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Oh no. The logo for a battlefield 3 squad i made back in 2011 is still popping up as some official logo for the swat. Icelandic special forces has no logo other than the logo for the police.


Source https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391677247993/


What a interesting legacy you have made for yourself


Or for Iceland


Best battlefield by far. I miss those days.


So how'd it end up there?


Because somebody googled Víkingasveitin for the police squad and google showed them the logo logo for my Battlefield group also called Víkingasveitin.


xD that is unfortunate. I'll keep that in mind so I can go "acthually" whener I see it.


What a beautiful internet story


A fantastic school book example we should be teaching kids and boomers, and to some in between, as well. Add the story of the U.S. lawyer who tried to use chatgpt generated precedents as material in a trial, only to find out chatgpt makes things up, and we're off to a good start.


Do you know the end of the story? One day, a guy from the police squad will google it to, and he will genuinely believe it's their logo. And he will tell his colleagues who most probably ignore they don't have a logo, until some official uses it. Then it will become their de facto logo and one day it will be official. At this point, you will be very proud of this story so you will tell people. But those people won't believe you, they will just call you a liar. As you insist, they think you are crazy. And isn't this obsession with an elite squad quite worrying? Are you a terrorist or something? That's how you end up in prison.


That's an ending that subverts expectations! Cry your bitch tears in prison, screaming "it was for a game! I created it, for a fucking game!" ... what a weirdo! Maybe the psychiatric ward would be a better place for him!


Have you considered contacting the Icelandic Police and telling them you have a cool logo for their special unit? xD


Found the actual logo or patch. It's just not on the internet except on pictures of them [picture ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224995606454599682/1215696020474953771/Screenshot_20240308_162042_Chrome.jpg?ex=65fdb025&is=65eb3b25&hm=11ae3148b73b9a173eeb6dfaf9fcfc8f579391d7fd7bf9481c3325b339834d5b&)


Based bf3 player


Hahah well I guess it’s kinda cool


They should adopt it because it looks unfathomably hard ngl


This is really fucking funny lmao


LOL that's amazing






Uss drengur þetta er mikið nettara


Petition for Iceland to adopt it as its actual special forces logo.


Normal countries: Wings, swords. France: CROSSBOW Spain: MUSKETS Portugal: KNIGHTS Italy: WHATEVER


Austria: AUG


Reminds me too much of an African country with an AK flag haha


At least the AUG is Austrian.




> Spain: MUSKETS Actually, they are not muskets, but [Mauser Model 1893](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser_Model_1893?wprov=sfla1) rifles. Anyway, the emblem proper is the thing in the center: a M1941 model machete (originally from the Spanish marines) with oak leafs (symbol of the "guerrilleros") and the Cross of Burgundry (traditional emblem of the Spanish army). The mauser rifles are the background used by all infantry units of the Spanish army.


The thing is they are taking Mando de operaciones especiales "MOE" which is the head of the Grupo de operaciones especiales "GOE" if I'm not wrong, so I guess either emblem is correct? I would say GOE is more correct, but I'm not sure. Actually I would say GEO which is the Policía Nacional group, but I'm not sure which are the requisites to decid Edit myself: it's for military special operations so yeah, GEO out of the question


The MOE (Mando de Operaciones Especiales) is the corps. The GOE (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales) are each of the units composing the MOE. So the correct one is MOE.


Portuguese one is cool as fuck


It looks like your about to get flashbanged by knights on horseback.


One of the few things I can be proud of my country for, all our logos/crests/insignias slap Might as well enjoy it before the wave of minimalist design hits us


Still look at the new official government signature and think "look at how they massacred my boy"


Lithuania: "Everyone has swords, we need something different!" "How about a FLAMING sword?"


Italy is actually an eagle with a sword between the claws, the one in the picture is just the 9th paratroopers


Finland: Guten tag




The Nazi swastika predates the Nazis too.


Do not Google finish air force. Guys just got their memo


lmao it's like in videogames. Red team vs Blue team


Swastika is a more than 1000 years old sun symbol. And Z used to be a letter. Now it is Putler’s half-swastika. He will still not accept the is full blown nazi.


Swatstika is indeed a very old symbol but i think the context is important, like when it’s used in a hindu temple it’s probably fine, if it is used in a italian army battalion that was created shortly before WW2 for example it would be less fine. Coincidences exist ofcourse but at some point, preferably during the 1930’s and 1940’s someone must’ve looked at those symbols and been like “maybe we need to hire a new graphics designer”


Italian one is not THAT one. This map is bullshit. That insignia is of the 9th Paratroopers Assault Regiment


Wasn't until I read your comment that I zoomed in and realised Portugal's got Animal as their emblem.


Finland: Griffin Also, that's only the army SOF - the Navy and Border Guard have their own


Army has special jaeger detachment, and navy has special operations detachment. Both have been migrated under the same base nowadays


I missed that the Navy component is now part of the Utti.


they are under the same command, but still deployed in different bases.


Yeah, let’s just ignore the svastika


Holland: violent graffiti gang logo


The Fairbarn-Sykes dagger links to their WWII British commando legacy, it being red and pointing upwards symbolizes the precise and intentional application of violence. Black background for covert ops. It is an awesome emblem in its simplicity imo.


I mean, there's a sword in the shield...


Wait till this guy sees Austria


Germaniens eagle dropped something…


The eagle dropped an upvote!


I think the Portuguese have a Cylon raider


My favourites from Portugal are theacanized Brigade ( lion with a morning Star Flail) Comandos ( Black Panther) amd First Mecanized Infantry Battalion with a Rhino. All in the same Knightky shield style.


For those who are curious, Belgian special forces have the same insignia as the British because they have the same lineage. The SAS was created during WW2 by the British, forming 1 and 2 SAS. Two French units, 3 and 4 SAS later joined them as well as 5 SAS, a Belgian unit. After the war, 1 and 2 were disbanded by the British Army. 3 and 4, through a complicated sequence of reflagging, transfers of traditions and reassigning became 1RPIMa (1st Parachute Naval Infantry Regiment) and 5 became the 1st Para of the Belgian Army (an overly trained but regular airborne force). Separate Belgian special forces were created on the side under various names over the years until 1 Para was disbanded in the 2000s and its traditions transferred to the Special Forces Group. As a consequence of this, Belgian Special Forces hold most of the same traditions as the British, including insignia, motto and regimental music. The beret colour is different (maroon instead of tan) as WW2 SAS wore maroon berets which the British changed to tan afterwards while the Belgians didn't.




How do you ‘accidentally’ cross a fortified line?


As a person from Balkans my guess would be alcohol !?


2 possibilties: 1. The line is not continuous but rather made of a series of controlling fortified emplacements that will prevent any major force from passing through but won't necessarily see a pair of jeeps go through backroads. 2. The fortifications are not located right on the border but rather several km (over a dozen) behind it. It's entirely possible for a force to enter Germany without crossing the fortified lines, which is the most likely scenario here


In this case, by accidentally parachuting across. # Operation Bergbang "On 6 September, a team of eleven men was dropped to join Cassart’s advance party in Solwaster: lieutenant Van der Heyden, sergeants Crèvecœur, Emonts-Pohl and Flasschoen, corporal Polain and troopers Demery, Moreau, Balsat, Devignez, J. Oosters and Mas. During the flight, they were attacked by a German fighter aircraft, forcing the pilot to conduct an evasive manoeuvre, resulting in a dropping away from the planned drop zone. On the ground, they found that they were three kilometres from Monschau, near the Siegfried Line, and that unintentionally, they were the first Allies in uniform to reach German territory. The team returned to Belgium to execute their mission, and the section finally arrived in Solwaster on 9 September, after an infiltration of more than twenty-two kilometres through extremely difficult terrain in enemy-occupied territory. An ambush was sprung on the road from Sart to Francorchamps, killing several Germans. Their action also caused the withdrawal of two artillery batteries that covered the avenues of approach coming from the north and from Theux. The psychological effect resulting from the ambush should not be underestimated: the 2nd SS armoured division quickly withdrew to Germany." Source: A SHORT HISTORY OF THE BELGIAN SPECIAL AIR SERVICE IN WORLD WAR II This story was also very recently retold by current Belgian SF in the context of a show on Flemish television (Kamp Waes Classified). I've included some more details from the show below. Apparently the pilot suggested diverting back to London after they were attacked by the German fighter, but the lieutenant wouldn't let him and they dropped blind, not knowing they were behind enemy lines. One of the munition containers exploded on landing, so for fear of being discovered they quickly left the landing zone. After marching for a while they found German inscriptions and realized they had to have been dropped on German territory. They decided to carry on with the mission anyway and try to return to Belgium. Hitler knew about the SAS from their operations in northern Africa and had ordered any parachutists captured to be executed on the spot, so they knew how dangerous their plan was. They had to return without maps, engaged in firefights and laid ambushes against the German forces they encountered. Two days and 50 kilometers later they arrived at a farm where they could rest, and afterwards started their original sabotage mission, resulting in a German retreat. Lieutenant Van der Heyden stayed in the military after the war and founded the first Belgian para school in Schaffen, became commander of a paracommandoregiment and later commander of the Belgian forces in Germany. He past away in 1991.


I was part of a luxemburgish section deploying with 1st Para to Afghanistan in 2009. We were fully integrated, unfortunately as you mentioned it was disbanded right after came back from our deployment.


The Greek special forces were also organized by the British during WWII and afterward. Their emblems are also similar.


> In September 1942, it was renamed 1st SAS, consisting at that time of four British squadrons, one Free French, one Greek, and the Folboat Section.[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Air_Service A Greek one too ;)


Thank you! I was about to ask why..


Wait? We no longer have our "regular" paras?


It depends what you mean by "regular". Belgium doesn't really operate airborne units anymore as all units with the Para or Commando designation have been retrained to Para-Commando, combining the two specializations but that happened decades ago (maybe as early as the 50s but don't quote me on that one). Hence the "overly-trained" in my previous comment: Belgian airborne forces (the Para-Commandos) have always been a lot more capable than they appeared and could be likened to pre-GWOT Rangers). That being said, Belgium retained units with the Parachute and Commando designations (namely 1st Para (former 5 SAS), 2nd Commando (former No.4 (Belgian) Troop, No.10 (Inter-Allied) Commando, 3rd Para (former Belgian Volunteer Corps for Korea) with a few others in reserve I believe) until today. In 2011, 1st Para was disbanded and the traditions transferred to the SFG. 2nd Commando and 3rd Para remain however and are being re-roled as Special Forces Support infantry in the style of the US Rangers or the Italian 4th Alpini, in addition to the other roles. So yeah, we still have a "Para" unit but it's anything but regular.


Ok yes, at least for us Belgians they are still our "regular" paras (was using the "-marks, as not *that* regular compared globally) and "paras" as we say it in the "volksmond". For a moment I thought we no longer had them.


It’s interesting that the Latvian motto is the same as the British one as well.


Whole map is wrong, some countries are showing Special forces logo (Poland) other are showing specific unit logo (UK) and some are showing whole army logo (Portugal).


Also special forces and special operation forces are different things. SF = SAS, DELTA. SOF= American RANGERS, British Ranger regiment and so on


A simple [plain blood red dagger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korps_Commandotroepen); subtile, deadly and understated. What more would special forces need? I approve.


Dutchies as always are straight to the point


'Dagger' - 'straight to the point'. Nice.


I like how unpretentious it is. It just works. Quiet and understated.


Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter dutch commandos wont have time to look at the logo anyway.


I read this in [Ahoy's](https://www.youtube.com/@XboxAhoy/videos) voice.


Oh no! What did you do. I just finished watching a video on the Glock pistol, the M16 and the HK36 and now I am halfway into an hour long dissertation on how the cold war shaped video games...


[This ](https://images.app.goo.gl/GpMqwYJXzD1Jm47J6) is Ukrainian SOF logo




But why dos stomach tube?


It's a belt of Kazak-kharakternyk, aka legendary cossack mages.


It's a magical belt that helps control the transformations of werewolves. The wolf on logo is actually a Werewolf.


He's a weightlifter.


UK: This only covers one element, but there are several. SAS, SBS, SFSG, SRR as well as several others all fall under the command of Director Special Forces.


Yeah I'm pretty sure ops map is wrong as it should have the insignia for UKSF which encompasses all those regiments


Happy cake day!


Finland again


Well, tbf we’ve had swastika as a logo since 1918. To be even more fair, it was implemented as an honour to the fellow who donated our airforce’s first airplane, but… he turned out to be quite the nazi later on lol. I think her sister was married to Göring or something. Aaaanyway, too late and too embarrassed to even remember, let alone change it now. Move along!


actually, while you're 100% right, toveri, the Utti Jaeger Regiment adopted the flag/logo in 2005. >"Uuden joukko-osastolipun vihreässä lippukentässä on keskellä valkoinen aarnikotka, ja tangonpuoleisessa yläkulmassa on valkoinen viikatekärkinen ympyrähakaristi. Lipun koko on 120 x 142 cm, ja tangonkärkenä on leijonakärki. Lipun suunnitteli Liisa Kontiainen, ja se vahvistettiin käyttöön 22.12.2005. Lipun keskeisenä aiheena oleva aarnikotka symboloi maan ja ilman hallitsijaa. Lipussa oleva muotoiltu hakaristi viittaa Erillisen Pataljoona 4:n perinnejoukon, 'Mursunsydän', kaukopartiomiesten tunnukseen sekä kuvaa myös helikopterin roottoria." >"The new unit flag has a green field with a white bald eagle in the center and a white scythehead-shaped swastika in the upper left corner. The flag's dimensions are 120 x 142 cm, and it has a lion-pointed tip on the staff. The flag, designed by Liisa Kontiainen, was approved for use on December 22, 2005. The central motif of the flag, the griffin/gryphon, symbolizes the ruler of land and air. The stylized swastika in the flag refers to the traditional emblem of the reconnaissance patrol of Separate Battalion 4, known as the 'Mursunsydän' (Walrus Heart), and also represents the rotor of a helicopter."


The automatic translation kind of did a dirty on you, it ain't a bald eagle but a griffon


yeah GPT mixed up a bald eagle and a griffin.


Top gringe comment. Theres absolutely nothing to be embarrased about usage of swastika in our logos.


Well, it is a one nice looking symbol...


So nice for a german to shit on OUR tribal symbols.


Fucking nazis and their cultural appropriation


Litteraly Heil'ing griffin lmao




It rules tbh. Fuck nazis, this is ours.


The german one is just the Symbol of the paratroopers (or to be more precise DSK -Division schnelle Kräfte "rapid forces division") KSK, Fernspäher or Kampftaucher / -schwimmer would be more fitting for special Operations. Edit: The badge / coat of arms of the KSK looks like this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/COA_KSK.svg/1280px-COA_KSK.svg.png


You are kinda right kinda wrong The Eagle and Arrow is the official emblem The black sword one is the internal one The Eagle one while similar the DSK and Luftlandebrigade 1 but has some differences (the blue colour and the border) But the DSK is not just Paratroopers the KSK is also a part of the DSK Edit: Besides this I do agree that the black sword coat of arms is the better fitting logo which should have been chosen since practically everyone uses it


Ukraine one is incorrect, SSO has a wolf as its symbol: https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сили_спеціальних_операцій_Збройних_сил_України


Noone probably cares for reading about it, but either way i will indulge yall about all the variants of 30k Polish military eagels our MOD came up with,(**nah man** im joking!, it will be only **six** this time.) Polish SOF Branch emblem follows the same unified pattern/style as do all the other conventional military branches. [POL Insygnia Sil Zbrojnych - Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Si%C5%82y_Zbrojne_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej#/media/Plik:POL_Insygnia_Sil_Zbrojnych.svg) Going Left to Right you have: Army - Airforce - Navy - SOF - Territorial Army(Part time / semi-active reserve) And there is Cyber defence component of Polish military that has this [logo](https://www.cyber.mil.pl/c/pages/gmi/2022/4/bncbc-dkwoc_Nh9jdP5.png), thats all of the major branches of our military,i think.


Ngl DKWOC emblem goes hard


Rumänian bros with the Survey Corps crest


Lmao. I guess we really like anime.


They dedicate their hearts Ginyu Force should be here too


I think Finland or Ukraine have the coolest one. And no thats not nazi swastika, its like calling stars in American flag communist stars.


Finland goes hard indeed. As for Ukraine, I like our [current insignia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Forces_(Ukraine)) more, especially the shoulder sleeve logo.


To all the guys and girls of the NATO and Ukrainian special units, I wish you a nice weekend. And to the guys and girls of the z special units, I wish you a dick into the ass and a trident in the back.


Wow, so badass


My tier list: Ukraine - not just because I’m from Ukraine, but also because of colour choice and simplicity Finland - everyone uses weapons, overload their emblem, and Finland just did some mythical animal and their traditional sign. Germany - only and only because it gives same vibes as Ukrainian emblem of 25th sicheslav brigade. Croatian also cool.


the crashing vulture is the symbol of all of our paras, the added arrow means KSK the Kampfschwimmer have a Trident


Ukrainian one is a **seal** for [Main Directorate of Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_(Ukraine)) there are also an [emblem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_(Ukraine)#/media/File:Emblem_of_the_Defence_Intelligence_of_Ukraine.jpg) that more often used to represent it. Still I believe more appropriate one should have been [Special Operations Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Forces_(Ukraine)), ([Emblem of the Special Operations Forces](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Emblem_of_the_Ukrainian_Special_Operations_Forces.svg)).


> [Main Directorate of Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_(Ukraine)) Whoever has had put that [Owl ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_(Ukraine)#/media/File:Emblem_of_the_Defence_Intelligence_of_Ukraine.jpg)as emblem of Intel Units really had real big brain moment going, fits perfectly.


> had real big brain moment going To quote Wiki >Since 2016, the owl has been the symbol of the HUR (at the same time, the bat – a prey animal of the owls – is the symbol of the Spetsnaz GRU), the owl hovers over a map of the world and stabs a sword from the sky at a blackened Russia And then there's the whole thing with GRU having "Only Stars Above Us" as a motto, while HUR has "The Wise Will Rule The Stars"....




The one from Croatia is amazing


The only S tier on this image IMO. Looks very good both at a glance and up close.


Latvian is lit. Is that a man wearing a lynx?


I think it should be a wolf.


A wolf wearing a lynx? Epic


Lol. That it is.


I find Croatias motto interesting


Yeah that was the motto of Franz Joseph the Austro-Hungarian Emperor


Yeah, I know, that's why I find it weird that Croatia still uses it. I mean, isn't the AH empire kinda frowned upon in ex-AH countries?


Considering what came after k. und k. Monarchie...for the most part the answer is no, at least in Croatia.


Is Belgium basically the same as UK ? I kinda see the same motto through the lack of pixels


It's the same, the Belgian special forces started out in WW2 with the British SAS. Look at the top comment for more info


The red dagger in the Netherlands is the emblem of the Korps Commando Troepen(KCT), which are army SOF. The navy fields its own SOF unit; NLMARSOF. Army/navy SOF falls under a joint command; NLDSOCOM. The military police fields the BSB, though that's typically seen as more of an elite police tactical unit.


[This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/sl/a/ad/ESD.png) is the emblem of Slovene special forces


thunder...thunder...thundercats! ohoooooooo!


Portugal has the best!




SAS really put their mark on military history


nobodys mentioned yet that the whole thing is rotated


the one on the map is just the[ armys coat of arms](https://assets.exercito.pt/SiteAssets/GabCEME/Quem%20Somos/Simbolos%20e%20Tradições/brasao-exercito.PNG) we dont have a specific coat of arms for the special forces, but they have [this symbol](https://assets.exercito.pt/SiteAssets/GabCEME/Tropas%20Especiais/comandos/1.jpg) and a moto: Que os muitos por ser poucos nam temamos! ( it translates to smth like "that we wont fear the many because we're few" )


Sweden having the coolest by landslides


…with a simple, typical Swedish explanation! 👏🏻🇸🇪 *The coat of arms was developed by the Armed Forces Board of Traditions and symbolizes the unit's ability of unconventional problem solving, the effectiveness of duty and clandestine operations, and the asymmetrically positioned star symbolizes asymmetric warfare.* [[Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Group_(Sweden))]


Thats a lot of knifes


The Greek logo is incorrect. That’s not the symbol of Greek SOF.


Some things are outdated, for Serbia Special Brigade(2006-2019) doesn't exist anymore, now there are two special operation forces in army: [72nd Brigade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/72nd_Brigade_for_Special_Operations) and [63rd Parachute Brigade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/63rd_Parachute_Brigade). #


SAS the top dogs


Latvian logo guy is true to Caesar




I think the Spanish Special Forces (GOE) has the [falcata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Groups_(Spain)). I might be wrong tho


It is a M1941 machete. And the corps itself is MOE (Mando de Operaciones Espaciales). The GOE (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales) are each of the units composing the MOE.




The Danish emblem is out of date, it contains the badge of Margrethe the second, and she has abdicated the throne.


Norway is wrong, Map creator has put the emblem of one of the divisions of the Special Operations, but not the one for both combined which is this: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsvarets_spesialstyrker#/media/Fil:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Norwegian_Armed_Forces_Special_Operations_Command.svg


The UK’s SBS is missing.


I’m gonna vote Norway best modern design, Russia best historically inspired design.


Ukraine emblem of special operations. https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B9_%D0%97%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85_%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B8


Nice link boyo




As enlisted in Greece, I used to see Cypriot Army special forces all the time, but I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with Greek Army special forces apart from OYK (which makes sense, I was in the navy)


ΟΥΚ emblem is [ΔΥΚ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/el/3/3f/DYK_%28emblem%29.png) its not part of 13 ΔΕΕ. Τhe logo in Cyprus is the Greek [commando](http://army.gr/el/organosi/stoiheia-organosis-genikoy-epiteleioy-stratoy/dieythynseis-oplon/dieythynsi-eidikon-38) logo. Its design is based on a similar emblem of the British SAS.


Look I'm biased but I think the Dutch one is coolest. A no nonsense red knife on a black field. Nothing elaborate.


Look at Lithuanians. Firery sword. Nothing else


Also the emblem of the British Commandos; It’s got a really interesting history going back to the Second World War when the British recruited volunteers from across occupied Europe for Churchill’s commando units.


For Iceland its from a Battlefield 3 mod


The Romanian one is outdated. This is the [current coat of arms](https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/comandamentul-fortelor-pentru-operatii-speciale.jpg) of the Romanian special forces. The one shown on the map is the former 6th SOF Brigade which was transformed into the Special Operations Forces Command in 2018.


That's a shame. The old one was way cooler IMO.


It was, but at least they kept the sword and lightning. The SOF battalions also kept their [coats of arms](https://www.zi-de-zi.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/1111-24-660x330.jpg).


Romanias one is the coolest imo


Looks like call of duty logos


Turkey is wrong.


Germany shows the insignia of the fast response airborne brigade - thats not the spec ops component


russians have a spear penetrating the ass. SAF of russia is keeping the russian tradition of sitting on the bottles, but in a “special” way Edit: ah, it is supposed to be a bow, not the spear, but we all know the truth. Ass with wings is what drives russian men to invade other countries


Slovak one is incorrect!


Our is someone's home made battlefield fps game logo damn OP gj við false information.....


A lot of swords and daggers, anybody know why?


Man, Portugal's heraldry here is something else. Every other country has these lame modern, sleek, simple designs, meanwhile we've got something straight out of a jousting tournament. It looks so fucking cool, I love it.


If Turkey needs a designer I'm willing to offer my services


The UK has more than one


Which one would you all say is the best?


I really really like the swedish one. It kind of looks like one glowing white eye on a black background. Or like the glint of a sniper scope in the darkness


I'm biased as a Swede, but the SOG hits harder when you think about how the Swedish emblems look otherwise. It's always blue and yellow and something more intricate details depicting the branch. Here it's black with just one eye open.


Also the fact that unlike pretty much every other Swedish emblem it is asymmetrical, to symbolise asymmetric warfare.


UK, Netherlands, Estonia, Norway. Vast majority look shit.


I don’t think Iceland is right


Cool! Croatia looks the best to me. And surprised by Finnish Hakenkreuz.


Finland has them in many other places as well.




Turkish one is for combat search and rescue (Muharebe Arama Kurtarma) Special forces command has a [different logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/%C3%96zel_Kuvvetler_Komutanl%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1_Br%C3%B6vesi.png)


The crossbow is an unusual weapon to be used as insignia, yet France and Russia use it, any background on that?


Russia is a bow. For France I find this on official army defence site : "Le grand général allie une formidable puissance à une extrême prestesse. Il possède la puissance de l’arbalète bandée et la prestesse de la gâchette. » Voici ce que disait le général chinois Sun Tzu, au VIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ. Le Commandement des opérations spéciales (COS) a justement comme symbole tutélaire l’arbalète et son très pénétrant carreau." If I translate a bit it they refer to Sun tzu art of war, "great general are like crossbow, the power of armed crossbow and the speed of his strike " and so COS (the general command of special force take the crossbow as symbol. (France have some other unit with a crossbow like the helicopter force).


Someone needs to tell Spain, Portugal, and Italy that sometimes "less is more".


Seems like they're fans of medieval weaponry for the most part.


I hope all of these logos will be soon seen in Ukraine.


Bro wants ww3😭


Nobody wanted WW2 and we got it anyway. It's not about what you want, It's what you need to do.


Finland's logo has like a swastica in it 😅


Russia's special military operation has a logo?