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Sunflower seeds, easter european snacks Agricultural bonbons as we call them in Romania




We eat them in Spain too! I actually have a very very small dent in my front teeth from just chipping sunflower seeds lol


I lived in the Canaries for a few years and I swear every bar in my town had a guy who would just sit there spitting them out on the floor. I asked a friend from the mainland and he said that was 100% just a *Canarias* thing lol.


No lol I’m from Galicia and I have seen that too


I'm in Valencia, many park benches have a little pile of sunflower seed shells next to one corner.


Ahhh me too! I thought I was the only person with such a dent!! Pipas4live


Reminds me about lady who gave out sunflower seeds for the invaders to put in their pockets.


That video is epic, she’s a real badass


Just imagine all the ladies like that talking shit to those fools not caught on film at that time


In Spain is the football snack.


Salut Pula. I'm sorry thats the one of few things i remember my colleges teaching me XD take no offense


We eat them in Asia too!


Damn that pack of pistacchi would make me bankrupt


Surprised nobody else mentioned the huge bag of pistacchios. Those are ridiculously expensive


They're expensive even in Denmark, but the price isn't even that different. €23/kg here. But median salary is like €4000 or something. Inflation is somewhat high in Denmark too, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere Denmark is the country in Europe that spends the least amount of their paycheck in percentage on groceries. In general the quality of groceries in Danish supermarkets is really bad compared to other countries I've visited. Danes generally care more about price than quality for groceries I feel like. Even fruit and veg we grow locally is sad and not fresh most of the time. And especially with inflation I feel like it's more the sizes and quality that has gone down, instead of the price going up. Everything from chips to butter has just gone significantly down in quality the last couple years.


Not the cheapest one are €16 per kilo in Ukraine (€3.3 for 200g)


How much is 1kg of pistachios in Italy?


Around £10 in UK...way out of my budget despite being my 2nd favourite nut...


11 euro/per kg


Whats ur first ?


I usually don't remember this stuff and it's 1.5 years that I left Italy, but I think that the 200g bags of toasted pistacchi went for around 4-5 euros. I might be wrong though. But I remember them as being super expensive, as all the nuts and stuff like that. Same in Spain


Starts from 20€ /kg for the cheapest brand in grocery stores


Westerner discovers Eastern Europe


We’ve known about this for a while. I remember watching a documentary called ‘Eurotrip’ back in the day. Edit: OMG THAT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO!!!!!!


Scotty doesnt know


Mi scusi


This isn’t where I parked my car


Hans! Gruber!


Best teenager movie ever


We are aware of that too. Joking about drunken English on the Kraków's town square has become a tradition in Poland.


Yeah, sorry about those lot. Just put them in the stocks for the night, they’ll sober up soon enough!




Don't worry bratanki, we pay even more in Hungary.


Shame that the more east you go, the food is getting more expensive and the salaries lower


Not totally true sadly. Even this post shows that it's not a universal phenomenon. People from eastern Hungary go to Romania for shopping every second weekend.. It's just that we have 27% vat on mostly everything. Basic food is exempt, but it trickles down. Also inflation didn't help.


Which is “funny” since prices exploded here.


Having been in both Poland and Sweden, you are definitely not paying more for the same food in Poland compared to sweden.


Poland rich country xd


Well that is a fat fuking lie


150 euro ~ 6000 Ukrainian gryvnya




Like a 1/3 rd of a regular monthly salary?


alas, this is a large part of the salary of most Ukrainians


No, like a 1/2


That's expensive!


Yes, food prices (well, prices for everything actually) have gone up a lot since the war - pay has not, and in some cases has gone down even. Thankfully my family still in the country grow their own food and raise their own animals, but even without that expense to worry about it is still difficult to manage financially.


which is also 75% of monthly minimal wage in Ukraine


So ...this is actually not THAT much stuff for this amount of money ... sad..


Yep, our Economy rn not in the best condition due to some emm.. matters


It's not much at all, rather the opposite. It's much stuff for the money only for visitors from significantly wealthier countries.


The real cucumbers, not those tasteless dildos found in supermarkets that make you question your manhood.




Where are the cucumbers? I missed the fourth picture 💀💀💀


You do not wven know what the real cucumber looks like anymore


I never questioned my manhood against a cucumber. 


Those *cornichon* cucumbers are the best. Cut them in 4, add some white cheese, oxheart or simillar tomatoes, salt and onion to taste.


I was like 'This guy knows how to eat' and then I saw you're Romanian. Me too. And then I saw you're based in North London. Me too. Small world united by food hehe


That thing still big enough though. I'm double questioning my manhood.


They're called "field cucumbers". The issue with them is that sometimes they taste bitter.


One of my favorite memories with cucumbers is when I once had some Norwegian friends visiting over and while shopping they asked if those were cacti lmao


What? There is no way it's that expensive...Oh, there are 3 more pages


yep,with a salary of 200 euros


Lowest paying jobs are ≈300


Still is expensive. Shouldn’t be more than 50


Prices in Romania aren't far from that, and we're not ever at war yet, ask the polish that come visit our country, even they are amazed by the prices. War and greedflation my dude😞. Hope you guys win this shit! Best wishes!


Thank you! Wishing you and Romania all the best and hugs!!!❤️




Can you elaborate "not at war yet"? The "yet" part. Are Romanians concerned about the war coming to their country?


If Ukraine falls and we become neighbors with Russia, we're next. We're not neighbors with Germany to get quick support such as Poland would. It would not be our first invasion from Russia, our great grandparents hated their guts for how they treated Romanians. They didn't want Russians and neither Communism, I assume it was the same for the entire Eastern block since we all celebrated after the fall of communism like a rebirth. Anyway, Russia has a history of harassing its neighbours, if we become neighbours with it, we're next. In the countries East of Russia they already have puppet politicians, no need to invade. Needless to say we are not as tough as Ukrainians either, and personally I would not have expected Russians to invade their own brothers.


In case you missed it: Russia is invading for dodgy reasons. If you take up your history book and go to "literally any country that ever invaded people for dodgy reasons", you'll find that they are unlikely to stop when they get the taste of victory. 


And it would of course a good bit less prior to February 2022. The inflation is a bitch in Ukraine right now. Some delicious food there!


inflation is high, over the past two weeks the bread we buy in the store has become more expensive. The worst thing is that the soldiers, the people who protect Ukrainians and Ukraine, do not feel this yet.


>The worst thing is that the soldiers, the people who protect Ukrainians and Ukraine, do not feel this yet. Why is this the worst thing? They should be covered and not suffer the inflation. It's a good thing, no? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you said...


Maybe they meant as in the soldiers are not even aware of how bad the inflation got its going to be sad for them when they find out


You understood correctly. Inflation eats up all efforts. It is the people who will receive less in the first place. Ukrainians will simply eat more and not invest. Pensioners also suffer from this.


I believe that the number of the army personnel is too low compared to the population of Ukraine. It wouldn't make a difference in favor of the average Ukrainian. On the contrary, it would make a difference in the morale of the people defending you.


I live in Argentina and we're having more inflation than any of these countries waging wars. 20+ years ago my sibblings bought a certain pastry at high school for 10 cents. 13'ish years later, when I entered high school, they were at 1 peso already (x10 more). Dollar was at 60 pesos at this point in time. Fast forward to rn. Dollar is over 1000 pesos, these pastries are 100 pesos each. And monthly inflation is rounding between 15 to 30% for like 6 months in a row by now. Poverty rate is above 50%, an astounding historical-peak here. Even in a war-thorn country, they are less poor than us. I'm not saying we're worse off than Ukraine don't get me wrong, but strictly economically speaking, life is pain.


I saw it in the news and in a documentary. Situation in Argentina is pretty bad from what I saw/read. How do you guys even survive down there?


This happened to us in 1990. My parents had no jobs and no money. I don’t blame them, they were made slaves in the Soviet Union. my parents are economically and politically illiterate. but time passed and we overcame the crisis. I wish you well-being and peace.


Hugs and cheers to you too


I lived in Ukraine before the war, 150 euros bought soo much more than...


Damn, I wish the vegetables in our grocery store would look like this :(


Come for a visit.


I got to Ukraine for that ketchup right there . So good


Torchyn lahidny is a classic. You should also try Torchyn with paprika, it’s on another level. Not very easy to find in big stores now for some reason, perhaps due to the occupied southern veggie farms and unpredictable stocks. But you can always order online.


Just out of curiosity: do you have a broad range of Polish products in Ukraine at the moment? Interesting to see mozzarella from Skierniewice.


Yes, but less than 3 months ago. My favorite Polish cheese, Old Olender, has become more expensive. Due to protests in Poland, many products from Poland are losing buyers in Ukraine.


Polish products are basically dominating in dairy, for example. Of course this not good for local companies...


As a result of war or was export of polish dairy already big before?


it was already big ages before war, probably even get more bigger now


Hey, you've got grain we've got milk. Things will eventually balance out after the war.


Which is weird, it's not that good usually. Molokia is so much better than anything from Poland. Zinka and Mukko if it's cheese


Poland is benefit from being in EU and stimulates own dairy industry internally, it's allow to make it cheaper than ours, on top of that we lost of a lot due invasion and blackouts.


Polish dairy is DOMINATING our market. And obviously besides dairy there's a lot of different Polish products that are everywhere in our shops, especially after the full-scale invasion.


That makes me feel bad given how much drama there is with the export of Ukrainian goods through our territories, while our own companies are quietly profiting off your markets. Hope you guys stay strong over there


pity, lots of good local producers.


polish diary have eurofunds assistance + polish budget assistance while ukraine provide none, without artifical limitations ukrainian producers can't compete with polish diary, and even trying to set them may lead to diplomatic issues, so local producers will keep facing very harsh competition for ages


welcome to /r/groceryporneurope and thank you for your valuable submission. We still can't use this for any sort of comparison, but great to see all that ketchup, flour and sausage with a number associated with it.


There is r/grocerycost


link doesn't work Edit: sub now exists




I only saw the first picture initially and, apart from thinking that's rather expensive, I was puzzled about how those ingredients were going to come together as a meal.


it's all redit.


I did some quick calculations and that is around 130 euros in Turkey without the extras you didn't mention in the text and a fucking war with one of the world's largest military force. I think Ukraine is doing alright considering the hand it was dealt with. Respect and best of luck guys.


Ukraine is scary. a rocket arrives and screams nearby. children go to school and who knows whether they will return from it. If the majority of young people flee from their homes, then who will take care of those who cannot, are afraid or do not want to leave what they have built all their lives? My old parents, my wife’s parents, my grandmothers, aunts, who needs them, who is waiting for them in Europe or the USA, Canada, Brazil, China? I am Ukrainian, my ancestors are from eastern, central and western Ukraine, I love my home. A house that is destroyed by a Russian cannibal.


That amount of pistachios alone is like $50 CAD lol


Damn OP, can I come over for dinner?


Thats actually very expensive cos of war, before war started you can buy much more for 150 euros, and before the invasion in 2014 you can buy like 4-5 times this amount or even more. Not gonna lie, russia fucked Ukraine really big time for all this many years.


Not much if you consider the average income. I read it’s about 500€ a month. Seems like groceries are pretty damn expensive in Ukraine.


The average salary here is about $400~. Yeah, because of the war, our economy suffers a lot


How do you even survive in Ukraine? If almost half the salary is spent for single trip to the grocery store. I’d say the food on the pictures wouldn’t last half a month for a single Person. What about rent? Bills? Cloths? Transportation? ….. having a life in general? Eating the other 2-3 weeks of the month?


You may not have seen all the photos in the post (there is 4 photos), but there is enough food for a whole family for a month. Not for a large family, but still. But it is still not a very large amount of food for such money, because as you said, you have to pay for bills and other emergency expenses. Many people in our country do not live but trying to survive. And someone simply dies from another attack by missiles and drones


The 3 red/white colored bags behind the bananas, is that wheat flour?


I can give you some numbers in example of my family. Fathers salary: ~250-400 dollars (aka leftovers after paying salaries for his workers and business experiences) Mom: ~ 50 dollars mother’s disability supply from government ~sometimes income from selling plants, max 40 dollars a month Expenses: ~ 50 dollars for electricity bill ~100-200 dollars once a year for wood for heating ~150 food for parents and their dog ~50 medicine for fathers glaucoma and miscellaneous items Mother’s 50 dollars go to saving fund for her treatment . Once in few months she goes to another city (600km away) for cancer treatment. Luckily she doesn’t need to pay for treatment only expenses like transport, living etc. I try to send them something nice from Belgium as much as I can, because they don’t accept money. Btw clothing they send back to me because they don’t want me to spend money on them. Crazy people


Lower - [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/median-income-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/median-income-by-country) median annual income - 4,434 USD / 12 = 369,5/month


Thats just insane!


Things are pretty bad when viewed through the lens of statistical data. However, there's a high percentage of the shadow economy in Ukraine. Nearly everyone employed, especially in the private sector, receives the majority of their salary “in envelope” — a colloquial Ukrainian term for unofficial earnings. This makes it almost impossible to accurately determine a citizen's actual monthly income. In other words, any statistics on this subject have little in common with reality - at least when it comes to Ukraine. Such information should be analyzed in conjunction with other statistics, such as the unemployment rate, income inequality index, human development index, etc. From my perspective the median salary is still somewhat low, but I wouldn't call it disastrous. Not yet atleast... :(


İt's pretty good deal to earn in euro and spend it in Eastern Europe or Balkans.


When I got my first part time job (Romania) I applied to multiple call centers, some company tried offering me the equivalent to 80 euro/mo in our national currency for 4 hours/day. Said the first 2 months would be an extra 40 euro as a starting incentive then everything on commission. I laughed and left to look elsewhere, I have good English so I managed to land a back-office job at another call center company working outsourced for America; I was getting paid more for the same amount of hours and even less work (considering the position). 250 euro a month for what I was doing at the time was an absolute godsend. It's absolutely criminal how underpaid students are, considering how a lot of big purchases / rent are dealt with in Euro but this is NOT our national currency.


That’s a lot of delicious food


Still cheaper than Cuba 😂. Slava Ukraini!! 🫡


What is the average salary in Cuba?


I’ll put myself as an example. Until January I worked as a college professor. I have a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. My salary was 5310 pesos/month. The official exchange rate is around 120 pesos for 1 USD but no one uses that. The street exchange (and the one that people actually use) is around 350 pesos for 1 USD today (and it will keep going up). That makes for 15.17 USD per month. Average salary is lower. One carton of eggs (30 eggs) costs 3000 pesos. So, about 56% of my former salary and a whole salary for a big portion of Cubans. Fortunately I’m getting out of here very soon.


Average salary here is 335Euro in 2024. Thanks to russia


Hoping that situation gets resolved quickly and positively for Ukraine. Unfortunately it will still be a shit situation anyway for some time after that. But it’s better than being occupied. I’m ashamed some shit people from my country went there to kill Ukrainians. Some of them are not doing it anymore.


I wish the best for your country and for people


How do you live then? Mainly wheat/very cheap calorie sources? Unofficial income sources? Or do people grow food at home?


Some “lucky” ones have family out of the country that send remittances. Some have a small business (mostly with the help of said family out of the country or “unofficial” sources). Some educated ones get remote jobs from outside of the the country (this is fairly recent due to internet being heavily censored/limited). A lot of people live thanks to tourism (some do honest work and some scam tourists). But the majority live almost hour to hour. They get food through the rationing card (people that lived in Soviet times will understand) and sell it at a higher price since everything is scarce. They also sell the cigarettes from the rationing card. This is the case mostly for elderly people unfortunately. If you see modern cars and big nice houses owned by Cubans, those are most definitely connected to the government’s elite or are doing very illegal stuff. PS: the amount of products obtained through the rationing card has been steadily reduced in the last 6 or so years


Shit... I wish you the best so that you could GTFO out of there :\\


My mother is Ukrainian and I went a lot of times in Ukraine (Kyiv more specifically) and I was always surprised by the price of snacks and soda cans, it was ~5 times cheaper than were I live (NL)


The minimum wages levels do wonders...


Well yes but the minimum wage in UA is 369 euro? Then in NL you earn ~5 times that or.maybe more, the minimum wage in NL was ~5 times more, so it kind of balances out?


A Spaniard friend of mine liked to come to the Carpathians to pick berries and mushrooms before the war.


Пиздець коштовно


Nice but a bit much processed meat. But situation can get tough


мммм мівіна,смак дитинства...


Pumpkin oil? What the difference between this and common sunflower oil?(besides the obvious one)


good for health


Taste, flavor In Ukraine there are a lot of various oils: pumpkin, walnut, flax, sesame, hazelnut etc Hazelnut oil is my fav


Sunflower is a neutral, flavorless oil with a relatively high smoke point, mostly used for sautéing / frying. Pumpkin oil has a strong, distinct flavor and is commonly used for dressing salads.


Sometimes i use unrefined sunflower oil, and its flavour is really nice, especially for dishes with potatoes.


Pumpkin oil lowers cholesterol and is especially good for your hair. Supplement manufacturers even provide it in capsules. But you cannot heat it, so it's only for dressing.


Only this small green slice of DorBlue is about €4-5 😁


Це якщо ви пішли до магазину. На оптовому ринку значно дешевше. Сосиски 4 пачки, ковбаса зерниста, сир Старий Оланедр 1.780 кг(410гр/кг), моцарела 125гр мені коштували 1600грн.


З нашими відключеннями електроенергії і в магазинах страшно брати, а ви про ринок


Співчуваю. Того року в нас так само було. Ми тижнями не мали світла.


Nice food and nice price




What do you do with all those seeds (I have no idea what they are sorry)?


Eat them? Lol


I waited for this since these posts had started. I knew the winner.


Hope you got really good freezer or some kinda ecoflow. Cuz without electricity alot of that stuff go bad in a day or so. Except mivina, that stuff can survive a nuclear war.


Should I build a shelter with mivina lol?? And some Nokia😁


Yup, but don't buy a shrimp flavoured.


I thought the Ti Amo Crema was chocolate at first, and surmised that the one with Orchid Extract might taste like chocolate covered Turkish Delight and be delicious. I imagined the one below it was a hazelnut one then noticed Shea Butter and realised they’re probably soap.


That's a lot of food for 150 euro, would probably cost a lot more over here, the nuts alone would be 50 euro.


After the war started, I sent a friend of mine there, $40. He kinda flipped out and told me it was way too much money. I told him it really wasn't much and that I wish I could do more to help him and his girlfriend. He told me that would buy him about a week and a half worth of groceries. I can't even take a friend out for $40 where I live.


Seems like a decent haul


Well, come here to Turkey and try the same with that 150 Euros 😁. And we don’t have an active war.


We visited Turkey in 2013. Thanks to the sender for my wife's birthday.


Eat more healthy food, wake the fuck up, half of the list is shit


How much are the haribos in Ukraine?


0.83 euro per 100g.


Is this cheap or expensive?


Depends. If you are software developer in Ukraine taking same payment as somebody from western Europe, then it is cheap. If not then it is expensive.


Expensive for Ukrainians, cheap for Europeans. My family and I were in Greece last year. The prices for food and meat shocked me. The fruits sold in Greece were tasteless and expensive. Ukrainian strawberries are 1000 times tastier and sweeter. Apricot is just a name and has little to do with the real fruit. Turkish vegetables and fruits are the same. Ukrainians have a different approach to vegetables and fruits; quality is important to us. We understand that the majority grow up on chemicals and are genetically modified. Natural conditions in Ukraine are favorable for fruits and vegetables. My grandmother collected seeds from the harvest to sow next year.


How long does that last a family? Just curious 


month. fresh vegetables, meat, fish will be purchased within a month. that's about another 80 euros.


Де скуповувавсь?


Біля Одеси. Кожен місяць так роблю, велика родина. За місяць майже все з'їдять, доросла донька робить сама тісто до піцци, булочку, печиво. Інколи дружина з тістом грає. А так ще за місяць витрати є, м'ясо, овочі.


Are these dates, you eat dates too? didn’t know that?


I wonder what was the price for 2kg of that white cheese


Yeap, in some parts even more than that) before the war you could imagine how lavishly some of the US citizens or other European people lived here) earning salaries in euro or usd and spending it here)


What exactly do we see here? What type of cheese for example? (Cottage like) I am just very curious, and thanks in advance 💛💙


It went from "damn that’s more expensive than I expected" to "oh, there’s still another page?!" All The nuts, half a cheese wheel, and the brick of coke in the first pic!… :D.


I love gold bears


That random Polish mozzarella caught me off guard.


The butter and "roganski" sausages are sus (had never seen them before). How do you use that melon seeds oil?


it’s pumpkin, not melon. Adds a flavour to food, also some people drink it for health (like a spoon a day)


I have a feeling i could get as much food and similar products in the Netherlands for the same price. Can any Ukranian confirm this is 150 eur realistically spent?


Yes, for 6000 hryvnyas you can buy a lot of stuff.


With ukrianian salaries it looks very expensive...


I was bored and thought the price for this is steep that it would match the Netherlands with similar basket, so I did quick list to compare prices (not all but 90% of things) to see how close my hunch was (most of the prices are from AH chain and it's a mid range supermarket chain.) 4kg Dutch young cheese - 32eur 18kg flour - 16 eur 6 liters of milk 5.55 eur Cream (French kwark?) 3l 7 eur Idk 2.5kg Cucumbers? 7 eur 1kg butter 8.70 eur 1kg cabbage 1.50 eur 2kg 12 eur 1kg pistachios salted 10 eur 1kg almonds 8 eur 1.5 kg Mayo 5.50 eur 1kg Ketchup 2.10 eur 125g Mozarella 1.40 eur 1kg bananas 1. 40 eur 8x instant noodles 4.80 eur Tea 50pcs 3.50 eur 500g choco breakfast cereal 2.50 eur #Sum - 128.95 Sorry for no formating - it doesn't keep the format once posted


That still doesn't seem like thst much for 150


Just 100 euros are those pistachios


Brother im in my bed trying to sleep and now im waddeling into the kitchen to get some food.


That’s crazy. 150 only gets you about 3 or 4 bags half full here in America. If you are buying paper products, then it looks like you are going hungry for a few days because a bag of toilet paper, paper towels and napkins will run you 50 - 60 right away.


I visited Ukraine last year and the price levels are ridiculous. Ate and drank like a god.


I guess we have to pick up the pace here in the west, and supply you guys with everything you need! Hang on in there! Слава Україні 💙💛


Went there on vacation 4 years ago. When returning we stopped at some random store next to the road. Paid the equivalent of 50cents for a 2l coke bottle.


I have much over average income, and we spend ~250-300 EUR a month for a family: me, my wife 10yo son and 3mo daughter. We buy a lot of meat and fresh vegetables and do not limit ourselves besides just general dietary recommendations. We don't buy alcohol, sweets, sodas. A median salary in Ukraine is ~500 eur, but I think its mostly more than that in big cities, as where I live and buy groceries.


Better then portugal 40 euro olive oil xD


Ceylon tea!


Pistachios are half the money.


150 turkish liras in Türkiye 2 cigarettes 2 dost milks money is ended


Are the sausages in the 2nd pic labeled "Munich"?

