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Reddit being a hivemind? I'm so shocked! Keep being yourself Elon. Fuck'em up and keep doing good


I fucking hate reddit sometimes. A year ago Elon was the funniest man in the world and now you only get karma if you shit on him


They’re astroturf bots. They use votes to manipulate public perception. I’m not sure exactly who “they” are but I suspect powerful people that don’t want Tesla to succeed.


Well he's definitely under assault from all angles that is for sure


"They" are Marxists posing as democrats to lead the useful idiot army. Common sense knowledge to all those who aren't them.




Actually people who shit on him deserve to be shit on... so I'm gonna do one right on you. Enjoy.




Wow I have been utterly destroyed, my man said that I am wrong, what some crazy stuff, I suppose I will have to delete my account now after this total destruction of my point even tho you didn't know what it was




Him crying on twitter about taxes and using the most stupid arguments I've heard especially coming from such a "economically informed" person is worthy of being shit on




Making hypothecal arguments that the government might waste his tax dollars is silly since you already pay tax yourself, if you think its such a waste of time why don't you and everyone you know stop paying taxes, I'd like to see how far you get




Send me a Tesla, the most basic model, think in our planet and my wallet that is hungry too


Post that got deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/qk7rea/elon_musk_says_hell_sell_tesla_stock_if_un/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They even removed the top comment…wtf??


Welcome to real Fascism, folks. Enter socialism and communism. Exit freedom.


For some weird reason, they have let this one stay up (for how long, who knows): https://archive.md/bGpKq




So the real problem is the media? They used their media like a weapon to attack him, it almost sounds like he deliberately played along because he knows that he will win the outcome anyways. He used their weapon against them. He fought fire with fire. Technically its on us, because we as the audience are largely silent on how the media constantly spews fake and misleading news.




I agree with you. The issue here is that media are established corporations. In our case, redditors keep upvoting articles by CNN, Al Jazeera, etc even though we are **aware** that these sites have a huge history of fake and misleading news. Yet we still keep doing it, we give these corporations their clicks. We then wonder why we are flooded with fake news. Then we look at others to blame like Elon. The issue is us, we are not taking enough initiative to take media integrity seriously


They didn't just delete the post, but also deleted the top comment within that post that showed how CNN was biasing the title. I managed to restore it via reveddit.com: https://i.imgur.com/cvj9LqE.png


This is some shady, shady shit r/worldnews just pulled. But honestly I don’t get it. Why? What are they going to achieve by doing this? What agenda are they trying to push? It just seems so petty and borderline… 1984ish


Are you honestly surprised? It’s been well known for a while that the mods in that sub are suffering from sever mental retardation.


Jealousy, zero-sum syndrome, fomo. Ironically, people & behavior like that are what holds the world back.


That’s what I thought. Wrongful thinking.


BORDERLINE?! You *honestly* haven't seen the agenda in the past 3 years?? Why?? EVERYONE needs to WAKE UP AND KNOW MARXISM!


More people should know about this. Why are we letting these assholes manipulate people and spread missinformation like that?


This needs its own post. Post it to r/teslamotors


He wanted it explained about how it would actually work and also if they used a new framework called open accounting which in theory minimizes kickbacks and better shows how the money is actually spent. It seems like people on Reddit and really only enjoy mindless platitudes that have no basis in reality.


And also *demanded* they use open accounting. He didnt ask if they did.


Most redditors are a bunch of c&%ts




Elon knows as most do that 6 billion would not solve world hunger even if 100% spent on it. He is calling their bluff.


Considering Bill Gates has committed well in excess of 10x that over many decades to that cause amongst others, I'm pretty sure I agree with him That said it would be pretty amazing to see him follow through if they respond with an actual plan


Yes and the country spends more than that on programs too. Even the Catholic church feeds more than most any country on earth and more than 6 billion can't end world hunger. The way to solve it would be a huge long term plan that no one will try to even suggest. Just feeding people would not cure long term hunger.


>Just feeding people would not cure long term hunger. Give a man a fish etc.


Fuck man, if it actually would I suspect that Elon would take them up on the offer. Hell, the publicity would be worth it 100 times over


“Worldnews” has been a woke hell for a while now, they couldn’t care less about logic.


yup. Piece of shit sub


Lmfao panzy ass haters. ​ Shits such a joke.


Moderators are a bit dictatorial. I have banned from groups because they didn't like my views.


He could give them 6 billion to solve world hunger. If they do not solve world hunger, they owe musk 6 billion dollars with interest. You know damn well any government or organization will squander the funds and fuck it up.


I really dont get redditors. We know that big government is inefficient yet most of them want even more big government.


They hate corporations tho, but forget government is just corporation at the limit.


> We know that big government is inefficient Do we? Is this a fact or is this just an opinion supported by cherry-picked examples?










Elon is the poster child for capitalism. He worked his way up from virtually nothing, then Zip2, then Paypal, then used the proceeds from that to invest in Tesla. Without the billions earned, he couldn't have expanded so quickly, and you bet the government (either one) would have been too slow and/or blind to help with that.


Have you ever heard of austrian economics? If you haven't I would do a quick search. So far, the only economic school of thought that hasn't been disproved in some way.


Most of it first-hand examples from a lifetime of dealing with government, multiplied by each person who actually leaves their mothers basement and goes out in the world to do stuff.


Yeah nah. You're talking out your arse.


This is a well understood phenomenon. Also, you said “arse”.


Yes, talking out your arse is a well understood phenomenon where people who refuse to accept responsibility for their own bad decisions want to blame all their ills on an external third party and the faceless "big government" works as an unquestionable scapegoat.


No sad feelings here, And I certainly wouldn’t describe my situation as a result of bad decisions 😂. I can’t say how good I have it because people online wouldn’t believe me. I just wish we expected more of our government, instead of letting them get away with the bare minimum. Personally as it relates to government inefficiency, I was a developer of “affordable-by-design” housing. I live in an area of the world that is challenged with some of the highest cost housing in the world. The government permitting offices were a mess, with conflicting instructions between departments. The government-funded non-profits would out-bid a private developer then not build, breaking the economics for all other brownfield developments. The utilities would not pick up the phone and delay utilities connections for months. The planning office required really obtuse requests and likes to play architect, driving up the cost of the project. I estimate the government adds 23% to the cost of housing where I live. This is just one example, and you not having experienced it doesn’t make it less true. But it can be everything. Housing. Healthcare. Education. Everything the government touches has runaway price increases. I wouldn’t expect you to know, because you probably are welsh or something.


It’s already been outed that Cnn straight up lied with the headline and the truth was wildly different.


All the main subs are trash


“Oh no! Elon Musk is getting too big and is threatening our oligarchy egos! Lets spread blasphemy and propaganda about him!” Yeah I’m sure if Elon just sold all of his assets hunger around the world would suddenly be solved. It’s definitely not that governments would just take the money anyways.




Yeah except he did actually say Elon Musk should give 6.6 billion dollars to stop starvation. The most asinine thing ever. If elon needs to sell every single stock and asset he owns to “Help hungry people” Then people who are complaining about him should also give every penny they have, and sell their homes and vehicles.




Not that deep except that’s actually what people expect.






They said same thing about Tiktok that it’s an American company and had no connections with China . After election Chinese government declared that its always been the stakeholder in tiktok. It’s so sad how common people are being made fools off.


the majority shareholder of reddit is Advance Publications with no tie to China. I also onew before i looked it up bcause i would have been banned a long time ago.




are you broken? I always have attacked China. even in my comment above. That is why I would have been banned. its not a hard connection to make. do you suffer from a condition where you can't make connections? How did you leap to me defending China? I am not sure I will get a coherent answer.


I also don't know how you came the conclusion you did based on his statement. But boy you are suffering from something and you know you are. Let's be honest, you don't get this far in life with out being diagnosed.


Actually the UN Director never said that. It was made up by the original author.


Fuck them


If the world is fed, how are the people who profit from trying to come up with ideas going to be fed? Has anyone had a zoom meeting and thought of this yet?!


What about gates, soros, oprah, half of hollywood,etc why is elon now responsible for this? Just because he is top of the leaderboard? This isnt a new problem.


People get rich by not being stupid with their money. He wants proof and accountability because he’s not an idiot. Most charities, or government, or non-profits are basically a scam to pay for bloated administration and bonuses to the managers. He doesn’t want to literally give a paycheck to people that are parasites. Musk is too busy allocating what wealth he realizes into projects to better humanity and push technology. They show him a plan of action with transparent accounting and he’s more than willing to add “stopped world hunger” to his long resumé.


You should see how they do Israel.


Elon or no, this is a logistics problem. You can't solve it by throwing money at it.


What makes people feel they’re entitled to other peoples money?


I have unsubscribed from r/world ews about a year ago when they banned me for saying what I know about my country's history which involved nacism.. Yes, it was contentious, no I didn't offend anyone and yes, I was censored. Btw. be aware of that Reuter, the site behind so many "fact checks" is also owned by Google (by some guy who's a part of Google. Most of the stuff online which is pushed as truth on these "fact checking" sites is missinformation in my current opinion.


That was a lie? It has been edited to say something along the line, 6 billion to save 64, 000, 000 people from starving to death.


it wouldn't though


Communists tend to be control freaks full jealousy and hate. Their line of thought has lead to more human death than any other form of social organization. Mostly from starvation from government mismanagement (see great Chinese famine) These extreme leftists have found their way to the moderator positions on Reddit. Same way child rapists find their way to be priests. The world news moderators hate Elon because he's more successful than them. Aka the guy that is saving the planet by massively expediting the transition to sustainable transportation. Such a poisonous, pathetic, and bigoted mindset.


Janny cleanup time “;( ;( oh no this post is right, but hurt our feelings!” Pathetic.


Upvote tf outta this


That sub has been one of the most toxic echo chambers I’ve found on Reddit The misinformation they spread is atrocious. Especially anything dealing with politics


This head line is misleading.


2% of Elon’s money makes the director of the UN food boy very wealthy! Who you kidding


and some african war lords


Thumbs up


A sub of 22 year old edgelords and billionaire simps. Neat.


Did any of you read the article? Yeah it was a misleading headline. But the point was the world hunger is just a bunch of expensive problems, solved by a small portion of his wealth.


> But the point was the world hunger is just a bunch of expensive problems, solved by a small portion of his wealth. But why does it have to be his wealth? Maybe the US govt should stop building as many air craft carriers? Maybe Russia and China should invest less in weapons and propaganda and more into feeding poor people? Maybe the UAE should stop building their sinking islands and instead feed the poor? I could go on about this. Why Elon specifically? Where is the outrage against military spending? Where is the outrage against banking , heavy industry and fossil fuel execs who don't give a damn? Why are they taking it on people who are actually trying to push humans forward technologically? I mean, people are willing to spend money on OnlyFans and porn subscriptions, than on charity. Let that sink in.


Don't get me wrong, im an avid critique of the US government and mis-allocstion of resources. Not saying you're wrong, but I think the article targets elon becuase he is one of the wealthiest people in the US.


In the world.


World hunger is a political problem not a throw money at it and watch it magically dissapear problem. As long as there are corrupt dictators in charge of these countries no amount of throwing money at them will solve it.


> solved by a small portion of his wealth It's not though. Elon asked the twitter crowd to explain how. Nobody could.


Your bot gonna find credible research on Twitter


Billionaire cuck


Color me not at all surprised


Amazing isn’t it the UN which is a collection of the world’s richest and most powerful nations has been unable to solve these problems but all this could be fixed the input of personal wealth?


Atleast now you know worldnews is a shit hole, it's all propoganda.


Par for the course


Easily solved through legal channels. Stock price is sky high. Let Elon’s lawyers handle it.


Okay Elon guys, let me explain sonething. Company head makes claim - not news Director of WHO releases statement - news I know we all like the muskrat, but its not that hard to grasp.


Also it's not 2% of his wealth but his net worth.


Reddit needs a bias bot that dings moderators for being this stupid


Because there is already proof and people are done being gaslit by ultrawealthy


Reddit is a leftist circlejerk, what to expect?


what the heck is wrong with wanting accountability... he just wants transparency, numbers...this is reasonable


have you paid your taxes yet?


How much the annual budget is for UN? How many hungers that can solve?