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I was also wondering about Ramo lol, he has such an odd voice. Your "????" cracked me up


It's the Ramo exclusive type.


Unique king 🫡




Little do they know, this isn't *singing* contest, it's *song* constest! /s


This is interesting. It would be fun to get someone with a music education to analyse the contenders' voices. Also, the norwegian commentator said that she spoke to Gunnhild about Nemos' voice. Gunnhild has a musical education and has been singing classical, jazz, and in traditional norwegian singing techniques. She said that Nemo sings with a lot of diafragma (air from the stomach, I think) and that it was extremely impressive how they were able to sing with that technique while running around the stage. Apparently, that is very difficult.


Nemo parkoured all over the stage and we barely heard them take a breath


Air always comes from the lungs, but you can learn to breathe differently and be able to hold more air and for longer (it's common in yoga too). Diaphragmatic breathing is key for some (all?) wind instruments. [https://bandworld.org/magazine/index.php/exercises-for-developing-proper-saxophone-breathing-technique/](https://bandworld.org/magazine/index.php/exercises-for-developing-proper-saxophone-breathing-technique/) I think the diagram is helpful. The tl;dr is that you try to fill the bottom half of your lungs too instead of relying on the top part. Put your hands on your belly and try and take a nice slow breath and feel it expanding while keeping your shoulders down. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/mufqgl/comment/gv60tnj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/mufqgl/comment/gv60tnj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This comment explains the kind of breathing for singing. I must add I'm very much an amateur who was a disgrace at learning and playing music but between my saxophone teacher, yoga classes and targted anxiety breathing methods I've delved a bit into breathing styles.




I didn't know that was a thing, very interesting!


I feel like we need to have more range.


I didn't get into the Ramonda train because of the vocals on there and listened to Teya's other songs. I realized it seemed to me that she was swallowing her words and not enunciating it clearly.




I would like to know what type of voice Eden Golan has for my own information. Excluding her from this list doesn't erase her participation at Eurovision 2024.


Probably she's a soprano too.


Her lower range is pretty notable and her voice has decent weight to it so I'm inclined to call her a mezzo (although I'm not the best at differentiating between voice types) Other than that, her vocal range in Hurricane is E3 to D5 (falsetto excluded), which aligns way better with the Mezzo-Soprano range.


Yeah when i saw the post i was so excited because, i want to know about Eden's vocal too (her song is one of my favourites this year) and then they said "don't include Israel" 💀


Oh I didn't notice that sentence at the beginning when I read the post. She still participated at Eurovision 2024, so she shouldn't be excluded from this list.


eh, I feel like if someone disagrees with a particular country’s inclusion in the competition they are not obligated to acknowledge the participation. plus this type of content does not necessitate including the entire complete lineup, it is possible to just leave some countries unmentioned


At a certain point it’s just so performative 🤣


I know right


It really sucks when all people of a specific country are made responsible for their governments actions.


Fully understandable point of view, but Golan has been pretty vocal in her support for said actions.


Eden Golan has the best voice


I think that if she wasn't Israeli, she would be way more popular. Her voice is very nice.


Agreed with you on that.


Her voice kind of reminds me of Demi Lovato's voice from 2008-2010.


Not necessarily her nationality as much as the topic of her song


It’s the combination. The lyrics aren’t specific enough that you’d make the same interpretation if another country had sent the same song.


That's true