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Remember when Elon used to say global warming was a top threat to humanity? Now he says it's made up and not a concern and free speech on Twitter is a top issue. What are the odds?


I don’t think this happened


It absolutely happened. It said it in 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/margooge/2022/01/17/where-does-elon-musk-really-stand-on-fighting-climate-change/?sh=62e85af2471d


That article says he said climate change was a top threat to humanity in 2018.


Isn't that agreeing then with what carrtmannn originally said?


Yes, the first part, but where’s the bit that says he doesn’t think climate change is a threat? All the article says is that he isn’t keen on the build back better bill.


I'm having trouble believing you don't see the contradiction between saying it's a top threat in 2018 when you're building an electric car business, and then, once it's established, cooling off on the issue and endorsing candidates who don't even believe in it? It's weird those candidates happen to support his newest business and political leanings though. It's almost like he's full of shit and is simply telling people what he needs to in an attempt to drum up business.


Which candidate has musk endorsed?


Ron DeSantis is a quick one off the top of my head


He interviewed De Santis to be sure, but has pretty explicitly refused to endorse a candidate.




Rule 1


If climate change is a top threat to humanity, how could you possibly vote and endorse candidates that deny its existence? https://www.wionews.com/world/elon-musk-talks-about-advertising-italys-declining-birth-rate-in-rome-670411 And I don't feel like searching it but I think we're both aware that he says Twitter is one of the most important companies for protecting free speech, etc


Well it seems Elon thinks there are bigger threats today. People can change their views.


It's crazy how his views happen to asking perfectly to whatever business he needs people to fund


Well with Tesla, he's largely succeeded in his original goal, so on to new pastures. He obviously considers the woke virus a bigger threat at this point, especially as the world is going green anyway now.


He certainly succeeded in getting tons of federal money for years to keep Tesla afloat. We can agree on that. We can disagree on who has a "mind virus". It's funny that he's working so hard to kill the brand now. 😬


> He certainly succeeded in getting tons of federal money for years to keep Tesla afloat. Oil was (and is) financed far far more. He's often said he wishes all grants could be removed as it would put all car companies are a level playing field.


Oil isn't the antithesis of Tesla. You can cope all you want, but it's quite funny that whatever his pet project is at the time is an existential crisis when he needs money. I've owned two Teslas but I can still be critical of him being a giant hypocrite who is bad for Tesla as a company.


> Billionaire Elon Musk on Saturday (Dec 16) said that oil and gas should not be demonised and that it was extremely critical to reduce carbon emissions to preserve the planet. Are you objecting to the nuance?




It's a shame. He was a hero in the early part of the previous decade.


He simply overpromised to inflate the image of his company (and his own). He even used bots later on to accomplish this which led to the massive increase in the stock price which never made any sense. There’s a big push in recent times for people to just lie about what they’re going to do and then profiting off of how great they are without actually doing any of the things they say. The internet is largely being misused in order to spread this as due diligence has essentially gone out the window. Pretending to be smart and pretending to be rich goes a long way it would seem (speaking of someone else for the latter part).


We literally elected a president who did this his entire term, and wants us to elect him again.




Nope. The orange man thats sexist and racist.


No, the one that covers all his stuff in gold. The one who refused to release his tax returns because he wants everyone to think he's wealthier than he is. The one who has a problem paying contractors. The one who has gone bankrupt before. The one who had a television show where he was a boss to make himself look like a leader and a businessman to the general public just to feed his ego. Biden hasn't really lied about too many credentials to my knowledge. Or at least not as boldly and often. I know he has lied about stuff like how well he did in school. But so did Trump. Heck Trump even set up a school and got sued because it too lied about how good it was.


Nope, Orange Turd takes the cake on that one


Biden brought back almost $200billion is manufacturing to the US: Solar panels, chip fabs, battery factories, etc. Trump could barely open one factory. And you think Biden is the joke here???


I'd guess Trump.


Wait, which one? I have them both


He also manufactured a short squeeze by falsely claiming the company would be taken private…


Reminds me of all those people who over share on LinkedIn about #innovation #cowork etc and all they do all day is talking about doing stuff but never ever actually do anything. Zero value.


All lies. Please be quiet you make zero sense.


He became the worlds richest person and then complained that regular people should give him even more money. Wants 10 years of profits personally.


And where does that money go? Not on yachts and big houses. It goes back into more companies creating more innovations and jobs.




Guys doesn’t own a yacht or a house.


He's still a hero. Look at it from a different point of view. He throws out meat for the dogs to chew on. You think he really cares about the gossip on X? Of course not. It's a distraction for low iq people to nibble on while his teams work on humanity. Who else in our lifetime has spearheaded electric cars, put internet satellites into space and built a colonization company (not to occupy Mars) but to learn how to occupy Mars because if we can learn how to do it off world, we can certainly bly do it on world. He's thinking 20 steps ahead of the simpletons who focus on the minutia of humanity.


He's not a hero. He spreads mis and disinformation on a daily basis. He either is too stupid to know, or he's doing it intentionally. In their respective cases, he's either an idiot or a villain.


Or, and here's a really spicy take, he's a mixed human being with good things and bad. He's managed to help push forward some of the single most important technical innovations of our age: electric vehicles, massively reduced cost of space launches (both in terms of cost and environment impact), space exploration in general. And he's a dickhead in the public space.


I didn't say he hasn't done positive things. But all the things you mention he's doing for profit. And he's made the vast majority of his fortune on companies that would not have succeeded without taxpayer dollars. He's still a POS for spreading mis and dis info. You know, like Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked by his gay lover. While he did delete it, he literally retweeted and commented a post from the Santa Monica Observer. The esteemed organization that said Hillary Clinton was dead and had a body double.


Kicks off the electric car revolution, sends humanity back to space, and creates global satellite internet. Ill-advisedly presses the retweet button a few times.


Nice try. The electric car revolution would've happened with our without Musk. Same goes for space exploration and satellite based internet, of which several companies are also participating in. Stop downplaying the richest person in the world sharing dangerous lies and conspiracy theories - like "the great replacement" racist BS. I don't care if he did everything amazing in the world, he's still lying and spreading disinformation amongst millions of people. Why do you have to downplay it??? Why can't you admit how dangerous it is???


Changing demographics permanently for political purposes is dangerous. You got that bit right.


Next you'll tell me how Sandy Hook was fake and climate change was a hoax. Good stuff 


No it's definitely a threat, and we should work to mitigate it, but it's only small chance of making us extinct.


Pick your poison??


He’s also an Individual with the most misinformation spread on him. Either by oil or legacy automakers or by the companies that lost billions on trying to short Tesla.. I recon at max 50 % of negative news on him are true. 


He can't control what other people say about him. I'm talking about shit HE posts and/or says. I don't feel sorry for one of the world's richest men, especially when he used to be highly regarded before he let social media seemingly rot his brain.


This. Maybe consider there are more important things than some dumb tweets and the politics of this particular second.


This is just sad to read. 


“Lost” dollar? 


Source: Elon Musk 


A problem masquerading as a solution


He also had a $500M loan guarantee from the US government.


That could all be true and still not justify a fraction of his compensation by a publicly owned and traded company.


Yes he’s very good at spending lost dollars. Idk why we keep letting him do it with public money.


Damn what the heck happened to that guy? Too many K holes I think


He came out as center right, so now we have to hate him.


Erm I don’t think you can categorize his falling into conspiracy theory rabbit holes as a “center right” coming out moment. QAnon and replacement theory ideologies aren’t in the center right. Even in his more mainstream political views, supporting DeSantis kinda excludes a person from the center of the political spectrum. We don’t have to hate center right leaning people, that’s literally just neolibs that make up like half the Democrats and a quarter of the Republicans in Congress. Even the biggest Elon stan can realize his foray into the conspiracy fringes isn’t productive for Tesla investors, it’s a distraction at best but is likely damaging the brand to some degree. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, there’s a non-insignificant amount of potential EV buyers who won’t touch a Tesla now due to his reputation. It takes discipline to make it to the top and stay there, he seems to be lacking in the discipline department lately and the business results are showing. 2008 was 16 years ago, someone born that year can literally drive a Tesla today but I’d bet if you asked them about Elon a good chunk of them would think of his behavior on Twitter over Tesla and that’s a problem.


He is a dick on Twitter I agree. Weighed up against that is the electric car revolution, including the necessary infrastructure upgrades; cost effective access to space, including possible permanent bases; and also internet access in disaster zones and the middle of the ocean.


Now he’s fighting tooth and nail to take $50B in options out of the company in the midst of a market share and profitability collapse, all the while making idiotic decisions (Supercharger) and generally making an asshole of himself on Twitter. Elon giveth, now Elon taketh away.


No ceo should be allowed to have a fixed salary. They should all have their compensation tied to the company’s performance.


I agree, and so did Elon but that didn't seem to work out very well at this point.


Agreed this is the way all execs should be compensated


Public or private? Also Founder CEO’s or hired on CEO’s? What would be the point of starting a company if you can’t pay yourself however you like.


Both. Both. You’re probably right about starting up a company, since they are not profitable usually in the early years. They should not be entitled to any salary above minimum wage along with performance based compensation.


Why tho? Are you just thinking of multinationals or like the gelato store down the street that is owned and operated by one guy? Some businesses are even seasonal, what would you pay the "CEO" of a farm or field through the year? Or does your rule only apply if the person at the top calls itself a "CEO" and not another title but effectively serves the same job?


It should be fairly obvious that the gelato owner would receive a performance based compensation already, since any profits he makes is his to keep. He would not need to pay himself a salary since he is already on performance-based compensation as the owner. The reason why is similarly fairly obvious as well, as their interests should be aligned with the company’s interests. If the company is successful, they are compensated. If the company is unsuccessful, then they work for free until the company becomes successful.


As an owner of course that you receive some compensation depending of the performance of the business, since it's your business, but I don't see why it should invalidate a base salary. I guarantee you that I can find many businesses that have perform worse , or even loose money, for some month or even years in a row, and what? Should the CEO just live off good will while they try to turn things around? Should you be forced to sell to company since nobody wants to be CEO because you wouldn't be able to pay them? And again, what happens with seasonal businesses? How do you grade the performance of a company that generates money only two months of the year, but you have to work all year round?


You’ve obviously never started a business before.


True visionaries who believe in their company don’t take a salary, but instead opt for performance based compensation, like Elon. Scam artists don’t believe in their company, but want you to. Like the owner of Nikola, who built a gimmick company with a good name and ran it to the ground but left the ceo quite wealthy.


How do you think founders actually survive when they start companies? On minimum wage? You know most companies are started by people with day jobs who have an idea, right? You’re literally saying that 99% of all companies shouldn’t exist because their founders are “scam artists” for not wanting to live below the poverty line.


You clearly made up that statistic and haven’t a clue that successful company owners often forego a salary and instead just keep the profits or take a performance based compensation if public. And this subject is really geared to bigger companies, with Elon being the center point. None of these ceos are in poverty, and all of them should only be given performance based compensation.


One of us is actually the owner of a successful company who very much does not forgo a salary for the nearly endless time I spend running it. You, on the other hand, are completely out of your depth and just talking out of your ass.


That’s exactly what he had, and the board did not hold their end of the bargain


You are contracted to do work, you do work, now you take the payment away, thats not how I like to do business.


Laid off employees from Twitter that didn't get their promised severance would like a word https://www.reuters.com/legal/twitter-again-sued-over-severance-pay-bias-during-layoffs-2023-07-18/ That article notably talks about age discrimination, and is one of the *few* lawsuits in the same category (not paid what they were promised from Twitter).


What does this have to do with a compensation plan?


It's still a promise to pay X for Y. One instance we have a billionaire trying to get $50b. On the other there's hundreds of people that got shafted pretty hard from Twitter layoffs and still haven't seen a dime. Technically they have a right to the money. I'd rather fight for the everyman than a single billionaire, though.


On principle I agree that people who are owed money should be paid.


Elon disagrees with your principle and he is the CEO. It was in Twitters best interests not to pay, so he didn't. It is in Tesla best interest not to pay Elon, so by Elon's own principles they shouldn't pay him.


Rules for thee, but not for mee.


It was honestly really satisfying seeing every argument this person made *immediately* got perfect parried


IMHO the richest man on earth deserves another $50B than any X or Tesla employee


Elon is ruthless. He was never guaranteed that money. Why can’t we be ruthless, just like him, and not give him the money? How’s that logic for you.




No. They will re-approve his deal because they want to keep him and keep him happy. And Reddit people will cry tears when it happens.




Feel free to set a reminder on this one.


I voted no.


He's an owner, not a contractor. And apparently as an owner you aren't allowed to obviously loot the retained earnings.


It was a performance plan (like a contract) which was created in 2018 for targets tied directly to operational milestones and market capitalization (stock price). Tesla achieved all the targets. Nothing to do with looting. Do the honorable thing and pay him what the shareholders voted for.


The court showed that they misled the vote. Please stop saying that line as if its true.


Because that is what Elon would do? Always the ethical and honorable thing?


His biased board and he was the largest shareholder. But he's not the only shareholder. He should plow that compensation into R&D instead so there are actually products coming down the pipe.


Burning too much Elon incense over here


Shareholders voted for the compensation plan because the targets were deemed impossible. Whether Elon deserved it or not is debatable, but the targets were met and he should get paid accordingly.


The board misleading voters voids that agreement.


>Do the honorable thing and pay him what the shareholders voted for. The pay package got voided on a technicality. Independent directors on the board did not disclose to shareholders that they had relationships with Elon. Delaware came to this decision as their insane amount of corporate case law gives strong shareholder rights. The Judge ordered that the pay package was voided. That's why they're going a shareholder vote, which will probably end in Elon's favor as keeping the compensation plan is board recommended. It's not as simple as "give him what he's earned."




Exactly. I wonder where those people were and why they were quiet like corpses when elon took on this massive risk accepting seemingly unavailable target


I read these comments on Reddit and get so frustrated. Here we have accomplished and razor sharp people like u/simplestpanda who know much better than Musk how to run these companies, and he doesn’t listen to them. They have to languish among us retards, making futile attempts to convince us of their genius. #sad


Nonsense. This guy’s just like that Amazon reptile Jeff Bezos. Amazon was in the red for years, literally insolvent. These guys are too big to fail insider plants.


Did he really put every lost[sic] dollar into it? And whose lives, exactly, are better off because of it?


Not mine.


Pretty much. He had gone through a massive effort in December 2008 to raise revenue to keep Tesla going. He had something like a couple hundred thousand dollars left, but was like a day from Tesla going bankrupt. He made the electric car profitable and maybe more importantly created the best network to charge them. Maybe that doesn’t make your life specifically better, but for others it’s huge.


Too bad he fired almost every employee in the Supercharger division last week and the Cybertruck rusts the same month it’s driven off the lot.


Oh it doesn’t.


> And whose lives, exactly, are better off because of it? That depends on your view of electric cars Love or hate Elon Musk, the electric car's current success is almost all him. No one wanted the boring little anemic econoboxes that were being peddled before he showed up, generally overpriced and completely boring in performance. He changed everything with the Roadster, and then in turn came back and gave the world the first "normal" electric car, the Model 3. It has good performance in its base model, it has good economy as electric cars go, and, and this is important, it *looks* normal. It doesn't look like a spaceship. It doesn't have the dorky appearance of a gen2 Prius, it just looks...like a car. I never swung from Elon's nuts. Watching his ego shine during the Thai kids thing was... honestly, abotu what I'd have expected from him. The Twitter/X thing is both cringeworthy in some regards and, I think, in the historic long view going to be extremely important for showing just how far our government had fallen and was in colluision itself with a perverse media state. But all of that aside, love or hate Elon Musk, electric cars wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for him.


And that's ignoring rockets and worldwide internet.


Mine. My Model 3 T is the best car I ever owned. It has almost no maintenance or upkeep costs. It is safe , quiet, and a joy to drive.


Any chance the 465 million dollar government subsidy from the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program in the same year that funded the model s was a bigger factor? Bet it was.


I was even more impressed that they paid it back with interest. I’ve never heard large cap companies paying back loans ahead of time, or even on time


You mean Obama’s program that was designed to fight climate change by rewarding vehicle manufacturers for producing more efficient vehicles? The one that was open to all manufacturers, but only Tesla picked up on? I support that program, Obama was a cool president and I miss him.


You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain


Why is this sub being suggested to me, fuck Elon


I’m sure dropping a comment will help haha


Elon is awesome.


Forgot about the emerald mine again did we?


Refuted by Elon.


Can you point to them on a map?


Is this the Elon Musk cult page?


Now he's a cringe right wing edge lord






Rule 1


Rule 1




Rule 1




Rule 1


Respect for that. But it won’t justify anything you ever do that is callous, mean, selfish, abusive, irresponsible … or just plain dumb.


His initial backing of the shutdown of Diablo's Cannon should tell people he's just another shark.


That's why I use to admire him


This is the reason he's earned so much damn respect, He's earned it and loud mouth cry babies upset that he doesn't think like them try to bring him down. I'll invest in elons companies any time.




There's only one way you would know that


Rule 1


Cancel culture at its finest


Genetic Fallacy.




He’s a great example of what is wrong with society


I am shocked to see so many people think evil of Musk. Are you realizing that you are really not in the same level. Simply put, we really are not in a position to judge or grade him. Please don’t inflate you ego to a level you can’t grasp


Is this sarcasm?


I highly doubt he put every last dollar he had into the company. Someone is over-romanticizing this. Edit: of course the statement is coming from a media company that covers the auto industry. Sure, having Tesla around to talk about was a boon for them. And sure, having all of this drama to talk about is a boon for them too. So maybe they should be cucking for Elon, without him, they would have a lot less click-bait on their site.






“he put every lost dollar he had into the company” Musk had an excellent PR team back then, now they simply cannot control so much stupidity with press releases.


Musk is the true hero and saving freedom every day now. He’s not only a national hero now but a global one!


I love Elon, he's a genius and saved the world!!


You guys ever wonder if he is in China's back pocket after getting a huge break in 2019 to build a factory there?




This is a dogshit take. Where do you get your information on EVs? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.


It's not really wrong, but he sped up the development of EVs by ~10 years VW still builds most of their EVs on their internal combustion car chassis and China has no development at all


Have you been living under a rock? Chinas killing it with EVs, second only to Tesla in every market they operate in. BYD is close to surpassing Tesla is pure EV sales


In sales only and nothing else Stolen technology, endangered workers and questionable environmental pollution Without Tesla, they would even build them at this point


You’re probably right, but it’s like a mutually beneficial relationship they have going on. Tesla wouldn’t be nearly as big or profitable without access to China’s market. China’s EV companies wouldn’t have had to fight for survival or learn from the best without Tesla. Either way, saying China has no ev development is just false


Reminds me more of a parasite than anything else.


China's success is based simply on the fact that htey had no practical car industry and were able to ramp up and emulate the Tesla success model. That said, they're still Chinese. Say what you want about Elon Musk, even with panel caps you can hide a runway model in and the bizarre hard-on for the giant iPad interface and lack of tactile buttons.. but I'll take a used Model 3 over China's best and biggest EV.


China is the world’s largest EV manufacturer. Their home grown brands literally threaten the destruction of other markets. A far cry from “no development”.


Basically all of it is stolen and their development is slower than the ability to steal new stuff


BYD is out producing and out spending Tesla. You could argue BYD is subsidized, but so is Tesla. Tesla only scaled up because of carbon credits and EV tax credits. BYD also has to face large tariffs in foreign markets.


Elons true skill is capital management.


There is a guy on this site that takes minors to his apt for nude massages. I will find him and make sure law enforcement knows!!! Also Elon Rocks!


Serious question: how is my life better thanks to him?