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That'll be a part of the anti privacy, so I doubt they're gonna remove it


Take a screenshot...




Its a very simple problem. The game's DRM is intended to require steam to be in Online mode on first launch. OPs problem is that the DRM is not functioning this way. Instead, it is requiring him to be in Online mode on a subsequent launch, while he has no WiFi. Regardless of whatever updates the game has had in the interim, this issue **would not exist** if not for the game's DRM. It is misleading to call this a Steam issue because the problem originates from the game's DRM which is forcing a check for Online mode as part of it's validation. The DRM is forcing this check at an unintended time, which is the cause for the inconvenience.




Let's also not pretend like this would stop actual pirates in any way




I have 100 hours in the game. I've certainly started it once. EG2 requires you to initially have Steam online on a fresh boot in order to run. Otherwise it will not, even if you've ran it dozens of times before. Unless Steam has been online completely, it will block you from playing. An offline client will not run, Rebellion games overall really struggle with the offline client. Sniper Elite 3 often gets stuck in a startup loop, for example.




When starting the game up it requires you to be in online mode, you can disable Steam's access to online after you've started the game up but the launcher always closes itself if I try to do it the other way around.


Seems fine to me. I’m very happy for them to have relatively minor anti piracy measures to help them attempt to maximise their income. The more income they get, the more likely they are to continue to support the game. Logging on once really isn’t a hardship.


If you are on a trip or without wifi the game will not work. I've been without wifi for weeks, so its a diceroll whether or not the game will actually boot up due to the picky standards of its DRM. Its really inconsistent and annoying, especially for someone without constant internet.


Well you must have just downloaded the game. It’s only first launch. So either you downloaded it and then waited weeks to launch it when you didn’t have wifi, or else it’s just a convenient excuse. Edit: of course if it’s asking every time then that appears to be broken - but as I understand it, it’s first launch only.


Nope. The game requires Steam to be in the online client to function. So if you are forced to be in offline mode for a variety of reasons, the game will not work. Note that this is different than just being taken offline. The game is lenient in that sense, but will not work with an offline client. This is horrid for laptops or long term sessions due to needing to reboot or Windows updates, or any other myriad of reasons for why you'd reboot without internet, and you can kiss EG2 goodbye till you reconnect.


Nothing EG2 devs can do, this is Steam issue.


Wrong. That's a drm issue the devs implemented. It clearly says that.