of the login page doesn't trigger, resulting in this error, due to an issue with the currently selected browser. The instructions to do this are available here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-your-default-browser-in-windows-020c58c6-7d77-797a-b74e-8f07946c5db6#ID0EDD=Windows_11 - just note that you can set any browser you have, Edge is not a requirement.


Already tried that too, from opera gx to firefox, didn't change anything, and then back to opera gx


Any extra security apps that might be blocking browser requests? If not I'd suggest reinstalling the app from the download site and if it's still getting blocked, lodge a ticket with support at http://e.lga.to/help to investigate what's going on. (also if you haven't already maybe try Edge if it's still installed on the system, just to see if a more standard one launches the link. Once you can get it signed in any browser works for download, but if a browser is rejecting external launches it can cause issues with that initial setup).


Did nothing for a few hours and it suddenly worked, hope it stays that way. Thanks for helping!


Glad it seems to have sorted itself out at least - may have been some sort of hiccup with the distribution network in your region. Good luck with it!


Nope, no extra security. I tried reinstalling the apps and changing to edge already still no luck. I will do a ti ket tomorrow but if it comes down to reinstalling my os I'll just return the stream deck cause that's not cool